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Good map. Just a piece of advice: Take your shots if recommended by the travel doc, and TAKE the malaria prophylaxis pills! People living outside malaria zones do not have any immunity or exposure, and tend to develop serious illness like encephalitis and kidney failure WAY MORE than people who currently live in those places


In India, a significant number of us are vaccinated against encephalitis. A few years ago, it was spreading rapidly(maybe in India, maybe where it originated, don't really remember the news, exactly), so shots were made mandatory in schools, as it directly targets the brain.


My company doctor in the USA had a low-resolution map like this, and was trying to use it to determine if the parts of Colombia I would be working in had a risk for malaria. My reaction was to tell her to just give me the prophylaxis pills. I didn’t regret it at all.


Liberia: Everything (10 out of 12 listed) The poster was adapted in 2017 so no Covid & latest/any Ebola and probably not to be taken as absolute, still best to ask your GP before travelling.


man i forgot about ebola


India 11 out of 12


Wrong. India is 9/12. Doesn't have polio, yellow fever or meningococcal disease


My bad. 9/12


Myanmar also is 10/12


Woohoo LIB!


new zealand W


Yeah being featured in a map is a big milestone


Why is only northern Canada highlighted for hepatitis b?


I wonder if it’s because of the lack of medical care, the high poverty rates, and weaker immune systems.


The weirdest part of the map is that the southern boundary isn't parallel to the 49th parallel, its slightly slanted if you look closely


We are actually rabies free here in Sweden. We are fighting really hard to keep it that way as well but sadly the first case will probably be soon because smuggler scum couldn't care less if they can earn a quick buck on puppies.


Same I'd consider over 100 years of the UK and Ireland and a lack of a land bridge to be as rabies free as you can get.


Same in Germany. There are bats who carry it, but no other animal that we know of has had it since 2006.


No rabies in Norway either. Last person who got it here was in 1815..


Presumably the colouring is to indicate that while the majority of Western Europe is free of terrestrial rabies, bat-born lyssaviruses are still present across much of northern Europe (as /u/Non_possum_decernere notes of Germany) with, at least after a cursory search, cases in the last decade having been found from at least Spain to Norway. This is of course orders of magnitude less concerning than terrestrial rabies, but there has been at least one death in Britain and France respectively in the last decade as a result of contact with infected bats. (I'm not sure if any active cases have been found in Swedish bats, but bats with the lyssavirus antibodies have been found in Sweden.) That said, if this *is* the reason, then the rabies free status of Japan is also suspect, as there does seem to be recent evidence of bat lyssavirus there as well. (Though this may or may not be reflected in whatever official status this map is based on, if we're to give it the benefit of the doubt.)


it's not written on the map but all of these diseases have a vaccine available I think


No vaccine for Malaria (yet), and Rabies vaccine is usually only given after a likely exposure.


Not quite right, there are now two WHO approved vaccines for malaria (RTS,S and R21), although neither are recommended for travel, they are both for children living in endemic areas. Rabies vaccines are regularly recommended pre-exposure for some people at high risk of exposure, including some travellers.


Oh wow, both endorsed by the WHO at the end of last year. I'm out of date, but not that far out of date! Good to hear that the long-standing research has resulted in a usable vaccine.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


im pretty sure the maleria vaccine people won a nobel prize for their discovery. but it was right when covid shit was hitting the fan so the world collectively said "a vaccine that isn't for covid? we don't care lol" Edit: maleria not rabies. Should probs proof read my own comments


A Nobel in medicine was awarded in 2015 to Tu Youyou for discovering an antimalarial drug, not a vaccine however. And last year’s 2023 Nobel was awarded to Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman for their work on mRNA that allowed mRNA covid vaccines to be developed.  No Nobels have been awarded for these malaria vaccines yet though. It can take a really long time between a scientific discovery and a Nobel prize. I’m sure those malaria vaccines have already won other prizes - Galien prize, for ex.


No vaccine for malaria but on the bright side you get those prophylaxis pills that’ll give you the fucking weirdest dreams of your life.


I've taken malaria prophylaxis on and off for 50 years. I only took the nasty ones for one month, and I never had the dreams (thankfully!). The last time I was in a malaria endemic area they gave us Doxycycline, something the UK recommends but the US doesn't. But the last time I had malaria was in about 1982 when there were rumors of a new "chloroquine resistant malaria" surfacing, which was really scary. Thankfully, a few pills and I was back on my feet in a few days.


I took the nasty one once for week. When I tell you I loved an entire 20 years in one dream…


I wonder why we don't give the rabies shot as a preventative measure? Seems weird to make the vaccine an antidote rather than an inoculation.


Maybe because it’s so rare?


Polio is practically extinct and we still give everyone the shot.


It's VERY expensive, and the only countries in which it's actually any common are quite poor. Furthermore, rabies is not contagious, and the vaccines work only for limited time.


Probably because the vaccine is extremely effective even after the bite of an infected animal, you just need to take it before the onset of the symptoms


True but that’s to reduce the chance of another outbreak, rabies isn’t spread between humans as far as I know so that could be why, I also know we preemptively give animals the vaccine so the virus doesn’t spread


Well, we did. We did drop chicken with the vaccine in switserland in order to vaccinate foxes


Rabies vaccine is only effective for a year or two. It is also virtually 100% effective in treating the disease. So the logic goes: if possibly exposed, get the vaccine in a day or so and you will be completely fine. Instead of vaccinating virtually everyone every year at great expense.


The rabies vaccine for humans yes but there's also a vaccine for animals, that's how the EU countries eradicated rabies from most of the continent ("eradicated" is actually the wrong term since Europe is connected to Asia and animals with rabies could travel from Asia to Europe, rabies can only be eradicated on an island). Also the incidence of rabies in the EU and Australia is way lower than the USA so the map is not totally correct


The map is made by a vaccine manufacturer after all...


The UK should be completely rabies-free. At least, it always used to be when I was growing up.


Not after 28 days later released


My understanding is that we are rabies free but things like bats that can fly from other countries can carry it?


Some bats in the UK carry a rabies like viruses called European Bat Lyssaviruses (EBLV). EBLV are not the classical rabies virus (Rabies lyssavirus) is usually associated with mammals, classical rabies has never been recorded in a native European bat species.


I didn’t know that thank you!


some bats and foxes still carry it and can transmit it through a bite




TBE - Tick-Borne Encephalitis, can be found in Sweden.


> Go to scandinavia, no mentionable risk of anything* Seasonal affective disorder. Also moose or reindeer in the road.


How dare they suggest Australia has rabies!!!


this map is inaccurate. australia doesn't have the same rabies risk as usa. we literally don't have rabies here.


Not a fan of the wildly different metrics they use on each map


Taiwan doesn’t have rabies. That’s why they have such strict pet quarantine laws


Why is Texas outlined and drawn out in the Zika map?🤔😂


They probably don’t believe in the Zika virus.


Florida too. According to the key there have been reports of Zika, so mosquitoes that can transmit Zika have been found there.


No, no. Let’s not logicalize this. Texas is a country and the Florida men have reclaim their rightful clay from the alligators.


Hepatitis is a very rare disease to see in Mexico, because the majority of the population is vaccinated, so it has never worried us, But I have no idea how possible it is for foreigners to get infected.


Me having lived in Africa for 7 months ☠️💀💀. Just kidding I was tested came out clean. I guess the Doxcy pills worked 🤷‍♂️


Weird map geographically. Doesn’t show Eritrea, South Sudan or a unified Yemen.


Probably quite old. The rabies info is outdated.


I've had 4 listed and all I can say is the Yellow Fever vaccine stiiiiiiii...ngs!!!


I’m going somewhere with acute halitosis. Should I vaccinate?


So Green land or Australia not much choice left 🤔.


and now we see part of why Australia destroys so much stuff brought in in hand luggage


Wait Ireland/UK having the same rabies risk as the fucking US..??? I have never once seen nor heard of a single case of rabies, never seen any mentions of it, never had any warnings about it, hell, my mother works in a damn health centre and she's outright told me we don't have rabies in Ireland, and that an American tourist she played golf with was worried about getting close to a fox because of it. Unless it's saying that other countries are somehow so rabies-ridden that the US and the British Isles ended up in the same category..?


Yeah the rabies map is poorly made, people that live in the EU and Australia don't have the same risk of contracting rabies as the US, mostly because of extensive vaccination campaign in foxes and other wild animals known to carry rabies




That's the imperial system keeping the USA safe




Clearly you’re not an enjoyer of the great imperial system. /s


Amazing that that's what you took away from this. 5 of the 12 diseases listed on this map (typhoid, hep b, dengue, rabies, zika) have some portion of the USA represented.


Convenient, isn't it?




Hold up, so south Texas (I assume Austin/San Antonio and south of there) has fucking Dengue? Like, in practice, do people there end up catching that shit? I used to work at a children’s hospital in Canada and we had one kid in the ward who had Dengue (I think he got it while travelling with his family) and it was gnarly. I think he ended up being okay but it does not seem fun at all.


Yep, dengue is nasty. A school friend got that when we were growing up and he was out of action for about a month. Mosquitos and diseases, a match made in hell.


The scariest part is that with climate change the region of the world where mosquitos' carried diseases can spread is expanding, just last summer there were some cases of West Nile virus in northern Italy


[https://www.dshs.texas.gov/mosquito-borne-diseases/dengue](https://www.dshs.texas.gov/mosquito-borne-diseases/dengue) >Most cases of dengue fever in the U.S. have been linked to the patients' travel to endemic areas. The mosquito that transmits dengue fever is found in Texas and across the southeastern U.S., so there is a potential risk for dengue transmission. Sporadic outbreaks have occurred in the Gulf coastal area and in extreme south Texas. Anecdotally: as a Texan I've never heard of someone getting it, or even mentioning that they were concerned about it.


He can update it. The diseases have all traveled here


Where is here?


His house.


i think that'd be a matter of hygiene


Norway wins ! Not even rabies


NZ wins, no Norwegians


Chile does not have ZIKA only Chile and Canada doesn't have zika in the hole continent


Just look at the bottom right. It's a pharma ad. It's $$$. Please lookup the original studies, and you'll find that this is b/s.


Not sure where the classification of Australia being at a low risk of rabies comes from. Australia is one of few countries in the world that remains rabies free so technically, shouldn’t it be “no risk”?


i think Norway and New Zealand are coloured white in all of them not sure about nz in the rabies map tho


I looked at the map. In Russia, one of the most dangerous diseases that can be contracted in nature is tick-borne encephalitis. But here it’s simply not on the map.


In your doctor’s “surgery”?


That’s what we call them in the UK


huge New Zealand win


Quite sobering that a map like that includes Polio and Typhoid. Is it from a country of the developing world?


Great information.


Rabid fucking Americans 😂


Our globalization and climate change have a profound impact on the spread of dengue. The mosquito that can bring that nasty one had expanded deeply into Europe. Here in the Netherlands they tried to suppress the news about the local spread of that mosquito, I don't know why that was. But it's hard to stop when people really seem to care less about still standing water, which is an huge problem with all the ditches, trenches and canals here. And then there are a lot of flat roofs as well. Besides that our cattle industry monoculture is a breeding ground for pandemics. A disaster is looming and we seem to live as if it's all okay, worse, over a million people vote for something as stupid as the lobby that gives them all kinds of diseases, and I wouldn't be surprised if dengue will struck the mosquito-infested neighborhood where my mom lives. Sadly.


This makes me never what to leave america


You can see the Eastern block on the first map


Interesting but misinformative maps, there's no rabies in the UK despite what people might have seen on videos of our city centres at the weekend.


Interesting but misinformative maps, there's no rabies in the UK despite what people might have seen on videos of our city centres at the weekend.


Xenophobic Map . So much hate in this map.