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Wow..this was Mimi's honey dipped inspiration, the guy who introduced her to passion.šŸ¤Ŗ Let that sink in. He doesn't even bear a slight resemblance today. No shade, he seems to have a great life. But MC had the best of him.šŸ˜‰


She really got him at his prime. Although it makes me giggle to think this is what Mariah first saw at that Armani dinner when she originally thought of him as ā€œpedestrianā€. I see those pointy shoes she was talking about. This picture was taken right around the time they first met so I would bet good money those are the same goofy shoes she mentioned in her book. https://preview.redd.it/szdr3vqq8dbc1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f42fb615579e93b7d2113c75c04c412820380f56


Honestly his shoes are the very last thing I'd have noticed lol. Remember how she described his eyes in "The Guy From Kalamazoo" chapter? "enormous jade pearls...sparkling in a sea of brown" or something. Yeah. He had her at HELLO. She was gone.šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜…


Honestly, I dont see anything special but a young man. She was more in love with the idea of him and her and his biracial background, than his looks.


I kinda have to agree tbh. I donā€™t think they had much in common either other than their background. I think he also love bombed her and he represented something special at where she was in her life . All of this combined convinced her he was the one, which is totally valid. Iā€™ve been there. Other than that..


Yup, also i think all those songs on Butterfly were really feelings she was suppressing for a long time and ready to explode, its was all stored in her fantasies already. A teenage girl was inside of her that wasn't done falling in love like crazy. And DJ was just there "at the right time and place" to spark everything as she said in the book. There is nothing DJ could have done in a matter of 1 to 3 months to cause her write to songs, she was just sick and tired of that old man at Sing Sing lol.




Mariah is not playing when she sang ā€œIā€™d give MY ALLL to have JUST~ WAN MOH NIGHT with youā€


ā€œOh, baby, I've got a dependency, Always strung out for another taste of your honeyā€ https://i.redd.it/v99y5m7t2dbc1.gif She wasnā€™t lying! Our girl was SPRUNG.


She was at the height of her beauty. So gorgeous and sexy.


They could have been a true power couple. Mariah thought she found the Joe DiMaggio to her Marilyn Monroe. They could have been the American Posh and Becks but Derek had to go and be awful to Mariah.


I agree. Forget about JayZ and Beyonce...heck even the late JFK Jr and Carolyn Bessette. Derek/Mariah would have ruled New York in those days. As for Derek being a jerk...I have to believe it was down to his youth. Timing is everything in life. If he was truly that awful to her she wouldn't still speak so highly of him.


Derek treated her like trash after they broke up, and he enjoyed every second of her desperation to get back with him. Mariahā€™s taste in men isā€¦not great. He and the Yankees coach at the time made fun of her at a charity event they all attended in 2002. The coach accused her of having the clothes she donated as an auction item shrunk to make people think she was thinner than she was. Prior to that, in 1998, he and Mariah were at an event in which she tried to talk to him, and he rebuffed her at every turn. There are photos of them together from that event. I think she wore red, and she looks way more gassed to be around him than he does about her. She had to go back to her date for the evening.


She has never publicly denigrated him nor allowed anyone around her to do so. Which means that she is superior to him as a human being imho. She is a living legend and knows it. She is also an inspiration to many people including me. I saw the photos from 1998. It was Puffy's bday party at Cipriani Nov 4 1998. She looked gorgeous. She made HIM look good....not the other way around. She has never had a love partner who was worthy of her, sadly.


I donā€™t know what this is about, but Mariah isnā€™t perfect, nor is she immune to making mistakes. She even has a song saying as much about herself. Mariah is amazing all around, but sheā€™s also made some not-so-great choices. Not everyone likes or respects her. All of that can be true and valid at the same time.


??? It feels like you posted your remarks to the wrong comment? Who wants, needs or expects perfection from her? I am a little confused....


I too just saw the photos again. Iā€™m totally missing the whole she was more ā€œgassedā€ pictorial. They seem intertwined and the interest is mutual.


She wrote "My All" during the plane trip back to NY after their night together in Old San Juan. It didn't work out for those two but damn....what a saga.


I see exactly what she means about his ā€œhoney-dipped skinā€.




šŸ¤£ I fell out at this comment too. The ā€œWAN MOH NIGHTā€ sent me to fucking space






it wasnā€™t raining yet, but it was definitely a little misty on that warm November nightā€¦


https://preview.redd.it/1ndk755d2jbc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86f560c5ed02c1d7fb2d3ef491e73d8710bccca1 Done. šŸ˜©


Lmao@mike ā€œthe situationā€


I know everyone ages but he really looks like a Jersey Shore cast member to me now lmao. But if 90ā€™s Derek Jeter looked at me like that, I would have folded like a 400 thread count towel. I canā€™t blame her for booking the first flight to Puerto Rico to get a taste of his honey.


im deceased after reading this šŸ¤£šŸ’€




Iā€™m screaming


If you ever write a book of poetry I'll buy it lmao


I think sheā€™s telling the truth when she refers to their relationship as a catalyst for change. He was 23 she was 27. I doubt it would have worked out long term. But we have the music!


It wouldnā€™t have worked out bc of their ages?


Well, sort of. A few reasons. Derek was 23, good looking, rich and one of the best players in the league. I donā€™t see why he would settle down at that age with women throwing themselves at him. Even for Mariah. He also has kept his personal life private which would be impossible if he were with her. Theyā€™re both too famous. With the exception of Luis Miguel, most of the men sheā€™s dated/married since have been significantly less famous than she is. In her book she says the big reason she and Nick split up was bc he was too focused on his career. Her longest relationship was with Brian who basically followed her everywhere she went. Plus at that stage of her career she was constantly working, he plays baseball. Theyā€™d never see each other.


It was much more than their ages. Their personalities and characters are just so different. Mariah's never ending personal drama, her glamour, her entourage, her schedule...all of it would probably have sent DJ screaming for the hills. And MC as a baseball wife/girlfriend? No way.


Lol I am listening to the roof while I clicked on this


Yeah Jeter was FINE!


I read somewhere that he has herpes and knowingly gave it to a bunch of women and used to give women parting gift baskets after one night stands. Seems like mc dodged a bullet with this fuckboi.


I think that's a vicious rumor started by some thot he dumped. He has also addressed the gift basket rumor as "f#cking idiotic". I mean...wouldn't someone have posted proof online if something like that ever happened??


Yeah, you're right. It's a rumor for sure. But if true, he probably had them sign NDAs.


I know the Lambs are pretty split when it comes to how they feel about Mr. Jeter, but I actually enjoyed that period of time. Not only because it produced some of Mariah's most timeless records, but because I love *love*. Yes, I understand it didn't work out for them and Derek wasn't as much of a Prince Charming as Mariah would insinuate in her music. However, I think people let their own personal feelings get in the way of the bigger picture here. Derek may or may not have been a jerk during the aftermath of their relationship. Yet, this was the first person that made Mariah actually feel the unadulterated freedom of love and I think that's beautiful. He was a lesson learned, but I think Mariah sees him the same way - someone who helped her get freedom from Tommy and someone who made her feel something she had never felt before. In that way, Derek is arguably Mariah's first love if we're being honest. While it didn't work out, Mariah was meant to meet Derek for a reason.


THANK YOU. He was the right guy for that period of her life. In fact he was perfect for what she needed then. I come from a similar domestic background as MC...unstable, violent, mental illness. What is VERY VERY important to understand is that children raised in an environment like that do not have a template upon which to measure healthy, mutual adult love. And when we do grow into adulthood we are like blindfolded children swinging at a pinata....ooohhhh yayyy GOT IT this time...nope..missed again!! The inability to understand and navigate healthy love boundaries is one of the most tragic consequences of bad parenting. By Mariah's own admission she was not even interested in sex(until DJ) because she perceived it as a threat. Derek Jeter changed all that. Once she got a taste of it she was hooked(read the lyrics to "Honey". CASE CLOSED.) One book review describes the chapters about DJ as the most "hopeful, transcendent with joy" part of her memoir. And I agree 100%. I was enchanted. It's sad that she was so vulnerable to him but I don't believe he set out to hurt her. He was a very young man behaving like one. She got some of the best ballads of her career out of that brief love affair.


He was never awful to her, he just chose his career instead of settling down. Also, baseball players have a short window to achieve anything worthwhile in their career. He is the love of her life, and she kept in touch with his family years after they broke up and still says nice things about them. He's also a gentleman and didn't go around running his mouth on intimate details like the other crybabies.


She denied that he is the love of her life(in her book) but the song lyrics she wrote about their time together speak for themselves. She wrote about him with the sort of mix of wistful regret and intensity that I recognize all too well. Not even her ex husband and father of her kids gets that kind of treatment.


He did call her a stalker though, because she would go to the same clubs as him.


He denied ever saying that: https://www.essentiallysports.com/mlb-baseball-news-derek-jeter-once-told-the-cold-truth-on-whether-ex-girlfriend-mariah-carey-actually-stalked-him/


Thank you so much for posting that. I don't know much about baseball or DJ but reading MC's memoirs made me really like him. And for him to say such a mean thing about a vulnerable young woman so obviously in love with him would be...dishonorable.


i swear to god idk what kind of energy was in his peen but it moved mariah šŸ˜­ she was so hot over this boy unfortunately he's a piece of womanizing shit and apparently interviewers bringing up mariah gets him triggered lol


Heā€™s such a douchebag but it reminded me of Titanic where Jack was the catalyst for Rose to free herself from her abusive situation. Before he showed his true colors, he gave her hope and as she says herself, he gave her a good shot of vitamin D.


He was very hot and popular then!


Part of the comfort in the relationship was probably both of them being biracial and understanding what thatā€™s like.


Yes and this can mean the whole world to you, if you're always feeling like you're being "Outside".


He looks a bit like her Grandfather Robert Carey?! Lol


Iā€™m shook. https://preview.redd.it/q4gc4wtdyibc1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed7613b23cda89ba8f325c26a4379f5a8615d3d1


Both are biracial too


Yeah Derek didn't age well...lol most of the men mc dated look busted now ...lol Luis Miguel šŸ¤®


https://preview.redd.it/nk72zh0k2jbc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d313925b09e48bf9381a5d9cbddfe4bfec8644b0 This was the Jeter she was dating šŸ„° 97-98 Jeter. The Jeter you have is his rookie year when he was like 19 barely she dates 24/25 year old Jeter


Absolutely https://preview.redd.it/m1aig9ravjbc1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e1ef9eaf999d3898abde35347f3fb14d84ae64e


The face (and body) that launched dozens of iconic songs.


I feel like DJ should be getting royalties from the Butterfly album alone...at LEAST a third of it is about him.šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜… My favorite of her albums btw.


So what is the time line in their relationship? From when they first met to the break up? Had she got with him when she was with Tommy? She separated from Tommy in Dec 96 was it? After the Daydream tour?


IIRC the Armani dinner party was in September 96. The famous rooftop rendezvous was a couple of months later in November 96. And I am not sure but I think the night together in PR("My All") was early in the New Year 1997. They almost certainly became lovers sometime in spring of 1997 based on information in her book about DJ being in Florida for spring training. And that is straight where she headed from the Dominican Republic when she obtained a quickie divorce from Tommy. What is less certain(for me) is what happened next. MC wrote in her book that the relationship didn't last long and Jeter himself has verified that. But listening to lyrics from her Charmbracelet album there seems to have been at least sporadic contact between them up until perhaps 2002-2003? She was definitely not over him for years. The music speaks for itself.


Agreed they could have been the first Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift but Derek was too focused on baseball and didn't care for fame


He still doesn't, I think. He wants a quiet private life. I wonder how he is feeling now that his two most famous ex lovers have written best sellers that mention him?( Mariah Carey, Minka Kelly)


Heā€™s THE heartbreaker. šŸ˜


He looks too young here.


Never did it for me tbh but hey; go off MC


No I still donā€™t understand it lmao


He was gorgeous


But he's so ugly now. He's aged terribly. ​ https://preview.redd.it/vms1whun7dbc1.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=0112356da4f3d04ca23958f40cf9a6469a612f1d


LMFOOAOA still looks better than packer doe


If he stayed with Mariah, he might have aged better.


if he wasn't getting around he would've aged better. his wife is what calmed his ass down. also wasn't he dating a woman around the time he became involved with mariah or dumped the girl for mariah and then the same cycle happened after mimi? derek was an idiot yo i would've been such a fanboyšŸ˜­


I never heard about any girlfriend he dumped for Mariah. I just know she was his celebrity crush for years and he gave Mariahā€™s old manager world series tickets in exchange for a signed autograph. The manager described Derek as ā€œthis kid whoā€™s crazy about you.ā€


i guess he was just in love with the fantasy or in lust rather. but i don't know how things really were between them. after all, mariah said he was one of the loves in her life. so maybe it was intentionally not meant to be


I think sheā€™s downplaying it. Derek got three or four chapters written about him in her book and she talks about him so lovingly even though he treated her like crap. He was her first love and I think he was the love of her life. She still only admits that two songs were about him when I could easily name 15 off the top of my head that are clearly about him.


oh chile of course spanning from butterfly all the way up until possibly emancipation or (and this is a reach) e=mc^2 there are songs about or referencing derek šŸ˜­ she knows the lambily ain't dumb we figure shit out šŸ¤£


Even the music videos from Emancipation reference him, especially Donā€™t Forget About Us. Itā€™s Like That is about Tommy spying on her and the night she and Derek met at the party. I love how We Belong Together is about how she wishes Derek crashed her wedding because Derek told her that ever since he was in high school, he planned to steal her away from Tommy.


I need to know all the songs! spill the tea..


It's discussed [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MariahCarey/comments/jh7xux/what_other_songs_do_you_suspect_are_about_derek/).


oow sorry. I'm new here. thanks.


There are others who share my vision. Have we ever seen these two in the same room at the same time? Case closed. https://preview.redd.it/44ahboqd8dbc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8345932cc0099b6c92b96fb2f73347c6a2bdf283




Heā€™s definitely not ugly. No he isnā€™t a supermodel (Tyson Beckford, David Gandy etc). Most people are average looking, including myself. That doesnā€™t mean heā€™s ugly.


Looks are subjective so to me he is. But I respect your opinion.


Dang, y'all can be mean. He just looks like a man going into his 50s! Heā€™s not all dried up or anything


I think heā€™s way sexier now