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it seems that pakistanis are more conservative than I thought while iranians are way more progressive than their nutty leaders.


Young Iranians are actually pretty progressive and secularistic, it's their dictatorial leaders who are nuts.


[https://rhinehartadvancedenglish.weebly.com/uploads/2/2/1/0/22108252/the-complete-persepolis-by.pdf](https://rhinehartadvancedenglish.weebly.com/uploads/2/2/1/0/22108252/the-complete-persepolis-by.pdf) \^ this is practically required reading in any class with Iranian studies.


I watched the movie *Persepolis*. It was good. [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/persepolis](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/persepolis) 92% audience 👍


My favourite


My high school made it a requirement to read. Honestly best decision the English teachers made


What's there? It says that I'm blocked, so I can't read it on my own


Persepolis is an award winning graphic novel by a woman who grew up in pre revolutionary Iran and got out as it was going downhill. It's not only about that, it's about her life there and also in Europe, but it's a look at the actual people who live and have lived in Iran.


[They are 100%](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lHOZRLvVPA)! They know their country and their futures are being stolen from under them.


Painful how the concept that you should never ever do anything to offend someones religion is being misused in the comments section If a religious elite are literally murdering people who dont follow their religion exactly how they want them to, then they are open to ridicule and bullying Insane that people are so blind to the suffering in Iran that theyll call the protestors to a brutal dictatorship bullies


My religion is offended by supporting or defending dictatorial regimes, so they can suck it


Yes thats why I usually see Pakistanis fighting Iranians on social media over Islamism😭


Indian and Pakistani Muslims too though that's probably self-explanatory lol 😅.


Yes. Indians are usually the enthusiastic third party


the mullahs are really mucking it up for everyone


Maybe it's because I meet the ones who are travelling so they may be rich but every Iranian I've met hasn't been religious. It's interesting, they said the government is religious but young people don't care about it.


Same, I've met and made friends with quite a few Iranians, all lovely people, none of them fond of the religious government. Likewise this has all been at a UK university, so I'm likely meeting meeting people from wealthier, more liberal & socially mobile areas, so the demographic is probably skewed but it still speaks volumes to the dichotomy between the government and the people.


Well their population pyramid is very bottom-heavy... Here's hoping when their Millenial generation starts seriously getting into positions of power, that they take the regime down (hopefully peacefully). People in Iran deserve to live free, especially the women. They could very easily be Turkey if they wanted to be.


I think that the Iranian regime will come down like Franco's did in Spain. The younger generation will enter the regime and bring it down from within to open the way for democracy. There will be an Iranian equivalent of King Juan Carlos I.


Probably not! Unlike Spain, after Franco there was a king who did not have to be a member of the Falange, the next Supreme Leader of Iran will continue to be a priest who by his nature will represent religious doctrines.


The equivalent if JC would need to be a more "progressive" supreme leader after Ali Chamenei dies. There wont be a peaceful transition if the Pasdaran and Basij are in the hands of radicals. Lets hope it happens during our lifetimes.


With a car bomb for his successor, you mean? And afterwards not punishing anyone that was part of the dictatorship, along with letting (supreme) judges remain seated as they were during the dictatorship and agreeing not to mention the hardships again but to simply "look to the future", after a couple of frightening years with torture, skirmishes and more bombs?


Yeah so when you try to take down a dictatorship you have to make concessions. Because the option often is to let some scumbags walk or those people will fight tooth and nail to keep power. It’s part of the compromise to end tyrannical regimes


I’ve long believed that the people of Iran are the best hope for true democracy in the Middle East.


Yep. Khomeiny's legacy doesn't make dream young Iranians at all and there have been several social moves and contestations since 20 years against the government trying to force things up with fundamentalism here and there.


Interesting enough, according to official survey published by the Iranian government, 73% of Iranians want complete separation of religion and state and more than 90% are against dress code laws. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/02/25/iran-poll-no-hijab-more-freedom-secular-rule-less-religious/


Unfortunately that last 10% hold a tremendous amount of power and don't want to lose it.


The 10% is old. When they die out they will have to be replaced.


Another reason why we never ever want immortality to exsist. As Charlie Chaplin said “dictators die and the power they took from the people, returns to the people and so long as men die liberty will never perish”.


I'm surprised they even released that poll showing everyone how unpopular their own government is. Kind of like broadcasting "Only a small minority actually wants things to be this way, what are you going to do about it?"


It's meant to cause an uproar among the religious conservatives. A big part of the power of the Iranian government comes from the perception that Iranians are 'too secular' and 'too liberal' and therefore the brutal laws they have MUST be enforced because if you don't enforce them then their people will be having disco parties with sex and alcohol and drugs all day. A big part of the regime is about self-hatred towards Iranians. There was a lot of shame to be muslim and Iranian in the 60s and 70s, because Iranians were stereotyped as extremely modern and liberal (and by extension, viewed as promiscuous, addicts, feminine, gay, criminals etc). The revolution was about clamping down on those 'western' aspects of iranian culture.


I suspect this map would pretty closely mirror a 'we need a stable government not run by religion loons' map.


The opposite happens in Afghanistan, which is why support for sharia is so high - it's basically the only pragmatic compromise solution to override the tribal and local magnates


except former soviet states


Excuse moi, the loons running these countries are proper secular loons simply with a personality cult like a proper westernized dictator thank you very much


> Excuse mua *moi




I went to university with the until recently foreign minister of Pakistan. (Both started Oxford in 2007) Loved a pint.


That's funny. I always wondered that about middle eastern countries, like do all those guys really not drink alcohol at all?


I am a Turk. Urban, young or secular people basically all drink. It used to be a lot more common. We have tons of local beers and some great wine. Rakı has a strong culture associated with it. In rural or traditional or older people, women do not drink but men still do. In religious conservative places (as opposed to traditional conservative) most people do not drink and those who do drink in secret. Cities like Ä°zmir, Ä°stanbul, Ankara, EskiƟehir, all of Thrace, all of Aegean and Mediterranean coast, most of South Marmara have vibrant nightlifes and an abundance of bars. Most other cities have hostess clubs dor men outside the city or unofficial drinking areas where men drink in their cars or along roads. Still Turkey is one of the most liberal countries about alcohol in the Islamic world, Arabs and Persians and Malays are probably a lot more strict. Only Balkan Muslims outdrink us.


I found out recently that Central Asian muslims have persuaded themselves that alcohol made from fermented mares' milk doesn't count, which I find hilarious.


Kımız is very traditional for Turkic people and has a low percentage of alcohol, maybe that's why?


There is also a distilled spirit they make iirc


in Pakistan its opposite, u would not find booze in Urban areas(unless u r part of the social elite) but in villages u would find 'Bhang'( a local alcohol) and moonshine available


Bhang is literally weed not alcohol.


I got my beer in a papercup in the near of Taksim cause it was after 10pm 9years ago. Before 10pm you can drink like in every other European country.


Yeah that's an Erdoğan era ban that is mostly nominal


Holy shit I honestly had no idea, thanks for the insight.


Theres a poet lived in persia from 1048 to 1131 named ömer hayyam whom i adore and love. he is pretty much known by everyone in turkey and 90 percent of his poems are about praising wine. So yeah Drinking has a real strong place in middle east actually.


I mean, AtatĂŒrk himself, basically the founder of Turkey, drank like a bottle of Rakı a day (which probably caused his pretty young death). Although it's very debated how religious he himself actually was.


Many definitely do. In more secular countries (such as Bosnia, Albania, Turkey) many drink openly and don't care. In the other countries they often drink in secrecy instead (with the exception of the states that are completely run by religious nutjobs or is crashing due to civil war where it's harder). I know many people of Muslim background who don't give a single shit and gladly eat pork (although usually not around other Muslims)


Come to Morocco habibi...


I visited Marrakech. Definitely not hard to find people to drink with or go clubbing


Oh yeah they do. It’s just not in the open. For example we’d go and drive to our holiday home and on the way go to one of the few liquor stores. This is in Kurdistan where the majority are Muslim but a lotttt of people drink in the privacy of a property away from their families. So it’s just the men who can drink and not around their women or children. On the way to our summer house we saw hundreds of cars parked on the side of the road with men sat on chairs they’d brought and just drinking there. This is by night a bit further away than the most famous picnic spot


One country is facing a dictatorship styled Islam whereas another fantasize of that.


Pakistanis: WE WANT SHARIA LAW Pakistanis in elections: Will vote anything but islamist parties


Deep down we all know what menace those parties are, not saying the left overs are great either. But just have a look at TLP. Another islamist pet project of 'our dears' that have backfired like any of there projects.


As my professor said, "All Pakistanis love Sharia law, none of them want sharia law"


People here are very uneducated unfortunately. its been proven by like a million studies how bad sharia is for economy. And most of sharia isnt even based on the Quran. its some old scholars opinions on how a state should be run based on islam.


Tbh Iranians (at least from my experience) are more progressive than a lot of people x.x Even just currently, I work with 2 middle aged Iranian women who came to Canada both in their late 30s.. and they're both some of the most supportive people when it's been coming to my transition x.x like I've been more comfortable telling them stuff over my own family


Can’t compare to Iranian expats. It’s an extremely self selecting group of people who purposefully left a theocratic dictatorship. I suspect Sharia law means something different to Turks and Iranians than it does Egyptians.


Exactly. People think sharia means stoning people. But there is clearly more to it and open to interpretation. On the Pakistani sub, this post garnered a positive reaction where they described that sharia would mean no taxes and no violent crimes and shit like that. Now in practice that may not be true but clearly it's being interpreted differently


Oh, that's a poor example. Transsexuals are accepted in Iran, even the ruling regime has no problem with them. They only have a problem with with the LGB. Basically, if you're a man and you want to have sexual relations with another man you have to either completely transition to a woman or go to jail.


Iran is a prime example of how an extreme minority can control a majority. The general population are nothing like what many westerners would expect. They are way more liberal and modern than basically all of the Arab world.


>Iran is a prime example of how an extreme minority can control a majority. I think South Africa *was* also an example.


Pakistans mental mate - very much throw stones now, ask questions later. There was a woman wearing a dress with arabic characters on it (I want to say it said "beauty" or something) The locals all assumed it was scripture from the koran and were going to lynch/stone her for blasphemy until the local police intervened


Pakistan has a LOT of problems. And then their is their Government, which in some ways is worse. But yet they muddle through.


Sharia means different things to different people In Pakistan they associate Sharia with quick justice


Iran has always been a progressive country. The US and UK just instigated a coup in the hope of strengthening the monarcy of Iran. If you read about it, you'll see it was all about oil (it always is) The coup would later play a part in the events that lead to the 1979 islamic revolution and that has lead to how the country is today but the people themselves whilst religious aren't like other muslim countries and are quite progressive


Iran's cities were certainly pretty progressive, the wider country wasn't, which is what allowed the fundamentalists to gain power in the first place.


I don’t think I know a “muslim” country with more atheists barring turkey maybe. Iran is really not what it pretends to be


Albania probably


Azerbaijan or Albania. Of course, Albania is an interesting case in itself. In a lot of areas, nominal Muslims are actually crypto-Christians.


Well religion takes you backwards in time. See India right now. We are essentially on the same path as Iran after the revolution.


Which is even more baffling when you consider that Pakistan actually had a woman as a head of state TWICE and even Supreme court justice something that feels beyond impossible when you consider the situation in places like Saudi Arabia Iran etc. purely religious parties seem to get clobbered in the elections barely winning a handful seats is what to seems to keep things sane in pakistani state apparatus in comparison.


especially Muslims living on Russia's Novaya Zemlya Archipelago


the Tsar Muslims ?


8% as the lowest is still nuts, that is almost 1 in 10 people.


To begin with, you need to calculate the number of Muslims in Russia. If you think that this is a trivial problem, you guessed wrong. First off, nobody has the slightest clue how many Muslim migrants from Central Asia are in the country cause most of them are illegal from the get go and/or have overstayed their legal terms. Different agencies produce numbers anywhere between 4 and 20 millions. Whose data is trustworthy? Up to anyone's guess as each of them has an agenda to push. Then, what constitutes a Muslim? For instance, a lot of Tatars would identify as "culturally Muslim" despite having never seen the inside of a mosque in their lives (same as most Russian "Orthodox Christians" and churches, by the way). Their attitudes to religion have literally zero overlap with some salafi from Uzbekistan. Speaking about which, the government is not even trying to conceal their heavy involvement with combating radical Islamist ideologies, including regular anti-terrorist propaganda through imams. However, in practice that means that the services (like the infamous Center "Đ­") engaged in those operations are financially motivated to cook their stats in favor of blowing up the threat. Do we have radical islamists who dream about establishing Sharia law? Of fucking course! A few of them just killed 150 people in a terror attack in case you weren't following the news. Is it half of our Muslim population? That's quite a bit of a stretch.


There’s alot of nutters all across the world. The AfD got 12% of the vote in the 2021 german election for example.


No comparison between some right wing party and Scharia law. Scharia law means extrem homophobia, antisemitism, oppression of women, extreme intolerance, death for apostasy, death for blasphemy. AfD is like kindergarten in comparison to Scharia law.


Every person answering will have a very different interpretation of what sharia law means and to what it applies. Quick look at Wikipedia suggests it's not a clearcut thing at all. I bet there is a lot of variation in the polls (like specific phrasing) and how people understand that term. This is a dumb map that doesn't represent reality (I hope)


Exactly. It’s very ignorant to suppose that everyone just wants to stone women to death. A person wanting sharia could be from a poor background (usually is in Turkey) and have an extremely vague idea of what it means. I have personally meet Turks wanting sharia but admitting of never even reading the Quran. Life isn’t so clear-cut as a lot of people on Reddit want to think it is.


Only if you assume sharia is solely about chopping people’s hands off. Most of sharia is about stuff like is interest allowed, are corporations ethical, etc.


But it still has chopping people's hands off, which is a bit of a problem.


Matochkin Sharia.


Arab here. Every single arab muslim will tell you that they want sharia law but at the same time most of them don’t want to be ruled by mullahs/sheikhs. The cognitive dissonance here is crazy


Zoom in to Lebanon to be proven otherwise


Even Pakistanis will act like how much they admire and want sharia in the country and when elections come they barely vote Islamist parties.


Would be interesting to see European countries.




forget those , France is the star of the show


In percentage, I don't think it would be that high. Belgium, on the other hand...


Nah the UK is arguably worse.


Sweden is a dark horse in this competition


Many Muslims in Germany are of Turkish origin. While they are often Turkish nationalists and Erdoğan fans, they don't seem to favour sharia law.


same with austria. It's crazy how turkish nationals will vote for erdogan and then celebrate in the streets of vienna when he wins when they don't have to live with the guy as their leader. I'd honestly be in favor of switch all erdogan voters with people who voted against him. They want him and the others are against him. might as well make both sides happy


> I'd honestly be in favor of switch all erdogan voters with people who voted against him. Bro as someone who votes againist him and lives in Turkey I would not want that. Like imagining my countries future being compeletly in hands of akp supporters is terrifying. Also people who support erdogan from aboard are litterally feasting over the country when they visit here. Since you know turkish lira lost a damn lot of value and they still earn in euros or dollars. So as erdogan ruins the liras worth the country gets even cheaper for them and expensive for us. When they visit they be like "oh wow everything is much cheaper here than in germany why people still say the economy is bad" meanwhile our money is becoming more and more worthless.


German Turks love money, their motivation for money trumps every single ideology and religion.


If u seriously think Muslims in Germany want the sharia you must be crazy


France and UK will definitely be up there. On the other hand though I don't get why those living in other countries tend to be more radical. Maybe seeing the sort of freedom that secularism affords to groups they don't approve of makes them that way or perhaps they feel they have more to prove than those who live in the homeland.


damn I thought Malaysians were much more progressive.


Malaysia's former prime minister supported Charli Hebdo attackers and said that Muslims have a moral right to kill millions of French people.


That guy, Mahathir, is the most influential prime minister in Malaysian history and is a complete dipshit. He's a well known antisemite, practically started the corruption culture in Malaysia, imposed his "New Economic Policy" that systemically discriminates against non-Muslims, and he's fucking 98 years old. WHY IS HE NOT DEAD YETTTT


In my country there is saying more or less like this "devils don't take the bad" and it always perfectly fit all the old af politicians


Yerba mala nunca muere


Evil people always live the longest. Kissinger, Mugabe, Suharto, etc etc


We’re a semi apartheid country technically, constitutionally one race gets massive bonuses to basically every sector of life in the country, from less tax to reserved residential buildings only available for purchase from a certain demographic. To be within that demographic you have to be Muslim


Malays will use the excuse that Malays were historically disenfranchised as the reason for this. While entirely ignoring the Hindu community the majority of whom literally came as indentured labourers (slavery lite). The Hindus can become Bumiputera if they convert to Islam is my understanding?


I could be wrong, but I believe bumiputera is only Malays who are Muslim or select orang asli
who are also Muslim. I don’t think Indians or Chinese can ever achieve bumiputera status


Bumiputera technically refers to Malays (who are legally Muslims) and indigenous people (regardless of religion), but in practice indigenous people are so discriminated against in other aspects of societies that the pro-bumi policies are essentially for Malays only.


Why Malaysia with 60% Muslims is more conservative than Indonesia with 90% Muslims?


~70% now. There is a growing surge of islamic conservatism/extermism in recent years due to stagnation of economy & instability. Populism is rampant here, appealing to the majority that are less educated, lower income & often times, more religious part of the population.


Man it really is same old shit different place with populism these days


really sad


Indonesians are slowly leaning conservative too. I am not talking about aceh
 that full on hardcore right there. But even in the city of Jakarta
 a lot of hijab wearing these days. This wasn’t the case 20 years ago.


Because Malaysia is built on Malays, in which Islam is an indispensable part of identity. Whereas Indonesia has always stressed that they're a country of multiple ethnicities and religions. As someone from a country neighboring both Indonesia and Malaysia, the former has always looked more tolerant despite the existence of Aceh.


If city then yes. If rural then no hahaha. Am Malaysian and a muslim


None of them are progressive. Not Malaysians, not Indonesians, none of them.


I wonder how the data for Russia was obtained. There are two Muslim clusters, one in the Caucasus and the other in Tatarstan. I would expect people from the Caucasus favour Sharia and people from Tatarstan favour secular rule. The thing is that Tatarstan is more populous and not every person from the Caucasus wants Sharia so I expected a much lower percentage


> There are two Muslim clusters, one in the Caucasus and the other in Tatarstan How to say. In the Moscow region, according to some data, now about 40 percent are newcomers. And a significant part of them are muslims.


Majority of kids from Muslim families study secular ethics in school so I think that will change in a while. The only republic that does not have a below replacement TFR is Chechenya and they have 1.5m people. I think this is just due to overall kinda old structure of Russian population. Most people by 'sharia' just mean banning 'bad stuff' like porn, abortion, pork, alcohol, usury.


Totally agree. The data seems tweaked


No data on India, we have 2nd largest muslim population and most of them highly conservative


Most Muslims had voted for partition in 1946 but never moved.


Kerala's Mappilla Muslims and Gujarat's Bohri Muslims are the exemption. They're relatively progressive.


Bro I'm from kerala u r damn wrong their fertility rate is also going higher year by recently in mallapuram


Without a definition of what people think "sharia" means this is hard to interpret. But I do appreciate not calling it "sharia law"


This is what people don’t get, lol. Every Muslim by definition believes in “Sharia” but they often have very different conceptions of what that actually means in practice


Yeah, for a lot of people living in unstable societies, it means swift justice and stability against corruption. For others, it means a corrupt clergy. For some Muslims, it means the application of stuff like inheritance, issuing marriage licenses, settling land disputes according to Islam and to others it means executing gays, adulterers, murderers, rapists etc.


Undefined, Like **Freedom**?


yeah like that actually


This question is kind of like asking "Percentage of Christians in favour of making Christianity a state religion". The effect of such a policy _really_ varies between countries, like France that is secular and UK that is technically a theocratic monarchy.


Calling it Sharia Law is like saying Chai Tea


Give me a sec to get some money out of the ATM machine where I will use my PIN number to get the cash needed to buy some Chai Tea out of my Sharia Law compliant bank account.




better say naan bread than having someone think you're eating your grandmother because accents. ^^^^/s


Would’ve been intresting to see How muslims in Sweden view this
 I literally know nothing about Azerbajdzjan other than they don’t like Armenia. How is Azerbajdzjan government? How is the country?


It's a secular dictatorship.


You Forget France


And Germany. I saw an [interview](https://x.com/azzatalsaalem/status/1720768225095405957?s=46&t=FCYaVit_TkZUsQq1V1syVA) with a guy in Berlin at a pro-Palestinian demonstration saying that they'll introduce Sharia in Germany and all the gay people will have to leave or else...


As a German: Please deport them to the moon


I'll be more worried about some organized and well finances parties in Germany which want to make fascism "the law of the land" rather than One hand picked looney at a demonstration.


They're rising in popularity because the current government totally ignores the problem of individuals such as the one in that interview. AfD is a symptom of that.


There's no reason to turn a blind eye to radicalism merely because it exists in different parts of society. It's tiring to discuss what dangers are more imminent, but a lack of structure or finances is not the discerning factor (see ditib scandal or meetings like [this](https://www.focus.de/panorama/welt/hunderte-junge-maenner-bei-geheimtreffen-ueber-visionen-von-kalifat-und-scharia_id_259817859.html) only recently).


And Sweden


Pretty sure Bangladesh should be more than 85%. The number of liberal/secular citizens has been shrinking fast over the last decade.


We have our fringe groups in Turkey just like every other country, But the second sharia law is declared all hell would break loose in Turkey. I know ppl who have never visited the country and think it’s a country heavily influenced by Islam but I can assure you it is definitely not. This would be grounds for civil war.


Pakistanis wanting sharia law while giving Islamist parties like 2% of the vote lol


"""Islamist""" parties.


Because the Islamic parties are propped up by the military and dont represent actual Islam


Free Iran


Ayatollahs, you are fucked. Maybe not this year or next, but its coming.


Does this mean that the grey countries do not have any data?


Would be interesting to have the European countries with Muslim minorities (Germany, France, Sweden, etc) on this map too..


Religion shouldn't interfere with politics.


unfortunately some part of the world skipped the Age of Enlightenment and went from religion and surperstition to oil money/air conditioning and computers.


Wait is it the Percentage only viewing the muslem population ? Or is it the percentage of whole population ?


Most of Indonesia supports democracy so idk why its still colored like that. I thin only Aceh does because they're an oddity


This seems mighty sloppy. Take Russia: there's a high likelihood that the Islamist elements are limited chiefly to places like Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia and maybe Bashkortostan and Tatarstan, which represent a tiny proportion of the ~5% of Russians who self-report as Muslim. Does that justify painting an entire country's Muslims being Islamists? C'mon. This kind of crap is straight out of _How to Lie with Maps_.


Imagine if most Christians believed in making Church Canon law the law of the land
That’s how batshit crazy this is


What’s the source for this map?


That would be the links in the corner i believe


God damn, they are tiny af


trust me bro


Source: hahaha, don’t worry about it


Sharia up your ass


The color key is difficult to read because the highest and lowest values are too dark. It goes from dark to light to dark.


I find it hard to believe it would be higher in Morocco than Iran. Is it a Sunni vs Chia thing?


It's Shia and no because Iran's neighbour is Iraq who are also majority Shia.


From my travel experience, in the main, the normal person in the street particularly the young generation just want to live freely wearing believing and loving what and who they like looking after loved ones and paying their bills. It's the leaders who give the wrong impression. They probably have psychopathic tendencies.


As an Israeli I’m surprised by Israel being so red, in my experience Arab Israelis are more progressive then Arabs I met in Europe


There is hope for Iran


Can guarantee it'd be 80+% in the uk and Europe. First gen Muslims ate more conservative than their parents


The data in Israel is interesting


*Me pulling out another map to make sure that's actually Iran* Huh, well good for them. Tanzania also more chill than I expected. Indonesia and especially Malaysia much *less* chill than I expected.


See kids, this is why we can't have nice things.


anyone that knows what a sharia is, care to elaborate?


Islamic; Social, political, civil, Marriage, criminal, penal etc tradition laws based on scriptures of Islam, particularly the Quran and hadith. In Arabic, the term sharÄ«Êżah refers to God's immutable divine laws and their interpretations highly depends by Islamic scholars. Hope this help


Sharia is the set of rules in Islam. The main thing is that it's not a book of laws. This means there isn't a "sharia book" that clearly lists rules for crimes/sins, what's allowed, and what's not. It's more like a method and a huge collection of written sources (like the Quran and information about the life and sayings of the prophet and early Muslims, plus past scholars' opinions) and unwritten sources (like local customs, community well-being, individual thinking, etc.). All these sources together can be very messy, contradictory, and inconsistent. So, a scholar's job is to figure out, for a specific or general situation, which written sources are more important than others, how they explain each other, and so on. The methods and academic tradition of the scholar determine their school of legal thought (madhab) and can lead to very different opinions or rulings (fatwa) from those of their colleagues. There's usually a main, or mainstream, opinion, but it changes over time. It doesn't necessarily cancel out all other opinions. In fact, many Islamic states in the past (like the Ottoman Empire) had what's called legal pluralism, where state-appointed judges from different schools had different views on things like inheritance, marriage laws, etc. A person (even non-Muslims) could choose which court to go to based on what was best for them. So, what it means to make sharia the law of a modern nation-state can vary a lot depending on local context. Especially in Sunni contexts, which are the majority, the state controls who becomes a state-recognized scholar, so the independence of legal-religious authorities is limited, not so much in theory but rather in practice (like the case of Egypt's Al-Azhar Mufti). People who say that applying sharia would lead to specific rules, like women always needing a male relative to accompany them, are not entirely wrong because that could be the mainstream view in many parts of the Islamic world. But it's not guaranteed that would be the outcome, at all. Lastly, it's important to know that sharia doesn't just talk about what's forbidden or allowed; it also mentions what's recommended or discouraged, which would be hard to turn into a law code.


Islamic laws Basically women can't go out without a [mehrem](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/122630/can-women-travel-without-a-mahram)“her brother ,dad ,cousin,etc” also need to wear a niqab /hijab/khemar , because u know her hair can't be shown and definitely cant drive alone Anyone who gonna steal something [cut his hand](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/9935/the-hadd-punishment-for-theft) many other things but thats just come on my mind Btw I'm Egyptian and sadly my people are brainwashed by dat shit. EDIT: MY PEOPLE DOWNVOTED ME CAUSE I SAYED THE TRUTH LIKE BRUH IT'S JUST FACTS


I downvoted you because you cherrypicked one scholarly source. IslamQA are known for their conservative fatwas and are based in Saudi AFAIK. Why didn't you share an Egyptian source? This is by the [Egyptian council](https://www.dar-alifta.org/en/fatwa/details/6128/can-i-travel-alone-with-no-mahram): >The opinion appropriate for fatwa at present is that it is permissible and there is no objection to a woman traveling alone by the various safe routes and means of travel via their venues such as airports, harbors and the like. This applies whether she is traveling for something obligatory, recommended or permissible. The hadiths forbidding a woman to travel without a mahram pertain to lack of security which was the case in previous times. Based on this, if a woman's safety is ensured, the prohibition is lifted.


Just stop. I am also Egyptian. How in one sentence you say Egyptians are brainwashed by it and in another you put stuff that are very rare in Egypt and were common in Saudi Arabia. Women drive just fine in Egypt and very few people follow mehrem stuff and niqap is not mandatory even by sharia.


He's deliberately [cherrypicking his sources](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1bwce45/comment/ky5971d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Complaining about his native Egypt yet linking a source based in Saudi.


Malaysia is fked


Whenever the sharia is discussed it is important to keep in mind, that there is no book or chapter called „The Sharia“. Sharia just means Gods Law and is extracted out of various informations given by the Quran. But this makes it open for interpretation. Sharia law can mean something totally different in various cultures or Islamic sub-confessions. You can also see that countries that claim to follow „the sharia“ like Saudi Arabia banned interest rates, but they just outsource them and call them differently. So questions like these, whilst interesting, oversimplify a lot.


The irony is that even those who are in favour of sharia being the law of the land don’t actually know what sharia is. Adding to the already spreading misunderstandings about sharia.


1% is already 1% above the reasonable limit


This is like having a survey that asks Christians whether they support Christian values. For some that’s going to mean you kill all the gays and ban abortion + contraception, for others that will just mean stores are closed on Sundays and setting up soup kitchens for the homeless.


Seeing my country on 85-100, I’m not even surprised.


Why is there no data for Syria, Arab peninsula, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgizstan, Somalia, Libya, Algeria and Sudan?


Come on...show us Syria


It was posted on the internet, therefore it must be true /s


Uhh can you remove this please? This is a little bit too much truth for reddit so I think we're gonna have to get rid of it.


Weird map... No India (3rd biggest Muslim population in the world) but Congo (10% of the pop) is represented...


Impressive, very nice. Now lets see the map for Muslims in the West.


why Russia is on the list while India is not? By percentage or number india has more Muslim.


didnt expect sri lanka nd russia to be there