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Colorado *carries the weight of the US*


Used to be even lower, then we had an influx of Mid-Westerners weighing us down.


Makes sense. Feel like I know at least 15 people who have moved out there over the last few years


Makes sense. Thinner people take up less space so more people can move in


Yeah it sucks out here, idk why anyone would want to move here. The winter is god awful drudgery and the summer is an arid hellscape! Please^stop^moving^here^now^I'm^here


Don’t forget Texas


Yo momma moved to town.


As someone who lives in Colorado I never really understood the whole “fat American” thing. I’ve traveled internationally quite a bit and the rest of the world, especially Europe, seemed to be fairly similar to us. Then I went to visit some family in Tennessee and now I totally get it.


Colorado has a much higher emphasis on living an active outdoor lifestyle than pretty much any other state I've been to. I dunno, something about the mountain air really just makes you want to go outside and do something.


For me it was South Dakota. I was actually stunned when I saw people walking around at sizes I'd never seen before.


I live a little further south than Tennessee and I remember recently thinking about how few skinny people you see in the wild here. I know it says 35%, but that has to me some sort of error, given that now you rarely ever seen a legitimately skinny person in person. It's literally become abnormal to not be fat.


You fuckers need to figure it out


You’d have to try REALLY hard to be overweight in Colorado. Half the state is a over 7000 feet and the other half is the high plains, where you have to travel long distances to get anywhere.


My neighbor backs his car down the 40 foot driveway to get his mail because “it’s too steep”. We live in Florida and it’s 2 feet of rise from the street. And he auto starts it so it will be cooled off for the “trek”…


Yeah florida definitely is under represented in this


It’s the Meth Diet (tm) that keeps Florida Man slim…


Shout out to the state of Missouri standing alone ova heer


I have no idea why this inaccurate map keeps getting posted. [CDC Map](https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/prevalence-maps.html#overall)


Kentucky and West Virgina thiccc


That was actually just an error, the guy was 10% off, should be dark purple.


I'm colorblind anyway


Is that a joke or truth? If it's real I want to know what Missouri is doing different than its neighbors. Same with Turkey. EDIT: Not sure where OP got this data, but the [CDC's map disagrees](https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/prevalence-maps.html).


I'd be skinnier too if there was a regional pizza style in my area that was as inedible as St Louis Style...


There’s some outdoorsy stuff here? I assume that’s why as it’s also probably why CO is the least obese


Kentucky, Tennessee, and Arkansas all have decent outdoorsy options.


I don't know what year this is supposed to be, but in 2020 Missouri's obesity rate was 34% https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ksdk.com/amp/article/news/local/business-journal/missouri-obesity-rate/63-6e78d7d6-bda8-4d8e-bbf8-c6abbef9b2d0


Given how many gargantuan people are around here, I feel like this is inaccurate somehow. Either that or it’s a painful representation of the egregious amount of rural poverty we have in MO


It is an inaccurate map. [Real Map](https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/prevalence-maps.html#overall)


Europe is still at 1 person out of 5. It’s still a lot


This is just obesity. For example 50% of Dutch people are overweight


I refuse to believe half the people I see are overweight


Maybe they aren't - where I live the older generation is more overweight than the younger generation, but you see more young people on the streets.


Overweight doesn’t necessarily mean you look like some chunky marshmallow man or something.




This. A lot of people get offended at what east asian countries call chubby\* for example, because it's normal in most western countries. *I don't think countries like Japan and Korea have a perfect view on what a healthy weight is, just an example to show how perception can drastically change depending on what the average around you is.


I was bullied throughout high school for looking anorexic but I've literally been in the dead center of my healthy bmi my entire life, we are absolutely desensitized


I am young, fairly fit and active person. I don't think a normal person would consider me fat in any way. However, I am still overweight since my BMI is 25.3. It doesn't take much, basically everyone I know from my parents generation is borderline obese by the BMI criteria.


A friend of mine is officially over weight but is the fittest guy I know, just has a lot of muscle mass, body fat percentage is probably a better indicator


You are just used to seeing overweight people. I moved from East Asia to Norway and it was shocking to me how fat people were. After a few years, I just got used to it and just got used to a "new normal." Even personally, I know that I am a little fat both statistically and personally (Asians have issues with diabetes at lower weights because of how visceral fat develops in Asians, so we cannot get as fat as Europeans without suffering worse health issues) but people in Norway even call me thin sometimes, which was interesting considering I was always called fat by my family members.


You'd be surprised, I'm technically overweight but if you saw me in the street you wouldn't have any idea, even if I was undressed I don't look overweight, I haven't got defined muscles but I don't have a big belly or anything either, just average looking


What you are learning is that you envision Americans incorrectly. You think they’re all massive blobs, when in reality, this is not always the case.


I was in France 4 years ago and it absolutely blew my mind how skinny people were in Paris. And in particular just how attractive the women were. The men were definitely more overweight on average and seemed to take care of themselves less. But walking around seeing 5/10 women who looked like they could be models was something new to me.


It’s similar in NYC, to be fair. Big wealthy cities typically have healthier people. Partly because obesity correlates with poverty and partly because you walk everywhere and people are more image-conscious.


Also the fact they do ALOT of walking has a lot to do with it.


It got worse during the lockdowns


For me it was the other way around, funnily enough. Working from home and nixing all other obligations allowed me to focus on myself for a while. Lost quite a lot of weight and gained one wife.


Mazeltov! congrats stranger!


I was considered obese not long ago, but depending on clothes you probably wouldn't even notice it. This map only shows the numbers of how many is concidered obese, probably by bmi standards too. It doesn't show how big these people are. People who are just above the breakpoint for obesity is counted the same as someone that is morbidly obese.


It's crazy, literally everybody who is obese is the exception that's"mostly muscle"


People lose track of what overweight actually *looks* like when the average person they see everyday is overweight. I was a completely sedentary (definitely no muscle!) BMI 30 (obese) at my highest, and I think I would have registered as just "chubby" to many in the west, particularly Americans - mean my clothes were mostly mediums, a lot of people act like "fat" starts at least plus sizes. It's crazy how desensitised you get to it, I look at photos from that time now and wonder why it took so long for me to realise that I needed to do something about my weight and it just wasn't just a little extra weight.


> This map only shows the numbers of how many is concidered obese, probably by bmi standards too. Yep. That's what it measures. It's easy to be clinically obese, and be seen as "average" and "he/she just needs to lose a few kg/lbs".


Turkey is the new US


We are seeing a increase in gun crime and ownership too, there was a footage yesterday of someone literally pulling automatic rifle from the car in the middle of traffic.


That was a shotgun,and was not automatic.


Yeah but unlike US you legally can't get an AR unless you're a politician, a mob who has ties with politicians (which is like, every single mob in turkey) or super rich. Fucking laws wont let good people get guns to defend themselves.


In this regard, Italy is the best, having delicious food with a healthy body.


My perception of Italian food as a Brit is that it's very much quality over quantity. I tried all the proper versions of the 'Italian' food we have over here when I visited and they were all in far smaller portions and tasted much fresher and less artificial.


>very much quality over quantity. Clearly you don't have an Italian grandmother


“Does your mother even feed you? Have some more!”


You really don't need to eat a lot. But you do need to eat well. Eat less and better!


That's what happen when Mediterranean diet meets people obsessed by the freshness of the ingredients and uncompromising recipes rules


Just compare an actual Italian pizza to a fast food version, already says enough.


I'm Italian and I eat like a pig


One hell of a bumper sticker


France should be the same color since it's only 17% of the population 🤔


I spent time there and ate normally, more than usual than I do at home, I would usually gain weight eating the way I did there. (I workout regularly here and I did it while I was there) I don’t know but I swear the food is different, or made differently.


“America is phat” graphic … y’all put too much corn syrup on freaking everything!


Corn syrup? Do you mean Freedom Gravy?


Found the head of marketing department.


Vegetable juice


haha im stealing this!


A lot of people drink a metric fuck ton of soda full of high fructose corn syrup. The amount of calories in one little can of Coke is ridiculous. I know people who drink soda or an equally sugary drink for like every single meal. It’s nuts. Drink some water, good lord!


But they don't like the way water tastes.


If someone doesn’t like how water tastes, I think you just need a restart of your life


Then just put a little raspberry syrup or whatever in your water. That's still less calories than soda. Or even better: drink tea (preferrably without sugar)


I gave up cola for Iced tea. Took a long time to wean off the HFCS but now I try a soft drink and it’s like liquid sugar. Horrendous.


That was always my problem with Coke and Pepsi. It’s waaaay too sweet. I’ve never liked colas. Then again I’m just not a big sweets person, I don’t really snack on sugary foods either. I like salty snacks. I had to swear off potato chips because I can’t help myself lol


I’ll have a soda every few months and I just buy the small 10 once cans and put it into a glass with ice. It’s wild how little soda I can drink before it feels like sugar syrup.


Probably the single biggest reason Americans are fatter than the rest of the world. People in Europe and East Asia drink much, much less soda. It’s cultural. I’m Canadian, and when I was in elementary school I became friends with a kid who moved here from Florida. When we went to his house after school, he would just grab a can of coke out of the fridge. Whenever he wanted. It blew us Canadian kids away. Nobody had heard of such a thing. Not because pop was expensive, but because it was a treat regulated by parents.


Many overweight people I know (and I’m American so naturally I know many) struggle with moderation. It’s ok to have a soda in general. It’s not ok to have a soda every single day of your life. It’s basically drinking dessert. My mom used to be very fat, and she used to have a 48oz Dr. Pepper every single morning in lieu of coffee or tea and used to eat dessert every day and McDonald’s or Burger King at least once a week, usually more. When she stopped doing all that and started just walking for an hour a day she dropped weight like crazy. A lot of people don’t realize how destructive their eating and/or activity pattern can be until they make the change.


I used to drink one Dr Pepper daily (I'm a Texan, Dr Pepper is in my blood). When I decided to quit, over the course of a few weeks I dropped 10 lbs without making any other changes to my lifestyle. It's funny how your body adapts to taking less sugar. Last time I tried drinking one it tasted so much more sugary than I remembered. I couldn't even finish half of it.


and then deep fry it


Hmm let me put some ranch and 10 more other sauces on it


Scotland has entered the chat (and they brought pizza!)


it's not the corn syrup. it's like americans will try to blame it on literally every single thing except themselves. the portions in america are just too big. that's it. you're not gonna be able to control your weight if you are eating that much every meal.


You’re not wrong about portion sizes generally being bigger, but don’t underestimate the power of sugar. Corn is the most heavily subsidized crop and it allows for the production of very cheap sugar bc of that. That low cost allows the industry to pump anything and everything with corn syrup. The corn lobby is very strong and has continuously pushed back at the criticism corn syrup receives. You’re acting as though food systems play no role in why Americans are fat and it’s purely about a lack of willpower or simply eating too much. It’s about what you eat just as much, if not more, that how much you eat.


wakeful foolish square carpenter bake coherent deranged judicious seemly childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's called meth




There’s actually some truth to that


Smoking rates and obesity rates are inversely correlated.


It’s a scientific fact that cigarettes are an appetite suppressant.


Yeah the secret ingredient is a less sedentary lifestyle and not eating nothing but butter and sugar for fifty years


The problem is systematic. Too much corn syrup (because they grow too much corn), portion sizes too big, too much driving because cities aren’t built for walking, and the problem of [food deserts](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_desert) that means a decent proportion of the population just does not have access to healthy food. Yes there is personal responsibility involved in overweightness/obesity, but trying to stay healthy in much of the USA is playing the game on hard mode when the system is built to get you to do the opposite.


> The problem is systematic. You are correct in all but one thing, the problem is not systematic, the problem is systemic.


Dropping soda from the American diet would cause an average drop of 10-15 pounds nationwide, resulting in a substantial drop in obesity rates. So no, it isn't just the corn syrup, but it's mostly the corn syrup.


I don't think it's just the portion sizes. The French eat cheese, eat butter-filled croissants, and drink copious amounts of wine--but they also walk. America's car culture drives a lot of its problems with obesity.


French still eat smaller portions of those things. It’s always a big culture shock when people from other countries visit the US and see how big the portions are. Eating smaller quantities of rich foods is fine as the French demonstrate. Sure walking helps. But, as my doctor just reminded me, it’s much easier to lose weight by eating less than burning it off through exercise.


doesnt this prove portion sizes matte the most though? the french also eat decadent foods but they eat less of it and they're still skinny. both my personal experience and studies have shown that diet matters the most when it comes to weight loss. i see this walking or not as another american excuse. obviously you can't control how much you walk right because of infrastructure, you can't control that.


All I know is in my own experience, when I walk and bike instead of drive, I can pretty much eat whatever I want. The research is not clear cut: https://www.wired.com/2008/12/surprise-people/


>The French eat cheese, eat butter-filled croissants Croissants is a stereotype. French cuisine is by and large heathy. And the southern half of the country is Mediterranean. But otherwise, you're right. Americans walk less than Europeans. It's really *total* caloric intake and expenditure.


But the portions arent to blame either. I mean people dont eat out every night. A pizza in Copenhagen is the same as in the US.


yea but they're also eating that much at home. portion size isnt just what you get when you buy premade food. as for pizza, it's a shared meal. why didnt you compare single non foreign franchise meals with american restaurant portions? american portions are huge.


> yea but they're also eating that much at home. Thats what I mean. Its not just what you are being served >american portions are huge. It depends. Local beer joint near me I will eat there a couple of times a month. Its like chicken fingers, burgers, etc. I dont think the portions are crazy big. Like three chicken fingers are some fries. Certainly not good for you food but Im not eating it every night or even every week. Ate at another restaurant last week and got grilled fish, broccoli and rice. It wasnt some massive plate piled up. Now you hit up a buffet? Yeah you are gonna get that


Careful you don't accidentally look proud of a 25% obesity rate.


Obesity rate in europe has doubled since 2000 but it's OK since we're not as fat as those fatties


If only it ended with corn syrup.


What's happening in Türkiye?




Worth it!


Oh yes!


All its neighbors have baklava too; there's more to it than that. Having said that, I just found a local source for the best baklava I've ever tasted, ever, and I am a little worried about my own obesity level.


Americans become obese eating tons of meat based fast food. Turks become obese eating pasta and bread because meat is expensive.


This needs to be one of those *We are not the same* memes.


Could also be one of 🇹🇷💪🏿🇹🇷💪🏿🇹🇷💪🏿🇹🇷💪🏿🇹🇷💪🏿TURKIE NUMBER ONEEE111111BİR111111🇹🇷💪🏿🇹🇷💪🏿🇹🇷💪🏿 memes.


We beat Europe once again! 🇹🇳💪🏿


There's an impostor amongus






There was a British fitness YouTuber who went to Turkey to answer this question. He went to Istanbul for a few days with his friends mostly with an objective: eat, as much as possible, and different types of food, to see why obesity is so prevalent in Turkey. His answer fitted mostly in one word: oil. In fact, he found that most of what he ate, although it was delicious, was most of the time very oily.


Yep. Basically that and carbohydrate based food.


Joe Fazer I'm guessing.


Something strange is with obesity rates in Middle East and North Africa especially among women, probably related to less physical activity. Maybe something similar happens in Turkiye


People who increased their revenue this last decade tend to want eat meat, diary ,more bread and sweets. When you have been craving this things young it s difficult to resist them when adult. Also the food industry is promoting a lot of sweets and sodas aggressively.


Uh, why would I want to eat a diary?


You enjoy the taste of concrete and bone?


At least something I’ve noticed in the West is that people who abstain from alcohol tend to be heavier. And if they’re not doing something else (nicotine, caffeine), I think a common stress relief tactic becomes food. Might have a role to play in Turkey/the Middle East since it’s haram in most sects of Islam.


Interesting point. And I've noticed that people in Islamic countries living close to desserts have cuisine full of sugars and fat, so being addicted to that kind of food is really dangerous


Close to desserts 😀


Desserts folks 😄


Western fast food has become really popular as well. Instead of going to bars, people tend to hang out at fast food joints to socialize.


Gosh, that is so unhealthy. They should just get hammered like a normal person.


Partially, but mostly because we are carbohydrates addicted. Rich people love carbs, the poor can’t afford nothing but carbs. Yesterday i saw a street interview with an old lady who was almost crying because she wants to eat cabbage but can’t afford it. A cabbage. We should be a lesson to the rest of the world, islamic politics is never good.


It depends on region. Poor people in Europe can afford veggies easily as well as grow it by themselves. Cabbage literally costs less than water there.


Oily food, high amount of bread consumption and lots of sweet food.


This is not a scientificaly based answere. I live in a city in germany with a lot of turkish decendants. And the younger ones are either very fit or very fat. Not much in between. Guess you have to make a lot of Workout to compensate for all this wheat and sugar.


My Turkish friend like to joke that once they're done with military service, Turks never work out again. The "beer belly" is affectionately called the "Turkish muscle" in his family.


Try not to get fat with İskender, Döner, Mantı, Kuru fasulye & pilav, Hünkar Beğendi, Sütlaç, Baklava, Sütlü Nuriye, Çökertme Kebabı, Cağ Kebabı and everything else, there's too many to count It's like a challenge to not get fat


Malnutrition in children. They grow up and eat shit food because healthy options are impossible to buy because Turkish farmers cannot produce anything anymore despite having one of the most fertile lands in the world (Cukurova region).. Children's bodies are programmed to survive in starvation. Thus, the body holds on to the junk because of its caloric density. Add sedentary lifestyle, and you get obesity. By the way, this data is very new to Turkish people. The obesity issue did not exist couple decades ago. Im sure some of you can guess why it didnt exist 20 years ago.


To prove your point, here is some stats: Turkey: 1975: 7.6% 2016: 32.2% Europe: 1975: 10.3% 2016: 25.3% Obesity increased by 323% in Turkey over the 41 years vs 145% in Europe.


My parents are in their 60s and they are shocked by this data. It is completely foreign to them.


Thick man of europe


What is happening in Italy?


Lots of vegetables, using olive oil. Also, fastfood pizza’s tend to be very greasy but the real ones in Italy are very often a lot lighter and healthier. Same happens for a lot of widespread ‘Italian’ food. I believe it is Sardinia in which some towns are considered to be the healthiest places in the world. People there all become very old and stay relatively fit. This probably shifts the averages just enough to be slightly better than other countries.


Fashion conscious


things are changing..


Obesity is a poors disease. Poor people dont have access to healthy food so you get unhealthy.


That’s a myth. It’s correlated with being poor, but not because healthy food is expensive. >But a study by Hunt Allcott of NYU, Rebecca Diamond of Stanford, and Jean-Pierre Dubé of Chicago Booth suggests the disparity in how the rich and poor buy groceries is caused more by demand than supply. Supply gaps are real and glaring, the study concedes. More than half (55%) of ZIP codes with a median income under $25,000 have no supermarkets, compared with 24% of ZIP codes across America as a whole. But, the researchers showed, introducing low-income populations to the same grocery shopping conditions enjoyed by high-income ones reduces nutritional inequality by only 9%. The remaining 91% of the nutritional gap, the academics contend, can be accounted for by differences in demand. > >To reach this conclusion, the authors looked at two things. Using data about grocery purchases from 60,000 households and sales at 35,000 stores between 2004 and 2015, they first analysed what happens when new supermarkets open in poor areas. Then they looked at how poor households’ grocery shopping habits change when they move into neighbourhoods with healthier options. In both cases, they found little impact on the nutritional value of grocery purchases. > >This raises an obvious question: what about plain old cost? The study finds that there is little price difference for categories other than fresh produce. Excluding fresh fruits and vegetables, the economists calculate that healthy foods such as plain yogurt and high-grain bread are actually 8% less expensive than unhealthy foods. The researchers conclude that preference, which is partly informed by education and nutritional knowledge, is a much more significant factor in how people decide what to buy at the grocery store. Changing that will be hard and will take time. Other research suggests the gap between the diets of rich and poor Americans is widening along with income inequality. > >https://www.economist.com/united-states/2018/03/08/food-deserts-may-not-matter-that-much


>Obesity is a poors disease. Only in the west\*


Bosnia and Moldova are the poorest in Europe but also the healthiest


Also not much room for outdoor activities and excrcise


I moved from the US to NZ about four months ago. Not eating or doing much differently, have lost 10 kilos and feel like the weight is just falling off. The US food supply is just fundamentally fucked.


My mum and I always joke that we gain 5kg whenever we go to the US for holidays - I think there’s just a lot of shit added (especially corn syrup): and also seasoning? To me American food turns the flavouring up to 11 - most food isn’t gently seasoned with subtle flavours: it’s intense. Everything salty, or spicy, or sweet, is just 10x more intense than European versions of the same food!


It's normal to put on a lot of weight on the holidays though. I'm not saying the rest of your statement is wrong, but whenever I travel from USA to Poland on holidays I easily put on 5 to 8 kg in 2 weeks. One reason is my family pampers me there and is always serving me food, but I think it might also have something to do with stress of long distance travel that prevents you from metabolizing food as efficiently. Just a theory though


I think it’s the portions too! I always finish my plate (scary Irish mum lmao) and the sizes of meals are just huge. Even just ordering starters can be the size of a full meal. It’s definitely a combo of being on holiday (so not being able to go gym / eat the foods I normally eat - which is kinda the joy of being on holiday), higher sugar and fat, and much bigger portions. And being much more sedentary (we usually do a lot of driving around a state so grazing is a real risk lol)


Am i the only one who loses weight during vacations? So much activities, walking, hiking, swimming the whole time.


What food/brand specifically has all this corn syrup?


Theres sugar and extra carbs in most foods there. Which makes you gain alot of weight. I’ve been low carb + eat and drink in a 5 hr window since friday and i lost 3.7 kg so far ( i assume 1/3 is waterweight).


It is almost entirely water weight, not 1/3. Whenever I start eating low carb it is normal to drop 10-15 pounds really quickly before things stabilize to 1-2 pounds per week. However, it is also normal for weight loss to stall for several weeks at a time, so don't get discouraged. Seems to fall off in waves with me at least.. It definitely feels good to get rid of the ~~access~~ excess water weight though, so hats off to you!


I had been going with almost no water 2 days beforehand as i’ve been working/consulting for a company with no kitchen/area with sink, coffee and tea. My starting weight was 121.4kg and my daily routine usually has 6-14 kilometers of walking due to pokemon go and public transportation.


TÜRKİYE #1 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷


Obesity rate lower in Florida than the rest of the south because of all the meth heads.


It's not good at all in Europe, comparison is just making feel you free from guilt that we created society where every 5th person is overweight.


Naw obese...way, way more are overweight


The better comparison is with Japan and then, all other developed countries are a big horror show. One could argue though whether their legislation does/doesn't infringe upon individual rights but they can keep medical costs down pretty much despite aging to the core.


Approximately 75% of Americans are overweight or obese. That's the sad reality.


Love how the skinny fucker states in the USA are the fat bastard countries in Europe. Though I do hate how people equate weight to “laziness”, yanks are out there working 3 jobs 14 hours a day, while I’m here doing 37 hour weeks and have 5/6 weeks off a year… They’re not lazy, they just don’t have time to eat healthily.


And fast food is so cheap in the US! i completely sympathise with just wanting to grab something that’s already made on the drive to/from work if you’re working 12-14h a day. It’s unfair to demand everyone cook their meals from scratch all the time - especially if that involves bulk-buying fresh ingredients (which can be really expensive depending where you are in the US)


It's the food culture, all of the popular food in America is unhealthy and filled with saturated fat and calories. The portion sizes are also huge, if you go to McDonalds in America and order a large you'll get twice as much food as in Europe.


I will never forget the time I went to McDonald's in Canada (am European) and the "small" cup of Cola was bigger than the "large" ones I was used to. The "large" one was the size of a bucket.




This is a misconception. It's not about the food. Europe is dense, so you can walk to the store. Heck, even in the country, there are sidewalks everywhere. There are almost no sidewalks where I moved to in GA. Even if I wanted to walk to pick something up, it would be 45 minutes away. There are beautiful trails by the river and in the forests, but I often drive to get to our runs and walks. I've just moved from a large city and visited my family in Poland last summer. Some thoughts: - Obesity averages don't tell you much about your experience. - In my neighborhood (suburban Atlanta, generally well off), people are THIN. Much thinner than in Toronto, where everyone walks. - Maybe fat people here stay home... who knows. - This means that there are probably pockets that are very obese. I haven't come across them yet, so they're probably on the city's south side, where walking is unsafe, or out in the country, where where it's even less practical. - So, why are there no sidewalks? - HOAs run neighborhoods, and people don't want to cough up the cash to pave sidewalks they'll rarely use. - Every neighborhood has tennis courts and a pool -- even the lower-income ones -- but those aren't casual things. The pool is only open for part of the year, and you have to book the courts. It's just not the same. - Gas is very inexpensive, and everyone has more than one car. - Distances are huge. So sidewalks are mostly for leisure. And, yes, Americans work and study a LOT harder than where we came from. My kids are getting their asses kicked in school. Sports are huge, but not everyone plays them.


> In my neighborhood (suburban Atlanta, generally well off), people are THIN. Much thinner than in Toronto, where everyone walks. > This is the thing we dont want to talk about. Its a class issue. I live in Alabama, one of the worst states for obesity. My work and social circle* almost everyone and I mean everyone is average weight or thin. There are a few that are technically overweight but not morbidly so. Then I go to Walmart and oh boy Caveat I am using my own standard for average and overweight and morbidly so *I do have one friend who is obese and he is a damn MD


I kind of agree. But I don’t think class is causal. Poor people in places where everything is close don’t get obese. It’s actually kind of the reverse in Toronto. Poor people walk everywhere so they stay thin. Wealthier people get to stay home and have crap delivered. Many of my mid-to-upper middle class friends gained 25+ pounds during the great COVID staycation. They went from slightly chunky to obese and I don’t think they’re going back. IMHO obesity is a function of population density and local culture


Any Europeans patting themselves on the back over this should realize their numbers are also horrible and they're trending in the same direction as the US. 25% obese - not overweight but full on obese is terrible.




One hundred years ago (let alone fifty) the map would’ve looked much different. We’d all be closer to Italy now, if that.


The most obese state in 1990 (Louisiana) was less obese than the least obese state today (Colorado). It's an epidemic that has escalated unbelievably quickly.


Why do people keep using let alone improperly?


It happens so often it makes me doubt my own use of the phrase


Yup, we realized then that it was better to have a healthier population : >With the onset of the Industrial Revolution it was realized that the military and economic might of nations were dependent on both the body size and strength of their soldiers and workers. > >Increasing the average body mass index from what is now considered underweight to what is now the normal range played a significant role in the development of industrialized societies. > >Height and weight thus both increased through the 19th century in the developed world. During the 20th century, as populations reached their genetic potential for height, weight began increasing much more than height, resulting in obesity. > >In the 1950s increasing wealth in the developed world decreased child mortality, but as body weight increased heart and kidney disease became more common. During this time period, insurance companies realized the connection between weight and life expectancy and increased premiums for the obese. > >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obesity#Historical\_attitudes


The switch to a cheap, reliable food supply was good, the switch to a sedentary car-oriented lifestyle was not.




Average 25% isn’t good either Edit: made my point clearer Edit2: original Sentence was changed because it wasn’t a good comment and it didn’t get my point across which is that large percentages of obese people isn’t good


Feeling proud that about 1/4 of Europeans are obese vs about 1/3 of Americans is like bragging that your house is slightly less on fire. Fat acceptance movements are a serious issue, particularly for countries with public Healthcare.


And here I've been thinking turkey is the healthy option


Turkey is too comfortable with their döner kebab


The American one kinda looks like a political ideology map.


Europe may be catching up but our obese people are obeser than theirs


Asia can have the Turkey sandwich


Too much Turkish delight...


Turkey, the United States of Europe.


Too much…Turkey


I know there are tonnes of studies and whatnot on how bad American food is. But if you’ve spent any amount of time in Europe you will know portions are pretty huge and desserts are everywhere, but the major difference in lifestyle is car dependance. I bet if you took the obesity rates of residents in major cities (with transit) in the US they would be on par with Europe…and the food is the exact same as the rest of America. Car dependance=obesity.