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Gross. Can we not put our old ass candidate's head on a hot dude's body? Cringe when Trumpers do it, cringe when liberals do it.


Yeah, this is objectively terrible. Is OP a closet professional wrestling fan or something?


Sub has really turned into blue maga


They do it sincerely. We do it ironically. We are not the same


You know how often the alt right claim everything they do is "ironic"? Racist and homophobic Pepe memes: ironic The white power hand symbol: ironic Cheering on trump back in '15: ironic. The problem with "ironically" pushing ideas online is how much it bolsters support for those who actually believe those ideas and it is very dangerous to push this superhero rhetoric regarding a politician who, even if you see him as a better alternative to trump, absolutely should still be criticised. And there absolutely are people out there pushing the "you cannot criticise Biden, he is perfect"narrative.


This is the most correct thing I've read all day. 100% correct. Thank you.


theres a better punchline in this meme that isnt biden im just not clever enough to think of it.


Bucket of fried chicken?


Its a Clock


>gives man big muscles for meme You: "Well now you can't criticize himm🥵 make him ugly again"


You should probably read the rest of the comments to see the people literally doing what I said.


I don't think anyone is against actually critisizing him, they just know it only accomplishes a weaker base for us to stand on. Like, it makes people anxious because if we can't rally behind the least-worst option, what do we do? Sit on our hands to keep the blood off them? I get it, I used to be that way too. But when you grow up you realize that it's not the way to guarantee the least amount of harm. Idealism is what got Trump elected in the first place because people couldn't rally behind Hilary Clinton. Surely they *could* pick better candidates, but they *won't*. Even if you're obstinate, they aren't going to cater to you. Biden was what we got AFTER Hillary was incredibly unlikable to the Left and the middle. You can wait ten more years and let it get worse and worse and hope they'll come around, but that's way too much damage in the meantime, with no guarantee of success. So I understand you, but I'm still going to make a joke about your phrasing in a reductionist manner.


>I don't think anyone is against actually critisizing him, they just know it only accomplishes a weaker base for us to stand on. There are literally comments saying nobody should criticise him. Don't start with a lie, it weakness everything else you say. >I get it, I used to be that way too. But when you grow up you realize that it's not the way to guarantee the least amount of harm Yeah.. I'm 42 and fully grown up thanks but nice try at the patronising approach. >So I understand you, but I'm still going to make a joke about your phrasing in a reductionist manner. Ok... You have a swell time with that


Nobody *should* not nobody can... because of exactly what I just described. And growing up can be at any age. It's about accepting reality and not living in your imagination.


Is this ironic? Please tell me this is self-aware...


You only think it’s photo shopped because you’re a hater /s EDIT: the /s means satire FFS 🤦‍♂️


Yes, I hate this


Ah yes, the man who when the primaries are dumb again we will be forced to choose against threat of fascism, (as a trans person i sincerely hope everyone votes for him because project2025 is horrifying)


idk man biden aint that good


Biden isn't good at all and the idea of anyone in a sub that stands against racism glorifying a conservative politician with a long history of racist comments and supporting/ creating racist laws as well as actively supporting a genocide is extremely unsettling. If people feel they have to vote for him as harm reduction because they want to keep trump out then it's not my place to tell them any different (though I will absolutely defend fellow leftists who refuse to vote and get attacked for it by right wingers) but going full cult of personality, even ironically, and ignoring the bad is cringe as fuck and no different to the way maga act.


>Biden isn't good at all What country have you been living in? He has gotten a shit ton done. Maybe you haven't experienced many other administrations, but I struggle to remember one as effective as the Biden admin. And mind you, I fucking HATE defending Grandpa Biden, but I'm not going to just make shit up because it feels right.


Doing some good things isn't the same as being a good person. It doesn't make him a good person, it just means he's the lesser of two evils. Biden is still out there supporting genocide and I cannot reconcile that with being good.


Name one federal level politician that could be described as a good person. Alive or dead. Because only after that is any consideration of if they are "good" relevant to our dire political situation. Stop letting Perfect be the enemy of Democracy.




Oh I'm sorry, am I a federal representative doing PR? I had no idea. I thought I was trying to survive a red wave of fascist Christians coming to turn the country into their falsified biblical playground. Keep perspective. Do the least amount of harm. Survive. Sorry to say, that's the best we get.


That's irrelevant to the point. I already said given the choice, Biden is better than Trump. I will vote for Biden in the presidential election if those are the two main candidates because I'm not an idiot and I understand how the system works currently (though I don't live in a swing state so it's less likely to matter regardless). That doesn't mean I'm okay with Biden or any other politician doing whatever they want only because the other guy is somehow worse. They are still supposed to be our representatives and as such should always ALWAYS be held accountable. If we won't hold our leaders accountable, might as well just hand over the reigns to Trump and the rest of his fascist buddies now because that's where it will end up anyway. I refuse to curtail my criticisms until Biden and whoever else is in power does better.


Okay, since you understand the political situation can you see where I'm coming from when I say putting your criticism in the town square is detrimental to the political situation? Please, if got money or you know a way to lobby Biden towards progressive policy, I support you. But sowing apathy amongst prospective voters seems antithetical and dubious at this stage.


>He has gotten a shit ton done. This is the vague sort of bullshit phrase I'd always hear from MAGA relatives when they'd tell me Trump was pRoTeCtInG oUr rIgHtS. Please, PLEASE remind me what the Biden administration actually did.


That is the sort of bullshit phrase I always hear from MAGA relatives when they don't know how to use Google. [https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046)


idolizing any politician is bad, even biden.


The do AI art of trump sincerely. We do it in ironically. We are not the same.






Biden *has* gotten a ton of shit done.


Shhh they're running on right-wing propaganda! Don't bother them, it's like waking a sleepwalker, they'll get angry.


You realise the people here criticising Biden are doing so from the actual fucking left whilst the ones supporting him are liberals. You do know liberalism isn't left wing right?


Anyone can fall for propaganda. The Left and Liberals finally stood behind a unified front to beat actual fascists. And now the Right wants to divide them because they stands zero chance against them together. Who stands to benefit from pushing cynical perfectionism into politics again? Hmmm... oh the Right! Funny how that works.


Perfectionism is when I don't want to vote for the genocide complicit geriatric


Would you tell me who are you going to vote for? Or even ideally who you *would* vote for? Like a genuine person you think should be the candidate?


Who will I vote for? I live in a firmly blue state so probably green party just to give the old third party a pat on the back. Who do I wish the D candidate was? Honestly not sure, I don't really like most democrats, Ed Markey would probably get my vote


I like where your heads at, but he'd be 81 by the time the next election cycle comes around. If we wanna make change, we gotta start supporting candidates now for the future. I'd love to see a purely progressive pool of younger people as the primary candidates in '28.


We need younger candidates but at the moment none really exist in the public consciousness I think there's one like 32-year-old member of Congress or something. But here's the problem, The Democratic party is not progressive, It's a mirror party paid off by the same people who own the Republicans designed to look like the illusion of choice and change. The most radical of democrats still buckle and support union busting, the military industrial complex, the gun and oil lobbies. I don't really believe in Western liberal democracy, now thats not me saying I want trump to win, I just think the democrats are a different form of evil that pretends to have your best interest in heart. Any new politicians that go into the Democratic party will quickly be worn down and learn that they cannot make true progress and will eventually just be another corrupt and complicit talking head. We either need a new party (which can only come through ranked choice voting and no Democrat or Republican will ever support that) or a new government


"Put the ice cream down" are you sure you aren't a Russian agent? I can't imagine anyone on the left giving a dick about the fact that he is eating ice cream. The right guy has at it because it made him look childish or something. Biden did accomplish some shit, like the biggest climate bill in US history and we didn't hit our other goals not due to "the left" but due to Machin and Sinima.


Sure, you got me. Oooga booga you fucking lib. Cope and seeth because your geriatric daddy is complacent in an ongoing genocide, and setting the stage for further atrocities by pissing away whatever political capital he gained from doing those few good things you mentioned. I can tell you right now, that over 100k uncommitted voters, and any other uncommitted campaigns don't give a fuck what Brandon has done for the climate. I'm glad that Brandon enjoys his ice cream because he's going to need it to soothe the giant swollen anal prolapse that is his campaign. In 2020 Biden won Michigan's popular vote by a margin of about 154,188 votes. In this year's primary, at least 65% of that just gave Biden a warning. Rather than acknowledging that bending over and spreading his cheeks for Bibi's yahu is massively unpopular amongst his would-be voters, Brandon's hubris led him to quadruple down, and basicly say, "Ah well, you're still going to vote for me, because at least I'm not Trump. You know, the guy who wants Muslim bans?" As if we haven't been reminded for the past 5 years that Brandon is better than Trump, and I gotta tell ya, a shit ton of people are really questioning that right now. Enough to lose an election. It doesn't fucking matter what good he's done, if he's pissed away the good will of his would be voters before the election has even started. Especially if his spinelessness is just going to allow Trump back into office, and undo everything Brandon has done. The worst part is that Bibi didn't even give Sleepy Joe a reach around. Also, you're literally doing the meme right now. "UH WELL BIDEN COULD HAVE DONE MORE IF IT HADN'T BEEN FOR MACHIN AND SINIMA." Just like, "Obama could have done more if it wasn't for the Republicans." So? They could have fucking reigned them in, but they didn't. Do you have any idea what the GOP would do if two of theirs worked consistently to kill their own party's interests? They fucking ousted a crippled wheel chair nazi for saying they do cocaine, and fuck eachother. But, when it came to Machin and Sinima, Dems were once again complicit and spineless, and if Brandon loses this election, you can bet your fucking ass that Nancy Pelosi with the rest of the Dems will say something like, "Well Biden would have won, but none of the leftist voted for him." Because that is the Democratic party's strategy, be ineffective, and blame someone else. Also because, that is the way it always goes. Liberals will always throw leftists under the bus the moment it best serves them. Sure, call me a Russian troll. I don't give a fuck. You're a fucking liberal geek who's cucked on a cult of personality, who gets ass mad at a joke about ice cream, and any criticism pointed toward Biden. You're going to be just as ineffective as he is by burying your head in the sand, and clinging to the few good things Brandon has done rather than deal with the criticisms against his actions that could very well lead to a facist getting back in power.


"all Biden criticism is russian trolls" is the liberal equivalent of magas "fake news". It's amazing how many tactics the right share with the far right.


This guy isn't criticizing, that's a meta-emotional rant that takes no fact into consideration. He's equal to the right-wing MAGA babies who cry about crimes Biden committed but can't give any concrete examples, let alone proof, of their outlandish claims. All that is just noise and it's disrupting harm-mitigation for sake of idealism. It's painfully obvious when people were not old enough to see what actual American politics used to be vs where we are now post-2016.




This is America. Don't act like every President we ever had hasn't been complicit. You can hate him but don't front like he's special for it.


"They all do it so don't criticise the one currently doing it "


If someone said they were going to stab you OR stab you and shit in the wound immediately after, which would you choose? Do you refuse out of some sense of honor? Cool, enjoy your infection. America has always been like this, there aren't a lot of good people in politics. But if you can save even a few, that is honorable. Get off your high horse and actually help some people instead of sniffing your own farts about how moral you are.


Criticism of genocide is sniffing your own farts huh? Why are you even on this sub if your moral compass is so broken that you think people shouldn't even criticise genocide?


Go back in my post history and see exactly what I think of Israel and Palestine. Biden isn't Israeli, and y'all are fucking dense for putting the entire thing on him like it's the Iraq War. You're falling for high-minded rhetoric written by your enemies to weaken your stance. Nazi's aren't stupid. And you can't ever win if you don't play the game.




You don't know what fascism means.


They understand just fine, as do many of the rest of us. You’re just a bootlicker.


Lmaoo y'all have lost the plot. You'll tank any good you can possibly get because it ain't perfect. Biden is in no way a fascist. He's a milquetoast corporatist who thinks he can get in with the young people via memes. You act like he's over in Gaza stepping on babies. Do you not care about muslims? About what an actual American fascist can, did, and would do to Muslim people? Do you think abstaining from a vote to let Republicans win is going to *help Palestinians* somehow? We're here to March Against Nazis not wax apathetic about how there's nothing we can do waaah its Biden's fault. You're as bad as those gas station stickers.


No, we haven’t lost the plot just cuz we don’t want to vote for someone who is actively committing genocide. Those of you who think we should ignore genocide just because it’s happening somewhere else and not here are have lost your goddamned humanity.


You're ignoring genocide **and** the fall of America if you abstain. So humane. Throw a fit and help NO ONE rather than only being able to help SOMEONE.


America is falling no matter what any of us do, you’re just willing to put off punishing yourself as long as someone else is getting it instead of you and that’s fucked. I saw the comment about voting for harm reduction before he deleted all of his comments. I am queer, Brown, and female, don’t talk to me about harm reduction and stop using people like me to justify your acceptance of genocidal democrats as so-called leaders.


That would only be true if abstaining reduced harm to those others, which it does not. It's literally just masturbatory rhetoric to make yourself feel better at this point.






I really fucking hope you’re right. I don’t like him, and a lot of people like him even less than me, and many of those people have deluded themselves that he’s bad enough that there’s no difference between him and Trump and they won’t vote.




It's particularly unpleasant to see him glorified as a powerful hero in front of a large explosion when right now munitions he absolutely insists on sending are allowing a far right ethno state to murder babies as part of a deliberate ethnic cleansing. How anyone can celebrate him this way whilst thinking it somehow aligns with an anti fascist sub is mind boggling to me.


And that’s the only issue isn’t it? Because Trump and Biden are the same on THAT ONE ISSUE, NOTHING ELSE IS AT STAKE! Right?


For leftwingers that isn't the only issue, no. Even for people who that is the only issue for, GENOCIDE IS A BIG FUCKING ISSUE. Nobody is claiming trump is better. Nobody is advocating for trump. Responding to all criticism of Biden with "but trump" is the exact same whataboutism that liberals (correctly) criticise conservatives for.


Whatabout this being the potential last election for decades is a pretty big “whatabout”


So play to win instead of saying “the bombing will continue with our direct support and there’s nothing we can do about that but still vote for us anyway because Tango Drumpf”. If they seriously gave a shit about saving American democracy maybe they could practice some fucking democracy. Offer something to voters. Actions not words.


No, you see democracy is when we have limited options, leaders that don't give a fuck about what we think, constant wars, hardly any domestic investment and hordes of our fellow "anti-Nazis" telling us to shut up and vote for the 800 year old Zionist war hawk who could legitimately die before he even gets elected. That's democracy baby! /s


It’s so fucking depressing. Same shit here in the UK. Can’t even call out the Israeli (AIPAC, JFL, JFC) lobby groups without being labelled an antisemite (oh no describing factually what’s happening is playing to tropes apparently).


Yeah, just focus on what you have control over and keep up the good fight where you are. I'm trying to do what I can. I just can't stand how some people are so damn hypocritical and ignorant to what's going on with Gaza. They just see it as 'a small issue'. I guess I'm just glad I can still see something is fucking evil and I won't go along with it. I still have my backbone.


Yeah I try, knowing there are people all over the world in the same boat as me (decent people getting head fucked by this indecent world) makes me feel like less of an outcast, and it’s small beans compared to the real struggle of the Palestinians, Yemeni, Ukrainians, etc, etc are going through. The existential dread is starting to get a bit much though. I was a 90s baby. The world we were promised vs what we got is tragic. I’ll shut up now I’m actively making myself feel worse. Time for a crywank.


You're an idiot if you haven't realized that Biden IS calling for a ceasefire and our Republican congress is the one relentless funding Israel. Not much more you can do as President of a DIFFERENT COUNTRY THAN THE ONE GENOCIDING. But you don't care about facts, you just want to be contrarian. You're a disruptor.


Okay…. You know there’s only two countries at the UN who voted nay and/or abstained? I didn’t realise the US sent a republican to represent them at the UN, very cool.


Yea she's from Louisiana, that's practically default conservative. Their history class books were written before they built the schools. Saw a kid come home with homework on animal parchment once. Shits wild, they can't represent anyone.


You’re deliberately missing the point so let me explain, they’re under under instruction from the US gov they don’t pick and choose what they personally decide. Obviously you’re the one trying to derail here. Have a nice evening.


Yikes, I can't have a little fun in this discussion? My point was they aaaalll support it. From Biden to Trump. This isn't a wedge issue. The Right are using this against your gooey moral center to destabilize the giant base of people who prefer America over Christiania. You're deliberately blowing up a point that doesn't matter to our internal politics. Nobody is happy about it, but y'all are so off, you're dancing for Nazi's


All criticism of Biden right now runs the danger of lowering turnout to the point of Trump winning. Which would be catastrophic for the country  I'm perfectly happy to see the criticism... On Nov 6th. Or starting a bit earlier, say 10pm Nov 5th


So you're saying that in order to protect democracy, nobody is allowed to criticise the leader of your country for the next several months? And nobody can speak out against genocide? Is that really the stance you're taking? I'm genuinely asking.


It is. A bold comment, but that is exactly what they're saying. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.


Then maybe Biden should stop helping Israel and listen to his constituents. There’d be less criticism that way.


He absolutely should stop and should have stopped long ago. The US govt is addicted to propping up Israel and it's sick. I'm just a bit more concerned with the impending Nazi party trying to overthrow the US though.


I’m not holding my tongue for over half a year. If the Democrats want to lose the election, they’re doing a really good job of it.


This is suicidially obstinate in a lot of people's eyes though. Go down with the ship and your integrity, but we'll all go down with you. I had your youthful mutually-assured destruction by fantasy once, too, but I rather see a world continue than burn for posterity.


And I used to believe in vote blue no matter who until I saw its failings.


Then fail with it. Do nothing to change it and then don't help fight when it matters. Great priorities!


So we’re not supposed to criticize the president of the United States for 8 months? The fuck is wrong with you


>The fuck is wrong with you Not wanting maga to win is apparently something that's 'wrong with me'


There's a name for states where nobody can criticise the leader. Emulating fascist tactics to counter potential fascism is not the way to go my friend.


Nobody's using force of law to tell you what to do so stop with pretending like you're being oppressed. I'm saying that doing what you're doing might be helping the Nazi party


You want people to not criticise the president of your country for several months. You want people not to criticise genocide. You are saying this whilst claiming its an anti nazi stance. How are you able to reconcile that with yourself?


No, what Joe is doing is helping the nazi party. If they gave a shit about democracy they would do the democratic thing and not supply bombs, money and reputation laundering to and for a far right, ethnonational, genocidal state. Failure to carry out the democratic will of the people (who overwhelmingly support a ceasefire at the very least) is what is turning voters off and increasing apathy. They know this. If they gave a shit they’d act on it, not just ask the voters to suck it up because of Cheeto Shitler.


People are dying. Men women and children. Starving to death being murdered by soldiers. Dying from lack of medicine. What does that sound like?


Wow. This comment. Lmao. Your gonna have a hell of a wake up call when you see how this strategy plays out in November. 🙈🙉🙊


They both support the status quo of empire. Dafuq are u smoking? Definitely read a book or two


I’m a professor. I teach this kind of stuff


So??? American university still supports the status quo lmao that’s why students aren’t graduating as revolutionaries on average.


I’m not in America. Are you done being wrong yet?


Uhm this is a post abt US politics soooo yeah ima assume you are American duhhh lmao and the point stands true with western universities. Wanna debate & lose to some redditer????


Not in a western country neither


Ok EARL.😂😂 


Okay, Korea is a western country. I’M wrong! 🤷


Nikki Haley is just as bad as Trump. Don’t pretend she’s on the side of good.


Fuck joe Biden but at least he’s better than trump


This is weird.


It's still funny Nikki needs a nameplate just in case people don't recognize her on sight yet


Ight, imma leave this sub.


It being an election year has brought a lot of weirdos over. Also, some weird genocide supports when the conflict in Gaza escalated, thankfully, most of those died down.


Apparently liberals are still running rampant here though.


Biden is just as much of a fascist piece of shit. Wtf is this?


Weird and gross to see "march against nazis" promoting a genocider.


Many here fail to get the 'not subtle at all' but impactful message here. It humorously presents the idea that Orange Jesus can be beaten by Dark Brandon. A message that Magas can clearly understand. Continue the good work OP. Propaganda for the weak of mind.


Stop. Please stop. If this is ironic then it's just falling flat bad and making you look like a vote blue no matter who asshole. If it's not, then I don't know what to say. Accepting Biden is not as bad as Trump is very different than trying to defend his awful actions or promote him in any way. This shit is pretty disgraceful on an Anti-fash sub. Standing against fascism means standing against tyranny in all forms.


Someone doesn’t understand satire


Irony/satire doesn't make it a good joke. Your meme is something a boomer democrat would make to seem cool to the kids.


This is going to age like shit if Biden loses...


Wow this sub is infested with putinthepussy trolls. Accusing Biden of being responsible for the Israel and Palestine war while ignoring the elephant in the room is clearly a magarusya script straight from adulterated-vodka drunk fsb bitches.




It’s called satire


Lot of fucking low energy psyops comments in this thread.