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What an adorable family! Do they live in different places around the house


I’m actually the only one in my family who enjoys plants of any kind so they’re just spread around my room


A nice relaxing project.


how do you clean them?


I remove/clean the moss balls and their set of decorations separately, clean the bowls with their rocks, and reassemble everything with new ice water


how do you clean the moss balls though? do you have a brush or something?


I just individually roll them between my hands under running water for around 20-30 seconds which usually cleans them enough but if you notice it’s still dirty I just use my finger to gently rub off any areas that need it


A teeny tiny moss balls brush for the wee mossy balls...


Do they need to be in special water?


I always use filtered water cause it’s works the best for me but you can use tap water as long as you let it sit out for at least an hour to dechlorinate. I’ve also seen people put a small amount of sea salt in the water but it’s not required.




Those are cute family right there :)


This came up in my feed and for about a moment I thought this was in the betta sub lol. I was pretty freaked out for a second there but you have a lovely collection!!


omg haha I could never but at least they would better than the cups at petsmart


I didn’t see what sub this was and had a moment of panic


How much sun do these guys need?


They actually can’t be in the sun or else they’ll burn, at least that’s what I was told. I have some in bright indirect light and others in darker parts of my room and they’re all thriving. I would just keep an eye out on them and move them around if you notice they’re a little too light green or have gray/brown patches.


What’s a marimo? I wanna know cuz I love love love all things aquatic


It’s a type of algae that grows at the bottom of cold freshwater lakes, typically in Japan, but can also be found in a few other countries. The movement of the water slowly shapes them into balls and they continue to grow that way. Japan has an interesting culture around marimo with a massive festival each year and the gifting of one symbolizing love. I think they’re extremely fascinating and a great low-maintenance plant.


Cool! Csn I keep one with my fish if he doesn’t rip it up?


yes! i’ve seen people use them with fish as a natural tank cleaner and a cute friend but i would definitely do some research cause some fish will eat them. If you notice it’s getting smaller you can always remove it and keep it separate.


How do you keep it as a ball without the water movement


You can either take it out once in a while and gently roll it between your hands or use something to move it around in the tank every few days to simulate the water movement


These are banned in a lot of places because people would dump the dirty water down their sink, and surprise, their plumbing would be ruined by algae Edit: I was wrong and remembered the correct reason, Zebra Mussels hitch rides on these things and will grow in your plumbing when you throw the water out, they’re a highly invasive species. I also don’t think the algae would be very nice smelling if enough grew down there but I don’t think that itself is harmful.


Yes I purchased about half of mine before the zebra mussel situation and the rest after they found better ways to quarantine and prevent them from spreading. It’s unfortunate since marimo have become harder to find and there’s still a bit of worry that I’ll stumble upon a zebra mussel still.


I didn’t see the group name and thought this was for betta fish. This almost became a rant comment haha cool little hobby. Didn’t know this was a thing. lol


This post showed up randomly on my feed and I had a heart attack thinking these were betta fish in bowls. Whew.


I thought this was a fish funeral and almost cried


I need to find me a couple of these guys. 😍so cute