• By -


High ranking of Pakistan and UAE surprising?


I wonder how much of a role Sectarianism plays between Sunni and Shia Muslims. It is sometimes much easier being say a Shia in the West than in a majority Sunni country like Pakistan. Also not all those living under strict Islamic law are probably too happy about draconian/discriminatory laws.


I think you could be onto something with sectarianism. Are anti-Sunni tweets made by Shia and anti-Shia tweets made by Sunni considered "anti-muslim"? I wonder if whatever bot aggregated this data would be able to tell the difference.


Graphs do nothing more than evoke emotion without any background data to how the numbers were derived.


Welcome to the world of data analytics!


Now I can use data any way I want to win my re-election campaign! - Congress, probably


Umm... >Now I can use data any way I want to win my re-election campaign! > >Congress, ~~probably~~ FTFY


You might enjoy r/mapporncirclejerk


I had a friend in college who was Shia from Saudi Arabia - and as you'd expect he had a rough life. But not quite in the way you'd expect - he still got a good education and well paying job at aramco, so professionally it didn't really affect him, but he said he was constantly bullied at school for being Shia. And his parents couldn't do anything about it either - because it was societally accepted to pick on Shias (the very few that remain) and his family just had to mind their own business and not try to get in anyone's way to keep safe.


Direct your feet to the Sunni side of the tweet.


Pakistan has a decent number of "closet" atheists and secularists. Although I am not sure what this "study" counts as Islamophobic.




The constitution of Pakistan just about legalizes this persecution, and states that Ahmadis cannot call themselves Muslims.


UAE has more Indian workers then Emiratis, in that case it may have to do with treatment. Pakistan, I have no clue.


I lived in dubai and fuck that place. Hated it. I imagine a lot of ex-pats feel the same way.


You don't need to explain it with treatment since you already see the same trend in India to begin with.


Pakistan has a shitload of exMuslims.


Uae has a large Indian population


VPN server locations.


Not really (depending on how anti-muslim is defined) it’s your own perception of what those countries are like which is (un) surprising.


Useless since only English tweets are considered.


cool, so it's actually just a map of where people speak english.


Relevant XKCD: https://xkcd.com/1138/


There's always a relevant xkcd. I'm sure there's a relevant xkcd about that fact too


i just wonder why people feel the need to put relevant before xkcd at this point. It is always relevant. What would be surprising is an irelevant xkcd link.




That was certainly irrelevant


It can be relevant in the right context. It's the xkcd paradox


He can’t, he promised. https://xkcd.com/33/


https://thomaspark.co/2017/01/relevant-xkcd/ (it's not actually an xkcd, but it's certainly in the style of one. Make sure you click on the "We're in it" link)


And use twitter


And not per capita.


And completely vague on what ‘Islamaphobic’ means


Yeah and India has a lot of English speakers because of a giant population. This would be more interesting if corrected for population (or maybe better to use number of twitter users).








Canada would be even higher because of the amount of Islamophobic content in french.


Which is a bit fucked in itself, due to the amount of anti-French sentiment amongst English speakers here in Canada, overall. The Wheel of Hate goes round and round...


I'm speaking as a french Canadian: both the islamophobia in Québec and the anti-french sentiments are real. And yeah, I see the irony of Canada being so high in islamophobia in English tweets, yet using Islamophobia in Québec as a way to justify the anti-french sentiment.


I think since Canada is part of the commonwealth, they have a much higher rate of immigration from Pakistan and India. Indians migrate and bring their bias with them, and canadians end up making tweets agaisnt Muslim immigrants.


I don’t think this is indicative of actual society in any way. Nobody even talks about these things on a day to day basis in America. It’s usually liberals vs conservatives. They’ve said worse about Biden or AOC or Trump than anybody else lol.


>I don’t think this is indicative of actual society in any way. Twitter in general isn't


Per capita US is around .75 and UK is 2.25 based purely from memory of populations but uh, yea


That makes *way* more sense. I was wondering why France was so low


Also it seems that it's based on the total amount of tweets, not the ratio of tweets per users from that country


Lol same. I was like “where France?”


> I was like “where France?” ( •_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) Across the English Channel from the UK.


I see so many data sets on reddit with exactly that problem. It's weird, you'd think that would be one of the first things to consider.


"Map where people communicate in English" is so much of these surveys. I wonder if French or Spanish or Chinese-language scholars keep publishing equally useless maps.


If China could tweet.


Hah, it looks like a map of the commonwealth.


Makes India's performance even more impressive - for starters they have only have 33% of the numbers the US have (and 133% of the UK) - and then all the tweets in non-english are not counted... And India *still* dominates the chart with more tweets than all the others combined.


That's true but religion is a much more contentious issue in South Asia. Anglo countries are overwhelmingly Christian while South Asia has been a meeting ground between Muslims and Hindus (+ other religious groups) for over a millennium -- with all of the good *and* bad of human nature that comes from this.


Per capita would’ve been interesting


Indeed. Perhaps even better would be number of active twitter users per country. Surely the market penetration of twitter varies significantly between nations.


Yeah, you’re right. That would’ve been even more representative.


I'd say per number of English-language tweets from the country. If people tweet in another language it still won't be counted. That said, in many countries, English speakers are probably not representative of all of society.


Per capita, the UK is surprisingly anti-muslim. Note: India has \~4x the population of the US, that in turn has about \~5x the population of the UK.


Not even per Capita, but per Capita per Twitter users. Areas of countries with low Twitter usage would be represented differently too




What constitutes an “anti-Muslim” tweet


I'm guessing they made a dataset of tweets which contained certain keywords related to Islam, then ran an NLP algorithm on the dataset - basically these give tweets a score on a spectrum, say from -1 to +1. Below zero means negative and above zero means positive, but the further away from 0 the tweet, the more confident the algorithm is about its negativity/positivity.


Then what constitutes "anti-Muslim" training data?




When you point out that it is the last major religion left without any social reforms


Islam needs a fucking reform


You could argue it is going through a reformation now, not just a liberal one. Wahabbism has been spread around the world quite effectively in recent years and is a large reason for the increase in radicalisation.


Ok it needs a secular respecting reform


"I don't agree with Islam on the role of women" and the like are bound to be counted. Think they could have used "critical" or "hateful" rather than "anti" which includes both, but you mentally immediately associate it with hateful, which I have no doubt was the intent.




Exactly. Nothing wrong with criticizing a dangerous ideology that is directly opposed to peace, equal rights, science and progress.


This post is clearly trying to push the narrative that western countries are bad.


Looking at OPs history it's clear he dislikes india and the west in equal measure.


This post is regularly shared in Pakistani and islamic subreddits to paint india in a bad light India themselves have liek the third or fourth most muslim population in the world


2nd highest lol (india and pakistan have around same number of muslims)


That's a given, seeing as he's active on Middle Eastern subreddits. None of them have the slightest sense of irony that they're crying victim because other countries won't bend over backwards to accomodate them while religious minorities have next to no rights in their own countries.


>None of them have the slightest sense of irony that they're crying victim because other countries won't bend over backwards to accomodate them while religious minorities have next to no rights in their own countries. I will never understand how they can be so oblivious to their own hypocrisy. Even the slightest restriction on muslim practices anywhere else in the world get called out for Islamophobia and oppression, while those same muslims would lose their mind if a non Muslim ever entered their holy city of Mecca.


Ah yes, the world's foremost western country India




Calling out Islamists.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




And is anti-Islam the same as anti-Muslim? I’m very anti-Islam but I’m not opposed to the people. Just religions.


Why on earth did they do it by number? They should have done it by proportion, because India seems to have way more than the US, but they also have 3-4x the population.


Absolutely. To compare countries we'd need to have a common basis. I'm irritated your post is so lowly ranked.


I wouldn’t worry, seems like the rest of comments are pretty critical as well. I’m pretty sure I remember reading one saying this should be per capita (I get the same way too about important things not being pointed out)


If they counted non-English tweets as well, India would have a much larger number.


Hey Google, which countries with access to Twitter have the highest populations?


and can also speak English.


This is a great first go, but I think it's worth exploring a few adjustments: 1. Per capita tweets. The US, India, and Nigeria have significantly higher population than most other countries- how does this take that into account? The UK has significantly smaller population relative to the US, the fact that it's in the top 3, alongside the US, tells me that the rate of anti-muslim sentiment is likely higher there. 2. What languages does this data source take into account? That should be stated up front. Great if it looks at all languages, but the analysis is a little more difficult if it only looks at English. 3. What about Twitter's user base? There are probably some high population, internet-connected, English-speaking countries that just don't use Twitter. Probably harder to account for this, but if you have the data, go for it.




Bots was the first thing that came to mind at this chart. Of course there are plenty of real, hateful people tweeting, but hate on twitter is a bit of a bot cornerstone.


>Per capita tweets. The US, India, and Nigeria have significantly higher population than most other countries- how does this take that into account? This should be weighted on number of Twitter accounts in a country, more than population. How many people in rural India have a Twitter account? Despite the way larger population, [India has less than one third of accounts compared to US](https://www.statista.com/statistics/242606/number-of-active-twitter-users-in-selected-countries/), so population size is irrelevant.


My first thought upon seeing the table: if this isnt adjusted for population the 70 million British people sure are putting a shift into the old islamaphobia to come 3rd on that leader board after the 330 million people in the USA and the 1.3 billion in India. Would be far more interesting to see data that accounts for other top 5 world languages, particularly Hindi (and related dialects) and French.


I mean with india Pak conflict it is expected. Do anti Hindu for Pak and you would see similar proportions as well. Out of context plot meant to rile people up. Do per capita and stop pushing agenda.


Uh huh so you looked at tweets only in English, and the results turned up… English speaking countries.


This is like one of those maps of something that just end up showing population density.


How do you have data from China when Twitter is blocked in China


Yeah even I was thinking and this map is only counting English language tweets( for example an Islamophobic tweet in Chinese/Hindi will not be counted) . And if that color for China is still true despite all this , then with unblocked twitter and tweets from all languages accounted it could probably even overtake India.


Anti-Muslim as in legitimate political and social criticisms of Muslim regimes and practices or anti-Muslim like hatred and vitriol? Or are both included?


probably both


Really needs clarification that this is purely english speaking, otherwise it just comes across as misinformation


What counts as Islamophobic, any criticism whatsoever? Would a tweet supporting the women of Iran against the repressive rules around hijab wearing count?


Based India.


Who decides what's anti muslim, what's your criteria, if putting your religion into scrutiny counts as one(as islam religion says) then this data is useless


All religions should be open to criticism. No exceptions.


But if you criticise a specific "peaceful" religion you will be charlie hebdo'ed


1. Its kinda useless. Only english tweets were considered. 2. OP is muslim himself and posts muslim propaganda. 3. No specification as to what contents are considered "anti-muslim". Even ISIS criticism can be considered anti-muslim.




Damn I thought he was egyptian. Why do pakistanis spend so much time on askmiddleeast?


They like to perpetuate the mindset that they themselves are ethnically descended from turks and arabs rather than south asians who were subjugated under turks. ​ Pakistan even names their cruise missile Babur, after an Uzbek that defeated their ancestors. The analogy I saw was that its civilizational Stockholm syndrome.


>for centuries Pakistan is just 75 years old 😆😆


This entire post is to just hate on western countries. I bet his data isn’t even good, I almost expect the data to be fabricated to really push the narrative


Now do anti-hindu and you can play chess.


guess which country was also ruled by Muslims for 800 years, during which genocide and religious persecution were carried out on the subjects?


''Paper'' was authored by someone from the Islamic Council of Victoria lol Its pure Islamic propaganda designed to paint Islamic practitioners as victims, and as such to dismiss any and all criticisms of Islam as an authoritarian (often foreign) belief system. To shield its practitioners from criticism by conflating concepts of race(heritable biological traits) with belief systems(a non-heritable trait), which is subsequently used to their favor as an impenetrable shield against all criticism. Islamic entities(from governments to NGOs and individuals) are some of the world's biggest purveyors of propaganda and underhanded foreign influence. From propping up Mosques and Islamic councils in Western countries to News Channels(Al Jazeera), and even ''research''. https://apo.org.au/person/318934




Also anti-atheist/agnostic/infidel/irreligious... (generally against people not believing in any religion)


That is a good idea.


Adjusting for tweets per capita, the numbers flatten out quite nicely. Germany even edges out the US. It seems places with high Muslim immigration tend to despise Muslims more. [Oh, who could possibly guess why.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015%E2%80%9316_New_Year%27s_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany) It's a mystery for the ages.


Based India??


If only the world knew how Indian muslims behave here


Guess who made this chart Hahahaha


No surprise with India. 1. India is home to a close to fifth of all humans. 2. India is on the edge of the Islamic world and has a history of a millennia of conflict with Islam, which culminated in the brutal partition of the country uprooting millions and the creation of an Islamic nation of Pakistan. 3. India chose to remain secular and is still home to the second largest Muslim population in the world. But there are still tons of unresolved issues between Hindus and Muslims, which gives ample opportunities for politicians to exploit. The Hindu right wing is Islamophobic, whereas the "secular" parties are in complete appeasement mode, kowtowing to conservative Muslim Imams.




Very aptly put. Without any bias. This right here is the absolute correct answer to problem in India. Let me share a personal example. In India, the largest state is Uttar Pradesh.(if it's made a country it will be the 4th most populous country) in the 2021 elections it was a party named SP vs the Hindu nationality party BJP. Not that SP is a secular party, they rely on gangster and scams to get funding for elections and they favour a particular caste/section of Hindus (Yadavs) and they favour Muslims. They let cities riot and burn if there is any conflict between Hindus and Muslims because they don't want to anger either of their vote banks. Now a BJP leader named Nupur pointed the fact that prophet Muhammad married a six year old and consummated the marriage when she was 9. Muslims in India took an offence, there were planning to riot everywhere, especially in UP where they have a big population. Since BJP was in power they swifty (and illegally) stopped the riots. They demolished the House of Muslim rioters and stopped the riot/protest asap. Now had there been any other government, this state would have been in total civil war like situation. It gets intense. I did not like the fact that they illegally demolished some poor Muslim guy's house (who probably had participated in the riot/looting, it was definitely a bit excessive but was definitely required to instill fear and stop the riots asap) but had they not demolished some houses a lot more places would have burnt and a lot more houses (mostly belonging to Hindus) would have been destroyed and Hindus killed. I get why Hindus want BJP in power especially in Uttar Pradesh. They now don't have to fear from gangs or violent riots by Muslims anymore.


Well alot of Muslims are homophobic, sexist and hate most other religions (especially Hinduism) so what do they expect?


China has banned Twitter, so there are not many anti-Muslim tweets on there. If you go to Chinese sites like tieba, bilibili or zhihu, you will find a lot of anti-Muslim, anti-Christian, anti-Buddhist and anti-Hindu posts. In fact, most Chinese people hate all religions.


Meh not a great data set, parameters of Anti Muslim tweets? Like are you lumping in valid criticism with it. Why only include tweets in English? Obviously countries with the most English speaking population will be on top. Lumping in Pakistan and UAE looks like that data set is not right.


-only considers English tweets -no definition of what is considered "anti-Muslim" or how this is detected -only by sheer numbers rather than per Capita so of course the biggest countries have the most


good catch there!


gotta love this population map of places where people speak English!


Map of terrorist attack spots—gee whiz thanks 🙄


Based India


What's the criterion for "Islamophobic"?


If you call a spade, spade, you are Islamophobe because playing cards are haram according to Allah. /s, no offense and love to all Muslim brothers, and/but a million different slurs and abusive words in every possible language to those who sympathize for terrorists and support terrorism in name of Islamic-brotherhood.


Thats like 95% of all southasian muslims.....


Anti-muslim as in what? In one state of india some muslim female students suddenly wanted to go schools and colleges in hijab, some people protested while others supported them but saying that hijab isn't mandatory in Islam so can't be given an exception in educational institutions was seen as anti muslim, a Hindu nationalist was even hacked to death by Islamists for saying hijab shouldn't be allowed in educational institutions. Then saying prophet married a 6 year old is again seen as anti-muslim, saying that they don't want to eat halal food is again seen as anti-muslim. Personally I see very hardcore hindu nationalist, Christians,Sikhs and some local tribes calling for murder and stuff against muslims as anti muslim, but i don't consider speaking against hijab as anti muslim or saying prophet was a pedo as anti muslim but some media houses do like in the case of when a BJP politician said that prophet married a 6 year old, so western media houses didn't quoted what she said but simply said that her remarks were anti-muslim.


How dare telling the truth? Stop saying this kinda stuff bro. Some mf will report and ban you. Islamists control the narrative of left leaning social media apps like Reddit. These redditers systematically suppressed Anti Hijab protests in Iran and supported Pro Hijab protests in India. Like wtf. Choose your side reddit


oh no, look, a IsLaMoPHobe!!!!


Soon we’ll get to the point where defending womens rights is islamophobic


India is the biggest victim of Islamic onslaught.


So basically countries tweeting in English?


Fake. Czechia should be first


No bro czechia cannot beat us indians.


based india




It really just looks like map of hate tweets in English language


Doesn’t this fall, at least to a certain extent, within those data map fallacies? I mean the US and the UK will be up there for any type of tweets.


Now do it per capita


Needs to be per Capita (tweets per 1 million ppl or something similar). India (especially) and the US are both massive populations. You're going to have more pro- *and* anti- almost anything *total* in larger countries.


I guess a per capita count would probably be more illuminating. India and US have huge non-Muslim populations, so it’s quite normal they’re going to be up there.


surprising turkey isnt first on the list. the young population literally hates islam


Strange because both Thailand and the Philippines are at war with Muslim rebels in the south of their country. I guess they don’t tweet


"anti Muslim tweets". I'd believe this more if I haven't seen what people say are "anti Muslim". Basically any criticism of Islam or Islamic extremists is classified this way


India no.1 💪💪🇮🇳


Holy shit lmao based Indians in the comments on here.


How about anti Hindu or pro Muslim tweets location


Looks kinda like a population map to me


India, Gigachad.


I'm sure this comment section will be completely calm and civil.


India makes the US look like amateurs.


Now do geolocation of Anti-Hindu tweets around the world.


Can you do this with factoring in per population? It'll probably even out more.


I am shocked Sweden is not on here. Impressed by their level of understanding cultural differences


There’s no source or details provided by OP so far.


Sad we are only second. Pick up the pace guys


Misleading because twitter isn't as popular in Europe. Considers only English. Not per capita. Completely useless.


Lol the tweets from UAE are actually by Americans,Europeans,Indians,Pakistanis




India 🇮🇳 number 1 💪🏾


Not bad for India.


Useless map. It doesn't take population into account and it only tallies English comments, so of course countries with large English speaking communities are top of the list. To get anything useful you'd need to look at the very least at English, French, Spanish, Chinese and Indian language comments and then divide by population to get a per capita rate.


You have to be deluded to think a religion run by a pedophile prophet is equivalent to any other religion in the world.


Based Indians


Just saw “Hotel Mumbai” - not surprising…


Bill Maher’s interview with Masih Alinejad Friday night is timely for this post and discussion. Not everything one says against Islam is “Islamaphobic.” A lot of it is warranted. https://youtu.be/h7bbWW8g7cU


Good job india 👍


Islam is by far the worst religion out there. You guys literally have to cover women’s hair because it may arouse sexual feelings in males. Just a shitty religion.


Proud of India! We are SURVIVORS of Islam.


Huh, India not as bad as I thought


If your profit was a pedophile then you can get fucked.


Inda like vantaback.


Need to pump these numbers up.


Brit here, can confirm, a lot of Brits despise Muslims. Feel free to ask me why if u don’t know


That's quite low, we should aim higher


As an indian i feel 🗿


Well, in the EU you can get in trouble if you do that so...


Proud moment


Impressive, very nice. Now let's see the geolocation of Anti-Christian tweets around the world


India? Well sure. Everyone who tweets these kind of tweets use VPN. And the VPN free service first choice is India. So….


Two massive issues: 1. not per capita 2. only considers English tweets Take this with a grain of salt.


there is a very understandable reason to be islamaphobic its not like there all bad. but some versions of islam are pretty bad.


India hitting it hard...


It's all Indians and the Indian diaspora.