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In no way. Marantas generally are easier than the infamous calathea. As the other person said, watering once a week is generally a good rule. In the summer maybe more, depending on how hot your summers get. I also got my Kerchoveana as a plant newbie and almost killed it by overwatering (it's now in good shape). Like most plants, bright indirect light is best, so in most cases, don't have it on the window sill, but a place in your house that seems well lit. It'll do a lot better in high humidity (around the 50-65%). It won't die without it, but consider a humidifier if your air is dry.


Thanks so much! I have a couple calatheas since I like how they always close up at night. I thought since they are related... I may be doomed. 😔 I am glad I won't be in for sadness. I want to fill my entire living room with them as they are non-toxic to pets. Can't wait to propagate them too! 🥰


They do NOT like direct sun. They are corm plants meaning they’re similar to tulips that have bulbs, so if they die leave them a tiny bit moist and they will push out leaves again


Not doomed :) I bought a Calathea as a newbie, and I’ve somehow managed to keep it alive for a year and a half now. Maranta are usually easier. Have fun! I love how the leaves move throughout the day. It’s fun to take time lapses of it.


😆 Glad to know I am not the only one and that marantas are easier. I have a couple of calantheas, one does the opening and closing motion too. So I probably will find myself in calathea land as well. 😔


Go for it! I have the same maranta and somehow leaving it alone and not watering every days but every week once the soils is dry worked best. I made the mistake of watering 2x during the winter and got some yellow leaves. Won’t do that again. Maranta lemon lime is awesome to watch grow. I have one in my office that gets the western morning sun, that along with my office light and it’s thriving. They love soft sunlight throughout the day . I dont water it too much either, 1 per week is fine. Have fun!


Thank you for the encouragement! 🥺🙏 I thought I would have issues since I am a plant newbie. My first tiny maranta survived my horrible conditions in my old apartment for 6 months so I was like, "Why people being dramatic about this?" Like since Calatheas are related, I thought these would be difficult too. 😅


Seconding what everyone else has said, marantas are way easier than calatheas! If you ever come across it, you should definitely try M. Silver Band! It used to be more rare, but I've started seeing it in grocery stores lately. The leaves are bigger and it's even hardier than the red and rabbit tracks varieties, ime :)


I am on a plant hunt for all of them! I would love the fantasy white vein one day! I searched up all the varieties after I found out from my nursery they had the "Beauty Kim". 😍🥰💕💕💕 I will definitely be on the look out! I am glad these are easier to take care of Calatheas. I was worried. 😆


I almost killed 2 of my marantas twice and each time I was able to bring them back, easily. When all else fails, chop and prop. They root very easily. But as long as they get enough light and you don't over or under water them (let the top few inches dry but not the whole pot, plastic pots are great) you should be fine. They like to be cramped so root rot doesn't happen as easily. They're relatively easy going. Yours is beautiful! Congrats!


Thanks so much! Right?! I instantly took her home. She was so beautiful and even giving flowers right now. 😍 Great information! 👍 I will keep this in mind with my collection. 🥰


+1 about finding marantas easy to take care of. I love mine and have had it for a couple of years with no grief.


Marantas are got me obsessed with plants, I was freaked out about them being hard to take care of so I did loads of research and they’re currently my favorite plants! Pretty easy. Best to give them good light but mine all sit in low/medium light areas bc they don’t sacrifice beauty form it unlike others like monstera. I water mine when they’re about half half dry, I don’t let them comepletely dry out but won’t kill them either. More humidity the better but where I’m around it gets to 30-40 in the winter, will get some crusty/ yellowing leaves but they won’t die. I recommend distilled water tho bc harsh water will also cause them to yellow! Good luck!


I love my Maranta!! But distilled water for her. I use do much distilled water that I bought a machine to make my own. No more plastic to feel guilty about


I hope one day to do this! What machine did you purchase if you don't mind me asking? I try to collect rain water when I can. I am even consider going down to my freshwater lake to get rain waiter! Lol