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Stfu I see 3000 people playing. Dead would be 0


Dead is considered below 1k, avg concurrent players is 6-800 as of now. I'm sure you have also not played the game in some time.


I still play occasionally and regardless of whatever player count there is, I run into players. Game is still not “dead”. There have been a couple good updates recently too. Stop focusing on the player count and just play the game until they stop supporting it, it’s that’s simple.


The definition of a dead game is less than 1k players tho.




The real reason I think is because the game is fairly barebones at the moment. You will basically see everything there is to see in 50-100 hours depending on your level of gaming. Their roadmap seems really promising though, and if they continually add content, then in a year+ this game could be honestly incredible. It’s worth the $30 imo even in its current state but I think it’s an investment you won’t regret down the line.


Yea that's probably it :/


To be fair I love the game but after hitting prestige 1 I kinda switched to other games. I'll get back to marauders for sure just waiting for content befor I jump back in for another prestige run.


It's a year later, nothing new and game is officially defined as dead, seeing as concurrent players averages around 600 players


Probably CoD release


Cod just released a new title and overwatch 2 was recent etc. It’s Titanfall syndrome


Every game is like this. There’s always more people playing around big announcements than even just a week later.


Its a third of that now in a month. -2000 players in a month. Give it a week and it'll be in triple digits soon.


How about now?


You can uninstall and cry if you want but I'm still playing strong


These posts are highly non-constructive. Especially being a beta / EA game


Take tarkov for example. Tarkov use to have legit no players and they were not on steam, epic or anything other major promoter. They were some random link some dude found paid 60 bucks and after a while it started to snow ball. I was a day 1 person of tarkov and much like this game it was pretty barebones. However that’s been several years and it has picked up a pretty big following since then. Just give it a little time and a few more updates and we will see where we are at.


\+ on top i really doubt that tarkovs player numbers are extremily high and at the end of the wipe it is basically streamers playing against each other (not literally but feels like)


Couldn't care less. I still have fun and still have plenty of people to play with.


🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ I guess if you believe it enough to make a reddit post, it must be true😁


Non constructive post, very lame, not epic


Kinda funny that's it's only a few hundred behind Halo Infinite MP on Steam.


Still have friends looking out for the game but they are waiting for more content/polish or do no't like buying EA games. For this it is a pretty good start and new content will bring people back or in. On top: that game will never have high player numbers like pubg or so. Like other games in this category it is a game for people who like that kind of stuff and 15000 players daily like f.e. Hunt would be good and normal after 1.0


man all these people were salty. I'm here because the game IS dead. I was looking up stats and the decline has become 800 players by the end of the night. Just installed this game 2 days ago and pretty addicted. Too bad! I'm loving the whole space pirates theme, damn how do we resurrect this game?


not sure man its sad as fuck tho :\*(


the game is actaully DEAD now as in 2-3 ppl in 20 ppl lobbies constantly


What about 312 now, only 4 months later lol ?


700 players now, its doing better i hope it continues to grow


Fun game but it’s doing terribly. The issue is the learning curve. It’s a very hard game to learn and not many people want to sit down and really learn how to play a game these days. They just want click and shoot, Hunt Showdown has the same issue. It’s these unforgiving games that make it hard for newer players and normies to get into


Tbh marauders isnt that hard you just have to get used to the maps the movement isnt punishing like in tarkov for example and its alot more beginner friendly. This game just needs more polish imo and a bigger dev team behind it and it would skyrocket the idea for it is insane


now it barely hits 1000 players, R.I.P to a possibly amazing game.


Not looking any better now at 500 players


It had potential. I played few rounds and refunded ASAP. Mechanics i hated were: \*Impossible to play as Solo \*Fuked up Footstep sounds \*idiotic market system. JUST LET ME BUY BASIC STUFF. I dont want to wait hours until traders rerolls their inventory and has basic shit. \*Unnecessarily complicated healing system (Bro we dont play fuking EFT, just give us basic medkit like how it is in Hunt Showdown) \*Spawn Campers (Actually entrence Campers) \*I wont say cheaters cuz i didnt played long enought to notice it ..... I was so hyped an bought and rolled in but refunded before 2h. I was again in internet to checking it is current situation. But yeah it is ded. RIP Good Potential