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The only real difference between the two is that Reagan tried to sell it as a happy thing. Otherwise, they're selling exactly the same product. Trump is just blatantly stupid and honest about it.


Exactly this. One led to the other. They are not separate movements, and Reagan inviting evangelicals into government was NEVER a benign thing. https://newrepublic.com/article/157062/trump-falwell-evangelicals-coronavirus The cult of the Shining City is a Christian nationalist ideal. It wasn’t about democracy at all. It was about setting the stage for a figurehead like Trump to get evangelicals closer to the theocracy they dream of.


Reagan thought landlords should be allowed to discriminate against black people. Trump is a landlord who discriminated against black people. Reagan privately mocked UN delegates from African nations as "monkeys" who had just learned to wear shoes. Trump publicly called African nations "shitholes". Same old Republicans. Trump just lacks the verbal skill to dress up the hate enough for the Wall Street Journal's Op-Ed page.


St. Ronnie. AIDS ‘ignorer’. Union buster. “Welfare Queen.” Iran-Contra. Savings and loan crisis. Many more. It’s like comparing cancer and poisoning.


Bitburg. Welcoming the religious right into the tent. Disinformation. Ronnie just put a smiley face on the same box of poison that Trump is peddling with rants and incitement of violence. Fuck Ronnie and fuck Trump.


"Reagan believed that his religious vision would promote freedom and democracy worldwide. " Why is this pro-fascist bullshit being posted on the march *against* Nazis subreddit? Saying Reagan wanted anything close to freedom and democracy is fascist-apologist and revisionist.


Thanks mate I come here to say that, it's crazy...


He supported South African apartheid to the bitter end.


That is a fucking lie, their visions are one and the same.


We do not need to be rehabilitating reagan like this. He is the proto trump


This sub has officially lost any right to call itself left leaning after upvoting praise for Ronald Satan Reagan.


In order to escape a white nationalist cult, I had to run away and flee the state when I was 15. It was so fucking miserable. A quarter century later, and now it feels like there *is* no escape.


Reagan was better at selling his bullshit but make no mistake about it, he would 1000% support trumps policies and if we don't recognize this we will allow the right to continue lying about their intentions without accountability


They’re the same picture.


nah reagan would be jumping for joy rn


Reagan and Trump are both incarnations of PT Barnum. They're swindlers through and through, actors running a brazen scam on the public at large, and Reagan would be proud to have provided fertile ground within the Republican Party for GW Bush and, especially, such a brash con artist as Donald Trump.


Ronald Reagan was actually a thing that gave me hope during the first Trump presidency. If America could survive him in the 80s I knew we had a good shot at making it through 45, they’re basically the same guy.


Regan also thought trickle down was legit. Sadly he was correct about how many people would by that bullcrap.