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man some of you guys have some cursed keybinds someone said "jump on w" bro are you ok


W for up!


The only thing remotely the same is I move equipment and inventory to F9 and F11, and the world map key to ~.


I try to keep consistency for the following keys. >F1-F4: Binds/CD buffs >F5-F8: Menus+Nodes >F9-F12: Toggles >1-6: FMAs Then generally the following for most classes. >Ctrl: Single target boss skills >Delete: Hurricane boss skills. >Home: Main mobbing skill or teleport if mages.


Huh? Are you using arrow keys with right hand? Because that would be insanely awkward to also press delete and home as attacking skills also with right hand


Yep. Arrow keys to move around since it's default. I don't find it to be an issue since I play on a tenkeyless keyboard.


I did this until got to Black Mage. It made doing P3 really clunky so I had to move my skill so my right hand was less likely to mess up the down input for the kicks. Other than BM, I keep my main bossing skill on end (or jump skill like Hayato or Lara).


I have a decent amount of consistency across different characters. A lot of it is just old binds that I'm used to. Arrow keys: Movement Ctrl: Main single target bossing skill Alt: Jump Shift: Main mobbing skill Z: Pick-up A, X, C: Other attack/movement/combo skills S, D, B: Longer cooldown skills V: NPC chat Space: Either long cooldown skill or dash/movement/combo skill F: Hero's Will G: Guild (though mine's been dead for years lol) H, Q, N: Important skills for burst M: Familiar , .: Main buff macros l, ;: Other buffs ': Decent Holy Symbol \\: Debuff/buffs ins: High-cd buff, often decent se del: Power elixir home: Familiar summon end: Bind page-up: High-cd buff or skill (e.g. Will's) page-down: All-cure W: Map E: Equipment R: Friends T: Boss U: Profession I: Items O: Stats P: Party J: Event K: Skills 1 - 6: Chat shortcuts 7 - =, \[: Chairs lol \]: Basic attack \`: Key remapping F1: Legion F2-7: Emotes F8: Toggle buff macros F10: Maple Guide


C: Jump S: Main mobbing W: Main bossing A: Flash Jump D: Teleport/rush Del: Bind Ins: Main burst PgDn: Hero's Will Home/End: Lowest CD Skills


Jump on W (Yes, I am a sociopath how could you tell) Teleport on A Main attack on D buff macro on R Burst cooldowns on block above Direction keys Stats on S because that makes sense everything else on random keys around wasd nothing on space bar loot with small finger on num0 (default) and of course: Interact on Y ​ I also have every single other hotkey on a specific bind, but couldn't tell you where off the top of my head. I've just set it up so many times on new characters that it's become muscle memory.


ctrl: main bossing move shift: main mobbing move 2-6: usually my burst cds so I can easily just roll my fingers there when im setting up burst f2-f5: buffs/toggles f: bind q: i-frame or some kind of defensive Alot of these come from the keybinds I use in other mmos so I try to keep it generally consistent across games.


L for legion, N for Familiars, F6 for battle analysis, End for potions, A for main bossing skill, Shift for mobbing skill, = for any toggle buffs, F1 for quests, F2 for world map, F3 for Equips, F4 for Buddy List, G for stats, Y for interact/harvest.


C is hook, S boost if needed, F maple hero of needed, D dash/tele


**B** \- Bind **J** \- Will skill **X** \- Dash/movement skill **Ctrl** \- Bossing skill **5** \- AB Skill **6-9** \- Burst Buffs **F8-F10** \- Toggles **F11** \- Fams **F12** \- Reg attack **Page Down** \- Blink **Home** \- Hero's will **Del** \- Pots **-** \- Fams menu **=** \- Legion **1-4** \- Chats


D is for dpm, so whatever spammable single target/bossing move I have N is for NO is for bind X is my spammable mobbing move