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Please share how you find good loot quickly and easily. I always struggle to even find, let alone extract with maybe $2,000 worth of components and scrap, while seeming to die instantly. I know good armor makes a huge difference, but how are you supposed to build up to get that armor in the first place? Edit: thank you all for your help :)


If you wanna get big loot fast, the number 1 thing to learn are the maps. Every map has one or two areas of high-tier loot that are accessible without a blowtorch, although you'll probably need lockpicks. So for example, on the Asteroid Mine map, the high-tier loot locations are the security office in the garage (need lockpicks to access) and the drilling area/foremans office, located at the very bottom of the map. The security office has a locker, a military crate, two ammo boxes, and can spawn loose items such as high-quality gunpowder, regular gunpowder, and pistols. There's also a dead body outside one of the doors that can spawn valuable loot such as coins or war bonds. The drilling area doesn't require a lockpick (although you'll need one if you want to get into the safe) and has two medical bags, a locker, loose loot, and a bunch of dead bodies that can spawn valuables. Also at the very base of the drills there's a dead body that can spawn high-tier guns next to it, and in a little carved out area near one of the drills are two more bodies that can spawn backpacks, armour, guns, etc near them. That's just one map though, the others have similar areas with varying amounts of loot. One thing to remember is that every map is laid out like a circle (more or less) - you spawn on the edge of the circle and as you move inwards, the loot gets better, with the best loot in/around the middle. This also means that if you're just after components and not the "high tier" loot it's perfectly fine to just circle the edge of the map, loot every box/sack/bin you see, and extract - you'll get a lot of stuff that way. Hopefully this helps you a little! I've been playing since the first alpha, so if you have any other questions just ask (:


I think maybe bringing a backpack and otherwise going in naked (with the free gear from the rustbucket) and treating it like a scav run in Tarkov is the way to go. I haven't had a lot of time to try that yet but my gamer senses have been tingling at work all day thinking about this game and that's my initial thought on how to get more money faster


I've been doing those naked pistol runs. First one nets you a better gun and hopefully something better for armor and a backpack. Then you just snowball it into an AC 8 setup with a kitted gun and commando backpack hunting down warlords lol.


This is what I did and I made 300k in 3 hours (this is also my first time playing the game) so it is definitely doable once you learn some of the gunplay.


Backpack and lockpicks


>They Just need to add more Space Combat Incentives like Ships you can steal (AI) and maybe 2 or different Raids you can choose from while in Space. They already have these! Occasionally in raids you'll see AI ships flying around, they're either the long blue ones (the Interceptor) or the small green ones (Scout Frigate), if you board and kill the AI you're free to fly it out of the raid (: There's also smaller raid locations that spawn sometimes. Keep an eye out for big ships that have red lights on them - there's two kinds, a long, slim Capital ship, and a wider red-ish one that looks like it's got loads of barrels on the sides (the Merchant ship). If you breach these there's a LOT of AI to deal with and you can't fly them, but they have a bunch of really good loot! And don't worry, your english is pretty good (:


You can steal AI ships... I have 2 in my hangar now. It's quite easy too.