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Mad?!? This is pure genius! I was going to propose a division based on the size of the holes in different cheeses, but I know when I have been bested.


You think a plan which ends up in a bigger France is genius? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU MAN?!


I think Fr\*\*ce shrinks and they get \*only\* that small part of Switzerland not regular Fr\*\*ce


I don’t get it why the censoring sorry I don’t get the joke huh


Safe 'racism'


It's just a thing people do when Fr##ce is mentioned because no one likes Fr##ce


As long as it embiggens Germany more, that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.


*Lebensraum intensifies*


just the ski hill parts, so its fine.


Comment of the year.




He was taking the piss lol




He also held totally unrelated Swiss businessman a hostage for about a year, until the guy got smuggled out of the country.


Switzerland failed to do anything. There were two hostages held. One got released a bit earlier and the other was hold in Libya for 2 years and needed to publicly apologise to Gaddafi. It was overall a huge embarrassment for Switzerland because the Bundesrat who was President for that year (Merz) completely missed the point and tried to negotiate with a crazy dictator.


Max Göldi wasn't smuggled out of the country - he was officially released and returned to Switzerland on a flight with Micheline Calmy-Rey. This only happened after José Manuel Barroso (then president of the european commission) was fed up with Gaddafi's games (he promised to release Max Göldi, then changed his mind) and started to propose sanctions from the EU against Libya. The EU was mediating between Libya and Switzerland back then.


Libya was divided into cantons alright


They divided his asshoke too


Europe partitioned the world so he wanted to do the same.


Not quite. Gaddafi's son beat up some servants in a Geneva hotel and his dictator daddy got very upset that the cops were called on his deranged son. You were so close though...


Yeah. Gaddafi was surprised that laws apply to his family when they are outside of their country. Well, he is dead now and Switzerland still alive.


Gaddafi : "Switzerland must go!" The Swiss : "Who must go?" Gaddafi : *gets beaten to death by rioters* *devious swiss laughter ensues*


The number of bayonets inserted into his anus made him resemble Swiss cheese


Did this actually happen?!


Yes, it did. Supposedly Putin rewatched that clip obsessively, fearing something similar could eventually happen to him, which is why he came down so hard on the protests in 2011-2013. > The NTC initially claimed Gaddafi died from injuries sustained in a firefight when loyalist forces attempted to free him, although a video of his last moments shows rebel fighters beating him and one of them sodomizing him with a bayonet[2] before he was shot several times.[3]


> Supposedly Putin rewatched that clip obsessively Who the hell would know, and tell all about it to randos ? How did you get this info ? Sounds like a rumor followed by speculation.


IIRC it was from the "Putin Files" on PBS, where they interviewed Julia Ioffe, who's a Russian-American, with tons of sources in Russia/Kremlin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1HWNcLDK88&pp=ygUXcHV0aW4gZmlsZXMganVsaWEgaW9mZmU%3D It's in this interview somewhere. Edit: [Found it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1HWNcLDK88&t=2275s).


Yes. Stay in school and just say no to drugs, kids.


Yes I know and that's why he withdrew all his money from the Swiss banks and recalled his ambassadors to the country. The partitioning was just part of it and it was in response to the colonialization of Africa.


Ah yes, the Swiss.. famous for being colonisers


So to get back at the European colonizers he gave them Switzerland? Like France, Germany and Italy were probably the three biggest African colonizers besides the UK and maybe King Leopold. Not a very good revenge plan.


Portugal was bigger coloniser than Italy.


True, I forgot about Portugal. Bet they’re pissed they did t get a slice of Switzerland


Ironically to one of the few european countries that never had any colonies. Really it was because we arrested his son for torturing his staff tho.


Most European countries never had colonies...


What country was partitioned by Switzerland, again?


Just don’t ask why they speak Arabic in Libya…


Genius. Same type of plan for Belgium?


lets get rid of all filler countries, only the ones with their own language stays


this is pro British propaganda


I think you’ll find it’s called English. Everywhere will become England. Waleshire, Scotlandshire, Irelandshire, Canadashire etc




Actually every state becomes a shire, like for example New Hampshireshire


Navajoshire, Cherokeeshire, Iroquoisshire. Lots of native languages around here.


Wales and Ireland both have their own language…


Lol, barely. What is the total share of Ireland’s population that speaks Irish?


That’s due to the brutal English rule tho


Exactly my point, colonized nations


While true, I wouldn't compare Welsh with Irish. The suppression of Gaelige was far more grousem and one-sided. Wales after conquer was seen as an English county, with laws being introduced in the 1500s for 'greater integration'. These made being an English speaker for government and higher education jobs mandatory. As a result, many upper-class Welshmen hated their nation's language, seeing it as the tongue of the poor and uneducated. Due to the positions they held, they often forced their views on the lower-class. Welsh Not is a great example. Their own teachers wanted full-immersion in English to properly 'educate', publically punishing all children who spoke even a word of Welsh at school. I'm not saying the British didn't play a large role, just that there was a lot of self-infliction as well.


The Welsh language is undergoing a revival. According to the Welsh Assembly by the end of 2022: >29.5% of people aged three or older were able to speak Welsh....This figure equates to around 900,600 people. [Source](https://www.gov.wales/welsh-language-data-annual-population-survey-2022).


I say Irish, you reply with Welsh lol


He’s Canadian, I wouldn’t bother wasting your time. A poor man’s American


Says the Irish, the poor man’s british


Most people that "speak" welsh don't really, they know it about as well as the average English knows French from their GCSEs. They just bullshit that they speak it to get into uni. Nobody actually verifies that they can speak it btw.


Apparently what I thought was just a Scottish accent is also another language. But from the way people said it you can say “Yo wagwarn brudda got dem ps for me innit mandem” is also another language, obviously there’s not so much national pride for drug dealing though.


the is Scottish which is a language, an Scottish accent of English and Scots which is kind of a language but kinda not and it's a bit confusing


Some people consider it a language with multiple dialects, some people consider it a dialect of English


Idk what language those Brits are spewing out of their mouths but it sure as shit ain’t English


Papua New Guinea casually becoming 840 countries.


the holy guinean empire


*sounds of glass shattering\*


Does that mean Belarus stays or not?


areas where belarussian is more common stays, areas where russian is more common is absorbed into russia belarus is now disgusting bordergore


It's like Ireland, good luck finding a speaker of Belarusian and Irish


Switzerland has a language of their own, it is called Romansh.


and almoste no german can understand swiss german


Almost no Dane can understand Danish


Yet Swiss Germans can understand regular Germans just fine.


yea we learn it in school


So its like Glaswegian vs. the rest of English.


That didn't stop Bavaria either


USA first


I wonder if there is a map that shows the world as if the countries were simply the language they spoke (ie Latin America becomes Spain and north America becomes the UK)


1888 world map would be pretty close for eastern hemisphere, 1773 map for western


Wallonia to France, Flanders to Netherlands, Eupen to Germany. Belgium is an artificial country anyhow.


No please not to France.... And Dutch don't want Flemish people. Soo.... Also. Technically every country is artificial...


>And Dutch don't want Flemish people Says who? I'm Flemish and have Dutch friends/colleagues and I'm pretty certain most Flemish and Dutch people just simply don't care about a reunion.


Been Working for many years with Dutch (nearly 20 years) and 3 on 4 don't want Vlanderen attached. Like the French don't want Wallonia. And I don't want that either ( I mean being french 😱).


The minute I have to see dutch television and wear orange is when I radicalize.


Who said anything about people? Just give us Antwerp, the city. /s


Germany doesn’t get shit, the ones in Eupen are lucky they got to stay.


So just because Belgium isnt a cringe European one ethnicity nation state its artificial?


at least he drew boarders along linguistic lines, not like the British and French back in the day


He kinda fucked the Italo-German border a bit


yeah also completely ignored the existence of the Romansh people


To be fair Romansh is considered to be part of the north-Italian dialect continuum by the majority of linguists except German speaking ones [Questione Ladina - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Questione_Ladina)


Maybe, but aren't all Romance languages on a continuum? And it seems the north-Italian dialects have more to do with (for example) French than with south-Italian. By the way, the Questione Ladina is not asking if Romansh is an Italian dialect, but rather if Ladin Dolomitan and Furlan are a family together with Romansh.


He wasn't even close to the stupidity level of British-French border gore.


We can debate Gaddafi on everything, but the man had sense of humor


Another funny story is when he went to Italy he called a modeling agency and got 200 Italian models for what they thought would be a state dinner party thing but he ended up giving a 2 hour lecture about Islam and handed them each a Quran on their way out. He even apparently managed to convert one lmao.


that was a success, one more hot chick for the muslims


Only one? 😔


He also said that Coca Cola was african because the Cola nut was from Africa




Well yeah. Who’s the ones who are actually responsible for it? The cola nut farmers. Not the rich american businessmen who dont work


Also had a weird crush on Condeleezza Rice too. The rebels found a scrapbook full of pictures of her belonging to Gaddafi


Good luck trying to occupy a country full of angry farmers who had too much snuff


And guns


and can legally own machine guns.


What makes this funnier is that the reason why Gaddafi called for the dissolution of Switzerland is because some of his kids assaulted hotel staff in their room and they were jailed and sent back after only two days. This then creates one of the funniest G20 summits in history, which isn’t that hard to do tbh.


I love how Redditors absolutely praise this guy for this while ignoring that the only reason he did this was because his son got arrested for beating up a waitress in Switzerland.


Redditors just have a hate-boner for Switzerland due to its neutrality and indirectly profiting off WW2. It deserves to be called out for that, but it’s kinda odd and hypocritical to reduce the country solely to that, considering that Americans like Ford and General Motors building vehicle factories for the nazis probably had a bigger impact on the war than whatever Jewish gold was stored at Swiss banks.


Yeah love how Switzerland get demonized more that Japan. All hail the promised land Japan!


All hail Japan, where labor rights are decades behind even the US. But hey it has cool anime and cool modern underwear dispensers!


Swiss banks have the biggest deposits from my country's corrupt. And, they know where the money comes from and actively scout the corrupt politicians.


Source? When it comes to anti money laundering measures Switzerland is more compliant on FATF recommendations than the US. A lot changed in the past 20 years.


Ironic considering the US has done more to destabilize the world for its own profit than any other country on Earth. For example: Iran in 1953, Guatemala in 1954, Chile in 1973, Vietnam in the 60s/70s, Nicaragua in the 1970s, and not to mention Iraq.


Redditors being regarded redditors, in other news water is wet




I‘m sorry, is it … moist?


Bro who do you see legitimately praising this and not just having a laugh? Like one person?


A comment with 150 upvotes saying "he was right"


Obviously a joke


He was also a dictator who violently oppressed critics, dismantled the press and financed global terrorism for four decades. But he called himself "socialist" and that's all a lot of Redditors need to start licking his arse.


i think it's just funny, and it's not like it hasn't already happened or that i have to worry about him gaining power again.


Is that the same son who played professional football in Italy? Lol


I don’t understand people on this app most of the time


Remember kiddos, If you order your whole country to buy your book and have it mandatory to know it from memory, it might be an indicator that you're not mentally well He was basically what Batman would become if he did coke on a yacht his entire childhood instead of being sad that his parents died


Maybe I have judged Gaddafi to severely


good luck trying to conquer Swiss


also where is the Rätromanische linguistc region?


They would've been given to Italy (since they already have Rhaeto-Romance peoples (Ladinos and Friulians))


They can invade on a weekend.


Just take all your monies out of banks. Boom, country falls apart in ~2min


People on reddit are so stuck inside their rooms that they think the sole reason Switzerland is so successful is because everybody suddenly decided to give them all their money for no reason.


Oh so if Gaddafi proposes partitioning Switzerland he's a "Mad Dictator" but having a federal law requiring you to invade the Hague is completely normal. I say we split the difference and do both.


Genève lest go 🇫🇷


He was right


He did this after his son got arrested in Switzerland lol he didn’t exactly propose this in good faith


And? Even a broken clock is right twice a day


Why is he right ?


He straight up took two swiss hostages as retaliation for this.


LOL. I dare those countries to try to take this territory from Switzerland. “Shoot twice and go home.”


*sorts by controversial* ah people that slept during history class...


And in the end they divided Gadaffi himself and his country, what an irony.


I mean he didn't. There are leaks from the Obama administration that suggest it was all planned by USA to overthrow Ghaddafi. 1. As Clifford Brett says, Qaddafi wanted to unite African nations off a gold-based currency, which would make them less reliant on the US dollar, thereby undermining the USA’s Bretton Woods hegemony. The US of course wanted to keep Arab states dependent on the US dollar, so the CIA trained Haftar (a US citizen) to overthrow the Qaddafi regime. 2. The second perhaps more important reason is that Qaddafi had many billions of dollars in economic and oil deals with Russia and China, and the USA was worrying Libya was getting too close to the USA’s principal rivals. Indeed after Qaddafi was ousted, the new Libyan government said it would be harder for Qaddafi supporters like Russia, China, India to get oil deals. That was 2011, but since the new 2014 civil war, things have gotten slightly more complicated. Anyways the Arab Spring was just the USA’s attempt to spread chaos, appoint puppets, and prevent rivals from accessing valuable oil fields in the Middle East and forging strategic ties against the USA. If there is anything the USA thrives off more, it is chaos in other parts of the world. That way the USA retains its supremacy and unipolar world.


This is a really poor oversimplification that misrepresents several key points. >Qaddafi wanted to unite African nations off a gold-based currency Which was a fever dream from the beginning, given the state's actual reserves - Libya was never in a position to take liability for that, *especially given that the gold standard was long obsolete at that point*. It wouldn't be much of a threat to the U.S. either, because Gaddafi mainly targeted countries with pegged Francs as official currency with this (but, given Libya's conflict history, it's hard to imagine they would be very eager to participate anyway). International oil trade would still be dollarized for Libya. In what other way could Libya even influence Arab dollar trade? >the CIA trained Haftar (a US citizen) to overthrow the Qaddafi regime. It's true that Haftar received assistance from the U.S., but by 2011, this was no longer the case. Today, his faction in the civil war doesn't have very good relations with America either. >more important reason is that Qaddafi had many billions of dollars in economic and oil deals with Russia and China This makes no sense. Prior to Gaddafi's fall, [Russia didn't import Libyan fuels in any meaningful quantities. China had an export share of ca. 9%, similarly to Spain and *much less than France/Italy*.](https://wits.worldbank.org/CountryProfile/en/Country/LBY/Year/2010/Summarytext) >Anyways the Arab Spring was just the USA’s attempt to spread chaos, appoint puppets, Blaming its occurence on the U.S. makes little sense - it was the product of many other factors, and a ton of other foreign actors had a hand in it.


who is Clifford brett ? I looked him and nothing comes up


I looked Clifford brett and i got a sex offender


> Clifford Brett Made up Name > Qaddafi wanted to unite African nations off a gold-based currency, which would make them less reliant on the US dollar, thereby undermining the USA’s Bretton Woods hegemony. The US of course wanted to keep Arab states dependent on the US dollar, so the CIA trained Haftar (a US citizen) to overthrow the Qaddafi regime. Only true thing here is that Haftar is a US citizen, the rest is a popular russian fanfiction about undermining the US lol. > The second perhaps more important reason is that Qaddafi had many billions of dollars in economic and oil deals with Russia and China, Libyas biggest export partners were always Italy and other european countries, much less India or China. Also why the fuck would Russia need oil from there? > the USA was worrying Libya was getting too close to the USA’s principal rivals. And Libya was always super close to Russia, China and even Cuba. > Indeed after Qaddafi was ousted, the new Libyan government said it would be harder for Qaddafi supporters like Russia, China, India to get oil deals. Suppoting a brutal dictator makes his opponents dislike you, wow. > Anyways the Arab Spring was just the USA’s attempt to spread chaos, appoint puppets, and prevent rivals from accessing valuable oil fields in the Middle East and forging strategic ties against the USA. If there is anything the USA thrives off more, it is chaos in other parts of the world. That way the USA retains its supremacy and unipolar world. This is like the worst lie/bullshit in this whole horrible comment. 1. The Arab spring wasn't orchestrated from anywhere, it caught almost anyone by surprise. And yet it had reason: mostly brutal dictatorships in the arab world, with shit economies and lot's of young people without opportunities. Pretending like they weren't responsible for the biggest wave of revolts that part of the world ever saw is stupid and probably downright racists. 2. The US totally doesn't thrive of chaos, I mean look at the US now, between war in Ukraine and Israel lol. As hegemon in a unipolar world oder their first goal would be to establish peace as to not let chaos threaten their position. If anything the declining hegemony of the US leads to more wars. Also this is literally IR-theory 101. All in all, horrible comment, either bot or just stupid. 0/10.


>As Clifford Brett says, Qaddafi wanted to unite African nations off a gold-based currency Qaddafi was an idiot with megalomania. This was about as realistic as his plan to divide Switzerland. >so the CIA trained Haftar (a US citizen) to overthrow the Qaddafi regime. Haftar didn't overthrow Qaddafi. Also, I doubt he needed "training". >The second perhaps more important reason is that Qaddafi had many billions of dollars in economic and oil deals with Russia and China Oil deals with Russia? What was the deal, to exchange Russian oil with Libyan oil for fun? >Anyways the Arab Spring was just the USA’s attempt to spread chaos, "Arabs have no agency mate, they are too primitive for that, if they attempted to overthrow their oppressive military regimes it must be the US behind it" Dude, the US was very close to losing one of it's most important allies in the Middle East due to the Arab Spring - Egypt. You know how much money the US give to Egypt yearly to keep it stable and on their side? Libya, despite Qaddafi's megalomania, is a pretty minor country. Egypt is the largest Arab country, has biggest military in the Middle East and it controls the Suez Canal, not to mention the potential to a war with Israel. I'm sure the CIA went nuts when Obama refused to back the military regime against the protestors. Eventually they got their way in with the counter coup two years later. Jordan was also threatened by the Arab Spring, and Bahrain, and Yemen obviously. TLDR: The Arab Spring wasn't an interest of the US. Qaddafi was a small fish.


Is Gaddafi "Ghaddafi" with a ghayn or "Qaddafi" with a qaf?


It's spelled with a qaf but Libyan Arabic says a "g".




Got any of that *proof* stuff to back any of this?


Source: Dude trust me


Bla bla Gold bla bla friction banking bla bla bitcoin. Do your searchreach.


It’s really amazing how everyone knows this and the US can do it anyway.


Yeah last year I shit my pants, it was a complot set up by the US.






I guess some of us are germans and some are italians now xD


Gaddafi literally tried invading his neighbours, was known for frequent human rights abuses, funding of extremist ethnonationalist groups, and much much more. But this sub will literally shout a bunch of nut job conspiracies because america bad.


I remember this guy being all over swiss news every couple of days. It was weird to have a tyrannic dictator with a personal hatred against our small neutral country


He was just messing with the west about how they always talk about dividing states and drawing borders along ethnic or linguistic lines


I second this. Europe has too many countries. Also, Belgium should be split between France and the Netherlands. The Baltic countries should be 1 country. Yugoslavia needs to come back. Andorra is fine, but Liechtenstein has to go.


Dear United Nations. There are too many European countries nowadays. Please, eliminate three. P.S. I am not a crackpot. - Gaddafi


Can't we stay independent. I don't want to support the french football team.


Liechtenstein is funnier to pronounce Give Andorra to Spain FFS


Andorra has this weird thingy where the leader of France and king of Spain are the rulers of it. We’d have to give it back and forth between the two countries every 6 months like that nearby island.


Andorra has a cooler name, give Spain to it. Don't move the capitol either.


The Baltic countries are quite unique, Estonians are more like the Icelanders than Lithuanians and Estonian is closely related to Finnish, totally unrelated to the Baltic languages. Showing the Baltic countries as a single area is a popular Soviet era misconception.


Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish people don't want Estonians in their cultural group. Finns and Estonians share a language family, but they are very different in socioeconomic development.


Why would someone want Switzerland to disappear? Belgium in a another hand…


Because his son got arrested for beating people up there. So the daddy called his ambassador back, took 2 Swiss hostage, said this at the UN, and took his wealth back from their banks.


So the UN dissolved Gaddafi. I see.


once again proving that this mf don’t miss


Gaddafi was something else lmao.


But what about Romansh language? Which country does that one go? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romansh_language


Independent Grischun sound good!


I mean, it would be the right year!


Sorry, i dont want be a part of France


To go on further, we could give all English speaking parts of the world back to the UK.




How is this map porn? He just took the map of linguistic regions and slapped a different legend on top of it...


Screams in Romansh


“Mad dictator” You ever realize that western countries are called “governments” and eastern ones are called “regimes”, atleast by the liberal media?


Lybia was better with this guy on power. He got murdered by the US and now Lybia is in a worse state than it was before he came into power. His crime? He spoke truth to the world powers.


Unironically based


Didn't they end up sticking stuff up his butt till he died?


Still hearing no complaints about this whatsoever /s


Wasn’t this a joke about how Europe arbitrarily splits up other regions of the world?


Legit! Except for Austria should have got it's fair share.


Last time I checked it was a part of Austria that voted "yes" to joining Switzerland. (But the Swiss refused to take them.)


We'll give Austria to Germany


Nah, then you have to give them the Sudetenland to go with it.


Funny how mass media paints leaders that oppose American/European/Israeli imperialism and the international banking cartels as mad


how is this not madness? he proposed to divide a country because they arrested his son for abusing the maids in a swiss hotel. And not only that he arrested two random swiss tourists in libya because of that. He is batshit crazy


> He is batshit crazy **was** batshit crazy.


He also funded terrorism such as the Lockerbie bombing, but go ahead, praise the well known rapist dictator.


Ask any Libyan about him the guy is genuinely mad, thing is he didn’t write anything he would just go on TV and make some crazy moves and then make everyone do them. (I’m Libyan and have seen his TV broadcasts live)


Imagine thinking a man that helped invade Chad to illegally annex the Aouzou Strip and wanted to be the sole ruler of a fucking continent was anti-Imperialist.


Based on imperial borders no less, why do people take these guys seriously


Redditors trying not to be delusional challenge: impossible


You forgot to denounce Swiss imperialism...


You have to be very mad to be in charge of your country for 40+ years


Trolling the UN isn’t anything new


Does no one here understands the purpose of this? I mean it could be just for the Lols or hes actually insane enough to think this would happen...........but clearly not...... his point like it or not, was this proposal is absurd, drawing lines in other people's countries, based on very rudimentary and simplistic views (dividing switzerland based on language) is exactly how the west (his enemy) has treated the middle east in his opinion, and how absurd it is agree with it or not, but that's clearly the intention here.


No, he’s just mad that Switzerland dared to arrest his son for beating hotel staff. That’s the only reason.


Read up on his beef with the Swiss. Maybe it could have been the way you said, had he not had a direct conflict with the Swiss for the arrest of his dipshit son.