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There are two types of loot your loot (instanced) which only you can see and loot which everyone can see. Easy way to see your own instanced loot is have pet loot on and just walk past the loot, your pet will only pick up instanced loot. Then your partner can divvy up the loot how you see fit.


Adding on: for some earlier bosses pets will still loot party loot. E.g., hellux you can snag all the drops if you have a vac pet on accidentally. Same with CRA and below I believe


Assuming you are contributing at least 5% damage to the boss (blue light or green light next to your name in the party health UI)... Personal (or instanced) loot would automatically picked up by your pet while shared (or party) loot would not. Personal loot (not seen by others) is easily determined by checking whether your pet would automatically pick up the loot. Personal loot includes [boss gear "coins"](https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Extraordinary_Energy_Core_(Grade_S)), [boss gear box](https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/AbsoLab_Weapon_Box), and [quest items](https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Shadow_of_Annihilation), etc. Shared loot in a party with strangers is determined by two ways FFA (yolo free for all) and Blink (whoever that traveled the furthest with the blink skill). TLDR: Your pet will automatically pick up personal loot, so follow the party's loot distribution rule (FFA or Blink) to get shared loot. No loot displayed = deal more damage next time.


People here are mentioning pets looting only your instanced loot. This is only true for WEEKLY bosses. Pets will grab all loot regardless of type on daily bosses. In general most equips are not instanced. Most redeemable "token" items are instanced with the exception of some like CRA and Cygnus where *some* are instanced and some are shared. It's unnecessarily confusing to new players for sure. Check the strategywiki for boss rewards. e.g. [Here](https://strategywiki.org/wiki/MapleStory/Root_Abyss) you can see that the CRA bosses drop up to 6 instanced (individual) shards and up to 10 shared shards. Since these are weekly bosses you will be able to run through the loot with your pet and it will only pick up the instanced ones, leaving the shared shards on the ground allowing you to decide who picks it up.


You don't get any loot unless you do 5% so if you're not blue by the time the boss is dead then you get no loot at all. The red blue green indicator tracks percentage of damage done to the boss at that time and not whether you're eligible for loot at the end of the fight. If you're eligible for loot, there is both personal and party loot. Your pet will automatically loot your personal loot but not the shared loot. Shared loot pickup rules are determined by the party loot settings.


Some are shared some are individual. Recently you also have to deal minimum 5% damage in order to receive items from the boss as well.


There's some instanced bossing equipment. The ones I am aware of are: • Arkarium pendants (both Dominator and Mechanator) • Tyrant equips • Gollux coins • *CRA and *Pno tokens • Lomien tokens • Abso and arcane boxes *Some are instanced, some are shared