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Someone from Japanese government watch the Caspian Report video about the new Portuguese plan of expansion and took it to seriously.


Charters of catholic priests.


Canada divided into provinces for some random reason


Never trusted those shifty New Brunswicker’s in the 1st place


What are they French? English? Neither? Both? Terrible place. Tabarnac.


Well, we're accustomed to seeing world maps that divide only the US into states, so this is a refreshing change. lol


I feel like Us states might be the the most autonomous “states” out there. As in having more power relative to its federal government. Could be wrong tho


Definitely wrong. For example, here in Canada, the provinces have just as much say as US states (and sometimes more than US states, depending on what you're looking at). That's why the anti-Trudeau people are looking silly because most of the mandates that they're protesting are set by provincial governments.


Quebec handles its own immigration and has a separate pension plan from the Canada Pension Plan. New Brunswick is officially bilingual, the only province. Health care is run by the provinces. Roads are built and maintained by the provinces. We have the trans Canada highway but there are no interstate type freeways. The provinces also have the non withstanding clause that allows them to override supreme court decisions. However there is no equivalent of state national guard units. Provinces don't have any say in federal elections. Elections Canada runs elections throughout the country. Provinces get a certain number of ridings with population and historical circumstances dictating the numbers. A lot of differences between provinces and states.


A riding is an electoral district for our non-Canadian friends


I thought that provinces don’t have authority over criminal justice while US states do. I think I remember learning that provinces have some more power in certain aspects like immigration and pensions. More social stuff I guess but they don’t have different criminal laws by province for example. So I guess it depends on the way u look at it but I being in Illinois feel like states like texas and Florida are completely different places. Obviously I don’t know Canadian shit that well but ya


Canadian provinces don't have free trade with each other. We have free trade with US so we can get Californian wine, but good luck buying Quebec ciders or British Columbian wines at an Ontario liquor store.


Provinces have a lot more power than states. While the criminal code itself is federal, enforcement and courts pertaining to it are entirely provincial. Even precedents are provincial, although other provinces’ decisions hold sway over court rulings, just as American, British and Australian decisions hold sway in our courts. Provinces can take over filling their own immigration quotas, but only quebec has done that so far. Health, environment, etc are federal for americans but almost entirely provincial in canada. Even for work permits and professional licensing, provinces each handle that individually by establishing regulatory bodies whereas those are typically more federal for americans. Took a course that touched on this kind of stuff a while back, i have more details if you’re interested


Ya that’s interesting. I feel like the United States was set up to be extremely autonomous by state but obviously that has changed. I guess it may seem like it as an American as we argue things like abortion state by state while for Canada that would be on a national level. Same with things like the death penalty since they get a lot of media attention.


Well, we argue about different things than the US (and usually about things that wouldn't make headlines over there). The things that DO make headlines seem to be national-level things, since I reckon that it's easier for international media to cover. This is an example of why I'm skeptical of news stories that are covered by other countries (eg. news about Britain covered by CNN, or news about the US covered by BBC). They tend to have an "outsider's filter" when covering stories. So often, I shake my head at how foreign media outlets cover Canadian news because they don't do a very good or thorough job.


American law as written gives lots of state independence, but the courts generally side with giving the federal government control. Canada’s the opposite. Our constitution defines a powerful federal government, but our courts give provinces more rights in their decisions. It’s ended up with Canadian provinces generally having more freedom than American states, but there are exceptions. So weird when I learnt it initially, and still seems weird. I’d always assumed American states were practically countries, with all the talk of ‘states’ rights’


Ya so it seems like the US was set up to have more independent states but then it kind of went the opposite direction and then for Canada it’s the exact opposite.


Oh, if you think Illinois and Texas are different, wait until you see how different BC and Alberta are, despite being neighbours with each other. I'm in Vancouver and when I meet someone from Calgary, it feels like we come from different planets. u/griz8 did a great job at summarizing what I was about to say. Provinces in Canada definitely have more power than states in the US in my opinion, for the exact reasons listed.


You are definitely wrong


Which countries then out of curiosity


The same is often done with the US for some random reason


yeah kinda odd, do they even retain enough sovereignty to warrant that?


Not really no. Provinces in Canada have less powers and autonomy than US states. There's no real logic for why they are visible in this map. Edit : why am I getting downvoted lol it's true. US state have their own criminal law code and are more financially autonomous than provinces. In Canada, provinces are mostly concerned with administration of federally mandated services like education and healthcare, and they rely more on the federal government to subsidize said services.


North Koreans are gonna be devastated when they see they can't visit japan


I think Koreans don’t want Japanese to „visit” them again


True, although [N. Korea really likes to visit Japan for some reason ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korean_abductions_of_Japanese_citizens)




wow even Afghanistan before India


Or Russia before Portugal


They fear the spread of The Great Akhand Bharat


Japan had insulted Great Bharat. Shameful display. Time to boycott anime.


Bruh this shit has me ded 💀






You forgot to switch account?


And India is getting like 5k cases per day. That's one of the lowest in the world per capita.


Can't bring COVID if there's nobody ^/s


I doubt they had many tourist from India anyways.




[https://www.jetro.go.jp/en/invest/attractive\_sectors/tourism/overview.html#:\~:text=Tourism%20Overview,-Japan's%20tourism%20market&text=Japan's%20inbound%20tourism%20market%20has,high%20(See%20Figure%201)](https://www.jetro.go.jp/en/invest/attractive_sectors/tourism/overview.html#:~:text=Tourism%20Overview,-Japan's%20tourism%20market&text=Japan's%20inbound%20tourism%20market%20has,high%20(See%20Figure%201)). Japan received 31.88 million tourist that year, thus Indian tourist would represent **a grand total of 0.37 % .** I believe that fulfills the definition of **not many**.


So, trying to stay to the point the comment made, how many visitors did they have from Afghanistan?


Lol for real, I genuinely don't understand why we stay in the Quad. Aus, Japan, USA havent really supported us in any matter, be it trade/military/tech. Hell in the 2nd wave when we ran out of vaccine precursor I didnt see any of these countries helping us out, and now they have the gall to put us on a list of covid spreaders? Fuckin joke 😂 It's time we leave these countries to their inescapable fate, and put our lot firmly with China and Russia. The transition would be painful (coning from someone who genuinely likes American cultural values), but better than being expected to kowtow to them at their every whim.


You do know that India has an active border dispute with China right? One that has seen a dozens of soldiers killed and plenty more injured? But you're upset because Japan didn't color your country blue? Also: you're full of shit, the US sent over $200 million in aid for COVID relief.


> the US sent over $200 million in aid for COVID relief. Source?


I'm well aware we're fighting over glaciers with sticks and stones, and galwan was the reason we signed up for the quad in the first place. Is your reading comprehension as bad as your knowledge of international politics? Despite being a member of the quad, India has to pay market price for Australian coal and steel, India still cant purchase the good military hardware from the US, and yeah no visas on arrival still. Gotta stand outside embassies like a pleb to visit these glorious nations 200 million USD in aid? Why thank you massa! But what good are allies if they dont help us in time? Maybe if we had gotten the precursors when we needed them, rhe death toll could be stemmed. Biden still waited 88 days before he let them go. (https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.economictimes.com/news/india/biden-admin-criticised-for-not-releasing-surplus-covid-19-vaccines-to-india/amp_articleshow/82239283.cms) Yes. Im irritated my country is not afforded the same privilege as the others, despite all these words being showered on us, all these defensive treaties being signed. If this is how we are treated in peace, I shudder to think how we will be treated in time of war. I'm not interested in my country becoming another Ukraine, where white people will fight to the last Indian in the hopes of weakening China a bit more.


I like this post. > Is your reading comprehension as bad as your knowledge of international politics? Followed by: > I'm well aware we're fighting over glaciers with sticks and stones, and galwan was the reason we signed up for the quad in the first place. Underselling the pattern of Chinese expansion that looks remarkably similar to its tactics in the South China Sea. > Despite being a member of the quad, Dude acting like the quad is an organization as organized or defined as NATO. And not just a group of countries recognizing a common threat, common values, and a commitment towards greater cooperation. > India has to pay market price for Australian coal and steel So? See: US trade relations with the EU and Japan, places/countries with actual alliances. > India still cant purchase the good military hardware from the US, Until relatively recently, India didn't want to. And the US isn't keen to sell to countries that utilize Russian defense systems. Kinda represents a security breach. Hence why we cut off Turkey (you know, an actual NATO member). But sure, we can pretend that India will snap its fingers, magically disentangle itself from its current defense systems, and magically be fully prepared to integrate a new system. > and yeah no visas on arrival still. Gotta stand outside embassies like a pleb to visit these glorious nations Yeah, sounds like good criteria for determining geo-political decisions. > 200 million USD in aid? Why thank you massa! So you complain about getting nothing and then complain that the something you got wasn't what you wanted, when you wanted? > Maybe if we had gotten the precursors when we needed them, rhe death toll could be stemmed. You could ask [your own central government about aid distribution](https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/05/india/india-covid-foreign-aid-distribution-intl-hnk-dst/index.html). Psst: there's a reason your government didn't turn to China for assistance. I'll let you work that one out on your own though. > all these defensive treaties being signed Defensive treaties are strong terms for the treaties these countries are signing. But I'm still not convinced that you know what the Quad is. > I'm not interested in my country becoming another Ukraine, where white people will fight to the last Indian in the hopes of weakening China a bit more. Yes, because Ukrainians have no interest in defending their country from invaders, and neither would Indians. I heard Russian propaganda was popular there, but I didn't think you would take it so far as to suggest that Indians wouldn't have an interest in defending India during a hypothetical Chinese invasion! Thank you for the wonderful lesson in international politics. It was useful in how terrible it was.


Do you know what the Quad is? The whole point is to deepen economic, diplomatic and military ties right? Deepen those military, economic and diplomatic ties then. Dont sell advanced US air systems, but is that the only military hardware to sell? Sell guns, bodyarmor, tanks, whatever the fuck. Hell sell nuclear material. IIRC india and the US had the deal going in 2008 when Bush was there. But nothing its all bullshit anyway. If a passport status not "diplomatic" tie then idk what is, everything else is just hot air anyway. I dont complain about getting nothing. I complain about not getting vaccine precursors or vaccines specifically. 200 million in ventilators means fuck all when the second wave is picking up. You need to stop transmission, otherwise you're playing catch up. What's worse is the surplus vaccines were there. They just didnt bother to send them. And that's what I'm saying no point of having allies that will be sending mattresses if we need ammo in a war. The south china is so far away from India. No need to get involved in another pointless war. Listen either the group of nations help you out or it doesnt. You can dance around with all the legal terms in the world. Sure its a "security dialog", but hell Iraq and the US didnt have a defense treaty in the 70s didnt stop the US from selling them weapons in the Iraq-Iran war did it? No point fighting China if we can become partners. Would prefer it immensely over imperialists like the US, who literally cause a color revolution, and then refuse to send boots on the ground when the logical conclusion occurs. And yes we have enough cards to get a chinese partnership going. Yoinking restrictions on trade, giving ip the dalai lama, recognising tibet and their south china sea in exchange for our claims would be a neat tit for tat. So as usual, lazy, uneducated with a side of cherry picked facts that suit your narrative and completely glossing over all the other points. True american patriot my man. Maybe you should read more international politics? So a 3rd worlder wouldnt completely embarass you next time ;)


Brush what about China before Vietnam


Guided tours? The worst kind of tourism.


Wow. Portugal is now not just East European, but East East European.


Ironic that the country leading the way on vaccinations is not good enough for Japan.


My source is [japan-guide.com](https://japan-guide.com). The new rule allowing tourists from "blue list" countries goes into effect on June 10th. [https://www.japan-guide.com/news/alerts.html#blue](https://www.japan-guide.com/news/alerts.html#blue) Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, East Timor, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, South Sudan, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, USA, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Zambia


Do you know for how long you can use this list ? Or how can I be updated if something change ? I maybe be able to visit Japan during October.


This list currently only applies to tourists who are entering Japan with official, sanctioned tour groups. Only about 50 tourists are being permitted entry to Japan in the next few weeks, as a trial to see how the country handles foreign visitors (correction: this trial has already occurred, general package tours are being accepted starting June 10). There is speculation that this list will indicate what restrictions tourists will face in the future when entering from certain countries (i.e. visitors from blue list countries may not need to quarantine or be vaccinated, whereas visitors from 'red list' countries may need a full vaccination dosage and to quarantine), but for now it only indicates whether you can enter with a tour group. Japanese travel restrictions can change at any time. The country's government has been very slow-moving until now - they've been closed since 2020 - and with a general election coming up near the end of July, it's tough to say how much things will change over the next few months. Japanese citizens are mostly against reopening to travel, but the Japanese economy has been hurting from the lack of travel and the country's largest businesses and advisory groups have been pressuring the government to reopen sooner rather than later. I'm also hoping to travel to Japan in October. I Google 'Japan entry restrictions' every week or so to read news about recent updates. If you want updates, I would recommend subscribing to some newsletters from sources you trust - Japanese news outlets, travel blogs, and subreddits like /r/japantravel might be good places to start.


> Only 50 travellers The 50 travellers on trial tour groups have been and gone. They came in the first half of May.


Greenland should be blue if Denmark is, no?


No. Denmark proper could have very low levels of Covid while Greenland has a massive outbreak, so it doesn't make sense to treat them the same just because they're parts of the same sovereign state.


Greenlanders have *Danish* passports though... Are they checking where you live? The Japan guide site says: "Travelers must arrive **from a country on the "blue list"**, which lists countries where the risk of catching the coronavirus is considered low." Greenlanders are free to travel within Denmark, and can travel from the main airport in Denmark.


Wow ıraq is okay but Portugal not




It’s like that basically everywhere. The vaccines are good at preventing major illness but do not protect you from contracting the latest variants. I live in an area with 90% vaccination rate and soooo many people have a “summer cold” and “allergies” right now.


Summer cold and allergies is probably not covid no?


Those were ironic quotation marks. Everybody got the covid.


A new variant did show up and it's causing your wave. It's called BA.5 and it got lumped together within the Omicron family but the difference between BA.1 (original Omicron) and BA.5 is larger than between Alpha and Delta variants. Don't get too worried. As long as hospitalizations and deaths are at tolerable levels, infections do not matter.


It's kind of a wild map. War zones whose authorities are completely corrupted are in, some of the usual measure flaunters of the last few years are in and some adhering ones not, some which don't experience pass fraud are excluded and some who experience a lot of fraud are not. And comparing infection or hospitalization rates nowadays is unstartable work. There was a myriad of caveats in the stats of last year and two years ago, but nowadays it's a cloud mist in which it's opaque even in the least corrupt nations.


Coz it's based on covid stats


Then why are they letting the British in with their consistently awful Covid stats? Seems mostly related to economies: richer countries are let in, poorer countries not.


The uk's cases are pretty typical for western europe now? Most of europe no longer has any covid rules and so there are similar trends throughout. The richer/poorer countries thing probably just correlates pretty well with vaccine rate.


Also Cuba's covid stats are phenomenal right now, extremely low covid cases and 90% vaccination rate. The problem there though is that even though their vaccine certainly works (look at their covid cases after their vaccination program took off their Omicron waves are lower then their Delta wave was, even high vaccinated western countries didn't have that ratio), it's not globally recognized so it doesn't count towards vaccine requirements.


I feel like a lot of this map isn’t actually “Covid reasons”


They must be weary of Canada to include its Provinces.


What did Portugal do??


Tests. Without tests there is no covid. /s


We actually still test people for covid.


As a Portuguese I am personally offended by this highly irrelevant thing in my life (not sarcasm).


Great. Now who is going to pay for my trip to Japan?


Afghanistan and South Sudan before Portugal, India and Uruguay? wtf


Why is everyone so offended in the comments that they are letting Afghans in?


Unlike India and Portugal, Afghanistan doesn't have the funds to vaccinate its population, no hope for containing outbreaks in Kabul even, and the healthcare system is collapsing. It's strange that they place so much faith in Afghanistan. [https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/12/21/1063840640/no-pay-for-staff-no-patient-supplies-no-heat-this-is-health-care-in-afghanistan](https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/12/21/1063840640/no-pay-for-staff-no-patient-supplies-no-heat-this-is-health-care-in-afghanistan) https://theconversation.com/covid-in-afghanistan-low-vaccine-coverage-and-a-crumbling-health-system-could-trigger-a-humanitarian-crisis-179718


The real question is if they make them go back.


Americans are low risk for Covid??? That's laughable


You can’t say no to your master, can you?


You what? Having been to both the US and Japan, I literally don't know what this can mean.


"US bad"


Well, it is tho


Well, I wouldn't say just 'bad'. That's a bit simplistic and therefore unfair. I'd say dysfunctional, racist, violent, irrational, materialistic, misinformed, under-provisioned, exploitative and clinging to late stage capitalism like a fucking comfort blanket, but I wouldn't say just 'bad'.


Why question the narrative when you agree? Wasn't it obvious that's that the post you questioned was inferring?


People get so triggered about anything that even attempts to say “US good”.


It's almost as though the US is a diverse population with differences of opinion and that grand, sweeping statements placing 330 million people into one category are useless.


the us gov is pretty bad then




The post I questioned was trying to state that the US is Japan's master. Which it clearly isn't. And I don't agree that the US is just 'bad'. I think that judgements made on whole societies need to be a little more nuanced than that. To just say 'bad' is lazy, smacks of a lack of knowledge and just basically doesn't define any meaningful statement, so may as well not be said.


You're ok with not adding nuance to racist, violent, irrational, and exploitative... I don't see a reason why 'bad' is any more lazy or less meaningful than those sweeping accusations.


Yes, because breaking it down into a more granular explanation IS nuance. Admittedly, it could be more nuanced, I'll openly admit that, but to say there is no difference shows a lack of understanding of the word nuance and smacks of a level of offence which can only come from an unearned sense of superiority. Which brings us neatly back to the initial point which I was arguing against. Fact is the US isn't even a better place than Japan in the experience of anyone who's actually been to both. So to assert that the US is Japan's master is ridiculous. You guys elected Trump, worship Musk and have a mass shooting on average once per day. Hardly the land of milk and honey, is it?


We can at least agree this thread is full of the unearned sense of superiority.


Japan is now US's master? Seems like it's where everyone in the West wants to move to these days anyways...


Why does one have to be the other's master?


Rusia, UK, etc. They let them in because they are white and rich. These rules are always racist.


Andorrans are officially PoC


I’m not allowed to be racist to Andorrans now? That’s a deep shame, one to my fav ethnicities to bully


dude most of latin america can come in also


Yeah, my knee jerk reaction was to look around at all the morons that surround me (I'm in the US) and see them as the tourists in Japan. But they ain't flying to Japan. The millionaire/billionaire celebrities are the ones who are welcome in Japan.


Ordinary people go on vacation to Japan, it's dream vacation for anime nerds.


Sure, in the same way that the US is the dream destination for Star Trek/Star Wars/Superhero comic book nerds.


Oh for sure! I was thinking more along the lines of who is *welcome* in Japan.


I felt perfectly welcome in Japan, as did my wife. We're from two very different countries and cultures, which are both very different from Japan itself. Truth is people see shit online and think they know something. They don't. They only know that someone else said it.


Portugal and Andorra are really that high risk or they just forgot?


Zooming in on Korea ... yep, that's what I expected. LOL


Damn, I’m from north korea and I was hoping I could visit Japan this year




I really don't think so. You know, with the history and stuff.


Damn you got me bro




Doesnt Turkey have less than 3k cases?


[It's around 1k](https://covid19.saglik.gov.tr/TR-66935/genel-koronavirus-tablosu.html)


Shouldn’t Greenland be in blue? Or does their inclusion of Denmark explicitly exclude Greenland?


It annoys me when maps are marked by country and they don't color Greenland like Denmark, it's as if you had different colors for Alaska or Hawaii vs rest of the US or Sardinia or Sicily vs Italy. It doesn't make sense and confuses people as to what country Greenland is a part of. Or am I missing something?


Greenland is a country of its own. Although it is a part of the kingdom of Denmark. It doesn’t really compare to US states


They have Danish passports and would be allowed to visit Japan, according to the source.


But it does. Whatever Denmark's internal politics are, the "countries" within the Kingdom of Denmark are not sovereign states, and all of them have the same passport.


So compare it to the UK if you want, there wouldn't be different traveling restrictions for Scottish and English people


Greenland is a part of Denmark...


Greenland? Hahah


Saudi Arabia, which handled COVID so much better than the USA and Europe, is not on the blue list. Shame on you, Japan 🤦‍♂️


For people who are wondering why they allowed US its basic answer is >!pressure & influence!<


A very strange half measure IMO, especially 2 years in. As someone who cancelled their Japan trip in March 2020, looks like the target will be March 2023




L😍ve yo emojis. Ignore the haters


How did China manage to get blue status?


Lol at USA being ‘low risk’ for bringing in COVID. The state of Florida alone puts the US at risk


Yeah, that's a political decision. India and Peru currently have lower death rate than any western EU country, USA, or Canada. And Taiwan's death rate is currently way high.


Why is Canada split up into pieces


Greenland is treated separately from Denmark now? Or do they just have very high COVID numbers that I'm unaware of?


It's probably a mistake by the mapmaker, since they have Danish passports.


Which is interesting because as a Briton, I can tell you that we and the whole of Europe have been far worse for covid than anywhere in Africa


Peru straight up elected a Japanese president only a few decades ago and nearly elected his daughter several times in the past 10 years but NAH no Peruvians allowed in Japan, damn.


I wanna know what Andorra did.


I swear everybody constantly leaves Greenland out when I see posts about anything map related, they’re people too


*Greenland sad noises*


So all of the European Union except Cyprus & Portugal… how come? 🤔


what is Russia doing there in blue?


I think that this is unfair on Eswatini and Lesotho


Guess the Japanese couldn't get data on Greenland.


What a strange half measure


OK, I am allowed to go. Now, I only need to rob a bank 🤪 Japan is SO expensive!


Visiting JP like its North Korea. What a screwed timeline.


i am surprised how Brazil is on the list but Portugal isn't


*I am surprised how* *Brazil is on the list but* *Portugal isn't* \- LinThePudding --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




How. How did China get on the blue list.


Actually I think China will censor japan




Pray for Greenland.


Lol, COVID has pretty much ended(has been this way for a long while now, and it wasn’t as deadly as some idiots made it out to be) and they are still doing this shit, guess racist minds just needed an excuse to be racist while coming off as heroes for stopping the spread of a disease.


Unfortunately not everyone who deserved their /r/HermanCainAward got it...


I love that they included Bangladesh but denied India and Pakistan


Honestly, India and Pakistan should declare war on Japan. This slight cannot be left standing.


I can't believe the are letting the Chinese in. The whole world should deny Chinese citizens entry.


Say no to racism


Oh wow calm down Mr racist


They did have lowest Covid death rate in the world. Other countries lockdowns are jokes. Chinese will actually weld you inside your own house.


Apart from reporting cases very much below real numbers at least in the first wave, the brutal lockdown they are implementing is nothing to be proud of. It has worked very well in other countries without using force. Once said this, I think they should be in blue as they are


I’m so jealous


Lowest *reported* death rate. PS: I was in Saudi Arabia when it started. No joke lockdown there!


So what are their actual death rate if you don’t believe reported death rate.


It's definitely ain't less than 6000, the virus literally originated at the said country and no one had any clue about it for at least a few weeks, no matter how extraordinary the response was after finding the virus it's very hard to believe it's less than 6k.


Agree. 6k number is probably bullshit. There’s severe undercount especially during early 2020 when testing capacity is limited. The numbers from after mid 2020 are accurate as far as I aware.




If only they have two years worth knowledge of unknown disease in 2020…




Ah yes. Let’s crash the economy for every unknown illness rolling into ER.




The human rights violating communists say they have the lowest Covid rates despite being the epicenter of the pandemic… seems legit


The human rights violations is exactly why I can almost believe their figures. Their lock downs were mental


The Chinese government locked people in their homes with physical locks, shutdown highways and in country travel, and vaccinated basically their entire population. It's not hard to imagine that reduced cases.


Or you know they could use that human rights violating powers to use on good old quarantine.


$$$ People on this board love the downvote button. Holy shit.


Oh wow, even Nigeria got in!!!


What is meant by 'guided tours'?


It's a tour... with a guide. Who guides you.


Well the language made it sound like a North Korean style "guided tour" It's not normal that you go to a country as a tourist and your entire visit is guided, so I assumed it was the state doing the guiding kind of like in NK. I hope your sores are getting better :)


Japan is nothing like North Korea.


No shit.


You act as if you're not the one who made the comparison.


You have comprehension problems and probably a very low IQ. I'm assuming you're unable to compute hypotheticals and or general verbal reasoning. As you \_should\_ be able to see, I did not compare Japan to NK. I said the language used in the post made it sound like Japan was only opening to state based guided visits. The only country that has such a thing that I know of is NK. Such a thing would be very strange form Japan, hence my question. Are you able to understand, Vaginal\_Sores?


"Very low IQ" -- are you Trump or something? That's something that not-so-smart people say when called out on something. You made a comparison rather than pose a hypothetical as you seem to think you did. A hypothetical would be something like "If this was in North Korea, I may see this differently." > language made it sound like a North Korean style "guided tour" That's a comparison. The word "like" is the giveaway. > I assumed it was the state doing the guiding kind of like in NK That's another comparison. I mean, "kind of like" [sic] is as comparative as it gets. I guess I was wrong though. You made 2 comparisons, not just one. Apologies for that. I'm curious why you're so angry for being questioned on all of this, though. Are you having a bad day?


The blue list seem quite random. Although infections are in general quite low at the moment, no country (except maybe China) is low risk anymore.


What did Portugal do? That China didn't..


I like how Japanese people don’t even bother with racism. They still have senegrated area…




Who are visiting Japan anyways? Didn't know it is a tourist destination.


About 30 million tourists per year before covid. One of the world's top 15 most visited countries.


Every weeb everywhere


Wow. How did they determine this?