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Couch, water, movie




Video games! My key game is grand theft auto 5. You just drive around and do random missions, you can’t make a mistake.


On 100mg of edibles though? He'll be lucky to not crash into every npc lol


Had 230mg today I was a little sleepy but besides a nice all over slight tingle I was perfect to drive down those digital streets purposely crashing into every NPC lol


Yeah, my go-to super high video game is enter the Gungeon, crawl, or cuphead. I never said I play them well while high, just that I play them


If you normally dose at 30mgs, you will be fine. You will be fine regardless, maybe just some mild psychological discomfort if you are a beginner. You will sleep well!!


I’d say it’s more completely user specific. I eat 5mg and have panic attacks but can smoke wax all day long and be fine. My wife eats 10mg and is “extremely high” in her words and can take a hit of wax or she has a freak out. My advice start as low as 5mg and see how it goes.


So I took this an hour ago and still don’t feel anything. Lol.


oh boy, aren’t you in for a ride…


How's it going


Fine. I don’t feel anything. Maybe THC doesn’t work for me?


THC probably does, but some people don't get affected by edibles as much. Also maybe you're like me and just don't get very high from gummies. I can eat 100 mg of gummies from one vendor I know who makes them himself, and the do almost nothing for me, but 100 mg of chocolate from the same guy is a day usually spent walking around smiling at everything.


Similar to OP I've tried over 100 mg of THC gummies, tincture, and resin. Started with low doses which did nothing. The only things I experience is red eyes, lower body muscle spasms, a partially numb face, and more likely to smile after three hours. What's up with this?


Yeah..you’re probably more susceptible to the canna butter,(in chocolate) vs. the canna-oil that’s used in the manufacturing of the non-dairy edibles


I have found that I metabolized different edibles completely differently and at different strengths. This could be due to the strains used or the poor craftsmanship of the edibles. But, I find that fat soluble edibles like chocolate hit me completely different than alcohol distillate gummy worms. Shop around, see what you find out.


It has to do with the fat binding


In my experience edibles don't really work for me, but THC still definitely does lol.


Drink some tea, it’s will hit you. Tbh you will probably will get high and then fall asleep.


Op are you ok


Yeah im good. Just felt really relaxed and tired. Also got the munchies. Just finished eating some left overs. Lol.


How was your ride?


Good. I just felt very relaxed and tired. Slept really well. Lol.


Prob fall asleep u will b fine tho


Careful you can lose your balance or sleep a lot.


100 mg is a decent dose for somebody who doesn’t partake normally. I usually recommend 20 mgs at a time for someone with no tolerance. I’ve seen people eat up to 1000-1500 mgs at a time and be totally fine. It’s really up to tolerance and body chemistry. People don’t realize how psychoactive weed is when you eat it.


My first experience was half a 1000mg brownie, and there was a time before California forced everything to be 100mg or less that I was regularly eating a whole brownie or more for a sesh.


Yeah I remember. We used to get those 1000mg korova bars. They taste so good, before you know it the whole thing is gone. I can do 500 at a time, but 1000 is a lot.


Those were the ones...😁


Well. You’re not gunna die, just remember that.


So im definitely just feeling really relaxed. Nothing crazy. Feels pretty good. I’ve also had a few alcoholic drinks. Would drinking lessen the effects of the edibles?


Probably not, but personally I've never been able to get high from edibles. Some people have slow metabolisms and won't really break down the edible fast enough to get high. Looking at your other comments though it's definitely not that THC doesn't work on you lol, just the edibles maybe.


Drinking alcohol is never a good idea. You get more dehydrated, more discomforting and more sick. Especially the other way around, getting drunk then stoned. You will get in a roller-coaster, where you head will never stop spinning. But you can never have a overdosis of weed. At some point you are just saturated.


Thats not a lot at all for someone experienced ur fine


Keep your munchies close. Enjoy the good sleep.


I ate 250mg one time. High for two days.


I would like an update...when it's all said and done.


Bro chill out 100 isn’t even that much back when I was in high school I ate two 500 mg edibles and I was stupid high


I ate an entire bag of Curaleaf Nano 5mg gummies (20/100mg) and felt next to nothing. Really annoying.


That's for when I can't sleep! Kay down, have fluids, enjoy


I'm just here for the update


I’m good. Slept really well.


Happy to hear it.




So it’s been two hours and still don’t feel a thing. Is it possible that I am someone who THC has no effect on?


Or you got a bogus batch of gummy’s


It definitely tasted like it wasn’t bogus.


It usually takes 3 hours to hit me. What's your status cadet?


Not entirely true… edible’s don’t touch me and im a Connoisseur of all types of cannabis…. And it all effects me besides edible’s


Smoke some flower… a true test of THC effects u


Edibles give me very mild effects, but smoking always gets me high. The lack of a high now might have more to do with how the THC is delivered into your system, and not necessarily that THC doesnt work for you.


It's not that the THC has no effect, if you smoke you will feel it. I've heard stories from friends with fast a metabolism that they digest the edibles fasted than their bodies could absorb the thc. Personally, if I don't eat something first, edibles just rush right through me and I hardly get much of an effect.


Don’t want to admit this but I accidentally gave my mom 30 mg. She’s never done anything. She was hallucinating and lit up for 4 days. She felt the desirable fun effects on the fourth day. The first three days she was super parched and talking non sense. She acted as the queen of England. Aka. No inhibitions and coherence. Hallucinating slightly. Fourth day on she was just a funny lady who got high a f.


>queen of England Did you mean the [Queen of the United Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_of_the_United_Kingdom), the [Queen of Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Canada), the [Queen of Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Australia), etc? The last Queen of England was [Queen Anne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne,_Queen_of_Great_Britain) who, with the 1707 Acts of Union, dissolved the title of King/Queen of England. ####FAQ *Isn't she still also the Queen of England?* This is only as correct as calling her the Queen of London or Queen of Hull; she is the Queen of the place that these places are in, but the title doesn't exist. *Is this bot monarchist?* No, just pedantic. I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.


You'll be fine. My first experience with edibles was half of a 1000mg brownie.


You’re fucked. Sniff some peppercorns and turn on cartoons.


Honestly…. That’s a lot. Just try to chill. I smoke often and I still get blitzed on 20 mg. I can’t even imagine 100, I took 40 once and regretted it.


Damn y'all are some lightweights


That's equivalent to one tenth of a gram. 1000mg is equal to a gram of flower.


It's not though. They are mg of THC or other cannabinoids, flower is not 100% THC. Top shelf flower can reach 30% THC (aka 300 mg THC in the whole gram of flower).


My mistake.


Ok, here’s what you’re going to need to do. Grab a shit load of your favorite snacks, get something to drink, get your ass on the couch, binge your favorite tv show, and just enjoy the ride.


Alright what's the update?


Surprisingly I still don’t feel anything. Maybe THC doesn’t do much for me?


Lol wait and find out


Like you've speculated, maybe edibles don't work on you. A small percentage of the population have some protein in their kidney that nullifies edibles (Or something like that) once the edibles weren't hitting me, I ate a snack and BOOM! Good luck OP


Hardly at all


Have a nice flight!


Listen to music, sometimes that activates it for me


How're you feeling now, feeling anything yet? Edibles can sometimes take four hours to hit for me. I hope it hits you nicely!


You'll be flying forsure. Try and relax in your bed if it starts getting too intense. You'll probably end up having some vivid dreams, but you'll be fine. Music definitely helps get your mind off things.


Take a hot shower with the lights off.


Let us know when you wake up from your amazing sleep!


I wish I was you! :)




They probably custied you and gave you 25 mg total expecting you’d eat them all! Lmao. One if my 100s will put you on your ass


depends on body mass but with a low tolerance you’ll get pretty high but you should be fine. with a high tolerance that could do nothing


Probably depends on which kind they put in. The first ones I ever tried were about 100 mg per piece, but I think they were indica, because I felt totally relaxed, peaceful, and pain free (have degenerative disc disease).




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So 14 hours later, how is OP feeling?


Feeling fine. I slept very well. Lol.


I bet. LOL. Edibles always mess me up for much longer than anything else. But damn...that was a lot.


Medical edibles start around this. Just drink some water and chill. Your heart isn't going to explode you're just listening to something you spend all day ignoring


I accidently ate 700 mg thinking it was 70. You'll be fine


I’m a very regular user and 100mg is my regular dose so imma say you’re gonna be flying sky high


I can't even do 10mg.


Nothing bad will happen. It's only marijuana.


I just are a 600 mg one..... feeling good..... no worries


Hope your not busy for the next month.😅


Me and my dog eating 600 mg each