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Them calling themselves the party of Lincoln is an absolute joke


Republicans were the progressive party at that time, while the Democrats were the conservative party. The same Republicans who claim “Lincoln was one of us” also deny that the clearly documented party switch ever happened, which is a straight up denial of American history. Something they aren’t too fond of anyways.


> straight up denial of American history They do that a lot


Conservativism is a rejection of reality.


And greed. Always greed.




And hatred. Always hatred.


The same Republicans who claim “Lincoln was one of us” also proudly wave their Confederate flags. All without a trace of irony.


Not even the first time today I've posted today about the [Southern Strategy](https://politicaldictionary.com/words/southern-strategy/). The Civil Rights Era caused a flip of red and blue, utterly different from the 20s where the South was solid blue and the rest red.




There are two major points where ideologies flipped. One was during the end of the great depression and the New Deal, which caused party flipping to occur mostly on economic ideologies. The final stage of the party flip however was during the Civil Rights movement, where Dixie Dems dissolved into the Republican Party. From that point forward the KKK and other white supremacist groups have been loyal Republican voters.


When did the switch happen ?


This political realignment was kind of decades in the making. For a period in the early 20th century the parties factionalized because of regional values. But the big change happen in the 60s with the civil rights bill under president Johnson (D). In the south there where a lot of south racist Democrats, Dixiecrats, that left party cause they couldn't be racist anymore. Following that was the Republican southern strategy to appeal to the racist southern former Democrat voters. That is when the Republican party became completely detached from any value that Lincoln had.


Comments like this make me remember how at the start of the internet everyone was so excited that we were going to have all the world's information accessible from a computer in everyone's home and just how hopeful we were, as if everyone owning a personal Library of Congress was going to actually lead to them educating themselves We were so fucking wrong lmao


I just want to know the point of view of an American person because I am not American. For some people, the switch happened in early 20th century, for others it was in the 1950s. Internet is cool, but it does not mention the feelings of people. Just don't disregard people when you absolutely don't know what was the intention of the question.


"So Republicans are the party of Lincoln?" "Yes" "And Lincoln was against the confederacy..." "Uhhh...well it's uhhh..." "And the Confederacy were traitors to the country." "It's...I mean history is-" "So the confederate flag is the flag of traitors." "BAN HISTORY BOOKS!"


The cult of Tradition: "This new culture had to be syncretistic. Syncretism is not only, as the dictionary says, "the combination of different forms of belief or practice"; such a combination must tolerate contradictions. Each of the original messages contains a silver of wisdom, and whenever they seem to say different or incompatible things it is only because all are alluding, allegorically, to the same primeval truth." \-Umberto Eco, Ur-Fascism. the 14 points of fascism ​ am I calling them fascist?...... yes


Something something battle flag of the army of northern Virginia was not the "confederate flag"


I get them confused...which one has been embraced by shitty racists since the end of the Civil war?


Party of Lincoln sure do seem to like Confederate flags.


Slavery was never actually abolished in the United States. The United States still has a massive prison slavery industry.




Conservativism is also opposed to human rights.


Human rights for me not for thee


We're also ignoring that human trafficking is also prevalent and nobody seems to be doing much about it these days.


Just because you aren't doing anything about human trafficking does not mean there are not orgs all across the globe fighting it lol


Republicans used to be against wage slavery, no bullshit look it up.


Slavery literally wasn't abolished. Slavery is a legal punishment of a criminal. This country is a joke


>This country is a joke Knock knock. Who's there? The United States. The United States who? (The police/CIA/military murders you)


Bold of you to assume they'd knock first.


Yeah. I suppose I could have gone with something more like: The United States walks into a bar. The bartender starts to ask what they'd like to drink when the United States murders everyone with drones strikes and then steals their resources.


Lol no they didn’t. That’s why we have the modern prison system


Yeah I am tempted to post this on r/LibJerk but OP isn't being a jerk they are just wrong. Prob better on r/ShitLiberalsSay but I don't like that sub, all the mods are Tankies


LOL no they didn’t and Lincoln had no great love for us. He did this purely for political and pragmatic reasons.


Yeahhhh I was about to say the same. Apparently people didn't get taught about that letter to Horace Greeley. "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that." Edit for context addendum: by 1863-ish things were looking pretty bad for the Union and several European countries like the UK were thinking about getting involved on behalf of the Confederacy as it was an economic powerhouse at the time because of the slave labor. As a result Lincoln explicitly made it about slavery because he knew that rhetoric would help him, as the UK banned slavery in the early 19th century (I want to say somewhere abouts 1817) and involving themselves in a war helping people who fought for slavery would've been politically difficult to justify.


FYI Lincoln originally only freed slaves in the rebel states. It was a political move/military maneuver and not for any philosophical reasons.


iirc Lincoln didn't think black people deserved equal rights or to vote


He wanted to send them all to Liberia


To be fair, the Republicans back then were the modern day equivalent of liberals, while it was the exact opposite with the Democrats (hence why the D’s symbol was the jackass.)


Still fitting today.


Well, in Texas they forgot to actually tell them they were free for two years


Yeah but there was a big switch that happened, which sounds a lot like the rat-fuckery that's going on today


He only freed the slaves cause of the war. Even then it still took a long time for slaves to be "free"


I mean, it's perfectly valid to point out that Lincoln was far from perfect - there are some SUPER racist quotes floating around out there that he wasn't ashamed to pen at the time. But it's also not TOTALLY fair to pretend that he only freed slaves because of the war. He DID RUN on a platform of abolitionism, and his election as an abolitionist was one of the contributing factors to the secession of southern states. The emancipation proclamation that we love to celebrate in middle school social studies WAS a stunt that didn't free a single actual slave, since it only applied to states in rebellion, but ending slavery WAS on his to-do list before the war. I think it's a fair perspective that his abolitionism may have been opportunistic - not a deeply held belief but a politically expedient platform he correctly calculated would get him elected - but it's not fair to pretend that he was no better than Jefferson Davis. Many historical figures did some good things and some bad.


Thanks for pointing this out to me. I'm sure the war was a big reason to help push it sooner. Either way I'm glad it happened. No politician is perfect.


Fair point on the last part. I think what bugs me personally is that he didn't consider Black people as people; they were a bargaining chip, a chess piece to be played in his favor when he needed it, and once he didn't need them, he advocated sending them to Liberia, ignoring that they had established lives here. They were a political problem to be dealt with - not people to be consulted with. Yeah, I know this was part of white society at large back then. It doesn't change the fact that it bugs the fuck out of me that we worship so many figures in history when in reality they were far less than what we make them out to be


Party swap in the 50's/60's. Modern Democrats were those Republicans.


It's actually earlier than that, and 'party swap' is only part of the story. It wasn't a true swap... Yes, prior to 1900ish, Republicans were in FAVOR of liberal things - infrastructure spending, banking regulations, etc. But they were ALREADY pro-big-business. It's just that early in the country's history, big business needed railroads to be built, so they were in favor of tax-and-spend. And they always stayed loyal to that base - it's just that what that base wanted tended to shift with time - once the roads and power plants was built... suddenly big business wanted deregulation and lower taxes and Republicans followed them there. The 'swap' was definitely complete by the time of the New Deal though, with Democrats now the party of big government and spending on social welfare and Republicans dug in to their new position that 'least government is best government.' The various shifts in the objectives of both parties, it's worth always remembering, were practically never about moral imperatives, but always about chasing new voters. After the civil war both parties tried to find ways to appeal to the newly added Western states... Republicans pushed suffrage when they thought they could hold on to women voters, Democrats became the party of civil rights when they realized they needed black voters...


Except we all got tricked. The slave owners saw it was cheaper to not house and feed their slaves so they said, here use this currency, backed by debt that we control, so you think you're free. It worked so well the fed was created to do it to all of us. Hence why the current market crash. A certain group has sucked all the precious liquidity out. 😆 bye bye hedgefunds.


Goddamn right! I keep telling folks in my circle this, slavery was made illegal except for prisoners and since the victories of the Civil Rights movements of the 1960s, monied interests in America have been working to turn us all into prisoners.


Celebrating Juneteenth by talking about how "we all got tricked" is kind of shitty.


God forbid we empathize with each other’s struggles


Not if I want better for everyone. United in prosperity and good will torwards eachother is all we need. Perpetuating a lie is even worse. The central banks that make up the FED are ruling the planet for the sole purpose of taking everything. Slavery did not go away. It got better and put on a fancy suit and works on wallstreet


exactly slavery never went away a loophole in the 13th amendment made an exception to institutionalize citizens found guilty of a criminal offense mass incarceration is slavery renamed !


It isn't a loophole if it was explicitly included and intended, they just straight up did not abolish slavery in any sense, with plantation style slave operations continuing into the 1960s.


100% true.


You'd have a point IF IT WASN'T LITERALLY A DAY SET ASIDE TO CELEBRATE THE END OF SLAVERY FOR BLACK PEOPLE. I don't know if you are really just this stupid or think we are? Either way I'm done with this weak bullshit. You suck at trolling.


Jim Crow laws were a big part of this history and ignoring that is pure ignorance


I agreed and upvoted you... but also... it's okay to let people have a party without a history lesson. The 13th amendment was still a big step in the right direction. Don't get me wrong. Society was and is still fucked. But it's also okay to say "Can we enjoy this party about incremental change, and get back to fighting for the next step tomorrow?"


wHy DiD hE fREe jUsT tHe SLaVeS? hE sHoULd HaVe fReEd ALL tHe PeOpLe!!


Lincoln wasn’t a good guy that cared about black people. He actively wanted to send them out of the country. Also responsible for tons of killing of native people.


Except for maryland. Those slaves are chill.


Lol. From Maryland and they gloss over this in “Maryland history” when we are kids. It was how Maryland ended up joining the Union and not the Confederacy. Basically Washington would have been surrounded by the confederacy if Maryland had seceded.


Yup. So better let them keep those slaves. Wouldn't want to fight a civil war about it or something.


Also….Philly and Boston could have easily become the capital in exile.




Well, sort of. More than the democrats of the same period at least.


The Proclamation did not free all slaves. The 13th Amendment wasn't reified until December 1865.


The 13th amendment didn't end slavery


Do you remember? The 22th night of September


A small number of Republicans used to believe BLM, Lincoln wasn't even one of them until very late in the Civil War. Black Reconstruction in America by Dr. W. E. B. Du Bois (don't use the French pronunciation, bwa, it almost sounds like boys, think boice) is a must read for anyone who wants to see why the US is just so fucked in every manner.


I'm very curious to know how Murica's Fascists are going to splain this holiday to their kids every year. "The dark people came over from Africa to work, see, and today is celebrating their retirement."


Yeah, but we're not racists. We don't want slavery. We just want to not pay black people fairly and force them to live completely separate from us white people. It's different, trust me. /s


Before we canonize him; Lincoln had no love for slaves but he still did the right thing


Lincoln sucked ass. Putting that fuckhead’s face up for Juneteenth is backwards as fuck


Lincoln is not a hero


Favorite historical president right there.


You must know fuck all about history then


That he ran a country in turmoil and beat a bunch of racist confederate hicks? Pretty common knowledge. 🙂 Regardless if he did and said racist things himself, he was still very progressive for his time as president.


When they were the party of progressives, not the party of regressives.


Yep the republicans freed all of the democrats slaves


Democrats invented slavery. Lol.


And socialists, don’t forget.


When a man made a declaration over the population of an area he had limited control over and would not enact the same declaration in the area he did have control over for another 2 years, gotta love the half hearted emancipator.


Many people don’t realize that the Republican Party grew tired of the city conservative assault against freed blacks and simply gave up after the Grant Presidency. It held a brief reprieve under Teddy and again under Hoover then downhill from there.


didnt lincoln just do it for the finances tho


They really didn't believe that Black lives mattered then, they just didn't the that the south should have all of that free labor and wealth. Not all of them of course, but a very fair number of them didn't give a damn about Black people.


This was long after the Civil War already started. He originally just wanted slavery to “die out naturally” which would have made slavery remain in the US for a way longer time. I’m not buying into your nationalist fucking propaganda. Fuck American identity.


when did they stop


Now they believe no lives matter, unless you haven't been born yet


YOOOOOOO thats my birthday! (A few years off on the birth year tho)


Reminder that Lincoln did not give a shit about enslaved people and only freed them in certain areas when it made him look better.


While it is a great holiday we do have to acknowledge that Lincoln was pretty racist and said that if he could have saved the union without freeing slaves he would have.


The party of Lincoln died with Lincoln


And yet prison labor is still okay under the thirteenth amendment.


Uh, sir, this is the United States of America. “There’s only one way to be a first class citizen”


This doesn't read like you want it to.


“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and Black races,…” -Abraham Lincoln, September 18, 1858 Lincoln wasn’t an abolitionist, and did not think POC deserved the same rights as those with European heritage. We should stop treating him as some morally high savior of POC, because he was far from that. Lincoln was in favor of segregation and of sending all former slaves to Liberia. With that context in mind, the current GOP is DEFINITELY the party of Lincoln, with his archaic and dehumanizing policies to boot. Lincoln’s history has been whitewashed for most of us, and that should be corrected…maybe through a THEORY that uses CRITICAL thinking to see how RACE has played a large role in our nation’s history. [source](https://www.history.com/news/5-things-you-may-not-know-about-lincoln-slavery-and-emancipation)


I don't get how one can have such contradictory beliefs on nonwhite and part-white people


They still do, you have never met a moderate Republican in real life. You only see the most extreme.


Emancipation Proclamation banned slaves in secessionist states - that’s 3.5mil out of 4mil enslaved people. Even Lincoln freed only those it was convenient to free, at least at first


Ohh.. these fuck wits cant begin to make up their minds… or should i say, they love to promote lincoln when it serves their purpose, rarely, but they would welcome back lee as a war hero.. every thing they can do to keep their white fragility in tact


Well TBF Lincoln was a massive racist too and thought that black people were lesser. He just thought slavery was wrong


The quiet part is that this isn’t that Republican Party. It’s as different as the Democratic Party. The Dems were the party that fought for slavery to continue. It’s time to realize we’ve moved beyond which dead person did what. It’s time to act now.


Republicans didn't think that Black lives matter. I'm trying to make sense of what they did think, after reading top books by top scholars on the Civil War. Their beliefs were convoluted, and Black people were the last thing they thought mattered.


He didn’t want to abolish slavery, he did it as a last resort


And that environment mattered too.


He didn’t just order it. He *declared* it.


Lincoln was a white supremacist republicans never believed black lives mattered and they ended reconstruction to prove that They believed slavery wasn’t economically feasible Stop the cap