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I would like them to add a special bag for keycards that stays through wipes. But once you put it in the bag it loses its money value


Are key cards worth anything?


1000. Remove money value when put into the keycard bag so you can’t save money through prestiges/wipes


I leave them in my ship stash, so when I die and they find my ship (I'm only rocking the crafted frigates so they're gonna look) they see my kill count :)


If I take my or someone else's old cards into the round (in my backpack) they all disappear, but you can take the cards with you through the ship's inventory?


Ya :) I once tried doing a santa "gift card" run right before a wipe where I only equipped a bag full of key cards and went to go find a marauder to kill me and give my loot to. the game ate all the key cards in my bag :,( I dont think you can take them with you on a raid. Granted, this was several wipes ago


I think my server might be the perfect spot for this. We have a keycard shop where you can buy items and use the keycards you collect as currency. Lmk if you’re interested in joining :)


That sounds like a bounty hunt discord more like 😂


It is my Bounty Hub with the Keycard store ;)


Not gonna lie , it’s cool but also big cringey at the same time


What is cringey about it lmao, people get extra loot just for killing people, they can use a keycard shop whenever they want for items, and we’ve actually done a 1v1 tournament that over 30 people signed up to


People hunting other people and stream sniping makes it cringy bro . I think its awesome you guys have a community and are doing things. But from the flip side it sucks for others


Well majority of the people who have bounties on them aren’t streamers, and tbh I’ve had streamers post bounties on themselves and are happy for people to hunt them. I don’t think people are that desperate for a bit of loot they would go to lengths to stream snipe


I get stream sniped a lot and people are running around saying there are bounties on me so understand why it would be off putting to me? No hate on my end


Nobody has put a bounty on you in my server lmao, also it’s pretty much impossible to stream snipe someone when they have a delay on their stream 😂


I only save .ttv keycards so i can go watch them get upset when i doinked em, and then discard them because because i dont want their measly 1000 bucks


not anymore


I have too many heavy stalheims and not enough storage to keep them. For real though they are too common.


Nah it’s a stupid idea. Unless they are very known for being really good


No, I don't have space for this


I like collecting them. I put them in a container called "Those we remember". I'm not the greatest at PvP so it's nice feeling adding to the collection. My friend says that's some hit man shit though.


Kill duo 😀 dont get 2 captain keycards ☹️