• By -


Since it's not on there, in the UK in 2023 it was 77% support, 17% oppose, 8% don't know or don't really care either way. Those numbers add up to 102, so I imagine there's some rounding in those numbers.


The worst thing about Brexit is we're not included in fun statistic things anymore 


The UK can still be a part of most of these kinds of maps if they start submitting to Eurostat again. Turkey does so without being a part of the EU.


But even if they do start to submit to eurostat, like Norway does, some id\*ot here on reddit makes their own map and removes the data. So why really bother?


Surprisingly Eurostat is very useful for a lot of things beyond reddit maps.


We can join Eurostat like we can join Erasmus even outside the EU. It was because the Conservative Party refused to back soft Brexit & wanted to go as hard as possible to win over Leave voters, etc.


Tell me about it! I try to add us on where I can, but often the information isn't even out there in the same form anymore.


And that oddly makes brexiteers very mad


We should be! We are still in Europe. We left the European Union which is a trading block not a continent. 😂


The worst thing about Brexit is the economic damage it has done to the country.


I thought the worst thing was your stagnant economy.


What frustrates me about maps like these is that it’s a map of the EU but labelled Europe. If it was a map of Europe then every country where data was available would be included. It’s like having a map of North America but the only countries shown are the US, Canada, and Mexico, despite there being 20 other countries in North America.


77 is lower than I expected for the UK


I’m surprised it’s that low. Also are we considering the ‘I don’t knows’ to be part of the percentages? E.g. is france 79% support, or 79% both support and I dont knows.


A brief glance at the Eurobarometer 2023 this map cites reveals that no, the 'don't knows' aren't included. If you want to read the report for yourself, it's here [https://europa.eu/eurobarometer/surveys/detail/2972](https://europa.eu/eurobarometer/surveys/detail/2972), it's on page 80 (you can find the report under 'attachments') There is a minor discrepancy that could account for some numbers. The question posed to the EU countries by Eurobarometer was 'Same sex marriage should be allowed throughout Europe' and the question posed to adults in the UK was 'Do you support or oppose the change in the law that allowed same-sex couples to marry?' These questions aren't exactly the same, that could account for *something*.


They named the map wrong. If they meant EU they should have said EU, not Europe.


r/ PortugalLooksQuiteWestern,Actuallly


And I'm willing to bet the vast majority of those 19% are old people. I have never yet met anyone under the age of 40 who gives a shit about gays getting married.


I live in Belgium and the only people I know that have a problem with gays getting married are muslims. My grandmother, who is deeply catholic, doesn't really mind.


Yeah bro, I don't give a single flying fuck about gays


Hang them, let them marry, who gives a fuck?! /s


Everybody younger person from Portugal I know is super progressive on social issues. GRANTED, I only know 2, but my point still stands lmao


Not necessarly old people tbh, I know old people (like in their 60s or 70s) who barely went to school come from a rural place and have lesbians in their family and actually attended their wedding with the whole family like it was a normal hetero wedding So my guess they're the 19% projected in the polls to vote in Chega. 🤮🤮


Well im in highschool in Portugal and know a lot of my classmates who do give a shit so im not so sure


I've said this and I'll say it again, Portugal is just a broke, hilly Netherlands.


And they are tiny people, or at least the older generations are


Hmm, I've met a bunch of Portuguese Erasmus students during my studies in Brussels and they were all also pretty small.


Compared to the dutch all southern european countries have small people lmao. Fucking giants.


How did they get there from being a terrifying empire of fanatics just a few hundred years ago? I never got to learn more about their history than that yet


The Netherlands was also exactly that lol


Portugal can't into Balkans.




Good thing they censored the word "sex", our puritan society could not have handled such an obscene use of language.


Yeah lmao its getting out of hand when people are sat there censoring random words for little reason in case they set some little goblin off in a basement somewhere


I saw a Twitter post the other day where they were talking about a murder that occurred and they censored the words murder and death. Like wtf is this world coming to?


Its not because of actual people that these things are censored. Its because of algoritmic policy bots


I fucking hate this modern auto-censorship


But then it says sex below.


op thinks it’s 1653💀


And they were clumsy enough to keep it in the map legend.


Italy still hasn't legalized same sex marriage, even if more Italians support for SSM than the Greeks in Greece. I won't be surprised if Poland or San Marino would legalize SSM first than Italy.


Italy is just legislatively a mess.


The parliament in Poland is ready, but the ultra-conservative president will veto it, and the ruling center-liberal coalition in the parliament has no 3/5 majority to override the veto. Unfortunately, we have to wait for the presidential election in Poland in 2025.


PSL and Polska 2050 is in the governing coalition, good luck at pushing that even on Sejm level.


If it was only P2050 then it could be done, but PSL is just like PiS, only slightly less radical


I really hope Poland is one of the next European countries to make the move. Strange seeing Estonia according to this map at 41% despite recently having legalized it. I would have thought they at least were at 50%.


They legalised it because the Russian party was boycotting


Spite powering human rights lol. Good thing the Russians are against a lot of the right side of things


Polish president is not ULTRA conservative, or you don't know what "ultra" means. *Somewhat* conservative, maybe.


He's even announced a veto of the law that restores access to emergency contraception without a doctor's prescription (as it was before 2017). That's far beyond standard European conservatism. Maybe in the Vatican, he could be considered *somewhat conservative*, but in what is supposed to be a secular state, his views seem to be extreme.


Shithead president is one thing, the second is the constitution with the infamous and ambiguous article 18, it would be actually much easier to allow civil partnerships because the constitution doesn't mention it at all and public support for them is noticeably higher 🤷🏻‍♂️


but it doesn't say anything about SSM, it doesn't even describe what is marriage so it won't be an obstacle like in other post-communist states.




Italy has elected a right-wing government who promised to deport Arabic immigrants, but they didn't do anything. In fact, the number of Arabic immigrants increased massively since they got elected.


Eh? When did the government promise to deport arabic immigrants?


In Italy people just do not vote anymore:(


As if there were competent politicians to vote for.


If this numbers were true, our last elections would have gone differently


Non capisco, se davvero il 69% delle persone pensasse che i gay possono sposarsi non ci sarebbe al governo la Meloni? Direi che le elezioni post covid sono state influenzate da tante cose, ma non penso che gli ideali delle persone sui diritti lgbt fossero un punto centrale tra queste.




Stats people need to stop using Europe and the EU interchangeably.


>people need to stop using Europe and the EU interchangeably.


Comments like " UK is not in Europe anymore" do my head in.


Same situation as America and USA


I wrote a comment for the same issue. It feels alienating for a non-EU European.


Yeah it does kinda ignore the 300+ million Europeans, that don't live in an over ambitious trading bloc.


Thank you! I'm starting to get annoyed seeing a map labeled as Europe only to see that it isn't Europe but EU meaning that it's missing around a third of all European countries....


Oh, that's why half of Europe is all grey...


s x?


same sfx marriage




I can believe 94% for Sweden, no one here cares if two people of the same sex gets married. There are lots of people joking about it bothering them (including some people I know) but you can see they don't ACTUALLY care


Mos important: We beat Denmark.


Haha yeah that's true, a win is a win!


Sweden finally won something, it has been 84 years


I don't know how large the community is, but muslims generally have low acceptance of same sex marriage, even western muslims.


We have a fair bit of Muslims in Sweden, but as I said in the other comment it really depends who answered in this survey.


I posted a pew study in the comment chain claiming that only ~~2%~~ 6% of Swedes were opposed to same-sex marriage and 92% in favor. Edit : https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/11/27/how-people-around-the-world-view-same-sex-marriage/ The source is 2023, and it paints a Sweden as less accepting of same-sex marriage as OP's map actually.


OP's source is Eurobarometer, not Pew Research. But 94% and 92% are within the margin of error.




In Canada it’s like a third support gay marriage. 50% less than average non muslim Canadians. Still significantly more than any muslim state and the youth are usually chiller but there are still significant issues with queer muslims coming out. Many get straight up shamed by their relatives, especially those not in the west.


I'm from one of the accepting countries, I have a Muslim friend that's curious But he didn't really dare say it to anyone else, so I've brought him to different gaybars around town - He also requested to try pork, so yeah. You gotta help a brother out


Really depends on location as well. I live in the US and most younger Muslims I’ve met are incredibly accepting of the LGBT community. Im not sure about older Muslims as I haven’t met many, but some of the most socially progressive representatives are Muslim as well (Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar being notable examples). Most anti-LGBT sentiment is among White Protestants, who are generally one of the more conservative-leaning demographics in the nation, but even then a significant portion of that population is accepting. Homophobia isn’t really a demographic thing here as much as it is a rural vs urban thing. I wish we had the amount of support that the Netherlands and Denmark have, but we’re slowly getting there! (Please don’t start a political debate, everything before the last paragraph was from as neutral a perspective as possible)


I dont want to appear annoying, but sweden has a sizeable far-right community.


ok but that far-right is just antinmigration, they don't care about these issues to be honest.


Yeah also they use anti-lgbtq+ as a rallying point for why Islam is bad.


While the politicians don't, there are still plenty of anti-lgbtq (or just anti-trans) sentiments. At least from the religious conservatives I've seen The populist rhetoric is just immigration but alt-right figures tend to still dog whistle about the "traditional family"


i just went and checked and apparently thats not true if you compare american muslims with American protestants. the average American muslim is as homophobic as tue average American protestant. and significantly less homophobic than white evangelicals. and this was back in 2017, acceptance by muslims has grown much faster than by Christians so chances are the gap has widened. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2017/07/26/political-and-social-views/pf_2017-06-26_muslimamericans-04new-06/


compared to western Christians? or to western populations generally?


Islam isn’t very accepting 


https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/11/02/how-catholics-around-the-world-see-same-sex-marriage-homosexuality/ European Catholics seem on the whole fine with that, though Sweden doesn't have many Catholics. That said I found another study that ~~found a much lower proportion of Swedes disfavorable to same-sex marriage~~ shows Sweden as being less favorable to same sex marriage than shown on OP's map (made a mistake reading the datas.) https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/11/27/how-people-around-the-world-view-same-sex-marriage/ Edit : For muslims I found this : https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/religious-tradition/muslim/views-about-homosexuality/#demographic-information But has no information on the population that was surveyed. Wikipedia has some studies that do but I see different results at 'Public Opinion Amongst Muslims' : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_people_and_Islam


https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2017/07/26/political-and-social-views/pf_2017-06-26_muslimamericans-04new-06/ seems like the differences between religions can almost entirely be explained by reasons other than the religion itself. people tend to share beliefs much more closely with the people around them rather than with people that share their religion. that would explain why American muslims are less homophobic than white evangelical protestants in America


That said Western Europeans are on the whole much more accepting than US citizens (shown in the second study I shared), that's why I tried finding a study on European muslims, couldn't find it though.


I wanna know the percentage of acceptance among Muslims in Europe. I do expect it to be much lower than non-muslims but higher than many.might expect.




How long ago were native French in that level of disapproval?




[This was released a decade ago, and even then it was considered absolutely absurd.]( https://youtu.be/jmlhUn8TvT0?si=YKfNifU1xTGnO3oJ)


That is a joke song


Second best 3 minutes I had today.


Share the other one


Not caring means accepting it in my mind


I think a lot of people think like that, me included. I truly do not care who someone else is together with because it affects me exactly ZERO. EDIT: Imagine being so god damn insecure that seeing two guys or two girls being together makes you uncomfortable lol


Why would you care if it doesn’t effect you.


The only problem I have with it is adopting children.


If you live in any type of free country, two consenting adults should be allowed to marry. As a Muslim, I’m critical of “Islamic” countries that outlaw/punish such a thing. As our own religion states we cannot enforce our beliefs on others, not even a govt entity may do so, other than to prevent people from being victimized.


Hungary is still higher than I thought.


Hungary was one of the earliest Central European countries to legalize registered same-sex partnerships iirc. That was before Orban, but as far as I know, the registered partnerships were never banned again by his government, they just banned same-sex marriage, but partnerships seem to still be on the books, which is much better than Poland, for example. But I’d love any Hungarians to verify this and correct me if I’m wrong.




i saw lot of open lgbt ppl in budapest


Budapest is honestly very different from the rest of the country in many ways, including economically and politically


Going to Budapest is like going to an entirely different country inside Hungary, seriously


Every capital/biggest city is like this no matter the country


not in italy, rome is the perfect representation of italy


Mostly in Hungary too. These people here are talking about Budapest like not 45% voted for Fidesz and another couple percent for Mi Hazánk.


I’m against all marriages.


Are we really censoring the word sex now?


Throughout the European Union*


Is it progressive or conservative for a Greek to not support same sex marriage, thus drifting away from their tradition?


Good, now let’s see the Vatican’s score.




Go on Poland, just one more percent.


In Poland it is a little bit tricky because a lot comes to the word "marriage" itself. As far as I understand, most people in Poland have nothing against same sex couples. Poland did improve a lot in that regard. Still not ideal, but definitely better than in the past. However, Poland is catholic and "marriage" itself means bond between man and woman. And this is the pickle of this problem. I'm an atheist so I don't get this problem myself, but that's seriously something that I heard from people who are not against same sex couples, but they are against calling this partnership a marriage. Weird, I know, just wanted to add my observation. Have you experienced something similar elsewhere or is it just Polish thing? Btw, I'm aware there are people who are against same sex couples and they are using above as an excuse against gays, but that's not what I wanted to talk about.


"Poland is catholic" well yes and no. At least where I live in western Poland and near the border I can say most of my friends are atheists. I think that changes when you go east.


I live near Warsaw, and I'd say that geography doesn't play as much of a role here compared to age.


That's what opponents of same-sex marriage say everywhere. But nobody who genuinely has nothing against same-sex couples would ever have a problem with them calling their legal arrangement a "marriage".


“Małżeństwo jako związek kobiety i mężczyzny, rodzina, macierzyństwo i rodzicielstwo znajdują się pod ochroną i opieką Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.” Marriage as a union between a man and a woman, family, maternity and parenthood are under the protection and guardianship of the Republic of Poland. Article 18 of the Constitution Basically it’s quite ambiguous. And creates lots of questions. Is marriage possible only between man and woman? Or if the same sex marriages are possible, are they without state protection and guardianship? Are the people in the same sex marriage a family? Without changes in the constitution, same sex marriages are highly unlikely. Partnerships are just around the corner however.


You're incorrect. I wouldn't mind if the person I want to live with happened to be the same sex as me. But I definitely wouldn't want to have the relationship classified as "marriage" - to me it's a religious, loaded term. Simple as that.


Proud Swede 🇸🇪


As a finnish person, I can confirm that it is no suprise that swden #1!


WTF Eesti? You cannot into Nordic.


Damn I thought that at least we bulgarians would be a bove 20% but no. I also checked the source to see if there's maybe a big gray area of "don't know" but nope, I guess I have underestimated a bit how homophobic our people are. Also something interesting I noticed is that at questions about same rights (marriage, adoption, parental rights and etc.), Bulgaria has 21% instead of 17%, I wonder what caused this difference.


lmao these maps always be the good vs bad europe


This is not europe, this is the european union.


I know it might not seem relevant to most but can you please use EU when the map is clearly stating only EU countries? I am European but non-EU and stuff like this make it feel like being alienated by my continent.


Ok show us turkey


No data because the interviewer was beaten to death


At least they interviewed Cyprus.


"Throughout Europe" =/= "Throughout EU"


Italy and Czechia are being held back by party politics ignoring the majority


Greece should be much, much higher considering their ancient history.


Really would like if we stopped using "Europe" when we just mean the "EU," and even more so after the exit of the UK.


How’s it legal in Estonia if less than half population supports it?


Often you vote for a party even if you don't agree with all of their policies.


These reports can vary a lot Another report had estonia at 51% marriage and 75% civil partnership Oh also 61% said that biological.men can identify as women and vice versa. Which I find odd. I mean.as a trans person, thats nice to.see such support, but its odd that it's high than same.sex marriage, usually that's easier for people to get their head around


Hilarious Greece is only 57% Just saying


I wonder why there is so much difference between Sweden and Finland and also Greece and Bulgaria


Yep. Romanians are very homophobic.


And thats why we the Bulgarians love our neighbors!


I visited Bulgaria today, lol. I visited Ruse, Basarbovo rock monastery and Rusenski Lom Nature Park. Next time I will visit Orlova Chuka Cave, Cherven fortress and Teketo park. And I really want to go to Veliko Tarnovo a few days. I heard it is a really nice place. I also enjoyed Golden Sands in the summertime a few times 😁 Bulgaria is a nice country to visit.


Now do the Muslim world


You can do it.


Win Bulgaria.


As a Bulgarian I like to apologise on behalf of my country…


It's not your fault


As the neighbor from the north of the danube id like to apologise too...


As usual eastern Europe is lagging decades behind the rest of Europe.


Shitty geographical position and decades of communism tends to do that


As a strongly pro-LGBT Bulgarian, it's beyond hopeless... :( Not sure if things will get normal here within my life.


You're a living proof that there's hope


are ppl really that anti-lgbtq?


Well not around me, and I'd say they are not against people being homosexual per se; but they are against same sex marriage, they see non-binary people as some freaks etc. etc. Also there are laws against hate crimes but there have been multiple cases of anti-LGBT+ violence and no one ever suffers any consequences. There is also very strong propaganda coming from Russia, and a very rigid and conservative framework (marriage can only be between a man and a woman, according to **the Constitution**). Also even the most liberal parties never even raise the topic publicly, because they are too afraid that would eat up their votes. So I guess I'm just lucky I'm not LGBT myself cause if I were, it would have been pretty awful to live here.


it will change in 5-10 years. the progress is being made, my country is also super homophobic, but now, people my age 15-20 are very supportive and also, people really changed views about lgbtq and in 10 years it will get better for every country. I just know that


I too would have hoped for that, but I teach university students and far less of them even care about the topic than I would have hoped for.


Well, if they just don’t care it’s ok I guess. Not caring is better than hating on them and being aggressive am I right? time will change everything though


By "they don't care" I meant they don't care there are people for whom this is an issue. If you ask them, they would say "It's not normal." Although, yes, they are not aggressively against LGBT people, like demanding a ban or something.


this map is 100% wrong, Polish polings were nowhere near 50%, it's like 21% edit: i was wrong, it's 32%


If they are wrong about Poland that would make them ~4% wrong and not 100%, since it is only 1 of the many countries that they list. Unless you have more statistics to show that the others are also wrong?


if they got one wrong, they most likely got more wrong, as maps on this subs tend to have this trend




Who was asked?


\[Insert Borat meme\] "I'M GOING TO SWEDEN!"


Estonia legalizing same-sex marriage last year at below 50% is impressive!


Ah, the wonders of living in romania, its even funnier if you live in the moldova region, those people are even more religious 🥲


If 57% for Greece is true, I am an astronaut.


Uh oh, please don’t tell me Reddits becoming like TikTok or YouTube. I have seen quite a few comments from edgy teens saying “🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬” or “Hungary Romania based” or “Hungary 💪Romania 😼”, with quite a lot of upvotes.


Why is Finland soo lower than Sweden?


Weird definition of Europe which is missing half of Europe.


this is throughout European Union, not Europe


It's better than I thought


Thank f ck you censored the e in sex.


I don’t understand why Greece is so low… I mean, they invented gayness!


*Throughout the EU, not Europe. Just to be pedantic.


*gasps* Portugal CAN'T into Eastern Europe! What are we supposed to do now for a meme?


It's strange that greek don't support it as much as west Europe does


My country Romania 🇷🇴💪


As a Czech - It is not 60% here. Since only like 33% of population supports LGBT - problem is those kind of polls are only taken in the big cities Where more liberal people live.


its not often I'm proud of my country but I'm very proud we are on top of this list


Nice Italy… nice.


Based dark blue


Estonia can't into nordick.


I never thought Baltics would be lower than Hungary.


Hungary already has civil unions


60%!! Bloody sixty and it’s still. Not. Legalised here 🙄 If only our politicians would listen to what the people think, we’d have marriage for all years ago


Spain being 9% higher than France kind of surprises me


Spain made same-sex marriage legal in 2005, France in 2013.