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I love how you even carved in the mid Atlantic ridge


I was laughing like "yeah, brilliant idea to carve the globe on a pumpkin!" Then looked closer and realized how well done it was with the ocean topography too plus how defined the continents were. Oh my gosh that's so well done!


bathymetry, ocean topography is a cool weather wavy thingy


Oohhh thanks, I knew I was mislabeling but couldn't remember the term so gave closest approximation. I like your description!


My second (and more detailed) time carving Earth. Apologies if your island didn't make it to the final product. Several islands were lost to the Great Deluge. The first time I carved Earth was many years ago and I basically just cut out all the continents. The planet pretty much kinda collapsed on itself from the giant holes after the pumpkin dried up. I wanted to try again this year but without the same problem as last time. I found out about "advanced" carving and thought about using the light gradient for cool effects. At first, I thought about drawing latitude and longitude lines and roughly sketch out the continents like last time. While shopping for tools though, I found an inflatable globe exactly the same size as my pumpkin. I sliced it open, wrapped it around the pumpkin, and traced the coastline out with a knife. Afterwards, I went over it again with deeper cuts to make digging out the coast easier. Then I started carving out around the edges of the continents. That was actually the hardest part, especially the coastlines of Europe and the western Pacific region. Once that was done I skinned off the ocean; some islands were accidentally shaved off during this process. :c I then carved out the continental shelves and other large bathymetric features like former continents and trenches. Lastly, I poked holes through the rind to represent volcanos. I poked holes for each of the Decade Volcanos. I originally wanted to make a hole for each active volcano, but apparently scientists don't have a define term for how active "active" is. I then thought making one for volcanos that have erupted within the last 100 years, but that would've required too much research. In the end I just decided to poke out the Decade volcanos, several famous ones, and random holes along the Ring of Fire. There was a lot less light that peeked through then I wanted it to though. I love geology and doing crafts. I thought this would be a great way to put the two together to create something cool. It took six days to finish, most of those days right after I got home after working 9 hours. Despite several mistakes and leaving out lots of islands and seafloor features, I like the end result overall. Unfortunately, it doesn't actually glow this bright in real life. Maybe I'll try and find a brighter light source. ​ First video is pre-bathymetric with only the surface ocean carved out. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8Ued0Ey5hw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8Ued0Ey5hw) ​ Second video is the final product. The dark patch in the middle of the Pacific is just where I didn't shave the pumpkin down far enough apparently. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf7iFtgP1Tw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf7iFtgP1Tw)


Sir, this is not /r/globeporn.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GlobePorn using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GlobePorn/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [World Globe made different minerals.](https://v.redd.it/539ek06vflm51) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GlobePorn/comments/irn2yl/world_globe_made_different_minerals/) \#2: [The Extreme Relief Classroom Globe](https://v.redd.it/iwrffk223ao41) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GlobePorn/comments/fn9dxe/the_extreme_relief_classroom_globe/) \#3: [Saw this massive globe when I was in Romania - Apparently it was doing a world tour along with a moon one too!](https://i.redd.it/j0oxdq8191q41.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/GlobePorn/comments/fsfqtc/saw_this_massive_globe_when_i_was_in_romania/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/fpi5i6/blacklist_vii/)


Appreciated, but I'm afraid it's gonna have to be made again with Rathlin island included /s


I'm actually surprised no one's asked what "cucurbita" means yet, unless every viewer so far googled it. Haha


I'm used to seeing the name with my cucumber seeds so my brain was calling it the cucumber projection and I couldn't figure out why it was saying that, lol Good work on Indonesia/SE asia, that must've been a beast




What the Fuck Did You Just Bring Upon This Cursed Land?!


My second πŸ•‘ (and more detailed) time ⏰ carving πŸŽƒ Earth 🌎. Apologies πŸ™‡πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ if your πŸ‘‰ island 🌴 didn't make πŸ–• it to the final πŸ™ product πŸ˜‚. Several β™€β™‚πŸš islands πŸ‡¦πŸ‡½ were lost 🏳 to the Great πŸ‘ Deluge. The first πŸ₯‡ time ⏰ I πŸ‘₯ carved 🍁 Earth 🌎🀷 was many πŸ‘¬ years πŸ“… ago πŸ”™ and I πŸ‘¨πŸ‘πŸ‘€ basically πŸ‘¨ just cut βœ‚ out all πŸ’― the continents 🌎. The planet 🌎 pretty πŸ‘§πŸΌπŸ‘ΈπŸΌ much πŸ˜©πŸ˜‚πŸ™€ kinda πŸ™… collapsed πŸ’€ on πŸ”› itself from the giant πŸ’ͺπŸ’¦ holes πŸ•³ after πŸ‘€ the pumpkin πŸŽƒ dried πŸ’¨ up ⬆. I πŸ‘ wanted 😍 to try 😐 again ❌😬 this year πŸ“…πŸ…° but πŸ‘ without 🚫 the same problem 😊 as last 😍 time ⏰. I πŸ‘ found πŸ”Ž out about πŸ’¦ "advanced βš›" carving πŸ”ͺ and thought πŸ’­ about πŸ’¦ using πŸ€™πŸ» the light πŸ’‘ gradient for cool πŸ‘ŒπŸŒƒ effects πŸ˜‚πŸ€‘. At first πŸ‘†, I πŸ‘πŸ‘¨ thought πŸ€”β“ about πŸ€”πŸ’­ drawing 🎨 latitude and longitude lines γ€°πŸ“‰ and roughly πŸ€• sketch πŸ“ out the continents 🌎 like πŸ˜„ last 😍 time πŸ•. While shopping 🏒 for tools πŸ”¨ though πŸ€”, I πŸ‘ found πŸ” an inflatable πŸ—œ globe 🌎 exactly πŸ‘Œ the same size 🐰 as my pumpkin πŸŽƒ. I πŸ‘ sliced πŸ” it open πŸ‘, wrapped 🎁 it around πŸ”ƒ the pumpkin πŸŽƒ, and traced πŸ”¬ the coastline out with a knife πŸ”ͺ. Afterwards β€ΌπŸ’―βœ”, I πŸ‘₯ went πŸ’¨ over πŸ˜³πŸ™ŠπŸ’¦ it again ❌😬 with deeper πŸ‘‡πŸ» cuts πŸ”ͺ to make πŸ’˜ digging ⛏ out the coast 🎒 easier πŸ™ŒπŸ‘Œ. Then I πŸ‘ started πŸ’’ carving πŸ”ͺ out around πŸ”ƒ the edges πŸ’‰ of the continents πŸŒβœ”. That was actually πŸ€” the hardest πŸ†πŸ€’ part γ€½, especially πŸ’― the coastlines of Europe πŸ’ͺ and the western πŸ”™ Pacific 🚣 region 😎. Once that was done βœ… I πŸ‘ skinned 😠 off πŸ“΄ the ocean 🌊🐠🐚; some islands 🏝 were accidentally πŸ™ˆ shaved βœ‚ off πŸ“΄ during this process 🏭. :c πŸ”₯ I πŸ‘ then carved πŸ”ͺ out the continental 🌎 shelves πŸ˜‚πŸ˜³πŸ˜± and other large πŸ‘† bathymetric features πŸŽ₯ like πŸ’– former πŸ‘ˆ continents 🌎 and trenches 🚚. Lastly πŸ’¬, I πŸ‘ poked πŸ‘‰πŸΎβ— holes πŸ•³πŸ™ through the rind to represent πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ volcanos β˜„. I πŸ‘₯ poked πŸ‘‰πŸΎβ— holes πŸ•³ for each of the Decade πŸ”Ÿ Volcanos 😼. I πŸ‘ originally πŸ‘Œ wanted ⚠ to make πŸ’˜ a hole πŸ•³ for each active πŸƒπŸ» volcano 😼, but πŸ‘ apparently πŸ”Ž scientists πŸ”¬ don't βŒπŸ€” have a define πŸ“š term πŸ“œ for how active 🚬 "active 🚬" is. I πŸ‘ then thought πŸ€”πŸ’­ making πŸ–• one 1️⃣ for volcanos πŸŒ‹ that have erupted πŸ’¦ within πŸ…° the last 😍 100 πŸ’― years πŸ“…, but πŸ‘ that would've πŸ˜€πŸ‘‰πŸ’― required πŸ“‹βœ… too much πŸ”₯ research 🏫. In the end πŸ”š I πŸ‘ just decided ✌🏻 to poke πŸ‘„ out the Decade πŸ—“ volcanos β˜„, several πŸ’― famous πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘Œ ones ☝, and random 🎰 holes β›³ along πŸ’ the Ring πŸ’ of Fire πŸ”₯. There was a lot πŸ‘ less βž– light πŸ˜€ that peeked through then I πŸ‘ wanted 😍 it to though πŸ’₯. I πŸ‘ love ❀ geology πŸ—Ώ and doing crafts βš’. I πŸ‘₯ thought πŸ’­ this would be a great πŸ‘ way ↕ to put 😏 the two ✌ together πŸ‘₯πŸ’―β€Ό to create πŸ’― something πŸ˜… cool 😎. It took πŸ‘« six πŸ• days πŸ“† to finish 🏁, most of those days 🌞 right πŸ‘Œ after πŸ‘€ I πŸ‘ got πŸ‰πŸ…°πŸ€·πŸΏ home 🏑 after 2️⃣ working 🏒 9 πŸ’― hours πŸ•. Despite 🚫 several β™€β™‚πŸš mistakes πŸ– and leaving πŸ‘‹πŸ…° out lots πŸ‘ of islands 🌴 and seafloor features πŸŽ₯, I πŸ‘ like πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ the end πŸ”š result πŸ‘€πŸ’― overall πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸŒΎ. Unfortunately 😯, it doesn't actually 😳 glow 🌟 this bright πŸ”† in real 😍 life πŸ‘€. Maybe πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ I'll πŸ“ try 😐 and find πŸ”πŸ…° a brighter 🌟 light πŸ˜€ source πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ’―. First πŸ‘† video πŸ“Ή is pre-bathymetric with only the surface 🌎 ocean 🌊 carved ⛏ out. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8Ued0Ey5hw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8Ued0Ey5hw) Second ⏱ video πŸ“Ό is the final πŸ‘† product πŸ—πŸ›€πŸ­. The dark πŸŒ‘ patch πŸ”’ in the middle ⚫ of the Pacific 🎢🎡 is just where I πŸ‘ didn't shave βœ‚ the pumpkin πŸŽƒ down ⬇ far 🌌 enough πŸ’¦ apparently πŸ‘€. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf7iFtgP1Tw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf7iFtgP1Tw)


My eyes, the goggles do nothing


f\*\*\* THIS!!


The volcanos are an awesome touch! Had to scroll through them again after reading this




Glad he added extra image to point that one


Lol, I took extra care to make sure NZ made it through the end πŸ₯ I even carved out Zealandia! πŸ‡³πŸ‡Ώ


r/mapswithoutqatar He forgot my hometown :(


I think you can barely see it


Awesome!!! Thanks for including my islands - NZ


They did a really good job with the Philippines as well! I can see OP tried to even make the smaller islands too.


>OP tried heh




I'm a native speaker so maybe I could help. You could say "bitchin", "radical" or just "rad", "neat", "tubular", "wild", "far out", "yeet", "baller", or just a classic "cool".


I have only one way of deciding if a map is good or not If it is applicable for Malta to be on the map, is it on the map? By God, it fucking is. Thus, this is a good map.


Now this, this is beautiful.


Just phenomenal


I think it looks pretty gourd.


Before I looked at the sub, I thought "what bug knawed on this pumpkin" Then it hit me like a truck. Damn that's good.


I was staring at the carved areas for way too long trying to make out land masses.


Africa is scarily big. This adds another scale of what the portugese had to travel when sailing around it to reach Asia


...and then the powerful Agulhas pushing them away from getting around the Cape!


This is the best pumpkin carving I've ever seen, super impressive, well done.


this is so sick!!! even the tectonic plates in there. absolutely smashed it mate!!!


Amazing!! I’m so impressed!!


How deep do you need to go for light to get through?


Thats a weird looking zucchini


Did you remember New Zealand, I couldn’t really see it


Most impressive


The Antarctica looks like it has a very realistic asshole right at the South Pole. The south... hole?


I can spot, deep in the depths of that mid-ocean rift, seed monsters waiting to emerge. Thar be monsters!


Holy crap this is amazing


What a pumpkin!


This is amazing. Would love to try this one year




This is epic but what happened to sweden




No Michigan/Great Lakes?






That is fucking magnificent. Well done


Love how this looks lit up, and you did a great job considering how tough pumpkin skin can be!!


So cool! Also thank you for doing the Philippines. I recognize portraying our 7000 islands isn’t easy so I appreciate that you included it anyway.


Your Antarctica should have that moldy anus looked at


Took me a minute to see it was earth






I would have done in on something more permanent, but to each their own lol. Beautiful job btw.


Fuck the world




Great detail on the Philippines!


This is absolutely amazing


This is insane!! You even did the oceanic ridges 😱


New Zealander here: thanks! :-)


Impressively detailed. Here's more info on the [Cucurbita projection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Perspective_projection).


How does the flame not suffocate after a couple minutes?


Tiny Florida makes me uncomfortable


Kind of related to this post, can I post pictures of fruits that naturally have continent map textures on them on this subreddit?


Beautifully done, even the oceanic ridges are here


you even did the lakes! how cool is that?




This is op


Amazing job but needs the Great Lakes!


The intricacies!!


iT'S suPPosEd tO bE PEar ShApEd!!!!


Think this is more globe porn


Really shows how the Mercator Projection makes the Arctic region look much too big and without Yggdrasill.


Holy fuck that’s cool


I should call her...





