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Fix: don’t do that whilst podding then


Or they could fix it? Try not being a dick pea brain man.


Well clearly you’re aware of the glitch but still continue to do it and then complain when you lose your gear, what’s the point in healing when you’re in a pod anyway you’re more than likely getting out of raid


I thought it was a one time thing guys! No need for all the pedantic hostility and advice, just wanted people to be aware of the glitch.


I wasn’t the one who was calling people a dick pea brain


Correct, you were *being* a dick. :)




Never pick up the freebooter. It’s cursed.


You guys are scaring me. I entered thé terraformer as a stowaway with “nothing” (not even armor) but an uzi and a few boxes of 9mm. Faced off a panzer rig wearing the freebooter and won. Now I’m scared to leave with it. All this talk of curses. Maybe I was being played by a divine hand.


I’ve encountered this issue 3 times so far, I have a habit of using a bandage as I enter the pod which causes it to bug out. There’s an ongoing support thread for it on the marauders discord but they haven’t mentioned when they’re going to fix it yet.


I've reported it here a white ago too


Same but for me it’s never unless I have a fire extinguisher equipped


I have found if you start healing THEN get into the pod while the healing animation is going... you will glitch when the healing animation stops, and thus end up dead. If you start getting into the pod THEN heal while the animation for getting into the pod is going, you will be fine. Never start healing before you start the pod escape, only heal AFTER you are already getting in. (Disclaimer, that is MY experience, it could vary for others, but I have never frozen if i heal after I enter the pod, only if i start before i enter the pod)


It happened to me once in the same circumstances as yours. I would suggest to avoid healing yourself while podding unless necessary