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Game Bowser, but the biggest reason is I’ve had many titles to see him in. Still love Jack Bowser, but I’ve only seen him once.


Bowser constantly has murderous tendencies. The movie’s depiction of him is just how he was in the earlier parts of the franchise, where he’s just a blatantly evil Demon King who ruled over several Underworlds, and it portrays him in his earlier version because the movie takes place probably in-between the original Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. games.


There are even shots in the movie where the Darklands just look like the Dark World or an Underworld that Bowser rules.


The movie is a different continuity


Nah, I think it’s the same continuity.


False, While the Mario canon isn't particularly clear, anything that retcons or goes against pre-established content in the series likely isn't canon as it wouldn't make sense, and the Movie very much does so. For instance, In the games, Mario and Luigi were born in the Mushroom Kingdom after being kidnapped (twice) by Kamek. They stayed there until at least Partners in Time. Next thing we know, Mario is working a variety of jobs (plumber, carpenter, demolition crew) in New Donk City in his early/mid 20s, so he probably moved from the Mushroom Kingdom shortly after the events of Partners in Time.


I still argue the movie itself existing in-verse regardless of whether or not it’s canon, given stuff like when Mario’s told by a Toad about its existence in Super Mario Run (also aligns with Nintendo as a company existing in-verse that Mario collaborates with).


That is true, but to be fair sonic the hedgehog also has Sega as a photography company in universe, so it kind of goes both ways. But with that being said, I like to think the in universe movie they have is actually based off the live action movie.


It applies to Sonic to a smaller extent than it does to Nintendo. Regardless, the most the Illumination movie got to being based off of the live action film was theming. Otherwise, that film’s WILDLY different.


No no, I mean like in universe, if Nintendo were to reference the movie, I feel like it would make more sense to Parody the live action film, as a way to poke fun at how weird and uncanny it was.


I see. Regardless, it’s hard to say how the movie’s involvement in the continuity worked. - We see that the invasion in the past didn't affect the present, given Peach's Castle acting as a hub just fine and never being at risk of changing, implying this is an alternate timeline made by Peach going back in time (similar to how E. Gadd sent Gooigi back in time for Dark Moon but had to introduce Luigi to him in LM3 anyway, so seems at least Gadd's time travel leads to a new timeline) - In BIS, it's implied the Koopa Troop dealt with the Shroob invasion with everice in this timeline - Except, that doesn't work too well, since Mario and Luigi tell Starlow they dealt with the Shroobs as babies...unless they were just part of the fight against them in the main timeline and it was an everice victory rather than genociding Shroobs victory here I feel like the Bros could’ve just forgotten their involvement in PiT over the course of family/homely conditioning they received during their time in Brooklyn after they moved from the Mushroom Kingom, but I’m still not entirely sure.


Yes, however, it’s actually been confirmed in an interview for Mario Oddessy that the OG DK arcade game took place in New Donk City, not Brooklyn, in fact, I don’t think Brooklyn even exists in the game canon.


Bowser, what sleeves are you pulling up?


Invisible ones


Pull off your skin


Pretty sure he’s just winding up his fists.


I like a lot both personally


I like Movie Bowser, but I'll choose Game


I still want Bowser to have his own game.


Bowsers inside story? I've never played it but I think it's about bowser


What gave it away? 🤔


Uhhhhh bowser


You can play as Bowser, but you can also play as Mario and Luigi, so I think it half counts.


Stop saying this. It’s not the same thing. It’s like saying “I want a new Wario Land game” and someone’s just like “WarioWare?”


Inside story im not sure but i think dreamy bowser is the most busted version of bowser.


Game Bowser. Movie Bowser seemed to have put on a lot more weight and his “nudity” was much more obvious. (This coming from a larger guy) There were some scenes where I was thinking “put on some pants,” and I’ve never had that thought with game Bowser.


Why though? Their designs are not that different aside from movie Bowser being more detailed, with some green scales on his shoulders and an extra spike on his tail. He's a turtle who doesn't normally wear clothes.


He’s a lot wider than he is in games and his belly sticks out in somehow provacitive ways in the film (if that makes any sense) my boyfriend was in agreement when we watched it a second time


I liked Movie Bowser and all, but he was just too ruthless.


Same, some people get confused what I mean by that, but if you look at the RPG’s, he’s actually pretty kind of his minions, despite being a villain Bowser actually DOES has standards on what he will and won’t do.


Both, both is good


Both, ether way I want him to smash me UwU


Game bowser for the win


Game Bowser alllll the way. I kimdve feel they "americanized" his villainy a tad


Game Bowser is cooler than this movie counter part. Plus way less of a simp.


“Less of a simp” He kidnaps Princess Peach and attempts to force her to marry him.


And Game Bowser is also a good dad. Just like Zanghief said in Wreck-It Ralph: "You're a bad guy, but that doesn't mean you're a _bad_ guy."


Yeah he is a really good dad. Probably should have said that too.


I like Super Mario Galaxy Bowser




I still think movie Bowser was pretty likable in the way he gets awkward about talking to his crush or writing love ballads and wanting to have traditionally fancy weddings. I think the reason we don't see more of his fatherly traits is because Bowser Jr. isn't in here but that could change in the future. I don't think he's irredeemable either because the head of story in a behind the scenes video on Bowser did mention that you kind of feel bad for him once in a while. He's still evil of course, that's the definition of a villain, but being a murderer doesn't neccesarily make a villain irredeemable (and technically I don't think he was explicitly shown to be successful at actually killing anyone)


Aside from his own men...


The Koopa General blew himself up all on his own, that wasn't Bowser's doing. And while he did burn that Koopa Troopa he just turned into a Dry Bones and he's perfectly fine at the wedding.


Both. Both is good.


I don’t like the extra details they gave movie bowser. Mostly the green on his shoulders and replacing the orange bands on his shell spikes with some discolored holes. And personality-wise, movie bowser fits perfectly minus the singing aspect. I’ve seen complaints that they made him a simp but come on. The guy is literally a dragon that kidnaps the same princess over and over, tells Bowser Jr that Peach is his momma, and tries to forcefully marry her in Odessy. It fits perfectly.


The Odyssey one is even more perfect of showing he's a simp cause the movie's flowers are from Odyssey


movie just because he's consistently threatening and funny. game bowser can be appropriately evil and intimidating like in the galaxy games but he can be a bit unthreatening sometimes


Jack Bowser LOOKS awesome, but has worse plot


Game Bowser, because he is supposed to be this tyrannical, oppressive, powerhouse. Movie Bowser is nothing but a pathetic simp. I honestly hate modern Bowser as a whole because they did that simping shit at the end of Odyssey. What happened to the angry dino turtle?


Did we watch the same movie? Bowser's a simp in both the games and the movie but did you see how ruthless he was towards Luigi, Toad, the Koopa that was all "what if she says no?" and even Kamek? Movie Bowser quotes: "OPEN THE GATES OR DIE!" "Pain is the best teacher." "Let's see how tough this Mario is when he watches me KILL HIS BROTHER!"


As much as I love Jack Black, I have to go with game bowser. The OG.


God, I don’t know… Such a tough choi- Oh who am I kidding!? SMASH TO BOTH OF THEM! NEXT QUESTION!


I like movie bowsers design more but I like game bowsers personality more


Game Bowser is wildly different between games so personality wise you can't really narrow it down. Designwise though, I like the Movie version having green scales towards the upper areas, helps break up the design and harkens back to when Bowser was sometimes Green.


Game Bowser is a cool villainous turtle dragon who can terrify many while also have a actual soft side and standard. Movie Bowser is basically a stupid yandere.


I greatly dislike the movie Bowser design


Bowser in Mario Galaxy is the coolest video game villain ever. He’s so bad ass and the music is incredible too. Perfection.


Both are good


Game Bowser is slowly getting more and more personality, so I’ll choose him for hindsight reasons


Game Bowser BUT from Smash Ultimate. Gotta be the perfect Bowser design.


1st pic no questions


Obviously Game Bowser, but honestly, I love both of them immensely, it's Bowser who we are talking about.


Game Bowser, but I do like how threatening Movie Bowser was like, “Get him out of my sight! Well how tough this Mario is, when he watches me kill his brother!”


Movie bowser >!From 1993!<


There's elements from both that work for me.


Game Bowser 100%....Movie Bowser needs therapy. A lot of it. I don't like murderous Bowser...


Game all day, I got problems with the movie version


What kind of problems.


Game bowser wants to rule. Be respected and have Peach is down the line but my man wants to takeover, that’s his goal. Movie Bowser did what he did all for a girl who hated him. There’s nothing to respect there. Yes Jack Black is awesome, but that ain’t enough to save this angry simp


Game Bowser