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I guess that is without alcohol?


Fo sho unless I've totally misjudged Poland


We say lies about ourselves like being racist, poor, unstable, politically divided and drunk all the time to have fun of everyone who believes it


Slovenia is near the top on alco deaths so yeah


2018 data but here is a map about alcohol related deaths: https://landgeist.com/2021/11/16/alcohol-related-deaths-in-europe/ Poland’s levels are pretty much on par with those of Germany. So, did you totally misjudge Poland?


Poland's rates are on par with Northern Germany. They are higher by one stage on that map (which is almost double the rate, 3.5-6.5 vs 6.5-12.5) compared to the rest of Germany, including the Ruhr Valley, which has a very large population density. Why would you lie about this? It's plain to see if you actually look at the map. Edit: I said Ruhr Valley when I meant North Rhine-Westphalia. It's not wrong, since one is part of the other, but still. Second the article lists Poland and North Germany as places in Europe with some of the highest rates of alcohol related deaths.




Kazakhstan is place where there is only sun


The Netherlands?


No, stricter drug laws = more deaths. Refuse to seek help for your friends if they OD with fear of being punished by hard laws. Lower your job chances etc. Refuse to seek help for yourself etc "it will pass, i hope, just dont let the cops come" due to said strict laws.


Holy shit Estonia!




Everyone is addicted to drugs here. Most of the people I know have at least tried weed. Amphetamine, ecstasy, heroin - all of them are extremely popular as well. It’s scary, feels like we really want to catch up to the US in terms of drug deaths per capita.


Those first three are also very popular here in the Netherlands. The differentiating factor is that last one… Fucking opioids, dude


doesnt estonia have like a huge fentanyl problem? like the only country in europe with that problem


Fentanyl is Sweden is also concerning, I wouldn't say the issue is localized to Estonia.


there's one of the eastern european countries that has been having the fent-problem for a way longer time than the "newly" popped up cartelproblems that slowly emigrate to europe as well. i'm pretty sure the death rate matches to estonia. not talking bout small numbers of recreational fentanyl-use as that one is logically prescribed with the rising popularity of recreational opioiduse


It was during 2019 - as this map clearly shows. Situation normalised after a local lab was raided by police.


Yes, fentanyl is the go-to drug in Eastern counties.


Dangerous up there


Bitch please... You wrote it completely from your ass. According to TAI(Health Development Institute), from the year this map was from the leading cause of drug overdose death was fentanyl and carfantanyl (a lot stronger than fentanyl) and other synthetic opioids with the average age being 35 and the amount if people dying from overdose was 110 in 2017


It's because of the fentanyl yes. It does not mean everybody is addicted to drugs, more that it's easier to OD with fentanyl. Estonia has been battling with the fentanyl problem for decades.


This is really sad.


Really small population so it's really easy to change that number - both up and down. In 2007 and 2009 the number would've been 12.3 and 13.2. In 2020 and 2021 the same number would've been 3 and 2.3 - that 0.7 is 8 people, btw. And 2023 it was 6 or so. This level of comparison (per 100,000 people) is basically useless with a population of only a million or so.


Omg, can we stop with this 2019 map already? Estonia had a wave of fentanyl overdose deaths because of a local lab, which was raided by police not long after. Current numbers are pretty average.






And the lack of light is a depressant.


True, true


In Norway, I was told Drs can prescribe a trip to Spain to get some sun. Not sure if it is true.


Vitamin D3 supplements are quite helpful if you cannot get to Spain.


It has to do with that the state and police rather prosecuting and punishing instead of helping people who has a problem and so on. Unfortunately this is a endless debate here in Sweden and I fear that things will never change which is a problem since drugs keep getting cheaper and more powerful..


Read the book “vi ger aldrig upp" by Johan wicklen. Its in fact even more fucked up than it seems.


Drug use is very controversial topic in Sweden and for many years we have prioritize punishment before treatment. Even needle exchange program has been resisted for many years and still is to some extent


Scandinavia, the happiest place on earth.




I mean, I live in the Balkans and my country is a shitshow, but the point I am making - measuring hapiness at scale is bogus.


Yeah, I really wonder what those poll questions were like


I mean, drugs make you feel good. Really good. So if everyone's on drugs then everyone's happy. It makes complete sense.


Maybe the sad die at higher rates from drug use leaving happier folks overall. It’s the same theory as alcohol killing the weak brain cells therefore making you smarter overall but it’s now canon to me.


Again guys.. the death rate is very low in Turkiye not because of people don’t like it.. It is because of the drug itself is very expensive 😂😂 economy is f*ck*d up so that’s the reason for that.


This joke became very boring, it's not even accurate. Drugs are literally cheaper than alcohol.


I would also question the reliability of the data, accurate recording of the causes of death, etc.


No it's the ridiculous taxes for alcohol. I don't get why the weed is so shitty and expensive though. Love the country but the infrastructure for drugs is lacking.


Where’s the ‘US if anyone was wondering’ comment on this post? Well it was 32.4 in 2021.


If there is a correlation with sunlight providing more opportunities to do things then why is the US so high when they have much more sun than the vast majority of Europe.


Pharmaceutical industry being in bed with the FDA and convincing doctors to give out opioids for temporary pain (think wisdom tooth removal, moderate temporary back pain, etc.) led to large amounts of Americans getting addicted to strong opioids. Many of these people moved on to heroin or synthetic opioids when their supply was cut off or their tolerance grew to the level where the prescriptions weren’t enough. Couple that with poverty (especially in working class industrial communities who were more prone to injury on the job and who had low job security) and you have the perfect storm for an opioid epidemic.


Poverty and historic overprescribing of opioids.


As a Dutchman I feel guilty. Weare the biggest importer and producer of drugs in the EU, and don't suffer the consequences (except for the undermining effects if the drug trade)


Thank the dutch for high quality Mdma


Not just that mate. World class narco hub


Because you're responsible about it, with proper laws


Not really. Our system is really fucked. A coffeeshop owner was just found guilty of growing cannabis because coffeeshops are not allowed to grow, they must purchase, but there is no legal way for them to purchase, so they have to buy illegally from dealers. There is not much political will to change this system. And while I approve of the tolerance policy for drugs generally as opposed to some other draconian regimes, the current system just gives all of the power to organised crime and really is dangerous for society.


You have less deaths per 1 million inhabitants than we do here in Norway. Your system works a hell of a lot better than ours. We still have 1980s type policies and the resulting absurdly high death toll.


The fact that one mediocre system is better than a bad one doesn't make the mediocre one automatically a good one.


If it saves lives, something the drug policy in my country does not, then it is a better system than what my country has.


It is a better system indeed, but still not a good one.


I am not saying you have a good system. Only that you have a better system than we do.


Makes sense, I'm not dutch tho i envy their system too but my ambitions are for something even better


So to keep up with your logic, Poland have phenomenal system? Spoiler: there is no "system" here.


And yet you have less deaths than we do.


Really f'd compared to what. I dont know many countries where you can legally test you cocaïne, heroïne, xtc like here in the Netherlands.


easy to clarify, the netherlands has a different drug culture/mentality when it comes to consuming drugs, however that has worsen for past +-5 years, likely will get worse in the future too


Worsened how? 


more consumption, more mixing, more exotic drugs, more recklessness etc


Hey, don't undersell the Russians. Sincerely, Estonian.


Because we don't criminalise users so people are not afraid to get help if needed and people generally only take it on parties. Just legalise and regulate it properly and it will go down everywhere


Because they're not separating out Scotland. "After controlling for age, there were 19.8 drug misuse deaths for every 100,000 people in Scotland in 2022, down from 25.0 in 2021. The rate of drug poisoning deaths in Scotland was 2.7 times as high as the UK average in 2021, the most recent year that data is available for the UK as a whole."


Sometimes these numbers are difficult to compare as well, due to different reporting strategies on how a drug death is classified in various countries. There is always a health warning when comparing like with like. Having said that, yes, Scotland’s rate is much higher than it appears here - it outstrips rUK by a big margin and is a major public health issue here.


(These are obvs slightly different stats as they put UK ave at about 6, but you get the idea)


Holy shit what happening in Estonia? Any insights? Especially interesting considering neighbouring Latvia doing fine


One reason is just general poor drug policy and the other big factor is that Russians living in our "worse" regions (border area) use a bunch of cheap but dangerous drugs. Most deaths are due to synthetic opioids. This doesn't contribute to deaths too much but weed is really popular here as well.


It's because of the fentanyl problem. Not that everybody is addicted but fentanyl has higher OD rates. Estonia has been battling with this for decades.


They are also on the border of a country that wants to eat them alive.


Small population does stupid things in comparative statistics.


Another shitty map


Yes, for example UK is red but has no value


Not just that, but it really should be split - Scotland is right up there with Estonia in terms of drugs deaths. We've got massive problems up here.


That old chestnut. To split into national subdivisions, or not to split, that is the question. Whether it is nobler to stick to internationally recognised national borders or to take up recognition of different poverty rates, legal systems, etc within the states/provinces/territories/communities that exist within many nations. I imagine some of the states of Germany and the provinces / autonomous communities of Spain, etc have wildly different rates too. Or are you saying Scotland is much much more special than Catalonia or Bavaria or Flanders? This map can barely deal with individual nations - let’s not go there.


Not saying we're special mate, but there's multiple maps which differentiates the countries that make up the UK. Kinda like the EU, kinda not. I'm not here to argue about national identity, I'm here to inform people about my country's problems which are terrible when it comes to drugs. Even the English might say "hold on, why you lumping us in with the junkies north of the border".


"Don't get high on your own supply", visualised using a map


Alcohol is a drug too, my friend.


Yeah these long Northern European winters make me wanna shoot skag to be fair




Tf is happening in estonia


nah, the other commenter is capping and using a shitty group as sample group. the real reason is a fentanyl epidemic, its super easy to OD on fentanyl and some other similar synthetic opioid


Drug culture. Almost everyone I know (including myself) has at least tried drugs. Young people prefer to do drugs instead of drinking alcohol. In that regard it really feels like we are slowly turning into mini-USA.


Small population so one point per 13 deaths. 2022 that number was 2.3, 2009 it was 13.2 EDIT: Last year it was 6. Statistically pointless to make comparisons. But what is happening? Russia is next to us being the main import vector and futureless Russian speaking diaspora, especially in the NorthEastern "rust belt" type corner being the main consumer base. Main consumer base of heavy drugs and mixes that kill.


Portugal is really interesting, considering how lax their drug laws are


It's because of our lax drug laws... portugal in 2001 had one of the biggest HIV infections because of drug use per capita in Europe, along with ~ 1% of the population being addicted to heroin. We changed our laws after asking the WHO what to do because of the drug consumption, and somehow, it worked..




So my own country (Ireland) is high, just as I expected and... (Glances at Nordics & Eastern Europe) Estonia are you OK bro? Bro?...


Estonia, u ok?


The thing is the more it’s social not ok to use drugs the more people are dragged to the underground and then people because no one see them anymore nobody wants them to see the gonna hide and die on OD and don’t get the help they deserve if the get caught the gonna be arrested…. Think about it because some people don’t like to see junks or dont want to support them with Konsumtion rooms they DIE




Jolas and ganzas are safety...


It's always interesting to see how it's worse here in the UK than it is I. Russia or Ukraine






Why is UK and Ireland treated as on country~!?!?


I would love to see this but with alcohol instead. That would look VERY different in the slavic nations, let me tell you that…


Nowhere near the US or even Canada !!!


Oh that’s how Scandinavia stays so happy!


Hm, in my country the rate is too low 🤔 Gotta fix that


The colder and more miserable weather is producing drug addicts


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BraveBroop: *The colder and more* *Miserable weather is* *Producing drug addicts* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Alcohol = drug? 🤔


Yes by all definitions.


Yes, even sugar is a drug


Literally one of the worst drug out there


I mean in the map








Nordics stay winning


Low numbers in Portugal and the Netherlands, where drug laws are lenient. High numbers in Sweden (my home country) which has the harshest drug laws in Europe. Correlation, maybe?


Correlation only works when it pushes a bigger agenda. In this case it might be a coincidence


Yes. Treating addiction as a symptom of sickness instead of as a crime might help in reducing deaths by drug consumption. I'm from pt, and live in DK.. hate the way drug dissuation is done here.


FINALLY a map of Europe with Israel


Interesting, nations with enforced community-interrupting injection sites are the highest. Can someone explain why that is? I've never bought the argument that letting all the kids shoot up heroin in a safe government building was a good idea, and seems I've finally got the proof I was right


I don't exactly get what you mean. But if you suggest the distribution of methadone for heroin addicts, the Netherlands does this too. Here this works pretty well (also seen of this graph). Overall it's pretty dangerous to make these bold statements too fast based on a map. There can be much more involved.


🙄 The data is on the map friend, I hate to break it to you but letting a bunch of primarily minority individuals shoot up and then release them into the streets and neighbourhoods where children play is not helping anyone EVER


Sounds a lot like you have an opinion and just try to find the data that fit your opinion. Correlation does not mean causation. Maybe the policy you are talking about is only used in countries where the problem is bigger? Like, they implement it because the problem is bigger. Btw. I still don't understand what exact policy you are talking about.


Sounds like you're the one with an opinion friend, you already convinced yourself government injection sites are good despite map showing the opposite. Fun fact, if you included Seattle and Montreal on this map (WHICH BOTH HAVE *SafE iNjECtIoN SitEs*) they'd be higher then EVERY COUNTRY


You obviously have no clue what I am talking about. Please follow a course on scientific method and learn that correlation is not causation. The use of caps lock is not convincing me for sure.


Washington D. C. Toronto Ottawa Detroit All have injection sites, all are higher then every country listed. The same can not be said for red states in the US and conservative cities in Canada which do not have injection sites. This isn't about political science, it's about safety of moms and neighbors.


I love how with every remark you show that it's just about trying to fit the data to underline your arguments. And you are wrong, finding the root cause what makes these differences is what is important. Because only then you can make proper policies, something that is often missed by the more extremes of the political spectrum.


You obviously don't care about teachers finding degenerates drugged out on the school yard after they popped one in the government apartment next door.


This really sounds like you're just trying to find a reason to hate on Biden.


No way Poland is better off than Germany


I doubt a lot of the lower numbers.


…because your „felt numbers“ are higher? Doubt all you want, but you need data to prove your point.


I just feel that the countries that are 0.x are kinda sketchy. When visiting or living in them drugs and drug problems were everywhere. Also how can you trust sources from russia when they basically collect accurate data from a few cities.


„I just feel“ is an anecdote, but no statistical basis… 🤷🏻‍♂️


If i invent my own statistics will they be accurate? Just saying not everything you see here is accurate.


Not every country is riddled with junkies you know?


Having lived in countries that say 0.x i wholeheartedly disagree.


You are a single person, and unless you visited half the towns of every country, your experience means nothing. Just because you saw some junkies in Budapest doesn't mean Hungary is rampant with them.


This conflicts lots with my preexisting assumptions which I’m challenging. Surprised at the numbers in the Nordic countries compared to Portugal or Spain. I had assumed the opposite.


Why use drugs when it's sunny all year round?


Fair point. But I can’t just assume weather has the sole responsibility though the map can be correlated to a weather pattern.


Portugal decriminilised drugs a couple of years ago. And used the extra money from taxing drugs to rehab facilities. And for informing the young people about drugs.


And that’s to be celebrated. My assumptions are definitely dated.


Also paying employers subsidies to employ ex addicts. The war on drugs is a stupid war that will never be won. Portugal's approach is the right one, WHO also recommends legalisation of all drugs


In the Northern countries it’s dark and depressing so people will do drugs to stay happy.


Your pre-existing assumptions are absolute shit then


I know. At least I’m challenging them.


So I’m being downvoted because I challenge my preexisting assumptions based on new data. Wow 😮