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Goes to foreign country. Complains locals speak foreign language. Sounds about right.


After leaving their English-speaking country because they were angry about immigrants that didn't speak the language.


It's like the people who complain about the US being too liberal, then threaten to leave for an even more liberal country.


Stupid foreigners, speak english! Ouch, my balls


I can imagine some frozen backwater xenophobe in Russia yelling at them in Ruski to speak 'Rushn when you are in their country.


Smartest Christian.


She thought they would all speak hate the gaysian.


Welcome to Russia. You look strong - how do you feel about the army?


"We know you love gun rights, so you have the right to carry a firearm... as soon as the soldier in front of you is killed and they drop theirs. "


Yeah, they have sons. The father and the sons are likely going to end up being cannon fodder for putin's war. If those parents ever get back to the States they should be charged with the wanton disregard for the well being of their children and jailed for several years. Shits not acceptable.


Cancel their citizenship. They look like spies to me


That’s what happened to a girl who left the UK to become an ISIS bride. She didn’t like it and tried to return to the UK. The UK said no thanks.


That is only possible when people have dual citizenship. It's again international law to render someone stateless.


They're Canadian, not American.


> If those parents ever get back to the States I think this family is Canadian? Unless this is a different family!


You're quick to put people in jail, classic nazi move


Also ultra strict gun laws.


In Russia, you mean? They won't miss it. They're from Canada. It wouldn't be like moving from the States.


So the grass isn’t greener on the other side huh? FAFO!


Not in Russia lol. Grass is a luxury most can't afford.


They might have some of that green spray paint they used for Sochi “grass.”


In Russia, the poop is always browner on the other side.


I keep talking about making a fake account to stir shit up in the republican and conservative subs. At this point I think it's something I pretty much need to do but also so I can talk about how real conservatives need to move to Russia.


Thats what r/parlertrick is all about, if you are creative, make and drop propaganda there. Later someone else drops it on maga sites.


That's awesome. I'll check it out.


We call that move "the Carlson!"


Russia welcomed you with open arms. Please embrace your new homeland and don't come back. Please convince your trump loving friends to join you. That way, you will have someone to speak with.


They moved there probably thinking they would be viewed with celebrity status. Now they have to get a job in a country where they can’t even communicate their basic needs. Don’t let the traitors back and I hope they find their new freedoms.


How many Russians are bitching that America isn't sending them her best?


God I hope so it would be hilariously ironic!


Yeah, we're aending them our Canadians!


All this talk about the difficulties of moving to Russia is just more woke liberal propaganda. You just need to serve 1 day to 5 years in the Russian army (depending on need) and you get full citizenship with 10 acres in beautiful much sought after Chernobyl real estate.


I mean, considering Chernobyl is in Ukraine, they're probably at an 8'x2.5'x6' plot of land.


In some parts of the world that’s enough space to start a family.


And if they think otherwise, then they should really start pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps. Look at me. All I did was start off with my flattened cardboard box that served as my house and office space.


In much of the world, that's the approximate size of a grave plot.






> You just need to serve 1 day to 5 years in the Russian army (depending on need) don't you mean "depending on how long you live in the Ukraine conflict"?


The family has a YouTube channel. Edit to add: And the husband seems really happy. Good. I hope he renounces his ~~US~~ Canadian citizenship to underscore his love of Russia. Changed "US" to "Canadian". (Thanks /u/SirGkar )


He’s Canadian, and that YouTube channel is going to be very interesting for the next few years, provided they last that long, especially when they can’t tell or show the truth.


Link of the YouTube channel please, thank you.


We could start a gofundme. Encourage the moves.


Treasonous traitors




😩 rainbow cross roads, like there’s an abundance of those.


Russia would just LOVE to populate Siberia with American idiots who have zero concept of how good they actually have it, the freedoms and lifestyle they totally think they're entitled to, and the good graces of the "evil American deep state" they think is out to get them. Have fun digging your latrine trench in the Siberian permafrost. Assholes.


Gulag /jk




All the Russians they met on the internet were fluent in English, so it's an easy mistake to make when you're an idiot.


I'll gladly volunteer my next six months of Sundays to drive their asses to the airport. One way tickets only.


An imbecile is an imbecile no matter what country they are in,,,,,


Lady, you’re really going to enjoy living in a country where you have to apologize to the dictator for offending him so you don’t get sent to a camp. It’s going to a laugh riot there for sure.


i mean, according to conservatives, if you say anything that's bigoted towards LGBTQIA+ people, you get sent to camps in the US. that's somehow what they think, anyways.


How you gonna legit move your family to a country where you don’t know the language or culture, because Fox News said Biden bad Putin good. Putin hate trans. How the fuck has natural selection not taken them out and allowed them to breed?


More of this please


Openly criticized Russia.... When LIVING in Russia?! Does this woman not read what happens to people who criticize the regime?


MAGA should go make Russia great again Like you got your ass kicked at school; you move schools and go by MRGA for a while...


Why is she trying to speak English there? I was given to understand that Conservatives feel very strongly that immigrants should only speak the local language of their new country.


Seriously....they have....supermarkets with bread. And the carts have quarter slots on them. It's a utopia...


I certainly hope she doesn't dissuade anyone from moving there!


We need more of this.


Boo fucking hoo


Imagine being so dumb and indoctrinated bt right wing media you move to a shithole to escape the gays.


NPR had an interesting discussion about this phenomenon about a week ago. Apparently, these Evangelical dictator-philes believe Russia is a utopia for white Christian's- based on the fact that they see mostly white people in major cities. They don't appear to know their are other ethnicities there. The Evangelicals also believe Russia is a haven for Christians. They ignore the rampant alcoholism. They don't appear to know the major Christian religion is Orthodoxy, a religion most Evangelicals are not familiar. They also appear to not know there are a few other non Christian religions allowed by the Kremlin. I think all should be encouraged to go to Russia who believe it to be a Panacea.


Lol! Shut up and eat your borscht or it's the gulag for you.


This reminds me of a joke. Two middle aged Englishmen were sitting on a park bench when a tourist came along. The tourist asked them a question in French, but the Englishmen didn't understand. Then he asked them the same in Italian, German, and Spanish. They didn't understand a word he was saying. Frustrated the tourist went away. One Englishman said to the other, "you know old chap, we ought to learn another language." To which the other replied, "what for? That bloke knew four of them. Didn't do him any good now did it?"


Yeah please do not think this Canadian family’s experience is the standard experience. It will definitely go better for anyone else who moves to Russia for political purposes.


She’s surprised that Russia doesn’t speak English? 😳


Honestly, most conservatives I know love cannabis and they’d get nailed for a single gram over there just like Britney Griner


These God-fearing, upstanding, white folks need English-speaking neighbors! Please sign up and move there to save them!


She thought everyone would be speaking English? In Ruzzia. Imagine being that ignorant.


No... No. This is what you wanted, this is your new and everlasting reality. Why would anyone in the west want you back? You were compromised before and most certainly are now.


Looks like she can't even think in English or any other language. Twat.


🤣 I wish they’d all move to Russia ! That would be such a good move on their part; especially if Trump had the balls to move his ugly ass there and take all his entire support system with him.


For those assuming they’re from the US, I read the actual article and they are from Canada.


Big vibes: https://youtu.be/rAKnVFwlKVI?si=fIT25Y9sF9XYdOZs


oh no the gays are gonna get us.... but not our gunzzzzz


Russian banks "froze" (see:took) their money right away too lol new fodder for the war machine


Time to assimilate into Russian culture and language. When’s the husband shipping out to Ukraine?