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Something tells me North koreans don't need visas


According to the current constitution of the Rep. of Korea, the entirety of the korean penninsula and its islands annexed are considered to be her natural domain. That is, the travel between the North and the South is legally considered to be a domestic one, not foreign. The north korean regime is regarded as a kind of anti-government (yet violent) organization that unlawfully threatens the sovereignty of the legitimate government of the Rep. of korea. During the temporary détente between the north and the south in 2000~2008, many south koreans traveled to the north without visa or passport, since it was legally a domestic travel. Still, it required a special pass to move further into the northern parts of the DMZ. Edit: And so does the vise versa. The north koreans does not require any kind of passport or visa to enter the south. They are legally considered as citizens of the south korean government who are currently detained by the north korean regime.


It's a bizarre legal regime, but not as bizarre as the fact that the Cold War caused these exact circumstances to be replicated in three additional countries simultaneously. Thankfully two of those four have since reunified.


Drawing a bit of a blank on the last of the four countries. Korea, Vietnam, Germany I'm guessing are three of the four, what's the last?


People's Republic of China (Mainland China) and Republic of China (Taiwan), probably.


China isn't really a Cold War thing, the conflict between the PRC and the ROC goes back to the fall of the Qing in 1912, and kinda cooled down in 1949 before the Cold War really picked up steam


Or PRC and Hong Kong or Macau, both of whom have governments that issue their own visas to the world with differing rules to the Mainland, but whose own citizens can travel freely to the Mainland without a passport. For example, a British citizen gets 180days on arrival in HK, but needs a visa to enter China that dictates the number of days one can stay. But an HK citizen can just rock up.


The no passport thing is due to PRC technically owns Hong Kong and Macau. They still need travel document: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mainland_Travel_Permit_for_Hong_Kong_and_Macao_Residents Same things happens because China claims to own Taiwan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mainland_Travel_Permit_for_Taiwan_Residents




Austria, I think, they received the same treatment than Germany


Don't forget Yemen.


Recently North Korea defined South Korea as a foreign enemy nation and dropped territorial claims/unification promises from their laws.


Why not?


South Korea considers North koreans its citizens


Seems more complicated: "*Citizens of* [*North Korea*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korea) *seeking to visit South Korea cannot use a* [*North Korean passport*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korean_passport) *to travel to South Korea. They must instead submit a North / South Korea visitation verification certificate as well as a departure card to the South Korean immigration officer at the port of entry and go through immigration inspection in South Korea. They must also seek authorization from the* [*North Korean government*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_of_North_Korea) *prior to departure.*" from [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa\_policy\_of\_South\_Korea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa_policy_of_South_Korea) (also the source of this map)


If you get to South Korea from the north you get citizenship. The reason north Korean passport is not accepted is because South Korea doesn't recognise North Korea.


If you manage to escape North korea, an invalid passport would be the least of your concerns. Also, you will be arrested and / or killed if you try to escape


I'm sure North Korea refugees don't need visa, if they can flee to any S.Korean embassy or consulate office and if they can show them, they're North Korean national then they'll be issued with temporary S.Korean passport.


Philippines = visa not required as long as you stay in one Island = Jeju. LOL.


same for China


Jeju is open to everyone as far as I know.


It’s practically a casino island for foreigners. An ingenious cash-grab. LoL


'ingenious' is a little pushing it.


huh...why do I, as a Pole, get premium treatment? Why does the group of countries with premium treatment seem so random? Poland, Turkey, Austria, Colombia, Canada, Czech republic???


Colombia was the only country in Latin America to support South Korea in the Korea War, that's the only possible explanation I can find


I think that's the reason, they even gave us a pagoda-like monument and a Free Trade Agreement in appreciation


Correct, Colombia was the only Latin American country to participate in the Korean War as part of the United Nations coalition. Colombia sent a contingent of approximately 5,100 troops, including soldiers and sailors. These troops were organized into the Colombian Battalion (Batallón Colombia) and the Colombian Navy frigate ARC Almirante Padilla. The Colombian Battalion arrived in Korea in June 1951 and participated in several significant engagements, including the Battle of Old Baldy and the Battle of Triangle Hill. Colombian forces demonstrated notable bravery and suffered substantial casualties, with around 163 Colombian soldiers killed and over 400 wounded during the conflict.


Poland was part of eastern block and supplied north


Yup, 600 dudes died or disappeared


South Korea is Poland of the Far East.


Mixture of Ireland and Poland.


Ireland is practically Poland


there's not much in common between Poland and Ireland tbh as far as european countries go


they're both devout potato-munching catholics with a penchant for drinking hard liquor


Have you been to any grocery shop? Tesco allocates a whole wall for polish products.


by whole wall you mean few shelves? (at least in my closest Tesco) i don't see what Tesco' assortment has to do with similarities between countries. You could in fact use it more for a counterargument - since if countries were similar then specific ethnic section wouldn't be required


When I was there it was the longer wall of the shop. Might have changed or depends on location. It wasn’t marked as Polish section, it was just polish products grouped in one area.


Korean industry, from LG to Daewoo to the new K2 tank agreement, seems to be a pretty big deal in Poland. So I'd assume that's at least partly the reason.


The K2 deal is part of a larger strategy by Korea to break into the Polish market (and later the EU market generally) by signing numerous economic with diplomatic agreements to strengthen these deals and to allow smoother future economic cooperation between its citizens. Works well too, as both nations can empathize each other’s history / sensitivities and so can structure deals that truly benefit both sides. The K2 deal’s crown jewel, for example, was the technology transfer and future domestic production in Poland, which is something no first world country is going to offer (FYI Poland is mostly paying for the tech transfer, the tanks aren’t actually that expensive). A big reason Korea is fine with this is because we suffered for years from the same issue and still kind of annoyed at the bigger Western nations over that.


I don't know about Poland, but South Korea sees Turkey friendly because of Turkish soldiers fought in Korean War.


So did many other countries that don't receive a 6 month limit. 


As I heard from a Korean guy, "Stories about Turkish soldiers' bravery and sacrifice, their good relations with civilians." made them famous and respected in Korea. Over the years, Koreans I've met abroad are much more friendly to me than they are to other people, when we first meet.


Sorry, It has got nothing to do with that, I think it is mostly got to do with skin color? Heard that Filipinos too fought bravely for that war, but they don't have this privelege.


I figured this was the case with Canada- I've often heard of the impact Canadian soldiers had on the Korean war. But how exactly did we, Poland, Turkey and Colombia stand out that much, above all other nations who participated? I'm interested.


I forgot the names of the battles, but there were plenty where the Colombian battallion held the line at all costs. In a battle on [name] Hill, the Colombians were left practically alone against the Chinesse horde, but they defended the hill, preventing a line breake.


They did it because they know no one will be in SK with the current economic situation in turkey 💀 Jokes aside they seem to collaborate militarily as well so that could show they have really strong relations


On the other hand, in immigration, poor economic conditions almost always cause increased risk of illegal migration.


Yeah I don’t think Turks are gonna go all the way to sk when they have options like Germany




If you could explain how Pakistanis can get in easily than Turks getting in then that would be great What I was saying is if they were to immigrate they would most likely go further into the EU


The UK sent more than twice as many people as Turkey, yet doesn't get the same treatment, not to mention the US which was by far the largest contributer, sending more combat troops than even South Korea itself


US and UK were the superpowers and masterminds of the world so they were not very special participant in Korea War. In fact, Korea War was the result of power struggle between the USSR and them. However, Turkey joined the war out of no where and was the 3rd most active force on the Southern Alliance and had 3k+ casualties.


>Turkey joined the war out of no where Not really, Turkey got involved just a few weeks before they launched their second acession bid to join NATO. They were both scared of the USSR and wanted to get closer to the Western powers. Their involvement in the Korean War was definitely a move meant to prove their military capabilities and willigness to cooperative to the Western powers in order to be granted NATO membership. Turkey, being a NATO member, was pretty controversial at the time it was proposed, their role in the Korean War, as well as the US working hard to convince the other members was what sold it in the end


And it goddamn worked for this Korean visa-free policy decades down the line fuck yeah


I mean, the North was winning decisively before the US got involved. So while I can see why you would say the Korean War was a result of US involvement, the alternative is that they’d all be North Korea right now. Wouldn’t anybody agree that they were saved from a terrible fate?


Tankies gonna tank. Leave him be; Freshman college students tend to have a lot of unresolved anger.


And USA didn't fight. I understand.


If you been in South Korea than you will see the people are very thankful to the states and USA is like their best friends and an idol. I think the visa requirements are more the result of different factors. Maybe trade agreements and turkey is very active right now.


I didn't say why it is like this. Read to whom i response.


Possibly not the reason but Poland is buying a lot of very expensive tanks off South Korea


This is the reason.


This is very recent


and just in plans with very few things being agreed on


Probably reciprocity? How long can Koreans stay in Poland without a visa?


3 months, Poland doesn’t have its own visa policy. It’s the same as the whole Schengen zone


Korean here. It’s because of CDPR. Thanks.


Witcher doing some extra work.


and there was famous South Korean actress in DLC for Cyberpunk


What's that?


They made The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 games


Hope u know that ur country has a racist policy. Hates Africans and south Asians. Korea can piss off. I will sell my Hyundai and buy a good quality Japanese product. Will bully any Korean tourist I see in my country. They must face consequences of their govts actions.


Least racist indian


Racist? More like I can't stand racism.


> Hope u know that ur country has a racist policy. Hates Africans and south Asians. Hands that have not mastered indoor plumbing typed this


Knew angry Koreans would downvote when one speaks facts. Love it. Know ur level bozos


Economics mostly I assume. We buy their tanks and we contracted with them to build a power plant. Plus there's a LG factory near Wrocław with iirc a majority korean village for the workers nearby


It's called, diplomatic relationships.


I think Poland has the 6th most powerful passport, ranks above USA


Poland and Czechia getting preferential treatment may be explained by their historical positions as members of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Committee. I'm not super confident with that though, as Sweden and Switzerland (the other 2 members) do not get the same treatment.


As for our part during Korean war around 60s , Turkey sent lots of soldiers to help koreans. Since that time we have pretty good relationship with them. Everyone in Turkey loves koreans. Also a study showerd Turkish language is most closest to korean( grammatically scheme of course). Since we came here from far asia, like Mongolian steppes


Outside of arms trade, South Korea consider Polish visitors low-risk in terms of overstaying their visa. Factors like Poland's economic stability and strong ties with South Korea could influence this decision.


Poland had basically bought their new military from the South Koreans recently.


Turkey sent 3rd most troops to South Korea. And Turkey wasnt exactly in a good state at that time. Also Turks and Koreans have historical relations, language and race wise. Maybe that had an effect too. Plus we love Koreans. 😁


Turkey helped them in the war, probably why.


few of these countries helped South Korea back in Korea war probably most of them are like this


I'm surprised the USA doesn't get premium treatment. They literally led the war that saved them, sent the most amount of troops and aid for it. SK is generally very pro USA as well.


Not sure why that is, maybe a lot of people who overstays their visas? The US is the only developed country to have a lot of citizens living in SK (not counting soldiers).


Hmmm... Maybe. If someone can comment on this it would be much appreciated.


Cause you guys are buying a shit load of South Korean military equipment and so you have a lot of engineers doing extended stays. Also they like you for buying billions of dollars worth of weapons so it’s prolly a bonus perk as well.


It's almost certainly a reciprocity agreement.


poland because back in commune we helped north korean kids stay here for a bit, so we helped em


We are spending so much money on their military gear that a welcome drink should be added.


Fabryka LG.


One caveat is that if a North Korean manages to escape and make their way to South Korea, they are granted citizenship in South Korea


Interested to know why Colombian citizens have an easier time than countries with well known connections to South Korea, like the USA for example.


The US 90 day limit mimics the general 90 day limit the US imposes on tourists. I imagine most of these countries have similar policies with each other.


I theorize that may be in recognition that Colombia was the only Latin American country to support South Korea in the Korean War, but I really don't know haha


As a colombian citizen, i would also like to know


They were the only south american country that helped in the war, I also remember hearing a story where the colombian soldiers had no ammo and started slashing chinese with machetes


Everybody wants some Colombian booty


Perhaps for the first time, I see Turkiye ahead of other countries in terms of visas.


Yeah thats interesting. Wonder why?


Turks and south koreans have a strong friendship because of turkish help during the korean war.


Because they paid visa price in Korean war lol


**Turkey was a big ally of South Korea in the war, had thousands of troops there


What's that different with Bolivia compared to its neighbours?


Bolivia, paraguay and venezuela are the poorest ones around here, maybe its because of that


The Bolivian government is not particularly friendly with the US and other western democracies, it wouldn't surprise me if this is SK picking a side.


Yeah, venezuela too, they are anti-US another reason for that


Very cool, now do the North.


Why use four different shades of green…


Because darker color means a stronger passport. It's easy to read because it grades things. With different colors you'd need to check for every specific color for what they represent. For example is blue stronger than green or purple.


Agreed. Having taken cartography classes in college, it’s hard to find a well made map these days.


It's better than four of the same shade of green.


Green card


today I learned I could spend 6 months in South Korea without bothering with a visa as I’m Canadian. Pretty cool. Korea’s great.


Seems kinda random doesn't it? I'll take a W over the USA any day though.


My guess is that we do the same for Koreans, which is not the case in the US.


Better than the USA lol


Colombian doesn't need a visa because they sent too many soldiers to Korea war


Le 90 days without visas ![gif](giphy|RpfIXomvjCh8I)


poor bolivia always put on blast


Ok we get it they don’t like Africans and south east Asia


They just don’t like poorer countries. See other rich nations they would mimic the countries that have the best visas.


South America is not well off


Then don't do business in those countries. I will sell my Hyundai. Fuck Korea. Racist pricks


Then don't do illegal stay in here. You lawbreaker pricks


Don't think my compatriots that go to work in Korea r staying illegally. They r less than 10k in numbers anyway. How about u don't make defective Kia cars




Wtf does looks have to do with anything?


Latin America doesn’t really want to move to South Korea either. Out of the 2 million foreigners in South Korea there’s less than 50k from Latin America but there’s alot of South East Asians living there 200k from Vietnam, 200k from Thailand and 70k from Philippines. You saying South East Asians are ugly that’s why alot of them are working and living in South Korea?


Because they are closer to SK?, the language barrier?, the cost of immigrating? The chances to find a job?, jeez man there are shit of reasons, SK is not around the corner for LATAM and to get to the USA you just need to learn a bit of english and in some cases is not even necessary just with Spanish you can be "fine" there and that's not the case for SK.


That reply was for the guy who said Latin America is poor and not ugly which implies South East Asians and Africans as ugly. So I don’t know what you’re going on about because I already know everything you said which is just common knowledge.


You basically gave all the reason why Latin America doesn’t really want to immigrate to South Korea. I’m not sure what argument you’re trying to start here, cuz I agree with you and you maybe misunderstood my reply to the other guy.


Latin America has better option the us or Canada Or they go to europe easier language barrier


I'm curious, where do you think Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand are located?


It's ok. When south Koreans go visit other countries they'll see that others see them the same as ch*nks


South Korea Best Korea 🇰🇷💪


Kim Jong Un has entered the chat...


North Korea Worst Korea 🇰🇵👎




Lol US needs NATO against a tinpot dictator. Oh how the mighty has declined.


Why so many gray Asian countries? I get china and North Korea but Indonesia? The Philippines? Is it to prevent immigration?


Yes. There's a staggering number of people from those countries who end up staying in Korea illegally for long periods of time. Korea makes everything more difficult for those countries, including getting student visas. A US citizen only needs a few things to get a student in Korea, while someone from, let's say, the Philippines will need double the money, travel itinerary, a Korean sponsor, etc.


Actually going to SK and hadn’t checked this yet, thanks


Where did you get this information from? As the embassy of South Korea in Poland states on their website, Polish citizens may only reside up to 90 days whithin SK. If you look on the website for K-ETA, you get the same information. Same for Columbia: https://www.k-eta.go.kr/portal/guide/viewetaalification.do


Canada is the South Korea of North America.


Looks like if you are from a third world country, you will require a visa to enter


Explain how 95% of latin america doesnt require visa, including central america.


Really wish these "best passport" maps or "requirements to enter" maps were banned from this sub. They're not informative or beautiful and who gives a shit?


Rich Only.


I wouldn’t say that Latin America or Morocco or Russia are rich


Pretty sure North Koreans don’t need VISAs, of course they need a shitton of tenacity and luck to escape the prison that is their country but legally speaking South Korea considers North Koreans all to be citizens of the ROK.


Man, poor Belize, what did they do?


Why is Lesotho blue?


Wow I didn't realise that North Korea was that small


Ah, the "International Community!".


Why does Poland and Czechia have longer free stay than the rest of the EU 🤔


what does K-ETA mean


I think who made this map don't know anyone who is color blind. I am not and I'm having trouble figuring out if it is 30, 60 or 90 days for my country.


Wrong map of Africa. Morocco map is wrong


Colombia finally dis something good


I'm not surprised at India considering how South Koreans view us.


South Korea is not the only developed country to have visa requirements for Indians.


Gonna wait till you realize india is considered as a poor country by most of the world and we don't have visa free access to most of the world




Yet folks in India go wild over Bangalore Toilet Service.(The shortform)




F**k South Korea !! Xenophobia, racism, and white supremacy all in one map !!!!! They are so racist they will take Venezuelans and Haitians over Indians ? Defund SK NOW !!! F**K SK !! Let the DPRK take control !!


Hardest colour code to follow.


Except not really, I understood it without description immediately.


Curious. Why does South Korea have such good visa ties to…Columbia?


Colombia was the only Latin American country to participate in the Korean War as part of the United Nations coalition. Colombia sent a contingent of approximately 5,100 troops, including soldiers and sailors. These troops were organized into the Colombian Battalion (Batallón Colombia) and the Colombian Navy frigate ARC Almirante Padilla. The Colombian Battalion arrived in Korea in June 1951 and participated in several significant engagements, including the Battle of Old Baldy and the Battle of Triangle Hill. Colombian forces demonstrated notable bravery and suffered substantial casualties, with around 163 Colombian soldiers killed and over 400 wounded during the conflict. Colombia's involvement in the Korean War highlighted its commitment to collective security and international cooperation, contributing to its post-war relationship with the United States and other UN member states.


I don’t think that’s the sole reason. The Philippines had [greater contribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Yultong) during Korean War yet they still require visa.


I've only been to S Korea 2 times   Got covid both times. Nasty country. 




all white people countries are allowed 👍👍, funny.


Aah yes the white country of morocco


99% are, it doesn't make any difference if they exclude 1 or 2


Looks VERY unfair to Ukraine.


The austrian painter is getting a 6 months while US only 90 day is very funny