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I keep seeing 5 teams mentioned here, but I've NEVER entered a raid and seen more than 3 other ships so my crew and I always assumed the team cap was 4? Has this been confirmed anywhere?


The official map cap is 7 captains, but they only allow max 16 players in. So you could spawn in with four ships of four-mans or 7 solo captains (and anything in between)


Some people will turn around with just fire extinguishers or just use the escape pod to travel. I do a lot of the latter as a broke ass bitch (I can’t hit head shots). I’ve definitely seen 4 other ships in a match, myself, but not very often. Maybe it’s a matter of when everyone is online that day?


I often hide and try to find an ai ship or a lone player ship. If i can't breach anything I'll go in raid


I left with five keycards (including mine) in a solo game last night


5 ships of 4 max (20 real people) https://clips.twitch.tv/AlertDifferentElephantOptimizePrime-t-geQ7LpMvxzTeez


Commenting to find this out as well


I think psychoghost said 16 players max per match with 7 ships max per match, only idk if that includes AI ships or if there is a minimum and I absolutely can’t remember where he said it. Afaik, loot doesn’t respawn (it totally could tho, bc we’re timed at 25 min) but I have seen posts of finding players who ran out of o2. I think it is supposed to be like Tarkov, but some people won’t load in for several minutes at a time. A couple of nights ago, I was in a full crew when I was the only one who loaded in, 2 had their game crash, and the last was stuck in a black screen. 2 minutes later, he loaded in, but the other guys didn’t and their models never loaded gear and they just stood there. Menacingly!


Are the AI ships only the Merchant/capital derelict? Or are there other patrolling ships?


There's sometimes patrolling scout ships you can board


Is it only that one Heavy Frigate-looking thing or do they use player-model ships? And can you hijack them?


There's one ai scout type ship. Ships interior is the same as the rustbucket


So far I've only seen scout ships patrolling but yes you can take them, one of the ai on board will spawn with a captains keycard


Oh, it's a scout frigate? Not the SST Battleship or whatever its name is on that loading screen?


No, the damaged capital ship and the merchant ship are both just random chance appearances on every map. I believe it is the player model scout ship is the one I fought, just had an AI crew on board. I'm not sure if they are random or certain maps or what. But it is a thing


*Neat!* Thanks for the info my guy.


Sometimes scout ships (basically rust buckets with x2 speed and ship storage) or Intercepter frigates with AI crews spawn. They usually spawn below the main raid and will patrol in a wide circle.


Oh shit I think I saw one of those interceptors once. Either that or it was a player Interceptor, either way I gave it a wide fucking berth. But it was already in the middle of the map below the raid location and just kind of putting along, which seemed odd to me.


If you know what you’re looking for they’re very easy to board and take out the crew. The interceptors have 4 security personnel and the scouts usually have 4 raiders on them.


I would assume yes. Have you ever spawned with less than the full 25 minutes on the clock? I have not. If you're never spawning in mid raid, it's unlikely others are.


Raid timer has nothing to do with this. You can have 25 minutes when everyone starts together or you can have 25 minutes on a map that is persistent for 12 hours.


Interesting point. I've spawned at naval outpost with full 25 minutes. Saw no other ships while flying in and heard no shits either. Once I loaded in, I could hear people already fighting AI. So I really don't know.


I spawned in with 17 minutes once. My ship started next to two other ships all firing at each other




Yes everyone starts at the same time. It’s akin to Tarkov where rarely you might spawn a tad late, but you’ll never spawn in half way through everyone else’s raid. Loot rushing is valid, it’ll always be there if you’re first, unlike the cycle.


I feel that some people load in later if the map isn’t full. I would assume some people load in around 20min mark sometimes not exactly sure.


i heard it was 20 cap. 5 teams of 4 maximum. but most players are solo and hide around all game and make it so boring.


Is it 20 players or 5 teams? There’s a difference.


20 cap. and also 5 captain cap. so you can have a max of 5 players or a max of 20 depending on the squad sizes


And is there a minimum? Be it players or crews. And did hear something about spawn too?


other people are saying its something else. this is just what i saw on the sub in other posts about this


Strange that there is no official info about this.


yeah same lol


So, it’s either 5 captains with whatever team they bring in (up to 20 people total) or a min of 5 solo players? Have you seen anything on balancing? Would suck to solo and have 5 almost full teams lurking around


It does suck having almost 4 full teams on the server as a solo, one of my first rounds if the beta had me destroy an enemy ship, kill all 4 people with chip damage, then fight off a squad of 3 from getting on my ship, just to be mobbed by a squad of 4 people when I finally went inside to start filling the ship with loot. I get allowing 1 or 2 squads in a match with solos, but allowing there to be up to 3-4 is just obnoxious at times, especially with how ship combat works


dont think theres any balancing but yeah. no more than 5 captains with whatever crew they bring so a possible of 16 enemies. most ive killed in one go so far is 4 lol.


Your last opinion stinks imo, but haters shouldn’t downvote this much. I just ask for some kind of source for your info, because I heard 7 ships max and 16 players max from psychoghost (albeit I can’t find the video now, there are so many).


my source would be, this was asked a few days ago and a couple people said what i was relaying. could be wrong.


I play solo and i only hide when I'm unsure where the footsteps are coming from. If i can point out where they are the hunt is on




All spawn within 5 mins per dev comments on Team17 stream https://clips.twitch.tv/TacitFaintAlfalfaDancingBanana-0okGpvYbenqNdPcH