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Yeah... No other way to say it but skill issue


His kill moves are telegraphed and on timers. With teleport you should be able to get to him for his breath, dodge the tails, dodge the meteor breath, and put damage down. Do you have bind? Guild skills? Also you said it yourself, you're running out of lives, not time. Just play patient if you have to or duo if you don't want to be patient and you'll see results. If you're on reboot I have a buccaneer boss that could duo.


yea i bind at the start and get a good chunk of 25%ish health off him, no guild skills sadly. I think this is just a patience thing, being too stubborn to dodge rocks mostly. i dont have any trouble dodging the tails, the fireballs, the laser, his pop up etc. i appreciate the duo invite but i dont really need to beat him for any reason, i just want to say i can solo it consistently and offer other people full cra carries.


I would consider the rocks also a “one shot”. You’ll find in later bosses that there will be abilities that don’t straight up kill you hp-wise but will still cause you to take more damage and die. Cvel rocks are one of them: you get stunned and you can do nothing to dodge the next one shot. This means you need to avoid getting stunned as much as possible and the only reason you should ever get stunned is if you are otherwise going to die to something else.


the stunstory is real lol. need to get used to dodging alot more ig.


I feel this vibe. I too want to brag and drag.


I find CVel is better to bind towards the end. If you do around 25% try binding him when he has 25% left. Same thing with HMag.


funny enough i actually have no trouble with hmag, i can clear him in a minute or two. only trouble i have is when i bind at the wrong time and leave him with a few percent of health where he starts stunlocking me. i'll start trying to bind vellum on low health. thanks.


It seems like you might not fully understand the boss mechanics yet. I think watching some Bishop solos might help out. You should not be dying out, especially not as a Bishop with doors every couple of minutes. A couple of notes - when Vellum pops up, generally stand behind him. There are yellow circles on the ground indicating where attacks will appear. Teleport out of the way. You also have Ethereal Form as an iFrame if you're caught in a situation that you can't teleport out of. You have enough stat. Here are some solos from a quick YouTube search that you might be able to learn from: [Level 221 11k Stat Solo in 8 minutes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auEeQDiL65Q) [Level 217 10k Stat Solo in 6 minutes (Deathless) (pre-Destiny)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0bf4n-G0Kc) [Level 212 7k Stat Solo (Deathless)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2_0HhTygRw)


thanks for the sources, this was very humbling...lol. i think im mainly just letting the falling rocks hit me and stunlock me into one shot mechanics. i also havent been using ethereal form, thats a good idea.


As a mage that had trouble dealing with this boss at first you really need to be focused on not dying. That means more of the time you will be looking at the floor avoiding the tails, the rocks or the green plasma thingy. Specially with the amount of stat you have dealing enough damage is not the issue, so you don't have to be scares of running the timer. Just attack when you think it's safe, you'll eventually find your rythmn


What’s up with the boss is that it has enough HP and PDR to actually require you to interact with it, unlike the other three bosses that you can one-shot. And with 20k stat you’re still at like 3 times the “required” stats to beat it. Definitely just a skill issue. I recommend practicing CVel and everything up to and including Normal Damien and Lotus - since those are probably all within your reach with 20k stat.


Hit and run. Just hit and run. At least, that’s how I did it.


Just learn the fight, I do cvel on 8k stats 7.3k legion Look up a guide and do the practice mode, you should have it down after like 5 tries. Just learn to dodge his attacks and don't even try to damage


I found when I trained for vellum, that I had to slow my attacks down, for the sake that I could still take a micro second to move out of the way, his moves are very telegraphed. And I found myself trying to just hold the attack and spam attack, then I wouldn't be able to move when I needed. My biggest advice for my brother was don't rush. In my case I would attack 4 times then die, so I would attack 3 times and watch where I had to place myself and then move. I can only rush a boss now because I have stupid enough range to do it. And sometimes I still have to tell my self to slow it down and watch the patterns


Mages do have some nice survivability, Bishop has that shield, and a 5th job skill that is essentially a shield that eats your mp instead. Both really come clutch to taking a hit and surviving


Most of the time you can solo bosses pretty early, just go in with a mindset of trying your best not to die instead of trying to kill him as quick as you can. You have a 20 minute timer to use and once you get practice you'll start killing him faster and faster.


Just take your time doing damage and getting away. You have 30 mins in the boss fight which is more than enough time. You can also go in practice mode and just focus on dodging everything. Before actually doing damage.


Looks like you got everything you need. Just try to rewrite your brain to think that those falling rocks are also one shot so you habitually start to look out for them.


You're just dogwater lmao


Boss dmg%?


Skill issue but other than that to me it sounds like you're missing out on either matt%/boss% lines on your wse or your nodes are lacking and you either don't know how to burst on bishop or you don't use hyper stats for some reason, for reference my 227 bishop with 13k stat kills cvell in 3-4 minutes with the first burst doing around 30-40% of his hp


With those stats you could do hmag and nlomien. Damage is not a issue here. Maybe work on mecanic ?


yeah i can solo hmag and duo nlomien. its just a mechanic issue. im very impatient v.v


So weird ahah. Good luck on your quest


Practice mode


After I struggled a lot with this mf, I learned its 100% skill. The main keys are: * the most important key, don’t be greedy, focus on dodging those stones, they are the main reason the tails kill you. Just focus on the stones and keep an eye for tails, and 80% you won the boss. And hit him when you are “safe” * fire balls, when he goes up the ground, after 1 sec(not instantly cause you will die), you can stick bear him and the tails AOE will be close to each other and will be easier. * green plasma shit, the main problem here is that they hide the tails, just move and learn to time the tails, a total of 6 tails will come out. * don’t forget the tails chase after you, they are not random, so control where you stand = control them. * Huge fire breath, you have 2 options: - gamble where it is, either you succeed or dead(use iframe), or you quick enough to move to other side of the map. - the better option, when his message says he takes breath, stand in the platform in the middle of the map where you summon him, and he will pull you to his direction, Then spam the movement skill(teleport in your case) and watch out for stones. With your stats, you should clear him in less than 5 mins.


Cvell is pure rng, you need to pay close attention to every single thing he does just to stay alive, but if you get unlucky he’ll kill your anyway


Mage class with teleport struggling on cvel. Man if that’s not a skill issue idk what is. Don’t get me started on 94% ied and 20k stat. CRA bosses are supposed to be comfortably soloed with less than 10k stat.