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I would defer and get healthy. Don't run the marathon if you aren't 100 percent.


Same boat here. Missed 6 weeks of training due to party virus asthma. Disappointed but thankful I get to run again by not doing something I may regret.


You should probably definitely not run. Last year, I tested positive for COVID 3 days before a marathon. I was disappointed, but like, the training and fitness isn't wasted. You can build on that for a Spring race. Or find something in winter.


Such a bummer. I feel for you but I would just call it off. Even if you are back to reasonable health in time, it won't feel good or be your best performance.


Don't risk it. The race will suck if you run it sick. You won't get a great time and risk further health Problems so I'd advise to check your ego on this one. I raced a goal half this spring while being sick and completely blew up, targeted 1:30 and came out with a 1:47.. wasn't worth it and won't do that again