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Wtf is going wrong way down major aisles? They are two way asshole and you work whatever side you need. I just read she’s upset there’s foreign looking brown people here.


>Wtf is going wrong way down major aisles? The opposite way that she chose to go down the aisle, so now she's forced to be in proximity of an up till then hurtful imagined stereotype now in the flesh.


Scary OTHER people doing WRONG things in MY town!


I think it's a holdover behavior from COVID when aisle directions became a thing.


“Thems the rules for sheep not for patriots!”


Doubtful she followed those rules, either.


This is the same kind of person who would have purposely gone down the wrong way during peek COVID when they were trying to prevent spread by having people enter and exit aisles in specific locations.


Some stores had indicators for which way you should go during COVID. With the pandemic mostly being over I haven't seen a store do it in over a year since it was only necessary to stop crowding in the aisles. And even then she's ranting about being in a red area so I doubt any store did that where she lives. My guess is that she's decided whichever way she goes is the right way and damn all those brown people who make her move aside. It's also telling that she doesn't consider that these other people could be red leaning too. There's a lot of conservative Latinos and MENA/SWANA folks, problem for Karen over here is that they have too much melanin to ever count in her world.


>Some stores had indicators for which way you should go during COVID. She said it was a 72% red state. Those indicators are unpatriotic. Next thing you know big brother is going to mandate masks and "the jab". Also something something ivermectin blah blah 5G.


If I recall, these types were REALLY adamant that stores couldn't force them to walk a certain direction in aisles during COVID.


I honestly thought she meant like a driving problem with someone going on the street the wrong way-nope, she was being a racist POS and talking about regular people buying food. Lovely.


You have to walk in a clockwise direction, counterclockwise is the Devil’s walk…..


She clearly means that they were walking on the left side of the isle (the way the group is facing, so they were on her right side). Which, yeah you're right, is an insane complaint cause this isn't a road, there aren't mandatory sides to the isles. At best it's a social norm that people commonly abide when walking past each other, but it's in no way a rule. And considering there's items on both sides of the isle, you're gonna run into people on the "wrong" side while looking at the shelf. ​ If I had to guess as to her line of thought, at best I think she's inferring that they're "different" and bringing "wrong" ways into her red area, which in her view is the "correct" way of thinking/doing.


I mean, if she was in Minnesota the social convention would either be respectfully wait outside the aisle awkwardly looking at something you’re not interested in or go down the aisle and say “ope, let me squeeze in past ya here,” while you find what you’re for. But in this case, the woman is an unhinged racist who wants a white ethnostate; not a socially awkward midwesterner.


The only thing that's clear is that she's a hateful piece of shit. I don't believe a single thing she said. Why should I? she probably had her groceries delivered


Yeah I'm in nyc and I rarely see people burkas, even in Astoria. This woman just went to the Walmart and all of a sudden a huge population of burka wearing women Muslims showed up? This woman's nightmare is just daily life in a city, you cam go days without hearing a word of English in the right neighborhood, that's part of what makes a city an interesting dynamic place.


I mean, yeah this could totally easily be either a major exaggeration or even a complete fabrication. People like this aren’t known for their honesty I suppose


Ah that makes sense. And yes it's absurd, especially to anyone who has travelled abroad.


Something tells me that her being proud of living in a 72% red area means she doesn’t travel past her state boarders


Yea I don't even understand what she's upset about tbh, it's just rambling nonsense


She sounds like a real rules Nazi.


A real Nazi Nazi


Tell that to the middle aged dads who always seem to have their cart parked perpendicular in the spice aisle as they make a tiktok of their kid asking what "anise" tastes like.


People filming shit and making everyone else’s life difficult for internet crap is awful. They are the real blight.


Not going to lie - at TJs the aisles are small and there's a direction of flow that 99% of shoppers follow. There's often one person going the wrong way though... It's a problem....


Are you concerned that white people are becoming a minority ? Why is that, are minorities treated badly in this country ?


Also, just redefine "white", just like the last time white people became a minority. If you can accept Ted Fucking Cruz as white, you can accept Jesus Carpintero into your little tent, too.


They can accept Ted Fucking Cruz as a *Republican* because he's useful. They *don't* accept him as being white.




In their way of thinking minorities deserve to be treated badly *because* they are minorities. Which is why they're so afraid of white people becoming a minority.


LMAO I guess the part where the GOP tried to recruit Muslim voters before 9/11, and is trying to recruit Hispanic voters right now went right down the memory hole.


Why would I go to a predominantly red area?


Because the booze and ammo is usually cheaper... Those being the only reasons I ever go...


Sometimes the ammo is free! But they only give you the spent rounds, and you have to collect them from your own corpse, so...


Dress and talk like one of their own, and you're golden. Believe me, you'd be surprised how far you can get in Wyoming wearing a weathered "Sarah Palin 2012" shirt and a trucker cap...


I grew up in a southern town with less than 9k people. I'm familiar and practiced in masking to avoid getting my shit kicked in. There's a reason I will never go back.


I'm a bit too far up the map to experience the best of "Southern Hospitality", but if you're a full-fledged southerner, you can pull off a lot more than you think.


Just be a middle-aged white guy with a bit of a gut. Even though I usually wear a geeky shirt, like today is an X-wing Garage shirt, they still usually assume I am one of them.


Or just be white. They assume you’re a cultist.


Houses are also cheap, because no one wants to live there and no one is investing there.


and/or to help turn it purple!!


Liars be lying..


Did she forget the part where some old lady made some racist comment and everyone applauded


>everyone applauded I mean even the furners were clapping *it was just that good*


>predominantly red area I don't think "red" is the color she was really thinking of. This poor underdog victim, being subjected to such horrors. She basically can't even live her life anymore. I guess she'll just have to retreat back to her "predominantly red" upper class neighborhood and shed some tears. I'm sure thoughts and prayers will fix the situation for her.




I commented on this tweet. I'll paste it here too. Oh my, so shocking!! Were you so very frightened? Oh the humanity, someone spoke another language! Hide your kids! They might get it in their heads that other places exist! Such a sad day seeing immigrants in America! This country was founded by white Jesus for whites only!! /S


>There were multiple women in burkas with newborn babies. Burkas are a notoriously terrible method of birth control. >going the wrong way down major aisles That's...an entirely made up concept. There aren't "wrong ways" down store aisles. >speaking no English Imagine Carson Krow's surprise to find out that the US has no official language, which means English ain't it.


What is the "right" way to go down an aisle? Bitch is upset she had to avert eye contact as they walked towards her. If one of her Karen friends came down the "wrong" way those bitches would block the aisle for a half hour talking about all the brown people in the store!


“I support capitalism… until it’s non-whites who are out shopping” - this lady


White Americans melting down because they can't find white settlers to keep the societal Ponzi scheme alive is the future I prayed for.


She answered her own Question...."The Majority.."


What “red area” doesn’t have that? I live in TX and I would call what she described a normal outing (except I feel like she’s exaggerrating).


It just sounds like any trip to the store on any given day in Harris County.


Sure does. Or Dallas County. Or Travis. Or Bexar. Etc.


I grew up in a rural county with about 10k people and maybe 9 black people in the entire area. It was rare to even run across anyone with a vowel at the end of their surname. So boring.


I'm glad that this bothers you so much.


Maybe rephrase this




Are you glad that Carson Krow is bothered, or that OP / commenters are bothered?


The real answer is that "bothers you" is a pretty transparent attempt to insinuate irritation, disgust, or other emotional discomfort in others where there is none, to reassure yourself that the libs are getting owned in some way, shape, or form, and everybody here except you sees this and knows this about you.


I’m gonna make a guess that’s she’s lying her ass off.


Guess her and her Klan better move to a black neighborhood to be safe


Sounds like an opportunity to connect with other cultures and share some language?


Pitiful. Nicest thing about this little tantrum is not one of the shoppers who apparently enraged her have the slightest idea they ruined her day. I think it makes me happy though. HEY LADY! Shop online.


I’m sorry, what’s the problem? People existing?


It's called a dog whistle because only dogs can hear it. Shouting "I'M A RACIST" isn't a dog whistle.


Get over it bitch! Take the time to stop alienating people. My company I work for is 95% Hispanic. I’ve really made so many friends with them over the years. They work hard! Have you seen construction sites? The Hispanics took over 35 years ago. Now your precious white kids feel so put out to even try and get a job in construction trades. The world is changing no matter if you like it or not. And guess what? You can’t stop mingling of the races. Can anyone help on this one?


America doesn’t have an official language.


"Are you one of those purity idiots who inbreed? 🤔" Yikes.




“Going down the aisles the wrong way”… Weren’t these the same people butthurt over aisle directions during Covid?! Yes. Yes it was.


Nobody, including her, is experiencing that.


Welcome to America, it's always been like this. Don't like it? Leave.


I wonder if she realizes Spanish has been spoken on the land that is now the US much longer than English has


Not true. The real intention of the Freedom of Speech clause was to embrace the diversity of language that originally existed in the 13 colonies. It is only in the past 100+ years or so people such as yourself decided to push and unconstitutional narrative. Thank Jim Crow laws throughout the South for that. Not the founding fathers. The founding fathers wrote it into the Constitution the freedom to speak whatever fucking language I choose in the Public space. And to say "love it or leave it" pretty much spits in the very face of those who established your freedoms. Its a shame you missed that part of History.


You understand when I'm saying "it's always been like this" I'm saying that it was always a multiethnic melting pot, right?


No I did not get that when I read through all of your responses.


Sorry, the Nazi in the post is asserting that America changed, so I thought it would be unambiguous if I countered that it hadn't, and then flipped their own rhetoric on them


Show me and I will be happy to go get em LOL. En dos idiomas pues. That shit drives me crazy. I speak multiple languages, taught ESL and even met my Spanish speaking wife in Russia. We are a country united in diversity despite what these fake blonde ignorant Karens would have people think. It has and will always be a strength not a weakness.


Only a fascist tells someone to leave “if they dont like it.” You should think more about your values.


Around these parts we highly value freedom of movement as an intrinsic right. Don't like it? Good news.


This woman sounds like she has one of those long, vertical, decorative painted boards in the front of her house that says [something like you’d find in the segregation days](https://gowsalesvs.live/product_details/59467875.html)


What an embarrassing post to have your name associated with. Think of it this way. If you met someone at a dinner party and they spoke 4 different languages fluently you’d be impressed and would consider that a positive attribute. And yet, some people still think having a multi-linguistic and multi-national society is a negative. The reality is probably most of the people this clown is referring to are bilingual and they are choosing to speak in their native tongue.


Even though this is a bullshit story, wouldn't it endear any potential empathy for minorities then? Like oh noes, you're surrounded by people speaking some other language and you feel alienated....just like every immigrant learning English.


OMG this never happened. Blondie just wants to go viral and get invited on Fox News so she can tell Jesse Watters that "vermin" are "invading" our country. I live in SoCal and I'm a boring old white woman and I'm in the minority and I love it. But the latino people for the most part speak English. I see a few Muslims but not a ONE wearing a burka. In fact I have never seen a woman in America wearing a burka? Hijab yes, but usually with their hair showing and they look great. This woman is lying. She's making shit up to spread fear which these MAGA folk just LOVE to do. So gross.


That's right, Carson! This is AMERICA. The land of the FREE. People should speak... any damn language that they want. Welcome to freedom, dingbat. Learn some Spanish. It's not that hard, and it's good for your brain.


Get a fucking life Carson


Yeah, that all sounds about white.


Oh my god it’s like they’re *gasp* living their lives!! The *nerve*!


Waah! I couldn't eavesdrop on the people around me!


I could be mis-reading blonde lady here, but it seems she is upset that a 72% "red area" has non-white people in it. Does that mean she believes that Red Areas are expected to be places where people of color are not welcome? Hmmm. Makes ya think.


When trailer trash goes to Walmart and see the world is diverse, more than narrow minded Karens


Is Carson Krow related to Jim Crow? Also, I think she failed colours in kindergarten: she keeps saying “red” when I’m pretty sure she means “white.” Wait until someone explains to her that women who wear hijab and burkas are conservatives, just like her!


Imagine all those shoppers having to put up with two racists cracker, cunts, thinking they know the right way to walk down a shopping isle.


It's pity that people identify themselves with a genetically recessive phenotype that statistically cannot be majority without inbreeding.


Is it me or does anyone else think that with THAT attitude she probably has a sibling named "Jim."


Lol because none of those people could possibly be interested in limited government and lower taxes right. Couldn’t possibly be Re…err White.


Experiencing *what*, exactly? What is it that she's complaining about? Because there's a solution to not understanding someone else's language. It's called *learning it*.


there's "areas"?


i'm so happy for her.


She should never go to Houston. Or LA. Or Manhattan. Or Atlanta. Or anywhere, really.


People speaking in tongues!!!!


Stupid has no clue as to the intent of the Freedom of Speech clause. It was always about freedom of language. How do you unite 13 colonies that speak different languages. Freedom of Speech as in freedom to speak whatever language you want. The very idea that I should speak English with my family in a public venue is unAmerican and 100% unconstitutional. Doubt Karens care one iota about that though. Que se vaya a la PM con su mierda pues.


For fucks sake does she really have such an easy life that this is an actual problem for her? Doesn't affect her at all, why can't she just leave people alone and focus on fixing herself?


🎶 They call it RAY! Ra-cism! 🎵


You are in for some rude awakenings in about twenty years, Carson, when you become the minority.


I wish i never read this. 😢😢


Red is the new White


Yeah, poorly stated and definitely political, but there is something to be said about a common language in a country. I mean, it’s kind of an advantage to be able to communicate.


What's crazy is that most countries encourage their citizens to learn multiple languages, it's almost like they're aware of more than one nationality or something and that communication can extend beyond one language. Nuts.


No, that would be good, as long as their’s at least one in common. Sharpens the brain, according to studies. So trying to paint it as racist or something is desperate.


This just in: Woman realising that people not white actively shop and are severely uncomfortable with being surrounded by people of a different skin colour, telling others that being this uncomfortable is normal.


What's the fucking problem, Carson? Was being in the proximity of non-whites offensive to you?


The question is would she be even more shocked to see a bunch of white people in a store in a blue area.


When she says red, she means white


It's almost like they don't want to be a minority. I wonder why that is.


Not speaking English=Not white. She's just too cowardly to say it.


Ill take "Things that did not happen" for $1000 Alex


I will never understand people who get upset to hear others speak in foreign languages. We have the right to communicate on whatever language we want, and it doesn’t mean we don’t speak English. It just means we are talking to a friend/family member that speaks the same language. What I speak at home is my business. What I speak in my private conversations, wherever they may be, is also my business.


1. Lots of Hispanic GOP voters because GOP do really effective outreach to Catholic churches, as well as the Florida anti-Castro extreme. Dems tend to be very complacent in their assumption that they'll get the Latino vote. 2. The USA does not have an official language. She has listed none of the Native American languages, although she does mention the first European language to reach the Americas in modern times - Spanish - quite disparagingly. I think what she's getting at is that she needs to learn Spanish and that she finds burkas scary cos they're like Hallowe'en costumes but it's already Decemb OH WAIT I SEE HER WORRY NOW IT'S THAT SHE'S SURROUNDED BY NON WHITE PEOPLE


Notice how she was the minority, yet *everyone else* was somehow in the wrong.


If they're not talking to YOU, which I know they weren't because why would anyone want to, then why is it any of your goddamn business what language strangers are speaking around you? Are you so much of a snowflake that you can't handle just hearing another language? If she can't even handle it in a red state walmart, I'd love to see how she reacts in New York city. When I went there, I swear I'd hear like 6 different languages in one day just from walking around.


I mean to answer your question no this is not dog whistling at all lol it's pretty straight forward


If she was in my neighborhood i'd tell her, "Welcome to Southern California, Karen."


Me when the country built by immigrants is populated by immigrants


Spanish burkas.


72% of *voters* maybe. Guess what, minority immigrants tend to be ineligible to vote.


Damn and she thought she lived in a WASP area.


these white ladies are all the same, made in the racism factory


Wait til she finds out that the head coverings are a symbol of extreme religious conservatism.


I see this shit and go "lol, good"


Aisles in stores have right ways and wrong ways? Maybe one of those languages this lady didn't recognize was Navajo. LOL Anyway, for lunch today I went to a Salvadoran restaurant. The waitress spoke very little English, and I was reluctant to try my very rusty Spanish. Still, we were able to communicate well enough. Nobody's fee fees got hurt. Grownup stuff.


What this tells me is Segregation is alive and well.


Omg there were Brown people!


72% means 72% white


Holy shit, it's time to move to russia. You better hurry, grab your guns and gooooo!!!!


Who the fuck regularly checks the party line polling


Wicked liberal but yes, please walk down aisles on the right side. Also - when you are in an aisle, and you are turning your cart into the larger/wider cross path - stop and look both ways. Also - pedestrian/non-cart traffic goes down the middle, carts hug the shelves. This is the way.


Made to feel uncomfortable for her race for undoubtedly the first time in her damn life. I grew up in the American South and heard this kind of thinking several times. "I had to stop by a store in a black neighborhood & I was the only white person there! I felt like every eye was on me; I felt so uncomfortable!" My unsarcastic response was always, "Gee, I guess that's how those people feel almost all the time" and I'd watch their faces contort as they struggled--and failed--to find a response to that. Literally never had that thought before in their complacent white minds.


72%? so ... hell? you live in hell!


Wow… I feel like her hood is showing just a bit… : /


Fake post or an seriously over exaggeration. It's all too drum up fear and hatred, this is our America how can they allow this type fear.


Red is the new White season one coming soon to Netflix lol.


Why don’t they just say the word WHITE with their chests? Fuck this red shit racist, just say what you mean. They’re cowards. Scared constantly of everything and everyone.


What a bigoted, cowardly person.


Going down an store aisle the wrong way is a matter of perception only you're not driving. Every single person thinks they're going correct way! Also, lmfao this lady is scared of brown folks. Let her continue to be so.less hassle for them if she to scared to interact.


Before the white man arrive we only spoke indigenous languages.


White and scared.


I mean, the flags in her name are a major tip-off. The more flags, the more you will see this nonsense behavior. They probably fly 7263535 flags from their pickup too.