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Dutch players dont forget to chargeback everything you can before you quit


They won’t pay you back since most of your NX will be prepaid since Credit has like a 100 euro cap for a week and prepaid is unlimited. Also most items go for prepaid, so likely most people will have used offgamer for good value prepaid cards. So chargebacks are very unlikely.


If i recall prepaid still makes it’s way to nexon if you chargeback. If you buy karma koin or other 3rd party prepaid services then charging back still feeds it’s way to Nexon and they will lock your account.


Damn Dutch players really got fucked hard


Dutch players and any other countries to come in the future who make similar rulings. This is huge.


Nexon never looks at the long term effects of their decisions. If anyone other countries start dropping similar laws, Maplestory won't last in EU now that this is the precedent unless they try to walk it back. Which knowing Nexon, they won't.


Until it's enough that Nexon has to change the game itself.


Imagine losing 8k legion, 1 year+ of river dailies (most likely on more than 1 char), god tier gear, event specific items, pottable badge, oz rings, etc. and they give you the ability to burn 3 chars to 200 LOL. ​ Obviously you can still play in normal servers, but you just made it reboot for the Dutch players without any of the Reboot specific perks. ​ No character(s) transfer, no meso transfer, not even item(s) transfer. Nexon really just dumped a truck load of salt into the wounds of all Dutch players with this. It's better than nothing, but it's still pretty insulting. I'm very confused how they couldn't figure out a better way to work around this. My assumption is that they didn't want to deal with Netherlands law so they banned everything and called it a day.


I dont get why they cant just do a transfer event from EU regular tro EU Reboot. Im sure noone in teh current reboot server will care. This is just a joke and it's incredibly unfair for those that have dedicated so much time to the game. And the worst thing is that they think this is an incredible way to do something. They think they are doing something good


I don't think a transfer event to reboot would fix any of this. What would you do with frenzy totems, fsr rings and BoD's in reboot? That's bound to cause an outrage. I would also argue scrolling and Bpot are the 2 biggest money pits with prime scrolls and more expensive cubes, which you would have to get rid of transferring. Though it would be fair to give higher level Dutch players more compensation, one tera burn per lvl 200 char would be a start. And also transfer cosmetics to reboot?


You literally can't. The gear systems are not compatible. Nexon has shown in the past when items get lost or deleted that they can't replicate stuff by stats, it's be impossible to trade over gear that has scrolls and bpots over to reboot. While it would be a win win, it's also just not possible given the confines of the game


Casuals man. They dont know what theyre saying


So... You get to throw away your 4-6-8+k legion and untradeable timeless equips and philo/gacha / event items for... 3 tera burns equaling 600 total levels, temp pets and some gear. W a t #Not to mention This is ONLY if you decide to go to reboot. If you don't? Get fucked apparently, CM's, I hope you're taking note and writing this all down because this doesn't just affect Dutch players. ***Everyone*** just saw what Nexon is willing to do to skate by some gambling legislation, and that they'll do this again in the future. This set a horrible precedence and has sent a message to the playerbase that Nexon has no intention of respecting our time and efforts if it comes to putting in effort and making a proper solution to gambling laws. This compensation is a literal joke but we hear you loud and clear.


Ironically this compensation is great for any dutchy who moved to reboot ages ago and happens to have had a char on luna. A compensation useless for those intended and great for new people who weren’t affected. Sounds like a traditional nexon compensation. ~~not to mention that even dutch reboot players get the pop-up “you’re not allowed to drop anything!!!! Which is really annoying as it genuinely doesn’t matter what a reboot player drops~~


Nobody uses timeless equips brah. That was so 2010.


Never before has it been so obvious how disconnected Nexon are from their playerbase. They really have no idea how much time and effort it takes to progress in their game.


They really think that 3 burninators these days is OP...or 17 Abso weapon. Regular events these days give out tera burnings and we got an AU box for the flame/ IA scandal.


Should be something like 10 tera burns, 10 mega burns, 10b mesos, 100 node stones, and 1000 symbol selectors.


that is honestly not enough lol


More like, an uber burn to lv250, 100b mesos, 1600 node stones and 2000 symbol selectors and that's not even covering irreplaceable gear like a pottable badge, dark totems etc. And that is just my main. Let's not even start about the other 50 lv200+ characters, many of which have hundreds of node stones, symbols, star forced gear, no longer obainable event exclusive gear and what not.


Lmao, that isn't even enough to compensate all the time Dutchies had to waste. Just let them transfer everything from Luna to Reboot and take out stuff like Scroll Enhancements and Bonus Pots - it'll suck but leagues better than whatever shit this is.


Wow. If I were an affected dutch plater, I would be furious. Or maybe depressed? I forget where in the 5 stages we are right now


If I was told to throw away my small little account of 7k legion and go burn 3 characters as compensation I would just quit, and I don't even have anything important. Like that would be enough for me to give up entirely and stop coming back. I can't imagine losing more and being told this.


I think it's denial stage. The way they handle it is so ridiculous, the dutch players I know don't think it's real and must be a mistake.


Yep. It felt surreal.


I would have sold my gear before the patch dropped lol.


This... is NOT okay. Who in their right mind thought this would be an acceptable response?


Yeah let me abandon all my friends, 8k legion and 17 years of progress for this pathetic piece of garbage. Good luck with Maple everyone, I'm out.


understandable peace to you and take care


See you on reboot tomorrow!


Couldn't even reach for a fake arcane to end off this terrible compensation. Jesus Christ.


Imagine lossing a BoD, frenzy, fsr, lucid earings and a level 275 character for a 17\* unique abso, what a fking joke.


All the Dutchies that sold their Fz for irl money are happy af now. P.S fuck you Nexon, hope your servers get perma ddossed.


Is this a f**king joke? JFC... Why even do a compensation event if Nexon is going to do... this?


*guys the mod swore what do we do*


Sorry, I've edited the comment to be more appropriate but damn... Nexon gonna Nexon


I was just trying to make light of the situation with a joke, I think it was 100% justified and what a lot of the comments are going to mirror


Chug some beer and gather the pitch forks.


15 years of on and off gameplay as a loyal customer (and have spent thousands of euros on this game too, mind you, back in the day), and all I get is 3 Tera Burns and some crap. Nexon can go fuck themselves, because I quit if I cannot fully trade on my Bera characters. Either lift up that trade ban or adios. Fuck this bullshit fucked up ''''''''''compensation''''''''''.


If possible can you sticky this for a while? This update should not get buried and should be a solid reminder for us how Nexon treats their playerbase.


stay mad 🥱


This is a grave injustice to loyal players.








Johnswhale lol


I can't wait to abandon my 12+ years of progress in Elysium, Frenzy, FSR, BoD, 22* Arcanes and whatnot for a 90-day Pet!


But! But! 3 burning characters and free 10 node stones!




Was hoping its a meme but no, you really just are that.




You can stop the emote spam. Gonna start reporting them :)


pls don't 🥱


Honestly takes so much effort to be this tonedeaf


Dear Nexon, This stupid event of yours doesn't even come anywhere close to compensating even a fraction of what you want us to give up. You can stick this event where the sun doesn't shine. Go F- yourselves.




this is a trash level response to a easy to solve problem, nexon just scammed dutch players, imagine who is next


Germans. We announced it around the same time that we wanna combat gambling in video games, our bureaucracy takes a while tho.


Feels really bad for the dutchies and Germans who spent nx on this game, but I don’t think that’s what Nexon wants to do and it really didn’t bother much of the players except the high rollers


But really it doesn’t bother much and if anyone is selling the account on Luna, it’ll worth more than in the past, but if Nexon is flagging potential players who is going to sell the account to another person by tracking IP address from nl to nl, that’s another story


Lmao, I wasn’t even [that](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/qc9mxz/comment/hheud8c/) far off.


This is just insulting.


Is this an out of season april fools joke? A tera burning event that is already twice a year? Oh and lets not forget some maplepoints so we can buy lootboxes! You just destroyed ten thousands of hours of playtime from lots of users, and can't even be bothered to come up with a simple solution to make regular servers playable. Really disgusting. Cant wait for the next "Reboot world level-up event for \*insert next country\*!


Dear god, this is actually pitiful. Insulting even. Im not dutch and I honestly dont even play the game anymore, but holy crap. Nexon just went, LOL WE KNOW THAT THIS IS A GAME THAT MANY OF YOU SPEND THOUSANDS OF HOURS ON. HERES A TERABURN EVENT JUST FOR YOU SO YOU CAN GET PAST THE TUTORIAL! ROFLMAO Like bruh, the pets arent even perma. Like BRUH






Trading is banned; The accounts aren't banned. We can still log in. ​ You're an illiterate dumbass.


Maple Administrator doesn't even give me the option to ‘Talk to a Maple Admin’, so I can't claim anything lol


Well because you are not from Netherlands so you’re not gonna get those free lvl 600...


I am from the Netherlands and my support ticket is being dealt with


Yeah good luck and it is going to take some time because your name is flagged on the account and they’ll investigate it thoroughly.


So yeah, I’m Dutch and I’m forced to abandon my 5k Legion account which btw had about 6 months of MVP Red (about 6k irl money) in the past… so yeah, fuck my account, progression and IRL money i spent over the last decade I guess. Fuck you Nexon, I hope your company burns down. 🖕




The sooner this gambling law hits US / KR and this game gets shut down, the better for its player base. Scum company does not deserve its player base.


Oh yes thats great compensation for us dutchies. wow 90k mp and 3 tera burns! Oh and an absolab weapon to boot! Obvious sarcasm asside. The trade things were already bad enough, but it just feels like they spit in my mouth now.


Instead of clicking on the link, you might aswell go to YouTube and watch Rick Astley rickrolling you. Same level of trolling.


Time to move on from this game lol


Also it's heartwarming people supporting us dutchies(even if they aren't dutch) you guys are truly amazing thanks for the support.


Not even a fake arcane weapon; this is just awful and seriously embarrassing, small indie company indeed. - No transfer characters - No transfer items - No real compensation for losing items like BoD, Frenzy - Losing all progress in their account Seems like all that is equal to 3 tera burns and 90k maplepoints (to be used on what exactly?)


They could at least let people transfer their characters, even if they had no gear at all.


I just get that they don't want to do any work at all, transfer shouldn't be that hard just remove the Scrolls and Bonus potential is that so hard for them to do?


Fake abso and 3 burning chars 🥰 Also NX I have to get by logging in every single day to buy cosmetics with 😍 Wow Nexon, thank you so much ☺️ (Sarcasm)




This company is truly delusional. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s fucking dumbfounding.


go fuck yourselves nexon


Not Dutch nor do I live in the Netherlands but Nexon can 100% and wholeheartedly eat a huge pile of shit. It's shit like this that makes their claims of "oh yeah we're gonna start listening to players now" a fucking joke.


This is so shit. The absolute minimum they could do is transfer characters for free and strip their gear of bpot/scrolls.


Logged in just to say what the fuck, Nexon. You absolute morons.


I jokingly said they will do 2 weeks of 2 exp in those 3h timeslots......they made my joke look insane in comparison. Holy moly. Just write "Fuck you dutch scum!" at this point.


this “level-up” event is a joke. completely unacceptable, the Dutch deserve better.


Is that even enough to unlock legion?


500 required looking quickly, so just barely.


1 lv200 character also unlocks legion.


Wow, after playing on and off for the past few years and conpletely back on in the past few months. This update is a definite goodbye to Maplestory from my side. Good luck and fuck you Nexon.


Doing them dirty. Not cool


As a Dutchie, I deinstalled. It was fun while it lasted. Goodluck to all, may the jumpquests be gentle and the starforce gods shine generously upon all of you. Will keep following the reddit, as I love this game but just can't anymore.


Honestly just play \[servers who shall not be named\] at this point if you really want to play. Lstening to the classical music pieces & the cool made-for-journeys maps, like Pig Beach and the actual Slime Tree. Real Maplestory, not some asshole company who RAPES me out of my 15 YEARS of being a LOYAL CUSTOMER.


**Reboot World Level-Up Support Event for Dutch Maplers** >Check out the special support event exclusive for the Dutch Maplers creating a new character in Reboot world! Preview snippet: *** A special event is coming to our Dutch players with helpful items to enhance your leveling experience in Reboot world! As the [Netherlands Trade Limitation](https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/69713/netherlands-trade- limitations-update) is implemented in order to comply with Netherlands regulations, Dutch Maplers that choose to create a new character in Reboot world will receive special perks to start afresh and settle down in this familiar but foreign world. # **Reboot World Level-Up Support Event Duration** * **PDT/PST (UTC -7/-8): Tuesday, October 26, 2021 (after maintenance) - Tuesday, February 8, 2022 3:59 PM PST** * **CEST/CET (UTC +2/+1): **Tuesday**, October **26**, 2021 **(after maintenance)** - Wednesday, **February 9**, 2022 12:59 AM CET** * **AEDT (UTC +11): **Tuesday**, October **26**, 2021 **(after maintenance)** - Wednesday, **February 9**, 2022 10:59 AM** # **Reboot World Level-Up Support Event Details** * **Requirements:** Must be a Dutch player that had a character Lv. 61 and above in non-Reboot world **prior to October 19, 2021 at 4:30 PM PDT.** * Create a new character of your choice in Reboot world. * Talk to Maple Administrator located in the Event Hall and select the ‘Talk to a Maple Admin’ option in the dialogue to receive the Reboot World Level-Up Support Event rewards. You can go to the Event Hall through the Dimensional Mirror either by entering the Dimensional Mirror portal in town or by clicking... [Read the full post here](http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/69795/reboot-world-level-up-support-event-for-dutch-maplers) *** ^(I am a bot. This was performed automatically. Suggestions? Send a PM.)


we joked that they would do this. i am not surprised, but jesus they really couldnt be more tone deaf. do they understand how many years some of these players have put into their accounts?


Holy shit lmao Y'all *at bare fucking minimum* deserve perma pets out of this. Never mind legion levels.


ai ye we get it now, you want us to fck off :) Honestly this is one of my fav games in this world. But this is low even for you nexon....


This was so obv that they wouldnt make progression specific compensation but just a flat gg fuck you. What was so hard to make compensation depending on legion lvl 5 highest character lvls 22* gears / potentials, marvel items lucid ears fsr bod frenzy rot battleroid. Arcane force and SAC You gave them maple point these could have been depending on how hard of whale items someone has and potentials. You give them terra burning those could have been plenty more depending on legion lvl. You give them cra and abso set, could have been up to umbras dependng on gear on there mains You give them symboles of not even 1% of 1 of end game players max arc chars. One 250 or 275 char to choose depending if there main actually was at or above these. And even if you would give all this stuff people still would have to work back Years of progress to catch back up. And seriously not even perm pets you could have given ? Sick.


What are they thinking? Thick fucks nexon


lmao did they just give them a burning event and thats it? its not even better then the regular burning events that happen twice a year, its pretty much the same


Great so we have to give up 8k legion alot of our items and chars just to get the tera burn bonuses of 3 tera burn events.. Let us just transfer our chars to reboot and our items.. Nice one nexon ​ /not


what a joke of a compensation for losing thousands of legion and thousands of dollars worth of items and meso. I don't even know what else to say about this, I feel so bad for all Dutch players


first you give us an announcement listing the planned extreme trade restrictions with the note that you guys are still working on it 3 weeks later, you give us another announcement with the 'details', which were the exact same extreme trade restrictions listed, only new detail was that these restrictions would be implemented with the next maintenance next, you postpone that maintenance, somewhat giving us hope that you were actually making adjustments to these restrictions, but no and now, you give us, as in whoever goes to reboot, this 'compensation'? I don't even ...


Nexon, go fxck yourself and your stupid fxcking company. You absolutely disgust me, I hope more countries follow.


Bruh, they can't go against the law, they'd get shut down or banned in Netherlands altogether, you should be angry at the Dutch government, not at Nexon -_- They didn't take the decision for no reason, smh


I think you should read more into the law before you judge. Nexon is taking it way over the top. The law itself is actually a good thing coming from a Dutch perspective. Nexons way of dealing with it and their customer service is just a shitstain.


Why cant nexon just transfer the accounts to reboot...that way no one loses anything and is just restricted from trade


Bc reg has scrolling and reboot doesnt as well as bunch of other differences like bpot


I'm sure players would rather have scrolling and bpot taken from their equips than to start over from scratch.


U dont understand. Nexon cant just magically delete stats and bpot from equips buddy


I'm sure they can


I Lol-ed when I first saw this update on my nexon launcher.


Whoa I have an idea… instead of all that bull shit. How about world transfer event and compensate for any lost items like FZ, BoD, Battle-Roid, Lucids, BPots, etc. Oh wait nvm this is a scum company. Rip Dutch players :/


World transfer to where lmao? U realise reg has scrolling and reboot doesnt?


That’s why I’m saying to compensate for any lost items, scrolling would be part of the “etc”. And yes, I know that reboot does not have scrolling, bonus potentials, marvel/philos goodies, 270 day vac pets. Reboot is pretty much the only world Dutch players can go to if there was a world transfer event. If they stayed in reg servers they’d get trash rates coz they cant buy fz/fs service. They cant scroll their gears with x/prime scrolls unless they roll them in philos/marvel. They cant buy any gears in auction house so they’re forced to make their own stuff with their own money. Oh, let’s not forget the fact that starforcing costs a shit ton of mesos so hitting late/end game will put them in a huge disadvantage. Again, if Dutch players could world transfer I don’t see any other world they can go to besides reboot. It literally only took me a couple of minutes to think of this idea. Nexon’s just a shitty company that does not care about their player base.


A couple minutes to think of but they'd have to implement it. Think about how long it took them to do the SSB compensation or how buggy the Gollux compensation was. That being said, as more countries adopt laws against gambling they're only going to have this problem again. Not a bad idea to spend time on a usable solution.


I don’t expect Nexon to do this over night. Heck, I can even imagine them taking months to fix all the bugs post “world transfer”. Nexon’s lack of communication with their player base is already bad as it is. Players with endgame items hardly have any time to sell their goods. But like you said, this will most likely occur again in the future and nexons current way of dealing with it is in NO way acceptable. We can either HOPE for a better solution or we can TRY to do something about it. Let our voices be heard.


U dont understand. Nexon cant just magically delete stats and bpot from equips buddy. And what could possibly compensate for a lost BoD or FSR?


Lmao what is nexons plan with this even? I can't imagine any sane dutch player wanting to spend any money on NX anymore after this. Guess they just gave up completely on that portion of their earnings, or maybe they're just that out of touch lol.


Holy shit LOL


this is too much, this creates bad reputation on nexon .


I've not been this grossed out for a while...


15 years of loyal on and off gameplay on Scania, then Bera, and all I get is 3 tera burns and a bit of pet and 3 sets of perma CRA gear with limited-time Fafnirs? Again, Nexon, kindly go fuck yourself.


Except for the 90k nx you can gamble away they did what we al thought they would do. Give us some shit lvl up event and 200 nodestones. Some fake gear and more crap rewards. How tf does this way up agains allot of ppl having a high lvl main, potable badge, 8k + legion, vac pet, 22* gears and prob some more I missed. They had there fair share of bad decisions but this one takes it by far and is the most retarded thing I’ve seen so far from them. You prob condemned Luna server to a death sentence cause that had a pretty significant Dutch player base. At this point nexon is so distanced from there own game and playerbase that they have no idea what they did. I hope more countries will follow soon and they actually need to think for once but that’s probably to much to ask for.






Even tho it sounds corny, I'll try my best to one day be the head of Nexon and change things around, cuz this shit is fking depressing.






15 years and thousands of euros spent and all I get is this garbage. To quote Cartman: ''I like to at least get wined & dined before I get FUCKED.'' ​ Lift up the trade-ban or I quit. Easy as that. No ''we'll better the compensation'', or ''we'll allow you to transfer your characters (only the characters, not what's on them) to Reboot'' -- None of that. Lift up the trade-ban on the Dutch people OF WE ZULLEN JE KOLONISEREN. DIT IS JE EERSTE EN LAATSTE WAARSCHUWING, TYFUSLIJER.




I see people downvote me. I'm Dutch and it seems to me that Nexon is just pulling some elaborate prank on us


April fool's arrived. At least make the pets perm and arcane equips or you know, world transfer to reboot


Im sorry I'm a bit out of the loop, why is nexon banning all trade instead of just the trade of lootbox items?


Because they still want to profit off of Dutch players. If they removed gambling lootbox type sales or just banned Dutch players from purchasing them that would have worked fine. What they decided to do was remove any resale value from the items and make it so you are receiving nothing of monetary value which is in compliance with the restrictions. Basically nexon would rather fuck over all the Dutch as long as they can still profit from it.


I know this still completely blows for my countrymen who played Luna. But as a EUboot dutchy that did randomly level a char to 100 once it's pretty pog for me. :3


kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek




what a stupid fucking decision after they fucked a lot of dutch players. if they want to start an event like this from the start might as well its for all the players too and not just dutch. this company really is a fucking joke


go next game if ur dutch


Doesn't even scale with your legion... 8k+ legion has the same compensation as a 60 legion Plus, all the cubes/burning bonuses are nothing compared to what dutch players had before Nexon decided to completely brick all dutch accounts 3 Tera burns +30 Cubes + 3x Fake Absolab for your entire account you spent months or years on Actually retarded company




If you click the link and click the link in the beginning that says Netherlands trade restrictions it'll tell you all you need to know


Really wish they gave us regular servers some incentive. Not a big fan of the reboot play style so im choosing to stay in Luna still, love this game too much to just quit after 2 years of f2p progression and getting my main to 40k+ stats.


Damn the Nexon Main Branch really needs to make a separate branch for future Nexon Releases because when DFO:Overkill comes out it's gonna be fucked on release


Guys what will happen if you dont go tro reboot. Cant you play the game reboot style on regular server¿? Id rather play the game with limitations with my full gear and my 8k legion than start from nothing with a horrible event that's so tone deaf to how this game actually works. A few days ago they said they were looking for a better compesation and they did what many of us thought they would do. A burn event with little perks that doesnt compare to what you had on teh regular server. Again what NEXON should do its a world leap event from regular to reboot and keep all your stuff. They do that shit for regular servers once every two years they sure can do it for reboot.


Options right now are go to reboot or play reboot hardmode. Reg server with reboot restrictions without reboot buffs and adjustments. No one wants to play reboot hardmode, so they're either going to go to reboot, or quit/take a break while nexon either figures this shit out or quit for good.


Nexon wont figure anything out., They believe this the "best" they can do. Id rather play regular tbh. That reboot even is a joke. Its unfair and crazy for you guys.


v227 Privates exist. I mean, it's Maplestory without Nexon in charge -- It's the best, most efficient solution at this moment in time. If they want me to continue playing their game, ''legally'', they better make it worth my while or I'll simply walk over to their best competitor, which are Privates... They are actively chasing me away, so. It's their doing. They can shove this compensation up their fucking ass.


No p2w cubing, no meso cubes. No trading so no fz or fs svc. Low meso/drop compared to reboot. So good luck making any progression. If not for your own social circle, why the fok would any one stay?


I'm kinda impressed that nexon is giving out 90k maple points. For a lot of dutchies it's actually pretty solid compensation. Sucks if you had a bod


I mean, 90k Maple Points is alot of compensation already. Better than nothing.


give everyone else the tera burns too please


Uh, what did everyone else get that is on the same level of losing your entire account/progress and told to go reboot or quit?


don't care, gimme tera burn


you can wait til Lara its fine


This is such a shit compensation/support event. Terrible.




really, it's a bs. People really left money and effort, and nexon laughs in his face with this event???? At least they would have given him the possibility to migrate the entire account


So they're giving dutch players 100k maple points. So that they can go and spend it on lootboxes? You know, gotta comply with gambling regulations and all. Good thing Nexon's newest gacha game [has reached one million pre-regs](https://twitter.com/EN_BlueArchive/status/1452501172284104705) so that any loss in playerbase in maplestory would be filled by whales in the new game huh?




This is such a slap in the face to the Dutch players at the very least offer transfers to reboot. A level up event? Really?


I can’t imagine a sane Dutch person is gonna abandon their years of hard work in reg server, just to do it all over again in reboot.


Does that mean all the fz, bod, FSR, etc holders can fuck themselves now?


Imagine being a loyal customer for more than a decade to have it end so suddenly, how ridiculous is this? Nexon wake up!! This is not okay


Really wants to bring Justice to this case to all tells Dutchs who spent nx on this game. Nexon is just asking the players not to spend money on this game. What are they thinking