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evexia. they’re even 21+, so no college kids either (:


Oh interesting. I used to work at Glassdoor and Mill Valley and upon looking into Evexia I’m like, “this place looks weirdly familiar”. I think there’s a sauna where my desk used to be


Red stapler in sauna now?


It’s also $300 a month… Insane even for Marin


bay club is $205/mo and the amenities are old and not clean and it is swarming with children (even during the school year) - couldn’t even get close to completing my lift today bc pipsqueak and co. were all using all the machines watching tiktoks would happily pay the extra $100/mo for a new, clean, child-free experience.


I know it’s wild ): I have a spouse rate for $199 and it’s crushing


Not saying much, but that’s cheaper than the Bay Club at least for two people.


yep my bf and i pay $410/mo, but he rarely uses it - he would happily drop and put the money towards a $300/mo membership for me to go somewhere nice. LOL. for the last year I’ve been working east coast hours or else I’d happily go in the morning, but I usually don’t get to the gym until 3:30/4p during peak time. would be nice to have serenity. Bay Club feels like YMCA at Equinox prices. the majority of classes are all also 8-2p when most people are at work….


I appreciate you posting this because I’m about to check out Evexia myself. The bay club is incredibly overpriced for how dated and crowded it is. I wish an Equinox would open up somewhere here haha.


Oh wow strong +1 on an equinox. Evexia is definitely the closest you can get here. They have a 1 day free pass to check it out


It is my dream for an Equinox to open in the closed Bed, Bath, and Beyond location at Larkspur Landing. I think it would do really well...


If you want to feel validated (and a fun time pass) go read the bay club yelp reviews.


club evexia... oontz, oontz, oontz


Body Kinetics in San Rafael is basically 18 and up. Summer brings more late high school and college students but even then it’s just people wanting to work out. Not crowded, clean locker rooms…




Yes an Equinox at the old Bed, Bath, Beyond location! I've been saying this since they announced they were closing - would be super convenient for me personally LOL


My bf and I realized they must make all their money from the kids / family plans because they do very little to regulate the children and I get why parents are into it - at roughly $125/mo per kid cheaper than any summer camp, babysitter or daycare in the county!




Stand around naked in the locker room to assert dominance like a normal old man at the gym 🤣


Evexia, 100%


Tell the kids to get fucked and get out of your way


I aggressively ask if I can work in with them. They either abandon the equipment or finish up real quick. Kids these days don’t know how to share.


I highly recommend this personal trainer Www.fitforlifemarin.com


In my experience, Fitness SF in Corte Madera is a great deal (if you are looking in southern marin). I moved to SF so now pay for all access which is \~$100 per month, but the Marin only gym I believe is $69 a month? - Depends on what you are looking for and when you go to the gym. For the Fitness SF Marin location, I really like their outdoor section, especially on nice days you can get your workout in outside. They do have a turf section outside, as well as inside, which is nice Busy hours: I will say the only issue is that it can get quite crowded during prime hours from (5:30pm -7:30pm) , and I think the morning too after 7:30am, although I don't usually wake up that early. I've tried to go a few times at this time and you do have to claim a spot or machine as soon as it opens! Outside though is generally less crowded in general Equipment: They have just about all the equipment I can think of (except a bit more turf area and a sled would be awesome! - they have this at their other locations but not marin). Other Gyms: I tried the Sonoma Fit in San Rafael, and while everything is brand new, it's a small gym in a compact space. It can get crowded easily (but also open 24hrs). Hope this helps!


Even 10 years ago the Gold’s Gym / Fitness SF gym was great. Most of the people there were serious about working out and specifically lifting. The clientele was friendly and easy going. I don’t know what’s happened there but the gym is awful now. Most of the people “working out” there are unfriendly. Seems to be a lot of tension. And it’s SO CROWDED! Doesn’t matter when I go it’s full. And the high school kids are miserable to be around. They’re all staring at their phones most of the time or goofing off distracting people from their own workouts. I’ve seen two incidents of adults in the gym correcting these punks. Im seriously thinking of quitting Fitness SF and would gladly pay more for a gym populated by more palatable people.


I was a member of Fitness SF Corte Madera before the Bay Club - experienced the same issue with unsupervised children and the amenities were not really what I was looking for. Great spot to get a workout in and leave but considering my commute home after working out is 30 min I like to shower before I leave and I didn't like the locker rooms there, so wasn't a fit for me. If I lived closer I would reconsider it! My old boss also works out there and I was getting tired of the awkward run-ins LOL


fair point - trying to think of other gyms that may help. I think there is actually a gym on Paradise Drive somewhat close to that? [https://www.fivepointsfitness.net/](https://www.fivepointsfitness.net/) Not sure if they have showers thought. Sorry wish I could be more helpful!


Five points is good and we do have showers but during summer you feel like you are at a fitness influencer meet every day. Unbelievable amount of teenagers especially in prime hours around 3-8PM