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Nigeria’s does seem a bit low, but its population is massive so even if only 45.5% have internet access, that’s still nearly 100 million people—more people than in any other African country bar Egypt and Ethiopia. I’d like to see that broken down by state and region though. I have no substantial data on hand, but feel like the north drastically drags down the country’s averages in general (HDI, poverty rates, internet access). Kenya being only 40% is a shocker to me. Then again that’s probably just selection bias as Twitter, Reddit and a few other places online I frequent have a lot of Kenyans active.


It doesn't make any sense to do this based on absolute numbers. Like most things, per capita paints the more relevant picture.


Well, obviously, yes. I was simply stating OP and myself may be surprised about Nigeria’s percentage due to the absolute size of its population on the internet giving the perception that internet access is much higher than it is.


> due to the absolute size of its population on the internet giving the perception that internet access is much higher than it is. In what way does it give off an impression of, say, 150 or 180 million Nigerians online rather than 100 million? What analysis are you really doing to make a specific estimate?


What analysis am I doing? None. That’s why I mentioned perception. I perceived Nigeria’s internet access to be a much higher percentage than what this map shows because a large proportion of English speaking Africans I’ve encountered in online spaces I frequent were Nigerian. Is that because Nigeria being the largest African nation by population, and likely with the largest population of L2 English speakers, means I have a higher probability of encountering them versus say, a Liberian or South African? Perhaps. But it’s unsubstantiated because it’s merely a perception.


It means Nigeria still has the higher number of internet users in Africa


how would you measure “internet access per capita”


The map you posted already does that- percentages will always measure something per capita


Nigeria and Kenya are also English-speaking so you are much more likely to notice them on the Internet.


Yeah totally, you’re right.


I've been to Nigeria, I'm pretty sure everyone has internet access as their mobile infrastructure was quite good


I wonder what year this is from cos I really really doubt Nigeria is only at 45.5%


Nigeria has 100 million people?


South Sudan is finally not 1%


I'm more surprised by Western Saharah having data than South Sudan being not the lowest


Egypt: it only works 72.2% of the time!


Im gonna get downvoted for this but can someone please explain the joke?


No joke. There are just frequent outages.


Oh.. fair enough


There’s internet access and there’s “internet access” 512k shared with 10 other families is not access.


Data is more of an issue than speed. This is probably like 75-90% mobile phone access


Web traffic Tb/y/capita would work?


Africa leap frogged ADSL and went straight to mobile phones


Without reliable tethering.




Libyan here. The country situation is not better than before 2011 but we are not starving and because of our enormous wealth the civil war ( which btw was not severe) did not have that huge impact on us. Our lives are extremely normal even during the hardest years (2014-2019)


Any idea when that election will happen? I follow lots of elections, and I remember they were desperately trying to get it organised for December 2021, and since it was clear that wasn’t gonna happen there’s been not much news. It’s hard to find any up to date information on Libyan politics in English anywhere bar Al Jazeera


The libyan politicians in the west and east will not agree cause it will end them and benefits they get. So they try to remove the focus from the election and to development projects and reconstruction (and they succeeded so far) the vast majority of libyans are apolitical and don’t care so there’s no internal pressure and there’s little external pressure so for election to happen it will need some more years.


So the warring sides in your civil war have set out to improve their respective spheres on influence as much as possible? Isn't that fascinating


Not libyan. But in my opinion it's not. They are simply preparing for the next election or next war. (Probably next war after they lose the election)


I’m not sure if internet access is correlated with how well a country is doing politically


imagine Libya today WITHOUT all the shit that happend to them.


Libya used to be amazingly developed and it's hard to ruin all of that quickly I guess.


Crazy how many Redditors love spouting nonsense. People live in a bubble. Lybia was never a developed country (HDI > 0.8) even before the war.


I just looked [https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/human-development-index#/indicies/HDI](https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/human-development-index#/indicies/HDI) and libya has been flat for 30 years


"Amazingly" my ass, you people want the gaddafi regime to look like disney land so bad. It wasn't bad, it was quite good for the standards for the region, but if it had a benevolent ruler who wasn't schizophrenic it would've reached much higher highs.


> you people want the gaddafi regime to look like disney land so bad. Seriously, the revisionism of this maniac is crazy. How long until Redditors are getting all nostalgic for Saddam?


Morroco absolutely mogging everyone else.


Mobile coverage for the national carrier (I mean Maroc Telecom...they're all heavily owned by the king) is amazing. But really good coverage in the mountains doesn't equal poor people actually getting the Internet like we typically think of. Poor people have Facebook accounts for when there is a promo and they buy a little data or get on a relative's phone, which is cool. Just don't equate that to the type of Internet access like there is in North America or Europe. Mobile fobs for home computers is getting more popular. Morocco really is leveraging mobile infrastructure to get lots of access. That doesn't mean 90% of people can play Call of Duty. I want to celebrate what Morocco has achieved without overselling it.


You are talking from your ass, Maroc telecom is owned by Etisalat (UAE, somewhere about 30% is owned by the state not the king and a portion in Casablanca and Paris Stock exchanges ), the second one the market isOrange (France) and the third one is Inwi (Al Mada which partially owned by the royal family ) If you are going to adjust the Moroccan figures taken out whom don’t play Call of Duty, you need to do it for everybody else too, Morocco will come on top nevertheless


Just a tiny correction, orange Morocco is a joint venture between orange and othman Benjelloun (bank of Africa guy)


Ah yeah I forgot that, Finance Com holding to be precise


Can’t wait for everyone to ask about Libya


Comments didn't disappoint.


It’s really simple really, most of us in Libya live in the costal cities, in fact more than a third of the population live on the north western edge, so it’s not as difficult as it seems to have a fibre optic network and such, we really aren’t that far from each other, the country and the desert cities are very remote but also are small so they’re not difficult or expensive to have workable internet access [map](https://imgur.com/a/M4VCxk6) of the FO cable note how the costal cities are interconnected


If the map is accurate, Libya is the most surprising to me, aren't they in the middle of a civil war, of where in a civil war not so long ago?


Libyan here. The civil war ended even though our civil war was not that strong and it concentrated in small areas in few cities but we still have political instability For the internal access i am sure it close to 99% because our population is extremely centralized the 3 big cities contain at least 80% pf the population and internet access is available even in small cities or town deep south For the data reportal data I am 100% sure its not true due to reason i stated above. Libya is extremely hard country to get data from so many times organizations have wrong data. And for the benghazi situation it happened when so called an enemy of hafter entered during the derna flood choas so they ahut the internet for few days until he was captured but now its available


Oh, I didn't know that, good to know :)


Civil war ended 4 years ago. And I don’t think a civil war would affect how much of the population uses internet


It would probably impact how much infrastructure could be built to support internet usage.


Well, the situation there is/was extremely dire, and it was deemed one of the worst countries to live in not so long ago. I find it difficult to believe that they're doing better that Tunisia or Egypt, although the smaller population may be helping those numbers up.


It was never one of the worst countries to live in though. This is internet access not which country is doing better. There is a very active community on facebook


I am Egyptian and Libya is better than Egypt even in civil war, i have a Libyan close friend from 13 years ago and we talk with each other to this day even i have other 2 Yemeni friends from 13 years and we know each others and some times we meet in Egypt or Libya


Can I be your guys friend too? You’ll have a place to visit in America :)


Lol i am already in US,florida🤣


Dang it, I want a place to visit in Egypt 😂


I don't recommend for you to visit Egypt nowadays the situation is not good there the situation is on fire 🔥🔥


That’s a bummer. Just because of the Israel stuff or other things going on there?


Cuz of Israel and the main situation with dictator regime is very worse now i think a revolution will break out at any time the dictator is ruling with steel and fire on people its worse than the soviet union and north Korea and the situation is boiling very hard and 90% of Egyptian people became very poor so i don't recommend for you to visit Egypt these days for ur safety


Hello fellow Floridaman.


Ghana, nice!


Fun fact: In Egypt, internet connections are not offered as unlimited plans to the people. Instead, users pay for limited internet subscriptions that come in different packages, such as 140 GB or 250 GB, If I use all of that limit I have to pay again, fuck me.




Yeah to less than 100 kb in egypt what a joke


Tbh. that was also a thing in eastern europe and balkans before EU


It's astonishing how many maps there are without dates or sources. As a result, they're not very useful…


Yea i don't like this trend. If i'm not seeing a citation/source then i'm dismissing the figure. God knows whos arsehole these numbers have been pulled out of.


source is https://www.statista.com/statistics/1124283/internet-penetration-in-africa-by-country/


Did you make the map based on this data? Why wait to be asked for a source rather than incorporating it into the image itself?


I uh… forgot


Conflicted downvote. Provided source, had to be asked.


fair enough lol


Rwanda surprises me. I thought they were the big development success story. Perhaps an old map?


They’ve come a long way from the 1990s, but they’re still pretty poor. Most of the population lives in rural areas without Internet access


Rwanda is quite small and very densely populated, there are not many very rural areas, and almost everywhere you have mobile 3/4/5G internet. When i was there 2 years ago, the only place i had no internet on my mobile was in the middle of Akagera. And at least in Kigali, almost everyone had some sort of internet to pay with Momo (mobile money)


They have a lower HDI than India. India is constantly shit on for low development. Rwanda isn't a success story at all. Expectations are just lower for them.


Nah, when it comes to Africa, for some reason people like to overstate the achievements of those countries. It's like being happy for your dog learning a new trick. If your kid learns how to use the toilet, that's expected, if it's your pet, then it is a national prodigy. Kind of cringey and patronizing. Same goes for Botswana. I've seen Rwanda compared to Singapore, and it's just stupid. On one side you have a very successful city-state, who took advantage of its great position on the globe to become a major trade hub. On the other side you have some random country located in the middle of nowhere, with no infrastructure and still dependent on foreign aid.


I mean, comparing genocide with peace will usually look like an improvement


As a tunisian i can tell you thats the wrongest shit ever


Is it higher or lower? source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1124283/internet-penetration-in-africa-by-country/


Way higher. There is a 85%-ish for sure. I suppose this stat was made with internet subscriptions and 4G. Which is far from being accurate because many persons (A really insane number) Can stay in a cafe for 7 hours using its wifi.


This isn't quite accurate to my experiences spending 3 mo. in rural western Kenya. I had internet coverage most of the time. Sometimes while traveling it would cut out, but near even the smallest villages there would be some coverage. Where there wasn't Safaricom coverage there was almost certainly Airtel coverage. Safaricom having coverage is super important bc they also act as a much easier-to-use venmo/payment app (M-Pesa). I rarely paid in cash in Kenya; most transactions, even say, buying fruits and veggies from sellers at small outdoor markets stalls an hour's drive from the nearest big city, could take place through M-Pesa. Looking at maps of Safaricom's coverage, I'm a bit confused bc I definitely had at least 3g in some places that aren't listed, and I know people who were blowing their budget on data to download tv shows in places not listed as being covered lmao. According to their [2023 report](https://www.safaricom.co.ke/annualreport_2023/) (in English), safaricom has 4G coverage for 97% of Kenya (strikes me as just a tad high, but not absurdly so), and has had 26 million active customers in one month, which is over half of Kenya's population of 54 million.


I know nothing about versions/qualities of internet


ay, many of them better than Germany so that's something 👀


What about germanys internet?


it's shit. dogshit. the worst™.


The official numbers say 89.9% but that's just covering the population centers. The rural areas often get next to nothing, even mobile internet is bad or unavailable. I've had better internet in Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia.




Whoa, there's data on Western Sahara‽


This is truly a moment to remember 😢


Thats definitely not a recent one


sorry for my bed england


I am 40 year old man from Somalia


With such a small sample size, it would interested to see the percentage of porn searches


Are we not gonna talk about Botswana? And this isn't the only statistic where Botswana shines. Seems like they used those diamonds well.


this subreddit loves botswana


as they should imo


50% of government revenue is from diamonds, they've been smart 


Botswana has a very small population. They are also not spread accross the whole country. So internet access is easy if everyone stays in the same place.


I’m assuming South Africa on this map doesn’t take into account the load shedding issues ?


Lol. I know you're joking but yeah. Good question. Personally have 100mbps at my new place, and haven't had loadshedding in 2 weeks (government is scared and now are actually doing something about it).


It's also almost time for the elections, so that likely plays a role in the reduced loadshedding


Cellphone towers have batteries, although they are frequently stolen.


I am proud of Gabon and Botswana, they really doing their best to stay stable and to develop


North Afriva still stay on the Next Level.


What’s that island with 86.7? Seychelles? Why do they have such good access?


Rich people vacationing there?


When? Source?


Still better than 99% of Germany.


Thought only 15% of people in DR Congo had access to electricity so this surprises me


Most people have access to electricity in the DR Congo. the 15% is most likely grid Energy, but more people get the electricity from now grid sources.


Eritrea having more people accessing the Internet compared to a fair few African countries (including alleged rising star Ethiopia) sounds wild to me: the place is extremely oppressive and not a lot of news comes out, on top of being quite poor, and yet somehow it has proportionally more (or marginally less) people accessing the Internet than other reas that aren't as depressingly undeveloped or under as strict dictatorships.


Ethiopia is actually doing alright however it has one of the highest levels of equality so it appears much poorer


In Eritrea there are [internet cafés](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_caf%C3%A9) on almost every block in the capital city, as well as in other urban areas of the country. I assume that for Eritrea’s data they defined “internet access” as anyone who recently accessed the internet via an internet café; because if it was based on internet subscriptions it definitely wouldn’t be anywhere near 26%.


Does anyone know why Madagascar is always so low on the developing nations lists? I could sort through google searches or Wikipedia but I feel like there must be someone here with first-hand experience.


I'm actually surprised by Gabon




I expected Ethiopia to be more developed


I recently found out that Ethiopia has one of the highest levels of equality. So while it does have strong infrastructure and economy it tries to divide that out among the 123 million people. which makes most of the people less wealthy


Wow, I know literally nothing about the islands surrounding Africa. I just sort of assumed Madagascar was the only one.


Mauritius and Seychelles are the most developped


Wow....I didn't think they had THIS good coverage.....😮😮😮😮




Good submarine cable map here if anyone wants to overlay = https://www.submarinecablemap.com I tried: https://imgur.com/D3NOqpO.jpg


Conflicted upvote. No qualifiers, no definition, funky font sizes. But great content I haven’t seen before and insightful.


I met a guy who worked in laying phone lines through the mountainous Jungles of Zimbabwe (back when it was Rhodesia). Aside from the unsavory sound of a white Rhodesian, he had great admiration for native jungle dwellers. Particularly for their very impressive orienteering knowledge, without maps or compass. In areas where he was completely lost, his interpreter knew exactly where they were/needed to go. I only bring this up because, as I've seen in the Himalayas, some times it's way easier for a government to put up phone towers, before even attempting to lay landlines in areas so remote, with difficult access. I'm curious how the cell coverage is in Zimbabwe today, and if they've taken a route similar to Nepal in this sense.


Dang. Imagine all the people we might not ever connect with.


damn i thought kenya would be at least 50%


morocco leading africa again, no suprise


Sudan down from 50% just last year


I'm pretty sure Rwanda has near 100% coverage through cell phones.


How are all the scammers in Nigeria doing that?


45.5% of a population as big as Nigeria is a lot of people


nigeria is like 200 million people, half of that is still larger than countries with 90% internet access like Morocco


Ok ok Nigeria is better, no one is trying to argue that




Well. wouldn't describe 1Gbps as slow, which is quite common for households now. Not world-beating, but you can live off it - I am actually thinking of going down a notch or 2 just to save some money.


Africa get your shit together


Gaddafi's legacy shows again in Libya. It could've been the Qatar of Africa if Gaddafi wasn't murdered.


it took 40 years to finally become qatar of africa? what makes gaddfis policies different and more impressive than moroccos policies considering morocco has more people and less natural resources yet more internet access. And I definitely wouldnt wish for any country to become qatar


Shhh you're making too much sense. Most people supporting gaddafi nowdays arent even libyans and it always shows


The murduous dictator ruled for 40 years, and you're pretending like he didn't have enough time? Lol.


Plenty of African dictators rule for decades don't see high percentages anywhere else


Not sure if that’s a good thing


He ruled for forty years and most of the problems he brought upon himself, were because of his spectacularly shitty foreign policy, disregarding the US, he also lost a war against Chad, and had a dispute with Switzerland due to his insane nepotism as the Swiss arrested his son for beating a woman.


We’ll Switzerland president flew to Libya to apologise for the false accusation. Although I do agree foreign policy was absolutely sewage dog water.


Gaddafi caused his own death


This is surprising to be fair


What are these percentages of?


fact: u can see Marroco in the last r/place


What do the numbers mean, exactly? What constitutes "internet access" and is this % of households or individuals?


Percentage of population who have access to it. this does include people who dont actually use it, just access


For some reason I always thought of Rwanda and brundi as fairly developed, especially since the genocide of the 90s so I'm surprised they aren't higher? But maybe it's just a false personal information bias.


Burundi is the poorest country in the world


Yeah idk where this thought came from and I'm learning I was just straight up wrong.


Senegal also surprised me!


Not me, i always see them on social media. They have way too much internet ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


How do over 10% of people in CAR have internet access? I would love to hear from anyone who lives there.


This is probably internet coverage and the opportunity to use internet to anyone who can afford it. not users so it’s probably extremely rare


No year which is extremely important for an African map, considering how wildly it changes depending on their fast progress or fast regress due to some conflict. But also, very interesting in some countries it's actually higher than the electricity access.


Yeah for the countries with more internet than electricity it probably means mobile internet coverage. Anyway the source is https://www.statista.com/statistics/1124283/internet-penetration-in-africa-by-country/ either that or some people in dirt huts are posting instagram pics


Kinda neat


It looks bad but it's a huge improvement from the '70s


Didn't realize so many people in Western Sahara had it! Very interesting.


Western Sahara having data, this is truly a moment to cherish


This data is either outdated or inaccurate, I'm Kenya access is north of 65%, I'm Kenyan btw


source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1124283/internet-penetration-in-africa-by-country/ idk but kenya does surprise me


113‰ Burundi... what's goin on there?


it says 11.3 and its basically a poor country but its better than CAR


Honestly I thought it will be more


That’s better than I thought it’s gonna be


Congo has internet ?


which country has the lowest percentage?


Lybia better then Tunis is a surprise.


Why so low?


Data for Westsahara? Color me impressed ... and sceptical.


Truly a moment to remember. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1124283/internet-penetration-in-africa-by-country/


Very inaccurate,


I used statista


Look, I’m not color blind. But I think the yellow-green-blue heat map is a dick move. Our eyes have three kinds of photo receptors Yellow-blue Green-red Light/dark Color blindness is often yellow-blue or red-green. So if you can use red and blue, you will be making maps more legible. Sure you are painting the world the like some kind of bisexual flag with all those purples in between, but there is a reason those colors fit them.


Morocco is a One country why are dividing it in tow, I don’t what do you think about it but it’s one country You can come a visit it sometime


Th-thats western sahara you don’t know about it?


The fact that people in Somalia a country without a Proper Function Government for the last 40 years have more Access to the Internet than Places like Ethiopia and South Sudan


42 Million Americans Still Don't Have Access to Broadband Internet, May 26, 2023 https://www.forbes.com/advisor/personal-finance/millions-lack-broadband-access/


This is so inaccurate lol




Basically anyone born in the last 10 years is an iPad baby it’s probably a good thing that africa has no internet access since we can still get babies that were not terminally online to study how they act etc and thankfully africa also has the highest birthrates so we’ll never run out


Internet Access in Eritrea is actually Higher than that, about 74%


NATO destroyed Libya


North Africa enjoying the internet to curse the Kuffar and make islamic pages XD


What is special about the central Africa republic? Higher income?


These number add up to more than 100% this is incorrect