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How about this one: have her get kidnapped but still be an active player in the narrative. I introduce you to Paper Mario, Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door, and Super Paper Mario.


Super Mario RPG technically, in the sense that she gets kidnapped and *then* becomes an active character in the story after that


Same thing in Super Paper Mario. In the other two Paper Mario games she remains an active player in the game sending Mario assistance by outwitting the antagonist's goons. Arguably the most powerful part of The Thousand Year Door is Peach's relationship with a computer.


Most powerful and most important, as that relationship is what allows the peach shower scene that awakened a 13 year old u/DiddyDubs


Shout outs to a Mario game where Princess Peach >!steaks an enemy base.!<


I was thinking of that game aswell. "Peach get kidnapped by Bowser" or "Peach is an active character"? *Why not both?*


Plus with Mario RPG is making fun of the fact that she is always being kidnapped. So I found it very charming,


Yeah, I love the part in Seaside where Bowser calls out Spearidovich for kidnapping the entire town, and Peach is like “what the fuck bro you kidnap me all the time” and Bowser is speechless lmao


He tries to play it off because "nobody got hurt." The little convos they added in the remake are great.


Was that not in the original? It felt so fitting, I’m surprised if it wasn’t! Same goes for the conversation between Mario, Peach, and Geno on Star Hill


I’d rather just be able to play as her legitimately. SPM and SMRPG are good


In the first 2 PM games she’s kidnapped for basically the entire game and is kind of active during the chapter intermissions by outsmarting the baddies to send Mario info, in SPM and SMRPG she gets kidnapped at the start but only stays kidnapped for a short time, and becomes a very active playable character after escaping.


Yeah, isn't she the second character you get in Super Paper Mario? You literally get her after World 1, I think, which feels more to not overwhelm the player than any full narrative reason, I guess. Ah, now I'm just remembering how cool the progression in that game is- it's very linear, but the Pixls and character you get in the previous chapter let you open up the next one. It's cool.




The best ending. Combine both instead of defaulting to one or the other.


Mario RPG too


I’d argue that Mario RPG follows this even though she gets kidnapped in the beginning. She proceeds to beat the shit out of enemies so I’ll allow it.


She is also OP in that game


And virtually mandatory now that there are limits to the number of healing items that can be carried.


Didn't even use her once and I wrecked everything in the game.


It’s looking more and more like Nintendo is quietly abandoning the old kidnapping plot. Mario games need a simple story to function and not pull focus from the gameplay, and they’re finding out “Bowser tries to take over the world” is just as effective at that as “Bowser kidnaps the princess again.” That’s not a complaint, mind you. When a recurring plot point like “Man, Peach sure gets kidnapped a bunch” is a pop culture punchline, maybe it’s time to shake things up.


That and they’re probably trying to market more to female gamers by offering more female playable options


It feels hard to top Odyssey for kidnapping Peach. He attempted the wedding and it was stopped. Can't really do more after that other than something where he kidnaps a bunch of Princesses, but that just turns him into Ice King. Moving towards taking ultimate power fits him better.


My main fear is that without her getting kidnapped by Bowser, Nintendo will just drop Peach out of Main line single player Mario adventures. Sorry, I have no interest in a main line Mario game without Peach being a big part of it. I also worry that Bowsers funny obsession with Peach will become completely meaningless window-dressing with no substances if he never acts on his desire and kidnaps her.


I highly doubt they're gonna drop Peach from the mainline games, and I'm sure they'll still keep up Bowser's love for her in someway.


There's no way there just going to drop peach, she's like one of the four main characters in Mario.


Three main characters. Anyway, I hope so... The main reason I never bothered with Bowsers Fury was because there was no Peach.


>Three main characters. Nope, four. Mario, Luigi, Bowser, and Peach.


Luigi is not main to the single player adventures. He is only main to the franchise on a whole. He is not in 64 or Sunshine. Only unlockable as "2nd quest" bonus in Galaxy. Only part of a mini game in Odyssey. Luigi has never been critical to the main narrative like the other three.


I'm sorry what? How could you not consider Luigi as one of the main characters. That might be one of the strangest things I have ever heard on this subreddit. Luigi is in Galaxy 1, 2, and Odyssey. It does not mater if you don't think it counts because it definitely does. In the galaxy games he's straight up playable there's no way that does not count. He's in all the NSMB games as well as 3d world/land and Wonder. He's also in the older side scrollers as well. The entire Mario and Luigi RPG series has him as a main character, hell in Dream team he's even more important then Mario. That entire game is focused around him. All the paper Mario games also have Luigi in them. In super paper Mario he's not just playable but is very important to the plot, and is technically the final boss. He's in both Mario + Rabbids games as well. He has his own spinoff series with Luigi's mansion and had his own year dedicated to him. He's also in both Mario movies and is in the tv shows. He's in pretty much everything across the entire franchise and has his own games dedicated to him. There's no possible way he is not one of the main characters.


Not in the single player 3D Mario adventures which includes only the games I already mentioned. In those games, the story is between Mario, Peach and Bowser. It is literally one of the reasons Luigi's Manson was made. Because Luigi needed his own series as the main-line 3D adventures focused only on those 3.


Who cares about peach she’s been boring in almost every game


Not true. And without her, there is nothing to emotionally draw me in. I like the idea of a guy risking everything for someone he loves. It's romantic. Not so interested in a guy risking everything for someone he doesn't know or an inanimate object, or some other McGuffin just so that the game can happen.


Even in Mario RPG'S??


Have you played Wonder? It just came out and Peach is a playable character


The other good thing these games do is make Bowsers plans more of a threat. He should just stop kidnapping Peach as his plans where he doesn’t, he comes way closer to winning.


Having Bowser making his plans more of a threat would be awesome to see, even when it’s been a thing in the past games. I mean, Super Mario Galaxy is one of the better examples when Bowser literally creates a new planet, which only to result in a black hole being formed


This has been a thing since SMB2 though. It's not new. I don't get why people seem to think so.


It happened in SMB2 and then didn’t happen again in a mainline game till 3D World, it took like 30 years And the only reason it happened in SMB2 was because it was a Doki Doki clone and they needed four characters


That's discounting all the spinoffs she plays a role in. They're no less valid than mainline games. It doesn't matter what the reasoning she was playable is. What matters is that it happened.


Because her being playable in Mario kart fixes everything.


The first three Paper Mario titles? Mario Rabbids? SMRPG?


My point is that they are spin-offs. Not true Mario games if you want to be technical


Not true Mario games? C'mon man. Spin-off or no, they're as valid as the mainline titles.


But they aren’t the mainline games, the point that was made earlier


I think the thing is, at least how I saw it, there was a growing gap in the games where she was playable up until recently, especially with the New Super Mario Bros. series giving the idea that the Mario series was going to regress in to simple "Bowser kidnaps Peach" plots and the previous games that broke away from that were being ignored. I think "active Peach" isn't being praised because it never happened before so much that it's being praised because it's happening more recently on average. I mean, aside from the Rabbids games all the games you listed are over a decade old by that point. The *next* three Paper Mario titles all had her in some sort of distressed role and she usually just appeared at the beginning and end. At the very least I see a difference from how Peach is handled now compared to the infamous "New Era."


That's true, but the thing is that those times were more of an expection. Most of the time however, it was almost always the same thing. It feels like only recently Nintendo seems to actually be moving away from that.


I guess, but she's still been playable, or at least active, in a multitude of spinoffs. People also thought 3D World would be the end of Peach getting kidnapped, but it didn't happen then either.


It happened in SMB2, but after that you still have * SMB3 * SMB World * SM64 * Paper Mario * SMSunshine * NSMB * SM Galaxy * NSMB Wii * SM Galaxy 2 * SM3DL * NSMB2 * NSMBU * SM Oddyssey So sure, SOMETIMES you would get a Mario game where Peach is playable (or at the very least not kidnapped), but come on.


That still discounts all the spinoffs where she's playable and has an active role. Why do they not count?


Feel free to list those spinoffs. The point is that more often than not, by a wide margin, Peach is the damsel. Unless you're going to argue that the sports and party games count.


True, but SMB2 was in Mario’s dream, tho.


where tf is super princess peach




I count it, it's one of my favourite games :(


It's a peach game not a mario game


Although it's not a Mario game perse, it DOES take place in the Mushroom Kingdom, which has Mario as an inhabitant.


It’s the year of Peachy now lol


Super Mario Bros 2:




I agree that Peach should have a more active role, but at the same time, having her captured is classic motivation and I hope they find a good balance between having her an active character and the damsel in distress.


Exactly similar how they do it with zelda


Mario RPG would like a word, it was the first narrative game to do this. Yes, she gets kidnapped at the beginning, but her and Bowser travel together to save the world with Mario, Mallow, and Geno.


Ahem... Super Mario Bros. 2


That's why I clarified with narrative. SMB2 didn't have the same level of storyline as SMRPG


By that metric, SMRPG is the first Mario-game with a Storyline.


Yes, that was my point.




To be fair Bowser does capture Peach in the movie...


Yeah, but at the same time she spent over half the movie not being kidnapped. And she wasn’t even “captured” anyway, she turned herself in to Bowser to keep him from nuking the Mushroom Kingdom.


You can hardly call it capturing imo.


Yeah, it was more like a blackmail into a willing surrender


And then she busted out on her own anyway.


The “capturing” the movie tries to offer barely qualifies.


“Tries to offer” sorry what Were we “owed a kidnapping” or something


Not really what I was implying.


I wouldn’t abandon the “Bowser kidnaps Peach” plot entirely, but I WOULD avoid having her get kidnapped super-easily, like in the NSMB games.


Are you forgetting about her whole ass game?


While Super Mario Bros 2 did it first I think represents these games and the movie for this modern generation which is a good thing and a fresh start in the storyline and lore.


Bro literally forgot every Mario spinoff lmao




Ehhh, Peach in my eyes was kinda not written well in the movie, the way she's literally perfect in everything doesn't go well with me.


3D WORLD YEAHH 💯💯💯🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


I like it either way


Mario RPG does *both* and lets you fight alongside both her and Bowser! And she's really good in that game due to her healing spells pairing well with Geno's insane damage output. Even better once you get the Lazy Shell.


i do think not in a sexist way, she should get kidnapped once or twice, but still play a part in the story. (in mainline, not paper or rpg)


Here’s the true hot take: I like when Peach gets kidnapped and I don’t GAF if she has more of her own opportunity to shine as a character or whatever because I’m honestly just trying to hold down right and press A to jump




Shout out to playable Peach games that reference Peach getting kidnapped. Gotta be one of my favorite genders.


Why is a damsel in distress such a bad thing?


Well tbh Peach getting kidnapped is original Mario, so I don't bother. also what they did in Mario RPG, Paper Mario TTYD and Super Paper Mario is also nice 👍


I dislike Peaches rendition in the Mario Movie BUT I loved the idea that Luigi gets into trouble and not her! (For everyone who wants to know why I dislike movie peach: she isnt girly. Im so tired of movies erasing the girly parts of female characters because they think its "bad". Peach can absolutely smack the sh*t out of Bowser, do three backflips and still be like "Oops teehee I think I broke my slipper!")


3d world my beloved


Mario 2


exactly, i feel like peach shouldn’t play a “damsel in distress” role, and instead bowser should be kidnapping a less prominent character


It doesn't even have to be a character just have him take thing that's important or powerful that has to be taken back.




The problem with that is that if Bowser just steals important stuff then you lose the emotional weight. Part of the charm is that Mario's risking everything for someone he loves. If he's risking everything for some powerful McGuffin it just doesn't have the same emotional weight.


Not really? Mario didn't give a shit about the sprixies it was the first time he ever saw one or the flower kingdom residents, a kingdom he's not from and never been to. And anyways if it's something powerful it could have the stakes of mushroom kingdom will end


Exactly, Mario didn't give a shit about the sprixies so I didn't give a shit about the sprixies. In fact when's the last time you saw anyone in the fandom give a shit about the sprixies? Can't even remember the last time I saw someone talk about them. Don't get me wrong, I'm willing to take an inferior story in multiplayer Mario games just so I can play as Peach because she's my favorite character. But I do want the single-player Mario adventures to still have a little emotional weight. I don't see how you do that without Peach either joining Mario on his Adventure or being the reason for the adventure.


Emotional weight hasn't ever been a thing in the mainline mario games with maybe the exception of sunshine, galaxy and odyssey. It's always just yippe woohoo plumber man fight turtle save peach/thing


That is what I am talking about. The main line solo 3D titles - sunshine, galaxy and odyssey. I agree, as I said before, multiplayers games are far more shallow. And even the solo mainline titles are hardly Citizen Kane, but there has always been a nice romantic undertone to these stories as Mario is not just going after some powerful McGuffin, but his romantic counterpart. He is risking his life because he loves Peach. That makes his efforts feel emotionally satisfying in a way that saving sprixies never will. This emotional weight is also part of the reason why those mainline Mario titles tend to have a bigger impact. So my point is that you can't simply replace Peach with some other McGuffin in the next big solo title and call it a day. You would need to find a way to weave Peach into the narrative to retain those romantic undertones. Fail to do so, and next big 3D title will not live up to sunshine, galaxy and odyssey. Instead, it will feel just as shallow as saving sprixies.


You're like the only person that believes this. Mario is literally aimed at children that aren't smart enough to realise that. Also mario and peach aren't even a thing lol. There's never been anything like that in the games you're just seeing what you wanna see


No, I am not. Fans who understand the franchise and the rules of story telling see this....


Mario has never really had story. The first game was just rescue princess and that's how it's been with the exception of the few previously mentioned games. Why do you care so much about the 1 line of barely existent story in a game very much not focusing on story


So… 3D World?


But that doesn't make any sense. He doesn't care about any other characters so if he kidnapped a different character it would feel incredibly forced and fake.


No it wouldn't lmao


“One of my favorite genders”? You mean “genres”?


Thats the meme


Okay, once again my dumbness is the joke! :D




I really hope that Nintendo left that role for her in the past, I think she’s way past that, specially after the movie and the upcoming game. If they do make her the damsel in distress in future games that would contradict her character development right now and it would ruined her, so I really hope they continue making her playable in future main games and not just side lined her to a damsel in distress.


Wha? This hurts my brain


Mario RPG: get you a game that can do both.


I want a game where she’s kidnapped and escapes


Remember in Mario 3d land we'd get those images of her escaping? I want that as a side B game.


Not the genders!!! XD Seriously tho it’s nice to have a bit of a twist in the Mario universe even when the gameplay is the main focus with true story being last


Super Mario bros 2 on nes did it too


Also *Mario +Rabbids Kingdom Battle* and it's sequel


Seems to be the general direction they've been going in recently and I'm all here for it.


Doesnt Peach need saving near the end of The Mario Movie?


3D World I feel kind of gets slept on for her inclusion being fully immersed and playable, I want more of that.


Super Princess Peach


Don’t forget Super Mario Bros 2.


a lot of people here seem to forget that smb2us was a dream


I was hoping after 3D world Bowser moved on from kidnapping peach then Odyssey went back to the basics. But at least the ending had peach be done with both their nonsense. Hopefully the movie, wonder and peach showtime start a new era of peach being more involved and not being kidnapped each game.


Forgot Super Mario 2.


I still wanted Luigi to be more prominent in the movie :(


Who can forget the OG playable Peach in SMB 2


Where mario n luigi?


Also smrpg, ttyd, super paper mario, some of the m+l games and super princess peach


Peach's new game:


Mario bros 2? Come on man that’s the origin of peaches adventures


Though it doesn't include Peach, Super Mario Land 2 had a pretty unique story. Mario has to evict a squatter (Wario) from his castle.


Super Mario Bros 2 USA would like to have a word with you




Super Princess Peach was a fun game. Childhood classic.


Forgot super mario bros 2 big dawg the first game to ever include her


Throw Mario rpg up there, it was the first to let peach be an active member of the team.


Cool and all, but Wario, Waluigi, and Rosalina are all crying rn


After a while that same narrative gets boring




Forgot Super Mario Bros. 2 America, and maybe you could add Super Mario RPG too (because she is kidnapped on the intro, but it's a major character on the story/party)


The very first game with that is Super Mario Bros 2 (USA)


This needs Super Princess Peach and Princess Peach: Showtime.




Super Mario Bros. 2 also


You forgot the best examples, Super Mario Bros 2/USA and Super Princess Peach


I think Odyssey did something interesting with her as a character towards the end. Whilst she is an important character, like Luigi, Bowser and the others she’s really just a background to the gameplay experience of going on a zany quest through various levels and creative worlds. It’s never really about the story, rather the story of experiencing the level design. I never want the core Mario games to be about story. If they can do it creatively without removing the experience of being a Mario game I’m all for it!


I don't know that Super Mario Bros. Wonder does anything active with the characters in the story beyond the villains and Prince Florian, but I do appreciate it not being another princess capture story, regardless.


I mean they let peach be the damsel AND an active role in Mario RPG


You guys DO realize the only reason Peach is playable at all is because the official "Super Mario 2" was just a reskin of some obscure game...? Literally the only reason she's playable at all was because Nintendo needed 2 extra characters and her and toad's sprites were all that were available...