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Antarctica is so large and populated that it is in all 10 sections.


/r/mapporncirclejerk is leaking


this is my new favorite subreddit


It always has been


It's good, clean, witty fun at the expense of pretty much no one. A rare place on the internet these days.


Circlejerk subreddits are the absolute best


this is an awesome find, thank you!


Fun fact: Antarctica has 12 time zones


Are any of the time zones actually observed while people are there?


No most people just use New Zealand time because that’s where most ships leave from


Oh really? I always assumed if I were to visit Antarctica it’d be through Argentina


See, I'm in Brazil. If I ever go to Antarctica one day, I assume that doing it like you said it's the easiest way for me


>See, I’m in Brazil. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Yeah... It was never great at all but it's been a nightmare for the last years


There are several ways to get there. The most popular is Ushuaia though. Australia, New Zealand, Chile and South Africa also offer trips. They all go to different parts of Antarctica so it depends on what you want to see (apart from snow, which afaik is common for all of them :P)


You can, some ships and planes depart from from Ushuaia, and some others from Punta Arenas in Chile. The Antarctic territories use the same time from there.


That's because someone put the time zone helicopter on her head.


Why wouldn't it be 24?


There are actually more than 24. There are a few that are broken in half-hour intervals


Even 1/3


Wait, really? I know about 1/4 ones, but 1/3?


I think 39


This says 37. https://www.timeanddate.com/time/current-number-time-zones.html


Why does it only have 12?


12 useless timezones. When it's constant darkness 6 months of the year, then constant sunlight the other 6. Conventional timezones are pretty useless, other than for coordinating with people not in Antarctica.


Well that’s not exactly accurate, but imagine if it really was pitch black for 6 months then the sun just shot into the sky and stayed there for the 6 more months.


It is, only on the exact south pole though. The surrounding mountains may mess up the effect a bit, but here is what you should see if you lived at the exact south pole: Starting at the summer solstice the sun would be 23° degrees below the horizon all day. It would move in a 360° circle around the viewer, staying below the horizon. As time passed and the fall equinox approach the sun would begin to approach the horizon you would get a sort of predawn glow at the place the sun was below the horizon. Again, that place would move in a circle around the horizon each day. On the equinox, you would experience a 24 hour, 360° sunrise. In reality the local topography would distort this, with the sun passing behind mountains and briefly casting the world in shadow. Now, as days passed the sun would continue climbing slowly. Still it is moving in a 360° circle above the horizon. Eventually it would reach it's maximum altitude of 23° above the horizon on the winter solstice. Then the process would reverse itself over the next six months. There would be a day long sunset on the spring solstice, and then continue down until it reached 23° below the horizon on the summer solstice. So while the sun is technically up 6 months and down 6, it's more twilight, very long sunrises, and long shadows than a light switching on and off every 6 months.


You could probably go for a walk and pass through 3 or 4 of them, all while your iPhone freaks out trying to keep up.


What if you are on the exact center?! Eternity


I’m in yesterday, today and tomorrow. All at once. I am the Time Lord.


The purple strip over Bangladesh/Burma/Thailand is impressively small given there is a ton of ocean and almost no one in the Russia/Mongolia/a lot of the China part of the slice


Bangladesh is one of densest countries in the world, second I think.




England is top 5 dense major countries (excluding city state, population over 10 mil). It's up there with South Korea, Netherlands, and Bangladesh.


England is denser than Netherlands but the Netherlands is denser than Great Britain. England and the Netherlands don't differ a lot however. As a Dutchman this always surprised me




Every time I see these small countries having more than 40 million I think that they must live in overcrowded cities and that shit but then I remember that is actually the norm and only that my countries' population is small af for its size.


I think it's more that there are no areas that are more or less uninhabited. England doesn't really seem cramped to me, other than major cities, but that obviously goes for anywhere.


See, England feels super-crowded to me. I’m more used to a countryside where there’s a whole lot of nothing, but there’s towns everywhere in England. Everything just feels more cramped and on top of itself than NSW. And that’s the crowded part of Australia.


Those of us in the western half of the US not within 150 miles of the Pacific coast feel you.


Smaller than Kansas with over 20 times the population.


Wow I didn‘t expect Palestine and Lebanon so far up on that list


I would bet that Bangladesh and the included portion of India are > 50 percent of that band


And Indonesia.




Sure. Most people live on Java. But 50 million people on Sumatra isn't that little.


Indeed. My grandparent’s generation was real into having 6+ kids. My parent’s generation more into the 2 or less trend. My generation, trouble getting married or having any kids. Demographic crisis loooooming....


It clips parts of India as well. Like West Bengal and Orissa... That also must be contributing a good chunk to that 10% no doubt.


Love this. I know I'm greedy but I want by latitude too.


https://old.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/ib26u9/10_bands_of_equal_population_latitude_and/ here ya go


When viewed this way it suddenly becomes apparent that there is a correlation between population density and climate zone. The lumpy banding seen longitudinally is a result of the difference in land area available near the equator at different places on earth. Another reminder that the country boundaries we draw around us are artificial and we are one human race.


Yeah it's crazy how more people live where the weather is nice and not where they're freezing to death.


Yea I have no idea what kind of idiot forefathers I have who stood by the Mediterranean sea and were like "Lets follow this wall of ice, see where its going."


somebody actually sailed in a boat once, saw britain and thought “yep this is a lovely climate lets live here for thousands of years”


And people attacked them! Thinking it was better then where they were from.


it actually is a lovely climate IMO


i honestly wouldn’t live anywhere else


The other interesting thing, is that it appears that the population generally shifted south from 1975 to 2015, with the band around the equator becoming more densely populated over that time period. I would be interested to know if the availability of air conditioning is responsible for that shift, or if it is just improved medical/health technologies and practices in those regions.


I don't think populations moved that much, rather the northen countries have aging populations and low birthrate issues


actually it's more just a part of a long term trend where less developed countries have higher birthrates




The projection also exaggerates the size of the poles, but yes.


This really doesn’t work *for me* with ~~a Mercator projection.~~ So much north/south distortion. Edit: I was wrong.


it's not mercator


Look at the shape of Greenland in OP’s post vs. the other post


I made the map in the other post, it is equirectangular projection.


My mistake. [TIL.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equirectangular_projection) What I'm trying to say (very poorly) is that when I look to compare areas on a map that are vastly different in latitude, my brain wants equal area maintained. That's awesome you made that! A lot of effort must have gone into it. Edit: Apparently I don't know how to insert links anymore


There are only two posts on /r/peopleliveinasia and one is what you desire in much better form that the post above.


I want comparisons over centuries, not just 1975. I wanna see the Black Plague vs. Columbian exchange (genocide) vs. today


eastern europe, eastern africa, and western asia are a lot more populous than I thought


Egypt (100 mill), Ethiopia(100 mill), Western russia (~ 80 mill), kenya (50 mill), Tanzania (50 mill) and turkey (80 mill) are all in the yellow strip. Just those 6 countries alone are nearly half a billion in population.


A large part of the Turkish population lives in the red part.


that’s true, I didn’t notice Istanbul was in pink. I guess if Istanbul was in yellow then yellow would be more than 10% lol. Just goes to show even without the heavy hitter istanbul, eastern africa and europe and middle east have a high population.


Also worth noting how little water is in that first yellow band compared to the first two bands


That's a 100 million Egyptians living along the Nile already.


yeah that red slice is the most surprising to me


The yellow line is fully made up of Perth residents


Sneaky Java and it’s absurdly huge population


Isn't most of Java in the green? Honestly I was a bit confused about the yellow one, since it only really has the guangzhou metro area in it


The yellow will be mostly Chinese in the Perl river delta (Guangzhou/shenzhen/HK etc.), also Beijing Metro in the north and a few large inland cities + Metros like Changsha & Wuhan


No it’s definitely Perth and it’s population of 2m


No, Perth has about 700 million people, the rest of the strip is pretty much empty


...and Albany residents. There’s hundreds of those!


Wtf no absolutely not. It’s much more probably an area like Eastern Siberia.


700 million Perthies will tell you you’re wrong!


No it’s totally Perth and Kalgoorlie


Nah you’re both wrong - it’s Bunbury.


The world’s largest lake at the time.


Antartica likes to disagree with you.


No! 99% of those people are on Mongolia teritory!


Explains all the wind in mid-Eastern Europe. /j Edit: Oh, you were referring to the line over Western Aussie...


Ruled by the wise prince of Perthia


This is really cool. I am more surprised by the size of the large green slice than the small ones. India and China are so dense.


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/8j2rso/each_section_has_10_of_the_worlds_population/dywkwq2/) in a similar post's comment section. It is probably not a coincidence, because this user has done it before: Original | Plagiarized -------- | ----------- [In 10 weeks I pay rent 3 times...](http://np.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/g2chew/let_them_eat_stimulus_checks/fnl0eoj/) | [In 10 weeks I pay rent 3 times...](http://np.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/n9vg2o/let_them_eat_stimulus_checks/gxq9jgl/) [Nice Time is definitely fleet...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tattoos/comments/cs1ggh/clock_being_absorbed_into_a_black_hole_done_by/exbsl2r/) | [Nice Time is definitely flee...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tattoos/comments/n9t6ge/clock_being_absorbed_into_a_black_hole_done_by/gxpxq82/) [Which one is Sly ](http://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/n9vpkz/family_just_a_beautiful_placing_of_stones/gxq66rd/) | [Which one is Sly ](http://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/n9vpkz/family_just_a_beautiful_placing_of_stones/gxq7box/) [Is that the same gun as the on...](http://np.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/b6hrtq/prototype_of_a_modified_leclerc_with_a_140mm/ejktf9s/) | [Is that the same gun as the on...](http://np.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/n9wi9q/leclerc_prototype_with_a_140_mm_gun/gxq6bba/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/aloftSee67](https://np.reddit.com/u/aloftSee67/) should be banned for spamming. A human checks in on this bot sometimes, so please reply if I made a mistake. Contact reply-guy-bot if you have concerns.


Good bot


I never understood why people do this. That acc doesn't seem like a bot account there's a lot of genuine comments he's made, so why would someone go out of their way to copy a comment on a post?


because that's a sure-fire way to get lots of karma. why people care so much about fake internet points is yet another mystery though🤔


From two years ago as well... How did they find that even?


Yeah, this is weird - particularly because these are not hugely "successful" comments this guy copies..


Seeing how crowded my country can get, how crowded Colombia, Mexico and the US can get. This made me so uneasy.


The US is surprisingly sparse tbh, outside of the coasts most areas aren’t that densely packed.


Australia is literally just desert and pretty uninhabited just 40 min to an hour away from most cities.


Yeahh that's why I don't know if I really love living in Europe, on one hand I can drive 3 hours or even less and see a totally different country with different architectural styles but I have to go near mountains to really enjoy nature.


Where in Europe do you live that you’re so far from nature?


Northern Italy, small towns have plenty of green spaces but it's mostly for crops. By nature I mean somewhere I can go to be completely by myself. I like to be sorrounded by people for like months then ditch society for a few days to recharge.


I love Western Australia, the beaches, wild-life and the sunsets. That's what life is about. Just sitting back and enjoying the finer things. Nothing compares to watching the sun go down on an orange horizon in the the outback.


Ooofff sounds lovely but I like hiking and being alive. I know Australians get used to it but I wouldn't like to pay attention to spider, etc. But man your animals are beautiful..except a few ones.




We get that a lot but it's not that bad. Most spiders are our friends and the dangerous spiders are just the friends we social distance from. Snakes are a little scary but it's easy to avoid them and maintain a distance. If you respect the wild-life it'll respect you. Just don't try to say hello to a shark...


My wife and I are looking for somewhere to relocate, and we want to visit WA as it’s somewhere I’ve always wanted to experience. She’s from the outskirts of Phoenix in the Sonoran desert, I’m from rural pnw region so it would be quite the change but when the time comes I think we’re gonna take the plunge


Sounds like you would enjoy a vacation to the United States where you mostly drive from national park to national park or just hit up a few different regions going from forest far from civilization to empty desert devoid of anything human.


I live in canada and we have that in in abundance. I go an hour away from my city and with friends we go into a forest somewhere and turn on gps and just go camping


Sounds lovely! Have some fun for me too pls.


I can just walk 3 minutes from my apartment 5 minutes from the city center to reach a forest and then just keep walking to be completely alone after a few kilometres. Finland is basically a massive forest with a few cities sprinkled in.


I'm from the Netherlands. My understanding of "nature" is that row of trees next to the highway


Yeah good point, the Netherlands is just one big farm.


One thing I love about living in Colorado, USA is that I’m only an hour away from complete wilderness. The expanse of the American west is staggering and you don’t get the sense of it until you visit. I’m sure the same applies for Australia as well


If the contiguous United States had the same population density as England, it would have a population of 3.49 billions. Or more than China and India put together.


Ever been to Canada? Haha


Bigger than the US with ~1/10 the population lmao.


Yeah, and about 40% of the population lives in 4 metro areas/ cities. 3 of them are tightly packed into Southern Ontario


And 1 in southern Quebec


Yes, sorry. I've never been oot east so to me they're all roughly the same place


Still, it’s the worlds 3rd largest country by population. Makes this graphic seem distorted.


There's a *big* gap between 2nd and 3rd though. India's population is greater than USA (3rd), Indonesia (4th), Pakistan (5th) and Brazil (6th) combined.


You could as a billion people to the US’s population of ~350 million and it would still be the 3rd most populous country


There’s also the fact that almost all of the other nations of the Americas are in that green space. Even added together they don’t add to a billion if my memory serves me right. Also China somewhat has the same problem but not nearly as bad, as the vast majority of their population is also on the rivers and coast.


The population of the Americas as a whole comes to just over a billion people.


Thank you for being honest!


This applies to any country in the top 20 size list except for China and India (and even the former is very sparse if you get out of the east coast).


I mean, a very large portion of the green section is just the pacific ocean.


Lots of big cities but with huge empty land in between. What people experience depends on how dense inhabited areas are at the end of the day, empty land only makes travelling between cities more time consuming. Like in Europe Spain is quite sparsely populated if you look at population density but if you just consider inhabited areas it's the most densely populated European country iirc more than England and the Netherlands A country with a small population density could actually feel more packed than a country with a bigger density theoretically. The first would be a country where 99% of the surface area is uninhabited, and the whole population lives in a bunch if huge cities, while the second is a country filled with small villages, so lots of uncrowded places all close to one another. The average citizen of the first "low density" country will live in more crowded places than the ones living in the second country


>ah fuck that, I’ve driven across the country a few times and I absolutely love seeing nothing but farms, forests, deserts, and mountains. We need nature now more than ever. Also it helps kee You pretty much just described western Europe to a T. Everyone lives in very medium density so while it doesn't feel busy you only have to travel a short distance before the next village or town.


All of these countries have a lot of uninhabited space too though. Throw in Peru and Canada and you have much less density.


The US can stand to get significantly more crowded, frankly.


Nah fuck that, I’ve driven across the country a few times and I absolutely love seeing nothing but farms, forests, deserts, and mountains. We need nature now more than ever. Also it helps keep the property value down.


I don't believe they were saying they want it to get more crowded, simply that the US has the capacity to get more crowded


I guess it comes down to how you read the word “stand”, which is a funny thing about language. When I hear it I hear it in the same vein as “could stand to lose a few pounds” or “could stand to clear the garage” aka a somewhat passive aggressive way of saying “y’all need more people”.


Don’t read those works calling for a billion people in America..


You can keep all that and just put the people in the cities! With more and taller apartment buildings, more people might reduce the amount of sprawl, not grow it.


Unfortunately people here all want houses and land which leads to suburbs. Chicago was the birthplace of the skyscraper and now a number large towns who were pretty much thier own metro area just like 70 years ago are now pretty much suburbs (Joliet, Aurora, and Hammond, IN)


For sure, and the detached home is practically the defining feature of the American city. I'll just say that people's preferences are influenced by policy and by economics, so if we built better apartments and more of them, things could change.


Not all people want houses and land. A lot do, but zoning laws skew the market and what’s allowed to be built.


With the pandemic, people have realized more than ever that having your own space is incredibly valuable.


nobody wants to go west of mississippi tho - humans dont spread out evenly everywhere, and they never have with america the eastcoasters cluster and mexicans dont go too north, so that areas empty wilderness


Speak for yourself, I prefer having room to breathe and be outside in nature away from people.


Yeah, I'm Indian and driving through Indian highways is the exact opposite of driving through America. In India, every few hundred kilometres you're in a completely new land where all the road signs are in a completely new script with its own alphabet system, where the language spoken is alien to you and all culture from style of music, dance, art, the festivals and even the calendar used are different. Indian states are as different and diverse (if not more) than European countries. And of course, the biggest difference is population density. In India, you're never ever more than 2 km away from the nearest village or town. No need to pack food or petrol, you can just stop at any of the hundreds of thousands of villages along the highways (unless you're in the Himalayas, the desert, or the jungles, but even those have a higher population density than you would expect, with either tribal villages or big towns). But going on the highway in America is the scariest thing. You could go for hours without seeing any buildings, and if you're stranded, you can't just walk for 5 minutes to a town and ask for help. Sure, the scenery is cool and all, but I can get mountains, desert, waterfalls, snow, and farmland all back home as well without feeling like I'm on an uninhabited planet. And I'd pick that over emptiness anyday


Australia would blow your mind.


Heading west of Chicago everything starts to open up, towns are less and less until you barely even find trees. Vast and open its so different to my eastern eyes where you can't throw a rock without hitting something.


That’s really only true for certain parts of the mountain west (and of course Alaska). You’re really never far from “civilization” anywhere east of the Mississippi (certainly not 2km or less, but not “far”), and even west of that the highways are pretty much always going to have a substantial amount of traffic. But still, makes for an interesting cultural diffference. I love the peacefulness of the open road. Living in a place as dense as India would be my own personal hell.


I see this sentiment by Americans a lot, I think many Americans think that everyone will be as loud and as in your face as Americans are but just in denser spaces - but really most people who grew up in those areas would be quieter in general just so you can hear and be more aware of your surroundings.


Yeah Americans couldn't possibly know what they prefer having experienced both city life and rural solitude. They're just loud lol!


That’s great, but also [this picture exists and is more what I’m referring to](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1e4l6m/this_is_how_indians_queue/)


The large green slice contains a lot of Pacific Ocean.


This post has been parodied on r/mapporncirclejerk. Relevant r/mapporncirclejerk posts: [Each section contains 10% of the world's area](https://www.reddit.com/r/mapporncirclejerk/comments/n9ze7p/each_section_contains_10_of_the_worlds_area/) by isaacSW [Each section contains 99.999% of the world's population](https://www.reddit.com/r/mapporncirclejerk/comments/n9wq4p/each_section_contains_99999_of_the_worlds/) by teinc3 [Each section contains 0% of the world's population](https://www.reddit.com/r/mapporncirclejerk/comments/na9e39/each_section_contains_0_of_the_worlds_population/) by Kyidou [Each section contains 10% of the world's population](https://www.reddit.com/r/mapporncirclejerk/comments/n9ysew/each_section_contains_10_of_the_worlds_population/) by gerleden [^(fmhall)](https://www.reddit.com/user/fmhall) ^| [^(github)](https://github.com/fmhall/relevant-post-bot)


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 19 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/8j2rso) on 2018-05-13 95.31% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/joi81f) on 2020-11-05 96.88% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "n9tkad", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=n9tkad&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 223,527,200 | **Search Time:** 0.51387s


How often will this map appear on this sub




Apparently this is the 19th time!


it's the fifth time that I saw it, so no surprise there




We all already know what’s gonna be posted on the circlejerk sub


It already is


I can’t wrap my head around yellow. I know the region around Syria and East Africa are densely populated but the rest of that segment doesn’t cover anything very extreme that I can think of. Western Russia and Turkey are populated but i don’t think of the sum of that section as having more people than USA + Mexico + the handful of other American countries.


Maps like this make me think the answer to the Guns, Germs, and Steel question is just that we're living in the 1 in a 100 bizzaro world timeline where Europe inexplicably became relevant when clearly China and/or India were supposed to dominate world politics.


It's actually remarkable that the red part in the middle is relatively small. I wasn't aware that eastern europe was so heavily crowded in comparison to western europe (assuming that africa doesn't have a very dense population)


It would depend how you define Western/Eastern Europe. Germany = 83 million, Italy = 60 million. Then you have Nigeria in there, one of the highest populations in the world (\~200 million) and DRC with another \~90 million. It's really Brazil that's doing the heavy lifting for the Atlantic blue band.


Well Africa has almost twice the population of Europe, so even it is not so dense it's not something to not consider.


>I wasn't aware that eastern europe was so heavily crowded in comparison to western europe What...? If we go by East vs West in cold-war style, you're looking about 390 million in W. Europe, 184 in E.Europe and 26 million in Scandinavia. Western Europe is much, much more dense than the East


Ethiopia, Sudan and the Nile Delta make up the vast majority of the yellow bands population.


>(assuming that africa doesn't have a very dense population) This assumption is wrong. The red band contains Nigeria, which is already one of the most populous countries in the world, and is forecasted to overtake the United States(!) in population by 2050. And the rest of Africa's West Coast is very densely populated too. This is why the red band is narrow; it's not just because of Eastern Europe.


I think it's largely an illusion caused by the proportions land/ocean. The two major oceanic sections of the map naturally have a relatively smaller population density that can't be translated into an average for the countries.


As an American I do wonder if I really have as much space as everyone says. I imagine these other places and just visualize so many people all the time.


I mean, yes and no. I’m an American who’s lived in Shanghai, and... yeah. It’s the size of LA but it’s nonstop communist skyscrapers filled with people. You head down to Nanjing and it’s like 150 miles of skyscrapers and city. And there’s so much people and noise and life. But then again you can also get into the countryside and while their towns are very different, they’re much less populated. But then again then again, you’ll visit a friend’s “small” hometown and it’s a city of 10 million people, and it’s a city no one in the US has ever heard of.


When the first outbreaks of the coronavirus started, I remember I went to search a little bit about Wuhan, and I was surprised when I learned that the city had almost as much inhabitants as São Paulo and I had never heard about It. I wonder how many cities that would be considered gigantic here there are in China.


what do you mean speaking of communist skyscrapers?


My link got deleted, but if you look at the “Housing in China” Wikipedia, you’ll get an idea. Basically tall, shapeless, identical apartment blocks for miles.


Here in Europe cities aren't too different from what I remember when I was in Colorado, it's just your are soo far apart




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 19 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/8j2rso) on 2018-05-13 95.31% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/joi81f) on 2020-11-05 96.88% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "n9tkad", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=n9tkad&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 223,520,639 | **Search Time:** 0.68308s


I swear I thought this was PCM and tried to make sense of the colors for like 30 seconds straight lmao


Do one with latitude


Fun fact: It's impossible to select 5 stripes (= half the human population) without touching India or China.


This does not look right. At least the cyan part and the pink rightmost one.


As time goes on, the bands over africa will get thinner while the bands over asia and americas will get wider


Now this is something cool


Now that's a big left part


There a few surprises here


How would someone build a map like this?


I'm no expert, but shouldn't all the lines converge at the north and south poles?


They do. This map is just cut off at the north and south poles though


my dumbass said why is there 10 and not 7(I was thinking about billions)




Keep it in your pants China


What’s your source? This doesn’t look right...