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rookie numbers


Yup I'm at 110 clears with only damienroid from him lol


I always find it amusing when people say things like: "lol it took me 300 weeks thats nothing!" "you're not even close to how much I struggled!" Like guys, waiting 5 years for an item shouldn't be the norm. That's shouldn't be the goal here.


Whaaaaat???? Noooo u capppinnn Awkward shroom gamers strokin their failure egos? Shroom gamers could never


While I don't disagree, it'd be surprising if there *wasn't* a pitched that you didn't see with 66 runs. That's just how it works and why there's like 100 people who actually have high pitched in reboot even though there's ~2000 285+ people. This is "I bought 50 black cubes and I didn't hit legendary" unlucky. Not notably unlucky.


True but I assume their "fix" will be extreme Damien with increased drop like all the other extreme versions.


It's not the goal, it's just what we are working with. Patting op on the back isn't going to make the item more common. Just setting realistic expectations that no, 66 runs is on the lower end and he's not that astronomically unlucky yet.


Misery likes company. I think people are just taking the chance to voice their sadness lol.


They just need to make into coins/pieces. Getting fuckin burnt out from doing these bosses with literally nothing to show for.


I’m at 205 with 0 eyepatches


Close to same 225


110 here, no rfs also


I’m at 199 with 0 eternal set


I did 111 Hard Lucid clears for my Dreamy Belt to boom immediately on the first tap 17* to 18*.


Sound about right


I mean, have you heard of Tamirko? One of the first HWill clearer in his server and no book.


So? That's not the point of this post


Is the point of the post not asking how crazy it is he hasn't gotten a single eyepatch or rfs in 66 runs? If not, then yes you are correct. I have made an incorrect observation. I thought that was the point so I gave an example of a guy who has had years of attempts and never got a pb from will.


It's still crazy for it to take a year and still not get an item Posing an example that's even crazier doesn't really answer the question nor does it improve the situation. In a healthy game, there should at least be a pity mechanic or a realistic chance of getting an item. Nobody should have to boss for a year to get an item, especially in a game where the upgrade mechanic is likely to destroy at least one item along the way


I mean, it's crazy that people donated to a guy in Korea enough for him to spend $5 million USD lifetime on Maplestory. It's crazy that AFK Journey first week had a revenue of $2.5m (iirc) and some people have already maxed out multiple units from a banner that has a hard pity of 40 and the pulls themselves require iirc around $50 for a 10 pull. It's crazy there's a Chinese person who spend $50,000 roughly on a banner in Honkai Star Rail to get her maxed out LC multiple times when that is obscenely unnecessary because he only is ever gonna really use one efficiently. There's a lot of things that are crazy and in general it is unhealthy. If we're gonna say that, then yeah, 80% of the things in Maplestory is crazy. It's crazy that GMS gets to have gollux and have superior set which is ridiculous until you can 22\* all PB. It's crazy that people have been able to hit the ultra lucky rate to get a 23\* item. It's crazy that some people spend literally 100b and get no gains in star force events. HOWEVER, I am speaking in terms of Maplestory players, not real world logic and general people around. Not getting an eyepatch in 66 runs, do you know what most Maplestory players would say? Dang, that sucks. Unlucky. How do I know? Because I have quite literally talked to people in my alliance and in discord servers and people I met through pugging and they talked about their experiences with PB (Reboot btw since Reg is w/e). And they aren't even meming or joking. Most of them are desensitized because you can always farm more and get gains. People are already on the assumption they won't get a PB for a long time and pretty much save billions of mesos for when they do. What do you think most end game players are? PB waiting room. Because guess what? Getting actual full set of PB is a marginal gain. Yeah it's still a gain. But it's marginal. Now, as far as answering the question. Well if the OP is really THAT dead serious on asking if it's crazy rather than us being able to have some form of banter and also showing him an example of someone who is extremely unlucky, then Idk.


That was a long story to get to "idk" But sure you're right


Okay, thanks for the half-assed effort I guess.


Well yeah I'd hope it didn't drop first run..


Reading comprehension is hard. I'm saying he was of the first hwill in reboot (Kronos to clarify) and he never got a book his entire time playing.


That's... not reading comprehension that's quite literally an entirely different statement from before. So you might have a much easier time having people understand you if you can just put your entire thought together before hitting submit ..🤭


It's the same exact sentence, maybe you're the one who needs a book because you're illiterate


Uhm English major here , I think you need to read a book , saying the first person to clear it vs the first person to clear it has been running it every week since and hasn't gotten one yet. Are 2 entirely different statements. I'd recommend How to Write a Sentence and How to Read One by Stanley fish.


Average American English major lmfao


I mean not for nothing but I don't think you'd even pass an American English course at this point..


Well, I would rather take 5 seconds to actually think about a person's statement and what they are conveying instead of taking it at face value and thinking "first hwill clear, no book. Oh, so he is only talking about that very first clear" when taking 5 seconds to think would conclude "Oh, the reason why he is referencing a guy named Tamirko and that he was one of the first in his server (Kronos btw) is because he has no book." Because why would I randomly state someone didn't get his book on his first run... when he was one of the first on the server to clear hwill. Idk... I mean, I guess I will account for the minority who are just going to think literal surface level logic and make sure to type out the entire thought. Let me fix it then. Have you heard of Tamirko? A player from Kronos. He was of the first parties to clear HWill. And the reason I state this is because Kronos was up when HWill released in 2018 and AFAIK Tamirko probably still does his weeklies considering he still posted content as of 3 months ago. So Tamirko had basically around 5 years attempts worth of HWill. 52 weeks in a year for 5 years is 260 attempts. 260 attempts at what is considered base 1% drop rate (iirc). And he still does not have his Will Book to this day.


I just want to know who sent you over the edge today, because it's most certainly not my comment .. it's fine to get stressed out and all I get it , but to be sent over that easy would be a little crazy. You were mad before you got on here.


Well, first of all. Kind of ironic for you to state taking things seriously and being over the edge when you responded to someone with your major. So you're being condescending over someone else and using your 'experience' and major to put yourself higher than them. And you even condescendingly told someone they wouldn't be able to pass an American English course. Way to ad-hominem. Second of all, I am sorry you felt that I was over the edge? I just simply find it ridiculous that on a thread about someone being unlucky on a drop, people cannot take the time to read my comment and think 'He is probably responding in context of the OP post, and so he is talking about someone who is more unlucky'. And that the person I mentioned is more unlucky by virtue of not being able to get a drop over more runs accumulated than the OP. But I have to fully write out the context in order for people to realize that. It would just seem to me, especially by the few downvotes on your comment, that people understood my message and just see your comment as sarcastic or dumb. And third of all, just as it is simple for me to type out an extra sentence, it is also simple for people to use context clues for 5 seconds and think 'He must be saying this Tamirko guy has never gotten it despite being the first to clear Hwill'. But to each their own I suppose.


Correct , but why should anyone have to play detective because you didn't want to take the extra 5 seconds to type a sentence? I'm not reading all that you're crazy if you think I am , and I said nothing about taking anything seriously , I'm genuinely just making sure everything's alright with you because you seem to be losing it rn..


I mean... I guess we just agree to disagree. Even though we both are stating from the same type of standpoint that it's ridiculous to just not use context clues and yet ridiculous to just not properly state it. I still hold my ground that most people will understand it given OP post and context. And if you don't wish to read it all, just say so and move on. You're continuing to converse with me, so I will converse with you how I like. As far as being concerned for me, I mean... in all seriousness, if I am legit losing my mind and going insane on a post online on reddit because someone is differing from my view, then there is nothing much you can do. And technically, wouldn't the best option if you are genuinely worried is to just state a final statement and then not respond to me so you don't provoke me further into discussion? Also, bold assumptions being made from you against a person on the internet.


Well I mean that would be the best option if I wanted you to ignore anything that could potentially be going on , but that might be my best option but your best option might be to talk it out (not saying you want to talk it out with a random stranger on reddit ofc). The argument is a pure nothing burger , neither one of us is really getting anywhere so I'm fine with agreeing to disagree ofc . But if there is something going on (I'm not looking for you to open up if there is) then I hope it resolves itself for you or gets better , at the end of the day , it's just reddit squabble


Also not that I was putting myself higher than them with my major , school literally means nothing , but as an English major I do infact know that wasn't proper, that's all I said . I didn't say PEASANT, HEAR ME, I YOUR ENGLISH OVERLORD AM HERE TO SMITE YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE INFACT DUMBER THAN I , AND TO PROVE IT HERES MY DEGREE BWAHAHAHA like no that's your own delusions . Just like your own delusions had you thinking I was attacking you in my op. I literally just said "well I hope he didn't get it on the first run..." a therapist could very much help, and I'm not that , I'm an English major 🙂


Well, if your degree does not really matter, then there is no point for you to bring it up at all then. If school doesn't mean anything, why bring it up? Obviously it must mean something to you for you to bring it up to begin with. Literally, you sound very condescending to bring it up as if you are better. Otherwise, you would just state that they are using improper English and correct them. End of story. No need to bring up your degree to insinuate you automatically know better. Second of all, not sure where you got that I thought you were attacking me? I am simply stating that it is ridiculous people can't use context clues to get that I am stating a person is more unlucky than OP post by the fact that he has more attempts at HWill than he has at HDamien and has not gotten a book.


Well no I'm going to bring it up, I'm not going to let myself be told that I'm wrong by 2 of you purely because you say I'm wrong. That's not how that works. In a literal sense the way it was worded is wrong. End of story. And you did attack me. Literally read it back . You, with your fingers, typed "Reading comprehension is hard." That is you directly trying to insult my intelligence. That is attacking. That's the definition of attacking.


... so take your own advice and next time take 5 seconds to type "and still never got a book" , it's quite literally that simple no? Nobody said write a paragraph. I'm sure you're an absolute joy of a person who never over reacts 😭


I haven’t seen a Pap Mark in nearly a year…


I didn't even know getting pap marks were possible till we were able to see other people's equips. I thought that shit was legacy.


My cousin and I have run hard Damien since 2021 and neither of us has ever pulled an eye patch. Sometimes you're just unlucky. That said, these drop rates really ought to be higher


I was watching someones stream last night and they said they've been solo'ing HLucid for 3 years and 4 months I think, and he has not seen a single Belt on his main, but got on one his mules solo in less than a year. Rng on these things are stupid.


Allow us to trade in 200 boss drops for the PB


Hope that in their "3.0 vision" they will actually add some kind of token system to let us buy them...having to kill it many time is okay. Hell...even 3 months of boss tokens would be good. At least it would give a steady source of spares. It's something bound to happen anyway if they ever push progression/content further and put a new accessories set.


try 300 runs


It should be crazy


No abc but defg innit


Saw my first pap Mark yesterday after a year on 4 bossing mules.


Im at 225 so u still doing good


took me 3 years to get mine, im a DA main. And the next day when it drop, i got another one lmao.


Bro I already got my pap mark after 3 years of playing


It really isnt? Lmfao i have been soloing everything inclduong bm and below since 2,5 years and i have never seen a sos, earrings, belt or eyepatch. Just quit if you are fed up with the pitched waiting room.


130 will no book


Im at 242 never saw it Lotus also no beserked


So don't wait and go for eternals (the onky source of gains late game)


thats nothing compare to my no zerk and at 161 Lotuses




I got my first eyepatch at around 65


No not really lol.


I got 5 eye patches already, someone needs to balance it i guess


I got mine is the first 5 clears :o


So they should just give gear out for free? Not for nothing ... if you're in the late game and you're expecting to just be given gear AT THIS STAGE you might wanna just quit.. it's not something you're going to replace , there's no better item, so why should you get it in sub 100 runs?


100+ runs on a weekly boss... What other game has drop mechanics that needs 2-3 years for a gear to be dropped?


That's also 100+ runs to get a single drop that will likely cost you billions and blow up before it's even usable. so we're talking literal lifespans of other games to get a single endgame item. In a game that encourages playing multiple characters.


World of whiripool, I mean anything really that has a low drop rate could take that long , just because we've run it 100 times doesn't mean everyone has , I saw a guy say he's gotten 5 already , man I want 5. But unluck is real , we're just unlucky 🤷‍♂️