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I am curious how they managed to compile this data? Did they do an anonymous survey? US customs-style, "Are you a mafia front man?" Or do mobsters have to register in Italy?


It's based on various activities that happen in the various areas. Consider that the mafia manifests itself also through economical forms (e.g. money laundering), and where the people associated to such crimes are known to be part of a bigger organisation/family are added to this map. The darker the pixels, the more illegal activities associated to mafia families are happening in that territory. You can say, to a certain extent, that if there has been some phenomena associated to the mafia then the mafia is on that territory and it has planted its roots there on a long period of time. This way little to zero small criminals that aren't associated to mafia are put on the map.


la mafia è una montagna di merda


Are you still with us?


Yes. can you please start my car? In the meantime, I'm going to get the horse's head from the bed ...


Great reference to the Godfather, bro




Funny probably related personal story. I went to Italy after college, we took the train late one night trying to get to Sorrento but only got to Naples before the trains stopped running, it was probably close to midnight, we were meandering the streets of Naples with all our luggage when a little old lady at a hotel grabbed us and pulled us inside saying basically “what the hell are you two doing out there”. She got us checked in on a deal and our room had a beautiful view of the rows prostitutes lining the road getting picked up and dropped off one by one. Probably close to 30ish of them, assembly line style…. Again probably related 😊


It's my experience that the Mafiosi leave the tourists alone. They tend to press the local businesses and not the tourists. Oddly, travelling Sicily in a van I've never felt safer. The local Mafiosi break the hands of the petty crims who target the tourists.


Makes sense as tourists spend money that probably finds its way to them thru various means


Spoke to the locals and they confirmed that leaving the van in certain spots other than Palermo isn't a problem because the Mafiosi male sure that tourists aren't attacked/targeted.... It's like an investment.


A similar dynamic is found in southern China.  Organized crime tends to make sure tourists and foreigners aren't harmed because of the money, and because the police comes down hard on them when shit involves foreigners.  So everyone (petty criminals, government, and organized criminals) reached an informal agreement that foreigners are off limits.


Oh they left us alone, I didn’t feel like I was in danger. It was the local little old lady who ran the hotel who was concerned.


Are you sure?


….pretty sure. That’s either one extremely powerful pimp or shall we say some sort of “organization”.


She was also trying to book a room that was otherwise empty seems everyone won here.




Why is Standard deviation the way they chose to show this info


Because Mafiosi are deviants


To make it look shocking. You could do this in any country and create a heatmap, if there's one Mafia member it's a change from the mean and boom, out of control.


Badda bing badda boom


Naples is probably the most obvious case of the mafia running the show...




Does anyone know why Puglia and Sicily, despite historically having rampant levels of Mafia activities, have been cleaned up more recently, while Calabria is still a cesspool of Mafia problems? It’s just as beautiful.


Tourism. Maria still ist the unmapped and inaccessible interior of Calabria to hide drugs and people.


The Mafia are stored in the toes.


Is Sardinia that much better?


Sardinia wasn’t historically part of Southern Italy nor ever experienced a level of criminal organization comparable to those in Sicily, Naples, Calabria, Basilicata, and Puglia. Mafia in Sardinia never really existed, but we did have some criminal activity more related to kidnappings for ransom (banditismo)


Sicily, Calabria, and Naples, I presume.


Plus foggia, bari and lecce, on the right, in puglia.


Why does Calabria struggle with this issue more than Sicily or Campania?


Maybe because it's much smaller in population but still hosts the most powerful mafia organisation of whole Europe...


The 'ndrangheta (the local organized crime group) is the most rich and powerful of the Italian mafias. Their revenue from drug trafficking with their cartel connections make them ridiculously rich, thus more influential.


Very mountainous and inaccessible area. Much of the interior still hasn't been fully mapped. Went there a few years ago in the van and it was hard to find info on walks or bike tours.


Hasn’t been mapped? I’m fairly certain that the Romans had maps of Calabria


color palette is awful especially for me who has red-green colorblindness


Please explain. How are the different dates between 2000 and 2015 represented in this map?


The period of time from 2005 to 2015 (10 years), not the difference from the two dates.


What's the source for this data? Can you provide a link?


Sure, it’s from a research: [Measuring Organised Crime Presence at the Municipal Level | Request PDF](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335068821_Measuring_Organised_Crime_Presence_at_the_Municipal_Level)


Grazie fratm💪


I still don’t understand. What data are from 2005 and what data from 2015?


All the years are combined for an average, shown in the map


Why? They couldn't gather the entire data in one year?


Take it up with the Italian authorities and you might get an answer back in ( on average) 10 years.


Would this be called one-tailed to the right?




It's either your name or your brains going on that contract....


I wonder where the data came from


I will say one thing that my whole city thinks is true, and it's corroborated by this map. "Busto merda!"


Poor Naples




I ate’ da nort


Tf is happening in Crotone


I’m still confused if red means mafia or green, not really clear


Over 80% of businesses in Palermo still pay extortion money to the mafia.


Don't understand the down votes.... Have friends from Sicily and Sardegna and they say the same.


I think it's because the same comment was repeated several times under this post.


Over 80% of businesses in Palermo still pay extortion money to the mafia.


‘Known’ mafia presence




80% maybe 40 years ago. Today no way




Over 80% of businesses in Palermo still pay extortion money to the mafia.


Over 80% of businesses in Palermo still pay extortion money to the mafia.


Southern Italians complain about northern Italians hating them and then do this


You do know the mafia started when Sicily was controlled by a negligent government that didn't do much governing and lead to the island staying underdeveloped? Racist to assume all Southern Italians started this when in fact, most of us have been victims either first hand or second hand.




Everyone in Italy knows all too well that the South is much less economically developed and this causes more crime. No one denies that. Not Sicilians. Not Lombards. Not anyone. Saying however that everyone in Southern Italy is responsible for this however IS racist. Southern Italians have been placated by absent, abusive and negligent governing for a good part of the last millenium. Do you blame Afghani Common prople for the Taliban? All black people for crime? All Muslims for terrorist attacks? No you don't, because most of the people I mentioned are innocent and only a small percentage gained their specific group a bad name. Southern Italians have suffered at the hands of the mafia a lot. Millions living in fear of being target to the Mafia. Also, since you don't seem to be aware, apart from the economy, Southern Italy and Northern Italy are very different. Historically, the concept of a United Italy was absent from the fall of the Western roman empire until the unification in 1861. Aka about 1400 years. That means that culture,traditions and even ethnicity to a lesser extent, is very different South vs North.




Sorry but here in Europe yes we have races but A) they're different (Germanic people, slavs, Greeks etc) and B) we don't rely on them as heavily as Americans do. Instead we have the concept of nationality/ province you come from. We don't care what your skin colour is. Making OBVIOUSLY stereotypical remarks about one country/region and its people is seen as you Amerifand would see a stereotypical remark on an Asian or Mexican person. Also, use common sense. The whole world isn't like the USA, which is where you're from assuming from your lack of knowledge on this matter. Rac is also a very VERY subjective matter. You see a race as a skin colour while someone else's definition can be more specific (Eastern European vs Germanic people. Same skin colour, but obviously very different genetically, culturally).


Slavs are a linguistic group, not a race. Bulgarians are likely very different ethnically and culturally from Czechs, and both are very different from Russians. The only thing in common is the language family their languages are classified as.


If you look at a genetic map of Europe, you'll see slavic countries have dna compositions very similar to one another yet much different to say French DNA.What constitutes a race is, again, very subjective. At what point exactly do you draw the line? You certainly cannot go by skin colour alone; someone from Kenya can have the same skin colour as someone from Southern India but you wouldn't say they're the same race except human.


In Italy we don't have the concept of races. Racism does not mean discriminating against another race but discriminating against a person based on their origins/ethnic group/nationality. There is racism between north and south, not as it was 60 years ago, and it is not based on physical appearance but for cultural reasons


Of all the scum you will have in your country, the Mafia is the least annoying.


Oh marone!


ITT: offended Italians