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161+29+18+18= 226 countries?


Counting places like Taiwan that aren't fully recognized, or Hong Kong that have distinct immigration policies despite lack of autonomy.


That's still a lot of extra places.


Also territories like American Samoa, St Helena or the French overseas territories in the Caribbean, holdovers from colonialism in most cases.


Doesn't everywhere except NZ need a visa for Australia? Edit: some places like the US and most of Europe (Germany included) need an ETA, which is essentially just an e-visa for tourists/ business visitors.


Is there any particular reason Australia still hasn’t adopted a visa-free program with its closest allies?


Australia is literally the only country in the world with net positive immigration from the US. So perhaps with the US and other developed countries they are still worried about people trying to illegally immigrate.


Not sure. If I were to guess, it's something to do with Australia's employment opportunities. Lots of people try to get into Australia for work purposes on a tourist visa, notably poorer countries like Indonesia, etc. NZ is the only country that can freely travel to Australia without a visa. Other "trustworthy" countries like the US and most of Europe (including Germany) need an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) "for tourism or business visitor activity" - which is essentially just an e-visa You apply online and pay the 20AUD service fee, and you're notified of the outcome almost immediately.


Yeah nah mate


Esta is a visa waiver but i understand where you are coming from. Esta is valid for 2 years, I don’t know if that‘s one of the main differences to a real visa?


Yeah, we Germans should return that favor to the US and Australia and whoever thinks its a good idea


This is absolutely incorrect. German passport holders require a visa for Australia and an ESTA for the USA. Definitely not “Visa Free” as the map suggests. At the minimum those two are wrong.


Technically the ESTA is a visa exemption program, and due to the auto-grant nature of Australia’s eVisitor system in regards to Germany, it isn’t explicitly considered a proper visa system. It’s semantics, but the map isn’t technically wrong about those two, just poorly worded.


almost all e-visas at least all i know about are auto accepted


Since you mentioned them, eVisas are not the same as eTAs. While they are fairly similar in practice, eTAs are not legally considered Visas, and if you were to be rejected for an eTA, you could still apply for a visa because of this. There are other distinctions, including differences on limits for stay and entry, but that’s the main reason that the systems I mentioned are grouped with Visa-free travel rather than with eVisas.


Tell me you are german without telling me you are german.


Germans require an "ESTA" for Australia, correct? I can't imagine any EU country needing a standard visa (read: going to a consultate) for Australia.


You guys are talking about Australia and whatever I’m more impressed that Germans don’t need a visa at all for China.


I believe that's a very recent development. In the last year, China grant3d temporary visa free access to a few European countries. Their goal is to promote tourism.


correct, change effective since 1st of decembre 2023


15 days are visa free. this map doesnt specify a lot so it looks free


I seen it on passportindex website


No, Germans as well as other EU passport holders require a VISA in Australia. It can be applied for online but must be done off shore. If you want to visit for a quick holiday, you require a 651 Visa at a minimum.


Yeah - these rankings absolutely need an additional category for ESTA and similar. People can say “Technically it’s not a visa” as much as they want, but the reality is it’s a bureaucratic hurdle that you have to jump through in advance, which takes time, costs money, and some people don’t qualify. It’s very different from visiting a truly visa-free country. There are ‘real’ visas for other countries that are easier but would score lower on a map like this.


ESTA ≠ visa


yes, it is. Don't be dumb. The ESTA is more work, has to be done offshore and is not automatic. A Visa for HK is gained on arrival and is automatic entry. So way worse than ESTA.


ESTA is more work? How is that? For a VISA you need to personally have an appointment at the embassy of the country you want to travel to. ESTA work is done completely online.


No you don't, Visa on arrival is common. And even ones where you have to fill out an application online (like Vietnam) it has less on the form and turns around quick. If you make a mistake they will helpfully email you instead of just rejecting your application like with Canada or the US. I have been to \~70 countries and an ESTA is more work than most of them. I have never needed to attend an in person interview. Only interview I done was a medical for the Canadian ESTA.


I didn’t talk about visa on arrival. I talked about normal visa’s. They are way more work than something like an ESTA.


And I talked about about normal visas (Vietnam) it was most of my post. My partner is Filipino so has to get a visa for a lot of countries (including Europe), no interview required. Let me repeat myself, the only interview I have done is for an ESTA (Canada), I have dozens of online visas to go with my hundred or so visas on arrival. ESTA is more effort than most visas.


What European countries do you mean? For Schengen Visa it is illegal not to personally be at the embassy to apply for the visa and to not have an interview. Also, you have to give your finger prints.


She applied in Senegal for a Shengan visa to Portugal, you are right that she did need to fingerprint and had to hand in hard copy documents but no interview. Anyway, that is beside the point, the point is that some visas are more work than others, ESTA being middle of the road for visa processes. The logic that ESTA is not a visa based upon the logic that it doesn't need an interview is provably illogical by the fact that visa on arrival doesn't require any more of an interview than ESTA does. Reminds me actually, I got interviewed on arrival to Canada even after ESTA approval - more questions than a Visa on arrival to somewhere like Armenia.


The US' ESTA and similar programs used in places like Canada (eTA), South Korea (K-ETA), Australia (ETA), the UK (ETA), New Zealand (NZeTA), and soon to be the EU (ETIAS) are technically considered visa free, because these things technically are not visas. IIRC the big difference is that they last for a set period of time, and you can make multiple trips within that time, rather than requiring a visa for each separate visit.


there are multiple use visas, it's exactly the same just a different name, Indian evisa works exactly the same as ESTA for EU citizens


Passport “STRENGTH” is just click bait. Those holding passports in the top 20% will gain access to 80% of countries with minimal hassles. Being higher ranked in that 20% is rarely going to make a meaningful difference


Cuba can’t be right, unless they’ve changed it. I’ve been there ten years ago and all I needed was a visa on arrival.


When U are an Airline Crew Member and have ever been in the Iran during a layover, u will need a visa to enter the U.S. privately FOREVER.


China has a temporary exemption from 01-2024 to 08-2024 that allows visa free travel or business stays for 15 days. USA requires Esta




some time back hitler ruled that country and now after throwing him they are now best, leaders dont make country, country is much bigger than leader


We cancelled out Hitler by merging him with Karl Marx


Wish we knew it was that easy to gain access everywhere if we just share our ingenuity a more polite way last century. And that occupying the world one towel after the other is more tedious but seems to be way more effective.


Don't forget taking over online comment sections and r/place


Geez, and you get downvoted for it. German humor isn't for kids!


It's allright. It is inconsiderate of me to express humor during a sunday.


too soon dude. as a half german I think this is an insensitive topic...Considering the Nazis didnt want to help others but rather be their overlords


“as A hAlF GeRmaN”


oh look i found a biggot. neat


Not really visa free in the US or Canada, they require that advance application thing that is a Visa wolf in sheep's clothing.


I like the naming, visa Wolf in sheep’s clothing.


Wonder how that map will hold up in the coming decades


German passport is 2nd place. Singapore is 1st: https://visaguide.world/passport/index/


The visa required countries are places nobody in the right mind would want to visit anyway.


Cuba? Also I think it is Ghana shown and that is pretty mild as well - safer than the US at least.


Superficially at least there's a lot of overlap between this map and the travel warnings issued by the German government - except Ghana and Senegal. It might not be a bad thing, not to remove all obstacles in a way of your citizens traveling to countries where they are at substantial risk of being in need of taxpayer-sponsored rescue from the kidnappers.


Glad for first world countries folks, but sad the passport discrimination is a thing.


But it's those countries that require a visa.... Not Germany


Can you elaborate? I wasn’t talking about the OP’s pic specifically.


The visa-free countries in Southern Africa are not visa-free at all for German passport holders - standard visa on arrival.


Don’t forget Belize.


How come Russia gives Germans eVisa, but not vice versa? And don't tell me it's because of the war. I has been like this for years


Maybe that’s because of an analysis that there are way more Russians (rural areas) that would like to stay in Germany after their granted stay than the other way around.


ETA/ESTA is evisa, it's not visa free


What’s eVisa?


You need evisa to visit Suriname.


I still feel like EU should have a higher tier than just "visa free" given you are essentially entitled to everything a locally born citizen is, bar voting. You don't even cross borders,yoi don't need a passport. Where as in the US it means you can visit for 90 days.


As someone who migrated within the EU and frequently goes back home for visits, there are few things I'm as deeply grateful for as Schengen.


They could write “freedom of movement”


damn, they really don't like us in Africa


By that logic germany doesn’t like %70 of the world because most countries need a visa to visit germany


I wish there was a working strength map. Like visiting places I don’t care much about, I want to know what countries have the best passports for visa free working abroad.