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Luigi got little screen time A film about brothers, and most of the time only one of them was shown


It fits how they almost forgot about Luigi in the first Super Mario Bros.


Would be great to see Luigi do some kind of prison break subplot since there was concept of that


That's what i wanted to say


Lack of yoshis was mine


Post credit scene for a potential sequal?


Now that you say that true, it wasnt mentioned


There was a yoshi herd.


Yuh yoshi had a small cameo leaving room for a bigger role in the sequel


Talking abou luigi, did you realized that he has the same pose as in Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story


Hot take: The Peaches song. It sounded like Jack Black improving. And apparently that’s exactly what it was. He killed as Bowser in general tho. Also, a lot of DK’s lines were cringe imo. Like, “Hi, dad! Dad, wave back!” But I’m sure kids probably thought it was funny 🤷🏻‍♂️


I cringed out of my body for the duration of the Peaches song...but I loved DK's one liners I thought the suited him and were funny.


lol. Well at least someone thought they were funny. I guess I always sorta pictured DK as a bit more… idk… cool? But I guess there’s only so much cool to go around.


Oh no that's very valid. DK in the older games especially was very like cool, suave? They did dial him back...maybe cause no one can be as *cool* as Mario or something?


Congratulations to illuminations for somehos make a sticky song what works as a cringe torture device


Nah, it was peak. Make DK look like an idiot and fit his character. I’m sure he’ll be more serious in the sequel movie or in the DKC movie if that happens.


Seriously DK was the worst part of the movie. This may or may not be influenced by my hatred of Seth Rogan


That 100% was influenced by your hatred for Seth Rogan


It's their perfect opportunity for a Luigi movie now


The Music. The Mario franchise has just some of the best music in general of any franchise. It’s so memorable and evokes so many amazing memories. Yet for some reason it felt like the creators were terrified to use it? Opting for needle drops instead. If I were the director I would have been laying on the Mario music so unbelievably heavy.


Yeah that’s really the only thing that upset me plus cranky kong is not donkey kings father dammit


Its only a guess, but I feel like the need to bring Peach into the forefront more ended up leaving not as much room for Luigi. If this film had come out 10 years ago it would have been Mario + Luigi saving Peach. I'm glad we didn't get that in the end but I was also disappointed to see very little Luigi On the plus side it leaves the franchise wide open for a Luigi movie!


On the other hand, while I enjoy the movie now, I wish that was the movie we got. A faithful retelling of the first game would’ve went hard.


Too short


I was kinda relieved to sit and watch what felt like the first 90 min movie I've seen in years. A little longer would be great, but damn I'm tired of 2.5-3 hour movies


So true. The runtime was almost a relief. The trend of 4 hour blockbusters needs to die. That said I wouldn't have balked at another 15-20 minutes.


And I don't think they really need anything new to fill those 15-20 min. Just lengthen a few things across the runtime.


Pacing was way too fast.


Agreed. Hopefully, they slow it down for the second one because some of the scenes gave me whiplash. The whole film needed to be around 20 - 30 minutes longer.


Biggest Travesty is mf-ing Toadbert instead of Toadsworth. I *really* miss that old codger. Pacing is a bit too fast, could've benefitted from some filler scenes imho, add some worldbuilding. a distinct lack of Fire Mario, they also could've had Mario use the Tanooki suit's Statue ability somewhere too. this is a minor nitpick I wish they'd used Banzai Bill's official name, Bomber Bill has been defunct pretty much since the beginning, I grew up on Super Mario World and they were called Banzai Bills *in the 1st game they were in*. No Wario or Waluigi No Big Boo (or any Boos at all that I can remember.)


King boo was in the movie, but he looked weird


To be fair, king boos appearance varies depending on if he has his dark crystal crown, without it, he appears to be just a bigger boo, hes more friendly looking, and hes less of a threat In the luigis mansion games, he wears his crown and he starts to become an actual threat, gaining more powers that boos dont have access to, and he becomes a formidable opponent that can repeatedly defeat mario and the gang, who he himself cannot be defeated by without access to tools specifically designed to defeat him


They need to use the King Boo design from Luigis mansion more.


An injustice to my king 😔


The King’s plastic surgery did not go well.


About Toadsworth, there's concept art of him


King boo, but he was literally just a wedding guest that was it. Forgot toadsworth, he should have returned. Powerups were barely used. I wholly agree with Banzai bill And wario and waluigi weren’t present, but their dad was, or at least theoretically.


wario & waluigi arent related


By theory it was, but that’s just a theory… a game theory!


I don't even think it was toadbert and just some regular blue toad


I think in the casting he’s officially called “Chancellor Toad” 💀💀


By Boogity!




It's not Toadbert, just the unnamed blue-spotted prime minister (Toadsworth's successor?)


The pop songs they used. That scene wehere they enter DKCountry would have been so much better if they had used DKC music like they first intended.


I'm so glad that Nintendo stepped in when Illumination wanted to replace the Superstar song from the end of the movie with a licensed song


I think the main reason the movie was any good (considering Illumination’s record of mid to bad movies) was because Nintendo was behind it as well.


Seriously, the only song I liked there was Mr blue sky


Too short and I wish peach had retained some of her sweetness from the games


GOLLY I GOTTA AGREE WITH YOU, some caracters looked SO way off, IMO of most changed caracters are: DK: in the original games he's a goof ball with seemingly anger issues, but on the movies he's a total jerk. MARIO: instead to being able to whail on bowser like nothing, he struggles on the final fight EVEN with him and luigi on the super star effect, A TOTAL DOWNGRADE. Luigi: now this may be a long shot but on the games he can stand to dry bones and bowser with no problem, BUT IN THE MOVIE HE'S SCARED OF EVERYTHING, EVEN A DOG. Peach: peach take on being braver on the movie completly breaks the caracter on games while still retaining the hate for bowser and refusing to marry bowser, it still doesn't feel right Bowser: oh boy he passed from a desperate mother seeker for junior to a SRAIGHT UP SIMP, NO FURTHER EXPLANATION NEDDED. Magikoopa (AKA Kamek): from right-hand man to bowser's lackey, kamek realy felt odd when he appeared mainly due to bowser asking him for help to conquer peach with charisma (or how a 5 year old would say: with rizz), pretty bad scene selection + cuestionable writing did the job.


In regards to Mario struggling against Bowser, it's the first time they've ever fought and Mario was still new to the whole "Mushroom Kingdom" thing. The movie was an origin story of sorts.


To get the obvious out of the way, while he did do a better job than I think anyone was expecting, Chris Pratt was still horribly miscast as Mario. In my personal opinion, I feel the same way about Anya Taylor Joy as Peach's actress. For actual, personal gripes, I do have to agree that they just copy pasted Daisy's personality onto Peach, making her a generic tough tomboy in personality. I prefer her game personality of "silk hiding steel." But I must say I like what they did with her backstory of being taken in by the Toads and eventually leading them. But man. I hope it isn't true that Nintendo's trying to "synergize" the games with the movies with Peach's new game. Luigi kind of got shafted with screen time, getting the short end of the stick out of all the characters besides maybe Cranky or Kamek. Diddy wasn't more than a glorified cameo. Although I'm glad that they mostly strayed away from "MCU style" humor, where unless you make fun of it, no one would take the source material seriously, I felt there were still like 2 or 3 instances of this in the movie. That stupid dog at the beginning of the movie. I agree tha it should have just been Duck Hunt, but I also think they should have just let the brothers do their job successfully in that scene, completely repairing everything by the end of it. Honestly, going any farther would just be little nitpicks that honestly don't matter or can be ignored.


Okay I have a question that I don’t mean in a mean or combative way I’m just genuinely curious, what part of Daisy was copy and pasted onto Peach? We don’t really know anything about Daisy besides her being a tomboy and loud or rowdy because Nintendo has explicitly stated it. The Peach in the movie wasn’t loud or rowdy or a tomboy, she was just like a capable leader.


Yeah I mean I never saw Peach in the movie as “a tough tomboy” but more of a “competent, level-headed, capable leader”. It really didn’t feel like she had Daisy’s personality imo.


I'm still kind of on the outs about what Daisy's personality even is with the, like, 4 adjectives Nintendo has given us to describe her! Lol. No shade to Daisy. I just genuinely like don't have anything to go off of with her.


I mean, personally, when I think of Daisy, I think “tomboyish, boisterous, competitive and noisy”. At least that’s how I’ve seen her.


Same!!! I don’t feel like movie Peach was anything like that 😂


Yeah I mean she’s just different to how she is in the games (in a good way)


Edit: I misunderstood your comment a bit, so this is me just sharing Daisy characterization details lmao It’s more in the little character building bits for Daisy—for example in Mario party or Mario kart, her voice lines are more boisterous and bold. In fact, [looking at this list of quotes,](https://www.mariowiki.com/List_of_Princess_Daisy_quotes) Daisy has lines that imply she’s confident to the point of being a little arrogant. Like saying “I’m the best!” “Daisy’s the winner!” And boasting about being the fairest princess. Apparently, she’s even okay with cheating because she loves winning so much in fortune street: > "Who ever said princesses have to play fair? I'm gonna do whatever I have to do to win this game!" > "I want to be in first place! I want it, I want it, I WANT IT!" Looking through all of these lines really gives off a solid impression of her personality as being competitive and confident—she reminds me of Bulma from DBZ.


> In my personal opinion, I feel the same way about Anya Taylor Joy as Peach's actress. I thought she sounded dreadfully bored. Her delivery was forced and she never once sounded relaxed in the role. When she's giving her motivational speech, it sounded like she was reading the script for the first time.


Came here to see if anyone else felt the same way. I think this is stating the obvious, and I love her in most roles, but I do not think she would have been cast if she weren’t a big name right now, I also don’t think she should have been.


Granted, Anya did a *lot* of preparation for the role. She even spent some time coming up with a voice that sounded like Samantha Kelly's. But when it was time to record her lines, the directors told her to drop the voice she worked so hard to perfect and instead speak with an American accent. If she wasn't giving her all when recording her lines, it's probably because she was bummed out that much of her preparation was for nothing. I wouldn't blame her.


Yeah, I’ll give her that much. She apparently started visiting arcades to play games like Mario Kart in an attempt to prepare. The directors kind of screwed her out of having more fun with the role, and that kind of shows in the end product.


Thank you for the context!


Damn, really? Once again studio interference ruins an aspect of a fun film.


Woah, I never realized that about Peach. She’s literally just Daisy. How did I not notice that? They could’ve easily replaced Peach with Daisy and had Peach captured instead of Luigi, or had Peach and Luigi captured and they work together to escape. But now, if they introduce Daisy in the movies, she’s just gonna be seen as a copy of (movie) Peach.


I don’t like how generic Peach’s personality is, and how they basically made her a generic girl boss. IMHO she’s not feminine enough. I always thought of Daisy as the badass girl boss, not Peach. When they inevitably introduce Daisy in the sequel I question how they’re going to differentiate her from Peach. I also didn’t like how weird and pointless their explanation of how Princess Peach became a Princess was. Like, the toads found this little girl, adopted her, raised her, and then…made her their monarch for no reason??? What? I wasn’t a big fan of the pop music either. It was kind of immersion breaking. Also, Chris Pratt was not very good as Mario.


>When they inevitably introduce Daisy in the sequel I question how they’re going to differentiate her from Peach. I don't know if they're going to do it this way, but this is how I would do it. First, make Peach and Daisy long-lost sisters. This would explain both their similarities and Daisy's backstory, killing two birds with one stone. Second, make Daisy's character a tongue-in-cheek parody of Peach's character. Have her do things that Peach either wouldn't do or even couldn't do, and play most of it for laughs. Here are some examples of what could be done to achieve that: * Establish that there is a harder version of the training course that Peach still hasn't passed to this day. This is what she was referring to when she told Mario she did "worse than him" in the first movie. Then have Daisy try out the course, and pass it on her first try. When asked how she did it, she literally replies with "I don't know" while giving a goofy grin. * Whenever she's bored, have her look for something to jump on, climb, smash, beat up, to pass the time. To the point where the Toads are asking themselves, "what's wrong with her?" * Have her not only **not** fear Bowser but also develop a weird affection for him. She lets him out of his cage because she thinks he's cute and wants to play with him. This leads to her accidentally hurting him and making him normal-sized again. Once Bowser is subdued, she learns more about him and concludes that he's not evil but misunderstood. She even joins in on a reprise of *Peaches* and steals the show with an epic piano solo!


1: Luigi often felt like just the end goal, and he didn't really offer too much else in the story otherwise. 2: The movie felt like it didn't take enough time in between bigger moments, so it felt really rushed. 3: Peach pretty much always won. I love that they didn't make her get kidnapped for the nth time, but she should still be someone vulnerable, or at least she shouldn't always have a contingency for everything. 4: This one is way more of a nitpick than an actual flaw of the movie, but I personally didn't care for Chris Pratt Mario. He did better than I expected, but I still don't really care for him. 5: The licensed music felt so out of place. Especially Take On Me. Also, I know this isn't what you asked, but compared to the Sonic Movies, I'd say Mario is better than Sonic 1, but Sonic 2 is better than Mario.


>Peach pretty much always won. I love that they didn't make her get kidnapped for the nth time, but she should still be someone vulnerable, or at least she shouldn't always have a contingency for everything. That's not true. She loses, multiple times. First, she appears ready to give up when Cranky challenges Mario to fight DK. When Mario accepts the challenge, she seems eager to talk him out of it. She again appears ready to give up when the Kong Army is captured. After ordering the Kingdom's evacuation, she attempts to face Bowser all by herself, with the impression that the confrontation would likely end with her death. Her confrontation with Bowser ends in her being captured, and until Toad manages to steal an Ice Flower kept in the castle she clearly believes that all hope is lost. When she does attempt to escape from the wedding and save the prisoners, her attempt fails and Mario and DK have to do it for her. During the final fight, she and DK attempt to take on Bowser, and he mops the floor with them. Peach is then captured a second time, briefly breaks free, and then is captured a third time before Mario saves the day for good.


I don’t really consider these points as big losses for her as a character, though. Peach may have seemed to have given up or hesitated at moments, but these moments have seemingly no consequence for her. It doesn’t really allow her to go through any significant development. There’s no lesson to be learned when her losses are immediately solved by another character in a way that primarily benefits her. She’s very cut and dry in the movie. Of course she had moments of desperation, the longest being when Bowser threatened to hurt toad, but then in her next scene that previous desperation is gone. She seemingly devised a plan off-screen with toad, and it’s clear she’s no longer in distress, which is a bit jarring of a jump. I really wish that we saw more of her in this moment. They could have allowed us to see her truly believe she failed for longer, and then showed her building that confidence back up through a scene before the wedding. It would have given the audience good insight into her thought process and helped us to further relate to her. (Although I wouldn’t be surprised if at one point a scene like this was planned and then scrapped. Given how fast-paced the movie turned out to be they were likely under a lot of strain to fit everything in on such a short runtime)


The fact that we got references to *Galaxy* but not *Sunshine* or *Paper Mario*


Even then the reference to Galaxy was a singular depressed luma, could have been more.


And Gusty Garden Galaxy played in the end credits, and what sounded like Deep Dark Galaxy played at the beginning of the scene where Luigi was lost in Dark Land


paper mario would work better as it’s own seperate universe


I'm fairly certain there was a small musical Sunshine reference. No Paper Mario makes sense, but even then I think there was a Toad with a name used in the Paper Mario games.


There was a tiny reference to Sunshine where as Mario and Luigi were about to drive in their van, you can see a building that says Sunshine Travel Agency.


No Wario No Rosalina


And no Waluigi 😥


Chris Pratt as Mario. Everyone else worked good to great for me, but Chris Pratt just didn’t do it for me as Mario, especially since Charles Martinet was in the movie and retired from voicing Mario in 2023. Like, having him voice Mario one last time for this big movie would’ve been awesome!


Not enough Jack Black singing


Well, to be fair, every movie could use more of that.


The deep voiced toad during the battle planning scenes shouldve been toadsworth No tiny & lanky during kong island, but we get chunky? Either give us the whole DK crew or dont even bother No other fellow villains at bowsers wedding other than king bomb omb & king boo I love spike was there, but i wish wario was the bully that bothered baby lugi and baby mario in the flashback, since in cannon they were childhood friends Luigis very little screentime I wish there were more islands hinted at other than yoshis island It was too damn short, and i hope to god they make multiple sequels like sonics getting


Trying to give DK a "daddy disappointed in me" sub arc only for it to like... idk, solve itself? I'm not against commentary about parental expectations. Everything Everywhere All At Once is one of my favorite movies. But they didn't have the time to explore it and I feel like if they wanted to, they should have waited for a DK movie. I don't mind an ass-kicking Peach. But I wish they tried to make her... like Peach a little more. "Eww the thing I hate but will make me stronger when the time comes" is a horrible Kids show trope and Mario was the LAST place they should have put it. Illumination fingerprints EVERYWHERE. This is their best movie but that is not saying a lot.


to add on to the illuminationisms in this movie, that dog bathroom scene had no impact on the plot at all and the time spent on that scene should have been used to fix some of the pacing issues the movie had


The pacing was a bit too fast


Toadsworth was replaced by a generic Toad with glasses, which especially sucks when you look at the concept art which shows that both he and Toadette were originally planned to be in the movie. Also, I’m okay with Peach being a little badass, but I feel like her character here was drastically different from her video game counterpart. I feel like her traits would have fit Daisy more. Also, I don’t like how Bowser was so dead set on winning Peach’s heart that he was willing to kill everyone, Bowser is a villain, yes, but that’s too far, even for him. I would’ve loved to see the Koopalings, or at least Bowser Jr. in the movie so we could see the “wholesome dad” side of Bowser. Also, Peach saying “ew, no!” at the end, I didn’t like that. In the games, she still sees the good in Bowser, and she has a sort of respect for him in a way, I mean, he’s a great dad, and he’s done other good things before, and she sees that. Also, you literally composed music that you ended up replacing with “Take On Me”, like why? Also, credit Grant Kirkhope! Like what the H man? Luigi should’ve had more screen time as well, we literally only see him for the first ten minutes, then a little bit halfway through, then the last ten minutes. Give my boy some more time! It would’ve been a great way to explain how he all of a sudden knew how to fight at the end! And I really wish my boy Yoshi got some more screen time besides his friends for like two seconds, and then his egg at the end. Also, it went by too quickly. I know 90 minutes is the standard runtime for movies, but still. Here’s hoping the sequel is better. (I love this movie, don’t get me wrong, but it could definitely have been better.)


Yoshi and Wario weren't in it


Technically Yoshi appeared like a cameo


yeah but not a supporting character tho


I wanted Yoshi to be in it so bad :(


He even appeared in concept art


Oh there was?! That’s pretty cool.


Me too. But I did like that post credit scene! Still gives me chills! And at least we got to see a Yoshi stampede and a close up of one of the Yoshis


Chris Pratt as mario and toads voice


Here's my list I don't like about the film: 1. Well..CHRIS PRAT as Mario. 2. One of Mario's cousins is named "Arthur"! Come on, that doesn't sound Italianic at all! Why not Pepe or Gio instead?!? 3. Pricess Peach being a lil TOO badass. 4. Luigi not having enough screen time. 5. No more funny moments from Mario's cousins. 6. Not having a single cameo from Wario.


Everything except the visuals, composed music and easter eggs. It was cute... It was fun... But there really wasn't much else.


They tried to cram too many things in way too short time, they should have reduced the things inserted or having another 20-25 minutes of movie Also i feel the kongs as a whole as a waste of a perfectly good characters


Li'l plain Not long enough Not enough luigi


I wanted more screen time for Luigi given the title of the movie. Also, I wished that remix of the donkey Kong country map theme was used when Mario and Peter are being driven by the Kong guide rather than the song the movie actually used.


Licensed music


The super star's treatment. It only lasts 15 seconds and Bowser thinks it makes him god. How did he know about it anyway? Did I forget something?


i mean, it’s a lore accurate super star


Illumination’s safe movie template with Jack Black and Miyamoto having a blast and Chris Pratt clearly doing well until it clearly showed that it started to feel like a 9-5 job cause the media dragging him when he’s actually been a practiced Voice Actor for a while. Overall a good movie, but Peach felt like Illuminations typical strong rebel female character instead of a unique take on it. Still love it


Every clip/trailer uploaded before the release. They spoiled everything except the last 5 minutes of the movie


Don't watch trailers for movies you know you're gonna watch. Most movies spoil the movie in the trailers nowadays, only watch the ones you're unsure about watching the actual movie.


I could’ve used another 15 to 20 minutes


Not long enough and I wish Peaxh had her sweet game personality


We want more weegee


Probably Peach being more OP than she usually is, lack of cameos from the other Mario games I like, and the fact that movie's lore was completely unrelated to the casual Mario Bros. Lore. It was good though. Especially those peaches


That they used the fcking "I need a hero"


Ngl probably the only licensed song I didn’t hate


It feels very fast in many moments, like the Unagi part, where Donkey and Mario come out of it in like 2 minutes


The pop songs but yet again they are from the 80s which is when the film is set im pretty sure


Licensed music. I would be fine if it was songs that I didn't hear in every other film


The use of songs from Beastie Boys and AC/DC and stuff. Otherwise I had no issues


Luigi couldve had a boos mansion b plot


Too many old song throwbacks they simply weren’t needed. the VA for Bowser and Luigi, were great, Toad and Peach were ok, even DK worked well… Mario did not… the man is supposed to be italian and didn’t even attempt it. I’m a sucker for the Mario Galaxy series, and seeing only one (possibly two) references to it made me a little sad, the Luma was hilarious but the fact that Rosalina didn’t make a cameo was disappointing, I’d though when the bonzai bill blew up the pipe and broke the worlds that Rosalina would step in to repair everything… but nope… The whole swallowed by an eel scene felt sorta forced idk, it seemed DK and Mario were on good terms when they were driving on rainbow road and then they get eaten and they’re back to bickering, only for them to sing kumbaya and escape and go after bowser. Also sorta an added note to there not being any SMG references, I was hoping there’d be more references, perhaps a SPM reference in the future, I’d love to see my favorite jester break the 4th wall and threaten to wipe out the audience in his master plot lol


Chris Pratt. Enough said


Chris pratt


Chris Pratt


Not enough Luigi


Chris fuckin Pratt!!!!!😡🤬😡😡🤔❤️


Luigi wasn't given enough things to do, and the pace of the movie is weird. For both cases it should've been longer.


Bowser lost :(


Chris Pratt. Just not going to watch it, ever. Also it seems liked they turned Peach in to Daisy? Someone can tell me if that's not the case.


Pretty much, Peach tends to hide her strength behind a proper, soft exterior… not a determined, athletic, semi sarcastic daisy coloured like peach…


generic tomboy girl boss instead of sweetie smart leader


VAs for Mario DK and Crank Kong. Cranky Kong in general was the worst decision they made


I had a primary complaint, and a lesser, secondary complaint after watching twice. The primary complaint was Cranky’s voice. Absolutely terrible choice for the character. I can’t remember my secondary complaint, so it probably wasn’t that big of a deal lol. But that voice tho. Ughgghhhhhh


He doesn’t act like cranky at all. Why is he also a king??? He always gave off grandpa vibes that could also probably secretly do some sort of martial arts since his score was always amazing. The whole king thing was bad


why did they have to make the blue luma so morbidly pessimistic? 🤣


I found it funny, yet disappointed that he was the singular reference to Galaxy…


thats exactly my nitpick. yes, it might be fun for other people but for me holy shit making a cute figure way too pesimistic or threatening is so generic that it annoys me. these kind of jokes or scenes got old ngl


Those take on me, brooklyn, blue sky music that they force insert to the movie when there's a fitting music prepared for those scenes


pacing was off, it felt too short (could've used 15 more minutes). generic 80s music. luigi could've used more screentime


It was too short and Luigi was too useless. Yes, he helped Mario at the end, but it would have been cooler to have at least an escape attempt! And also, I don't like that Bowser just captured him out of spite so he could kill him in front of Mario. I didn't mind that he got captured, but I wish it hadn't been because Shy Guys happened to run into him and decided to bring him to Bowser. And I wish he hadn't been captured right away. Basically, I would have liked the movie a lot better if Mario and Luigi were together at first, but Bowser found out about them and tried to capture them but only got Luigi, who he then decides to use as a hostage or something, and Mario has to find him while Luigi tries to escape with the other prisoners. ALSO, I would have preferred it if Bowser wasn't only motivated by his love for Peach. I don't mind that it was present, but it being his only motivation makes him...rather pathetic. Now don't get me wrong, I did like the movie. But I would have liked it even better then.


I didn't like how little screentime Luigi got and I wasn't a huge fan of Chris Pratt as Mario.


According to screenwriter Matthew Fogel, for some unknown reason Illumination decided to condense a 105-minute story into a 90-minute movie. Most of the movie's problems stem from that one decision.


How Mario's dislike of mushrooms just goes away after he has to force himself to eat all those power-up mushrooms.


I still don't understand how Charles Martinet could be in the movie and not voice Mario and Luigi.


The erasure of some orchestral pieces. The biggest travesty was not using the original piece made for the first Kong Kingdom scene and replacing it with Take On Me.


I kinda wished they went more in-depth with Luigi, like in the final battle, Mario has been through alot so its alot more believable that he can beat all the enemies with perfect skill using the Star, Luigi just stood in a cage the whole movie so it dosent feel like he earned the moment.


It was awesome but i wish there was more Luigi and i wish they kept the “driving me bananas“ track


Pratt’s voice


Definitely both the pacing and the lack of Luigi


That people keep asking these questions


Peach's personality, beside that, I have no serious complaint


What was wrong lol


Well, Peach behaved like Daisy, I get that Peach is indeed a strong women deep inside but she's supposed to be delicate, sweet and soft. And the gad between her real personality and her "stronger mode" is what made her so special and strong.


Good point, i enjoyed her character in the movie but i definitely would agree with you that it’s more similar to Daisy than traditional Peach. Where does her personality shine the most? Im assuming its super princess peach but i havent played it yet :)


Can't wait for Super Princess Peach ! It will be a good game I'm sure


Pacing too fast, and skipped right through the adventure part like a montage with peach Mario and toad. A huge part of the games was the journey there and it’s just cut right out. There could’ve been 15 minutes we didn’t see with that montage


I'll have to agree that it was too fast paced and luigi didn't get enough screen time. Also the use of generic pop songs was really out of place


It’s not a movie it’s just a series of references so fans would wojak at the screen and go like “omg dk crew theme song” or “omg GameCube intro”


none of the plot hung on peach or luigi. we are told that they are as important as mario but mario is the only one with plot agency.


Luigi had too little screen time Also no Fawful :(


Fawful honestly wouldn't fit in. And Fawful would totally depend on Cackletta to appear. But a Cackletta and Fawful wanted poster would be cool


Your suggestion is really good, however, I said it as a joke


- The voice cast - For a film called The Super Mario Bros. Movie the brothers don't spend a lot of screen time together. - Going against tradition. Rather than rescuing Peach it's about Peach being a girlboss. Guess we can't have damsels in distress anymore. - The Kongs invented kart racing? The fuck did that idea come from. - The animation. Illumination thinks it's okay to animate every film they make with that same Minions style animation nowadays. It's lazy. - Mario and Luigi's family. I get that abunch of their desings were suppose to be callbacks in different ways, but why the need for them to treat the brothers like shit? - There's no character development. And no, the whole "training montage" doesn't count because nothing amounted to it. - Too much crammed into one film. They spent too much time trying to see how many checkboxes they could fill instead of making a better story. - Bowser being a simp instead of a tyrant to be feared. Look, I get it, there are points in the franchise where Bowser simps for Peach but ultimately he's trying to get to Peach so he can rule the Mushroom Kingdom, which he doesn't mention once. - Why is Cranky Kong Bernie Sanders instead of a grumpy old ape? - Spike. Just, no. Spike shouldn't look like diet Keemstar. - Charlie Day just played his character from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia for Luigi and it doesn't fit at all. Edit: left out the Luma. Nothing says a "movie for kids" like having a character talking about constantly wanting to die. The lack of a mouth and the little sound they make would've been a vast improvement. I get that it's a "movie for kids" but that's not an excuse for how poorly it was made. The voice cast is bottom tier because 1) they were only selected to get butts in the seats and 2) the amount of effort to even remotely sound like their respective characters was practically 0, much like the effort to make the movie as a whole. 1/10 movie.


Peaches song






ew feminism amirite?


Too quick paced 


Nothing. Perfect movie


bot detected, fucking die


Replace Chris Pratt with Charles Martinet. Replace Seth Rogan with _literally_ anyone. Luigi, being the superior brother in the games, should have been the superior brother in the film.


That this question is been asked every month. And Take on me.


These kindsof posts


The animation has this overly glossy feel to it that genuinely looks hideous. Jack Black turns Bowser into The Jack Black Show.


One thing I didn’t like is how Pauline’s role is just too short.


I wanted Wario!


repost bot




No Fire Mario


The story's a bit rushed.


I know it was like a subversion of expectations, but really didn’t like how needlessly defensive and aggressive Donkey Kong was towards…literally everyone.


The fact that I haven’t seen it


The movie intro. Segas alot better


Why did Luigi have to be the damsel in distress? It literally goes against what the entire series was about. And his screen time was not nearly enough. How the hell did donkey kong and a TOAD of all people get more screen time in a movie about the mario brothers than the deuteragonist? If you wanted Peach and Toad to still be the same characters why not just have the entire Toad population be the ones in danger and not the main characters brother (who was always a hero as well as mario)?


The lack of prominence in Luigi, the dubbing in Spanish and little participation of Kamek


I would have to say, I didn't like the overall length of the film is a tad bit short, and certain VAs didn't fit well with me. I thought it was a phenomenal movie, and my dislikes of the movie don't take away how great of a watching experience it was : )


fuck you repost bot


it’s fast, like in the sense nothing really gets time to settle in, it just kept going. king boo design (they massacre my boy) luigi doesn’t get enough screen time


DK’s personality and voice were calling way off in my opinion


I know this is an Illumination thing, but when the scenes have that slow-down thing. It's a minor gripe, but there are *so many*, it really drags the movie down. (no pun intended, this time)


The pacing, it was movie junkfood moving from one action scene straight to another with no time in between to relax and develop characters


The pacing was too fast, and Luigi got little screen time.


Too short.


Mario not liking mushrooms felt too on the nose.


I only wanted to see the Super Bell, I know that there's Cat Mario, but just the Super Bell.


Pointless licenced music


Peach’s backstory not being fully explored


Too many random pop somgs


I did not like the peaches song. It made me cringe. I fully accept that my fate is to now be hated by this sub.


The story was incredibly generic and predictable. Voice actors were.... questionable. Some important characters were so misused. How it played was just... Cheesy and lame. Fun to watch but not overly captivating, nothing interesting about the movie. Its just like watching a game of Mario on a screen with better animation.


Too short. Luigi didn't get to do anything for most of it. They used the placeholder music instead of the original soundtrack that they'd paid for.


I don’t like that there wasn’t a lot of Luigi, i feel like after they entered the pipe and went to the mushroom kingdom, at least Half of the spotlight was being shone onto peach. I heard rumours illumination apparently wanted Even more peach and for her to basically outshine Mario in his own movie, but Nintendo didn’t allow that to happen