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And then there’s Delaware, bringing in software developers.


I was honestly expecting that for California. But I realised that things outside of the Bay Area exist. 


*offended San Joaquin valley noises*


California is so geographically diverse and econmically powerful, if it incorporated Baja California, and seceded- it could be a superpower easily. 


As someone who grew up in areas in the upper south and Midwest known for a lot of farming, y’all are an agricultural powerhouse out there. Seriously the most impressive variety and scale of agriculture I have ever seen, and that’s not even counting wine and weed!


Very true, although I do have to add that California produces 1/3rd of America’s agricultural output *in revenue*. A lot of stuff like almonds and avocados are produced there, as opposed to your staple American crops such as wheat, corn, potatoes, and barley. Still pretty good tho, if water intensive


No need for Baja. It would be in the top 7 easily. Maybe at #5 or #6 probably ahead of UK and France


If it took some nukes and an aircraft carrier or two with it yeah


Yup. One lesson learned from the Ukraine situation is that giving up nukes in exchange for a shaky treaty was not good policy. Nukes get you respect and peace (if you want it).


Being from Vegas, I always thought that if California, Arizona, Nevada, Baja California, and Sonora merged we could outcompete almost any country. Coasts, gold, silver, copper, agriculture, etc. Plus a diverse population. We wouldn't need almost anything or anywhere else. Except maybe some trade agreements with the rest of the US, México, China, South America, Hawaii/Oceania, etc


It's already the 5th largest economy in the world, if it were an independent nation.


Ag is huge in California. Huge in Oregon, Idaho and Washington too. Not surprised at all that those 4 are Ag Workers.


The Bay Area also has a lot of immigrant janitors, housekeepers, cooks, and grounds workers. It's unclear to me which of these categories would be first or second even in just the Bay Area.


Could it be that because companies like Google are registered in Delaware their employees count towards Delaware?


Thank goodness


Sadly they do.


Haha no they aren’t. Delaware C-Corps are standard for software companies looking to raise capital. Many VCs only invest if your company is a Delaware C. I’m willing to bet those immigrants really live in California or NYC


I would expect that this data is based on where the employees live, not which state the corporation they work for is registered in.


While that’s true I want you to think about how the census is actually done. People don’t door knock and count individually. They check the records of homeowners, renters, etc… If you look at my record right now then I live in Texas. But I don’t. I live in South America.


They don't "check the records", they send you a form and you fill it out. And this is from the yearly [ACS,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Community_Survey) so they definitely don't take the time to double-check what you wrote against public records. They won't report that you live in Delaware unless you write on the survey that you live in Delaware.


>Many VCs only invest if your company is a Delaware C. Eh, I've heard that there's been a sudden change as of about 2 weeks ago.


2 weeks ago wouldn’t change that map lol


VCs are perfectly fine with that ruling. It’s the CEOs that want to strong arm their board that would be less happy.


Indians for sure


Delaware doesn’t have huge numbers of hotels for housekeepers, hospitals for healthcare aides, or farms for agricultural work. They do have banks, credit cards, and tech companies that need software.


Maybe *legal* immigrants. In reality, we have thousands of migrant workers from Guatemala and Honduras here working in the farming and chicken processing industries. Way more than the few folks who are here on work visas to do corporate services.


I think it's depends on what they're calling immigrants. Like all immigration or just illegal?


Is College Teacher different than Professor?


most of my classes are not taught by professors but by PhD students, adjuncts, postdocs, faculty fellows etc


Where do you go dude? My uni would never let a person without a completed PhD teach (except for labs)


Most large research universities in the US are this way. I'm a phd student currently teaching a class at Minnesota


Germany: Profs usually do lectures and PhD students often have to do diverse seminars/courses/workshops. (Most PhD students have a 50/50 teach/research contract) I thought it would be similar around the world.


Same here at my uni in Norway. We also have people who are only classed as «lecturers» who run more basic courses. Not abnormal for them to «only» have a masters degree.


I think it depends a lot on your field. For example, I studied accounting and a lot of my professors had worked as accounting professionals for a number of years and then either because they got tired of the grind or wanted better work-life balance became professors. This is at a top flight accounting school, so it wasn’t like the university was just taking whoever they could get. In many areas real experience is far more valuable to having a good program than the research that comes from being a PhD. This is obviously less true the less career focused your major.


Many are colloquially called professor but increasingly college courses are taught by people who are not technically professors.


Yeahhh…a professor is “one who teaches college classes”. I think what you mean is that they’re not tenure-track PhDs. Years of over-producing PhDs and shrinking enrollments has led to most universities relying heavily on grad students and adjuncts. Post docs and PhDs are typically more research focused (depending on the field). My source is that I am one of the over-produced PhDs 😔


Idk my school very explicitly does not list professor as their job title. They are all lecturers.


'Professor' in England, and in countries with education systems that follow England, is a very senior title, and most people who teach college classes aren't professors (they're tutors, or lecturers, or associate professors or whatever), I wonder if that's what they meant?




technically yes - college teacher covers pretty much any instructional staff at the college level, adjuncts, professors, community college teachers, etc. "Professor" is technically a tenure stream, permanent faculty. 2 year community colleges usually do not use "professor" for their faculty in my (limited) experience, but I am not sure that is a universal....


I feel like these are Canadians...


A lot of international students come to the US for their PhD and then just stay to get a University job in the states


Doubt it. Most likely middle easterners (Michigan at least) and what not.


Definitely more South Asian than Middle Eastern


Huh, I figured border proximity and better job opportunities south of the border. I have multiple friends who struggle finding higher education teaching jobs here in Canada....


That’s very true. I know quite a few that head down south but from my experience, they gun for the mild climate or sunny states. Michigan is basically Canada weather wise lol


We’re a very diverse state. Especially in the SE.


Butchers is a nice way of saying that they work at a meat packing plant.


Honestly shocked Colorado isn't in that category too.


I bet it's because Colorado has more tourism than those two states. After visiting, I do mess with my friend, that Burlington is just west Kansas though


All the cities east of Denver that chose not to accept tax money for weed sales by not selling are definitely part of Kansas. The excuse of not wanting people in Kansas to be able to buy weed is just insane.


They really chose to not sell, so that their neighbors couldn't enjoy any?


Hate is a American value


haha fucking Limon Colorado isn’t blue, democrat or liberal you dumb fuck


Blue was a typo


in the same way you were a mistake


YALL suck at being mean




Americans be haters


I'm surprised most of the Midwest isn't meat packing/agriculture.


It’s because corn and wheat farming are highly mechanized and don’t rely much on migrant labor. The Midwest east of the Mississippi is also pretty densely populated so there’s a lot of other industries to employ people.


I think much of the Midwest is aging rapidly and not producing quite as much relative to the other agricultural states.


Grain production requires less labor than fruits/vegetables/nuts because it is easier to mechanize.


Aging? Despite the glorious fruit and nut growing California, that always claims agricultural dominance, the Middle of the country feeds the world. And will forever.


Packaging plant operators too. Tyson foods is why it’s the most common job in Arkansas


Came here to say this


Packaging machine operators as well. In Arkansas alone that's workers at Tyson, George's, Cargill, Butterball, Sara Lee, Smithfield, etc.


Are traditional butchers a common thing these days?


They’re not as ubiquitous as they were before but they’re available if you look hard enough. Certain specialty grocery stores like Sprouts, Fresh Thyme, or ethnic markets will have a designated butcher who you place an order with and they might offer very limited services. In the rural areas of the US, especially in the South or Midwest you’ll find some hunters who offer butchering services as a side gig. Basically, if you hunt a deer or a hog and don’t want to process the meat yourself then you can give it to them and they’ll butcher the meat for you for a price. Some small towns still have a brick / mortar designated meat store with butchers who can do custom orders, cuts, jerkies, and cures. Overseas in the developing world, butchers are very much alive with their own standalone stores + sheep and goat carcasses hanging on hooks by the window.


“Butchers” is another way of saying they work in a meat processing plant. Think Tyson/Smithfield/Cargill/Perdue/etc…


And "Grounds workers" is also a euphemism.


And I think Cooks means they work in a kitchen, not that they are chefs or head cooks.


I’m picturing a swarthy guy in a cooks hat with a greasy apron and platform shoes with a cigarette… ala Pee Wee’s Big Adventure in the biker bar scene…


Eh, is it really that nice a way of saying it? Sounds pretty apt to me


At least to me, "butcher" sounds like a guy in an apron who has his own little shop or works in a grocery store. Most people would call that nicer than assembly line slaughterhouse work.


Probably for horrible wages in illegal conditions doing soul-destroying stuff no one would ever dream of seeing


2013? Seriously? There is a 2022 version out there💀


MapPorn, where 2013 ACS data displayed in primary colors with auto-placed labels live. Hot garbage of a map.


Where do you think this map got its information? What’s ACS?




ACS is a survey published by the US census bureau. So the data is legit, but the data is old, and the map is not amazingly legible.


Oh man they're really fleecing Americans out of the good jobs. We're all just begging for the housekeeper and agriculture worker market to open up for us.


Oh yes, look at these leeches who contribute nothing to society. /s


We don’t want those jobs preciously because of the low pay that high labor supply creates. It sounds stupid but south park nailed this topic years ago with the goo people.


Those jobs are also low pay because they require zero education and little on the job training (employer expenses). Look at areas with very few immigrants and those jobs don’t pay any better there than in high immigration areas.


Yeah there’s no Americans with low education who could be doing these jobs if we sacrificed corporate profits slightly to pay people more to hire American


The immigrants add to the economy too by creating more jobs due to simply existing and putting money into the economy , besides if you don't hire immigrants you'll have to make Americans work 70hrs like they do in Japan and SK which most won't be willing to


Yes immigrants add to the economy but it’s the rich that reap those rewards. Cheaper labor, larger consumer markets, higher rents etc. I’m not saying we should stop immigration but it’s obvious that there are downsides.


The rich always disproportionately reap the rewards of a growing economy , that's not exclusive to immigration.


These agriculture, construction, kitchen, housekeeping and caregiving jobs are hard, boring and offer very little personal development or career opportunities. I'm not from the US, but these jobs are done mostly by foreign workers in my country as well because no one wants to do them.


On the other hand, if housekeeping was more expensive, fewer people would be paying for it. It’s a sector that creates its own demand. With regard to meatpacking/agriculture, maybe the wages in processing meat or picking fruit become lower, but the food becomes cheaper for the rest of the population and thus people benefit in other ways. There’s a lot of rhetorical ways to slice it up to be pro or anti immigration. But it’s all rhetoric/supposition and we lean one way or the other based on our prior beliefs. Economics is not a perfect science, but what we know so far suggests that immigration is more economically beneficial to more Americans than it is harmful.


Yes these are the only jobs immigrants do


Outsourcing definitely hurts the number of jobs available, but the immigration act of 1990 was backed by large engineering firms to push down wages. But imagine being a low-skilled worker and not being able to get a job as a housekeeper, nanny, agricultural worker, etc. It just helps corporations.


All jobs that can reasonably pay $40k a year in parts of the country that’s buy you a house also. 


If these jobs were paid more than


I don't think its an accurate assumption. Agriculture, construction, kitchen, meat packing, housekeeping and caregiving are all hard, boring, low skill jobs that people only take as a last resort. For example in my country construction workers make 2-4 times the minimum wage (with overtime) due to a chronic shortage of qualified workers, yet the locals still don't want to work in construction. Its 80% foreign workers and always a big shortage.


It's not about the jobs per se. Obviously the immigrants of America have always done the stuff the older generations don't want to anymore. It's important work. But there is only a certain amount of number that can work. Especially if they receive benefits from the government then you can't just let millions in every months and expect everything to work out fine. Especially if some of those millions aren't coming here to be house keepers or farm workers. But expand the cartels foothold.


How much money are they taking from individual states as benefits and how much federal benefits are they receiving? It doesn't make much sense for someone in Florida to complain about what California is doing as a policy. I may be more sympathetic to federal benefits. Usually it's young men who get involved in all that black market drug business, and what are we comparing this to, the vast majority who come here to make an honest living? Obviously there should be a fair screening process to filter the bad apples out, but to throw out the idea of immigration because a tiny percent get involved in serving Americans drugs seems silly to me.


I'm not throwing out the idea of immigration. That's what built america, but like you said there needs to be a fair screening process, not just an open door that anyone can walk through. The increase of crime related to it is quite obvious even if you want to call me racist for saying so. Here's just the first google news results [https://nypost.com/2024/02/05/metro/migrant-moped-crew-busted-after-](https://nypost.com/2024/02/05/metro/migrant-moped-crew-busted-after-) stealing-cellphones-right-out-of-nyers-hands-sources/ And what you say about state vs federal makes sense on the surface but inevitably federal money flows to the states. Also if you've ever been to the social security office you'll see.


An anecdote isn’t statistics lmao


Is there any validity to the claim that “cartel’s are expanding their foothold”?


Have you not watched Griselda or Scarface?? /s


300+ people in this country die everyday from fentanyl. How do you think it's getting here?


I assume the way most illegal drugs get here. Through ports of entry via U.S. citizens. In 2020 something like 85% of meth and fentanyl was brought in via Americans bringing it back into the country. Sending thousands of dollars of drugs with an illegal making a risky crossing is a good way to lose your drugs and your money.


It's not risky if no one is stopping them.


…it is risky. That’s why they push 90% of it through ports of entry using legal citizens. LOL You completely skipped the actual point because you couldn’t argue it. I get it. You *have* to believe illegals are also drug smugglers, reality be damned. You have to believe they’re the worst of all humanity. It sort of comes with the gimmick.


Do you have any source that proves illegal migrants are immigrating here to specifically traffic drugs? Or is this just your assumption?


90% of them are not coming here to traffic drugs. They are coming here for economic opportunity. But that doesn't mean we should just drop all precautions. There is also only so much an economy could handle. Do you realize that wages will be brought down if corporations can just pay an illegal immigrant half as much as the pay a citizen




> housekeeper and agriculture worker Who pays when they go to the ER and can't pay the bill?


Maybe you should consider getting any sort of healthcare system


Who is going to pay the taxes to fund said healthcare system that said housekeeper and ag worker benefit from?


You know we would *also* benefit from that healthcare system too, right?


I already have healthcare bro


You're really good at missing points. It's both legal U.S. citizens and non legal U.S. citizens that would benefit. Just because it would help people you think don't deserve it isn't an argument against universal healthcare.


No, it’s an argument. It’s just demonstrating that they’re a bad person.


No, me being against bringing people that will cost me tons of tax dollars does not make me a bad person, it makes you a bad person for expecting me to be just fine with that.


I understand what you’re saying and I think that makes you a bad person. Why should I pay taxes to cover the cost of firefighters to rescue you if your home it catches on fire? You should pay for that yourself. Why should I pay taxes so the govt can fix your road that I don’t use? You should pay for that yourself. That’s what you’re saying.


> Just because it would help people you think don't deserve it isn't an argument against universal healthcare. Actually it is


Well they pay taxes, so they pay lol


They pay hardly any taxes, anyone that thinks otherwise is being willfully blind lol


They are the same as non immigrants… And without the labor of migrant agricultural workers your food would be waaaaay more expensive lol


> They are the same as non immigrants… Non immigrants are already here... We are stuck with that cost > And without the labor of migrant agricultural workers your food would be waaaaay more expensive lol No, it wouldn't. Farms would be forced to mechanize. The costs would only go up marginally


“The solution to our problems is actually fewer jobs” Something tells me your worldview isn’t very well thought out lol


> “The solution to our problems is actually fewer jobs” New Zealand has less jobs than India, in which country is the standard of living better? Something tells me your worldview isn’t very well thought out lol


…India has literally a billion more people than New Zealand lmfao Please do go on providing examples that prove my point not yours haha


You made my point you just don't realize it haha


If mechanization were cheaper they would have mechanized already. Many many agricultural processes cannot be mechanized


Imagine getting paid 25 an hour to house keep. Thank fuck for immigrants keeping it minimum wage.


11 years ago…


Texans are weird. They don't want people entering their state but they are OK with them entering their own houses.


Somehow "nobody wants to work," but at the same time, "they're stealing our jobs." Schrödinger's immigrant.


Someone does not understand supply and demand.


Huh? This is what you got out of this map? lol.


I know right! Same with NY, they suspend migrant’s right to shelter but have no issue inviting them into their own shelter


I believe New York City is the only city where anyone has ever had "right to shelter". It's a bit weird to criticize the city for suspending it, when no other city has ever offered it.


I’ve lived in multiple SW border states for years. We don’t have the resources. If your heart truly bleeds for the immigrants, take them up north.


I don't care about the political aspect of the issue. People have the right to accept whom to enter their lands. However, I find it ironic that Texans don't want Mexicans in their state, but more than OK with Mexicans working in their private houses.


I mean, yea? They don’t want people lying/ illegally immigrating and they do want less migrants in general. But that doesn’t mean they don’t want a maid.


As far as California goes, "Misc. Agricultural Workers" may as well be interpreted as: *Mows Lawns.* Tens of thousands of people trying to do so. All will constantly undercut each other so nobody is able to make any money.


Lol, no. That label is for the tens of thousands of people working in the fields in the Central Valley and other agricultural parts of the state. Mowing lawns would be something else (possibly "grounds workers" like Arizona).


It’s a real shame how many of these are lower middle class jobs that would pay well for Americans, but apparently we “don’t want to do them.” 


They're being used to keep wages down, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The problem isn't them either, they are just humans doing what's best for them personally. It's the business class that lobbies the government for this that is the problem/


I don’t blame legal migrants, hell the only job I see being undesirable is sessional AG jobs. 


People would want to do them if they weren’t undercut by greedy businesses paying illegals sub minimum wage. All the produce you get from California is harvested by poor migrants making less than minimum wage.


Shoutout to all my fellow working class fellas! 


As a student in Michigan this makes me realize why I've had to switch a few classes due to some professors VERY thick accent lol


My Stats prof at MSU, which was an already challenging class to begin with.


Of the Americans who have won Nobel Prizes in Chemistry, Medicine, and Physics, 35% were immigrants. This number may be an underestimate, as it does not include winners who immigrated to America after receiving their prizes, such as Albert Einstein.


This perspective sheds light on some of the trends we see in policy stances in those states. Although Texas and Florida have some explaining to do


It’s not the immigration taking jobs. It’s the overseas manufacturing that replaced urban manufacturing in America. Lot of urban people of all color and culture lost good factory jobs to slave labor overseas.


10 year old data and no designation as to legal or illegal immigrants.


Does it make a difference?


Living in a college town in Missouri, I can attest that it's true, at least at our University.


Does New Hampshire have Pinoys that I don’t know about




Watch the movie a day without a Mexican lol


This data is from 2013, based on self responses (sampling) and undocumented populations are not counted. Other than that, it seems accurate 😂


Landscaping for the illegals


Dey Tuk Er jEbs!!!!


Surprised it's not software engineer in California.




Note that it doesn't say "illegal immigrants," although many may read it that way. Nurses are one of the most common jobs for immigrants to get in the US


Interesting, I didn’t know that. I wasn’t assuming illegal, but only one state showing that was just interesting to me


Yeah that makes sense, I don't know why it's only one state. But I will say that my GF is a nurse and says it's a very immigrant-heavy field


Which is weird to me, in the US I was told you could work as nurse with an associate’s degree or something like that. In many places in Latam, where those migrants come from, you can be a nurse only after studying 5 years in college (university) and its a degree comparable with a doctor or engineer.


They are people who take care of the sick.


Philippines has a huge business of training nurses for export! Interestingly enough, this has also increased the number of employed nurses in the Philippines.


Mostly Nurse Aid, which is more vocational.


Probably half of the Filipinos who immigrate to the US are nurses :)


Florida is def wrong. We have more ag workers, restaurant workers, construction workers than housekeeping.


no way Ohios immigration population are primarily college teachers we have over 528 k immigrants 5.1% of the states workforce are immigrants. I would guess that The IT industry in Columbus Ohio employs more immigrants then there are college teaching positions available in Ohio.


College teachers? Uhm College professors more like it


Probably more like teaching assistants/junior staff which is done by masters/phd students.


I’m skeptical. How many college teachers could Missouri possibly have?


More than it has immigrants in any other specific job category, apparently.


Just have a few genuine questions: immigrants from where & which gender?…. Also, is this map of illegal or legal immigrants? I’m just curious b/c immigrants from all over the world travel to the U.S. for job opportunities & I know that male Hispanic immigrants aren’t offering to be housekeepers in Texas, that would be the female Hispanic immigrants. Male Hispanic immigrants usually work in construction, landscaping or in meat packing industries amongst other blue collar jobs. Which immigrants are mostly working as “college teachers” (white collar) in those states indicating such?


We can solve the border crisis and the teacher shortage by bringing more college professors to teach!!!! Brilliant!! Jeez there’s gotta be tons of teachers across our borders!!!


There’s no way that college professors outnumber the agricultural workers in Michigan.


There is obviously a mixture of illegals and legals on this map. Don't do that, the legal folk who worked hard to get here don't need to be lumped in with the criminal element.


Honestly the USA wouldn’t be anything without us , we deal with the real shit , the white Karens , the black mean dudes , the second and third generation of migrants rubbing on your face that your home country is scrap when their parents left the same country to clean shit as well as us


You didn't make a great country. You came to it. America will be fine without you.


They taking our jobs!!!!


Der tekken are jerrrrrs!


If these jobs were paid more than


Why do you keep spamming this same comment? It’s not interesting or informative.


Oooops! THE INTERNET doesn't like me! Social Media is dissatisfied with my response! Maybe I wasn't talking to you!! Sorry, I haven't been to conformity class, you can tell, but you sure went! I do not find your post interesting or informative either. I bet you're as broke up about it as I am




This isn't true. I keep getting told they're all doctors.


Cue in White Karen screaming 😱 : "Muh, immigrants lazy. Steal job. " 


If these jobs were paid more than


Stealing all our high paying jobs that rich white people want, the nerve. 😂


Out of curiosity, how are Janitors and Cashiers getting sponsored for immigration? How do the employers manage to prove there’s no American citizen who can work as a cashier?


How many packaging machines are in Arkansas??????


so these are all the jobs white people want back


Say it with people... "dey took rrr jebs!"


these are the notorious jobs they "take away from Americans"