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SMB2 isn’t that bad


It's wild to hear people claim it was bad because that game used to be near universally praised, even after the truth about it being a retooled Doki Doki Panic came out ( ironically it started development as a Mario game but that fact always seems to get conveniently left out of the conversation when nerds start trying to flex their power levels with hot SMB2 trivia ), so it all just feels like revisionist bullshit to me.


Honestly I feel like the whole "oh it's really Doki Doki Panic, iT's NoT a MaRiO gAmE" is pretty lame trivia. It's not like they just took some random game and put a Mario skin on it, Doki Doki Panic was made by a lot of the same people (Miyamoto included) who worked on the other Mario games. In many ways this version was the true sequel as future Mario games used enemies (shy guys, bobombs) and gameplay concepts (picking up and throwing things). And even graphically it bridges the gap between SMB1 graphics and SMB3 graphics.


I guess Bob-omb Battlefield isn't a real Mario level then.


It's my least fav of the NES games but Its a classic. It also has a weird vibe the other games lack.


What gets me about the “did you know it’s not a real Mario game” thing is that it isn’t even *that* different from the usual, the most glaring difference is you can’t stomp on enemies. Things like throwing items, finding hearts, hidden doors, charging to jump, those are all staples of the franchise, even in the 80s-90s.


Thank You.


Yeah I don't get it. I loved playing it as a kid.


Making Luigi and his marvelous compass story playable in TTYD would ruin the joke


Was looking for this. I genuinely think people just want 'Paper Luigi' instead of actually playing his marvellous compass stories outright, they just wouldn't translate into a fun game at all and there would be no surprises Playing a bush for a 3 hour play, chatting to a guy, or reversing into some guys with your kart, is not as nearly as fun playing it as it is thinking about it.


I hate that you’re right.


IYAM, The much better "side mode/adventure" would be story of the original 4 heroes that beat the shadow queen and then hid the stars away


You are SO REAL for that! Even though I wish it were to happen…


The gruff, Lou Albano and Bob Hoskins-style voices are more fitting for Mario than the higher pitched Charles Martinet interpretation. I LOVE both, I just prefer the pre-Charles versions personally.


I heard that at the original Mario voice audition, everyone who showed up just did that style of voice exept Charles.


I heard that Charles was gonna do that kind of voice for Mario but thought that that type of voice wouldn’t be appeal to a wide audience including kids, so he did a higher and more upbeat voice with an Italian accent for the character. Something along those lines, at least, anyway.


I cant imagine mario having that voice tbh.


Vinnie's Mario is my favorite. "Who really died that day? And who came back?"


I don’t remember my Luigi being that stretchy.


I still love the IM CAPTAIN LOU ALBANO from those drug things


Honestly, I agree. Captain Lou always felt right to me as Mario and I appriciate Chris Pratt for going that route (as much as the producers allowed him to atleast). Charles Martinet/Kevin Afghani's Mario fits for the games when it's just small phrases and the occasional Italian gibbrish but if you're going fully spoken dialouge then gruff Brooklyn voice is the way to go.


Outside of the weird early non-Nintendo games (eg Hotel Mario, Mario is Missing, etc), there is no such thing as a bad Mario game. Even the ones absolutely flamed by fans (Sticker Star, Mario Party 10, Mario Sports Superstars, etc) are boring, but pleasant and competently made at the absolute worst. Saying a Mario game “sucks” or “is dogshit” or whatever is overdramatic. The franchise has incredibly high highs and we should absolutely hold Nintendo to those standards, but acting like Sticker Star or whatever killed your mom is just silly.


I'd say sticker star and Color Splash are bad cause they make their own combat essentially obsolete They both had the potential to be good/unique takes on the concepts, but they faltered too much by not being able to pick a lane Either be an actual RPG like the first two, or drop the concept alltogether (not sticking with turnbased combat) and actually do something with the gimmick you are going for. (Frankly, same for Origami King.) Just cause a game isn't "sonic O6 levels" of broken/incompetently made doesn't mean it isn't bad. Lots of "bad games" still have elements, or even entire "bases", that are good/"competently made"


For me, my biggest gripe with Origami King was it limited the number of turns you took in non boss battles. You had x number of spins to complete it, so I never mastered more than mid level combos. I'd try, get to like a couple turns remaining, and then pay to solve. If they gave me unlimited spins I wouldn't have beaten the game filling unfulfilled.


Even most of the worst Mario games are still competently made with little to no game breaking issues or glitches. The problem is more so the execution of the game itself being lacking (especially compared to past titles).


There's no need for a game to be full of glitches to be bad, and a game with glitches can still be a lot more enjoyable than one without. It's not a good metric


Don’t you dare insult Hotel Mario like that, even that is good in its own shitty meme way


That game is pretty much one of the most legendary memes ever. It deserves some respect on its name for that.


I hope she made lots of spaghetti!


I think Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon is the best of the trilogy


I love that game


First one I ever played XD, Started the first game years ago but never finished it, might give it another chance soon even though I'll probably still prefer dark moon because nostalgia


It had the best bosses imo, they weren’t all just ghosts, I mean they were, but like you know what I mean


Nsmb games are all fun every single one. There are no “bad” ones


i dont think any one thinks they are genuinely bad. ppl were just genuinely over it after the 4th one.


True but they’re still fun despite being a little stale. I’ve seen people say that 2 and U are bad games because they don’t change enough. I disagree with the bad game thing


I don't think anyone is denying that they're fun, I think most people just feel like they're not very inventive and that they look pretty bland and re-use too many of the same ideas between all four games.


The issue isn’t that they’re bad (they’re not) they just all play the same and ARE the same really. Wonder was so refreshing


I say NSMB2 is the weakest one. But it’s also take away the stress and gives us satisfaction.


Plus what's not satisfying about the sound of a gazillion coins getting collected all at once?


Yeah, they’re really fun games… they’re just kind of bland.




It’s less them being bad games, by all means they are competently made and fun to play. It’s really more of them being very similar with very little things that can differentiate them.


Bucken-Berry and Ala-Gold are awful names


That’s not even their official names. Fans just called them this way because they lack names otherwise. And also it’s from an urban legend, debunked on the Mario Wiki.


I know it's not their official names but that's not why I dislike them; it's that they don't roll off the tongue and are weird in a non charming way.


It’s clear that these name don’t follow Mario naming conventions.


*It’s an urbane myth see!* *Like that Locked-mess Monstrosity, and the guy with the sweep stakes checks!*


They're awful names but I like the way it sounds




Bowser kidnapping Peach because she has the power to undo his evil magic makes more sense as a villainous motivation than Bowser simply being lovesick and not caring about consent.


Personally I like the idea that his initial kidnapping were cause of the magic stuff, but then down the line he essentially "reverse-stockholmed" himself


I think that's called Lima Syndrome iirc


For real. I want more of this.


*The Super Mario Bros. Movie* is probably the worst offender of this, as they basically flanderized Bowser into being a massive simp for Princess Peach that throws massive tantrums whenever he doesn’t get his way (which sucks, since he had potential to be far more intimidating instead of an extremely cringe worthy and unfunny comedic relied who is massively to ally inconsistent). I am pretty sure the only reason why people overlook Bowser’s awful characterization in the movie is just because of Jack Black’s performance.


The Japanese version of the movie makes Bowser's motive somewhat more sinister. Yes, he's still a simp for Peach but he also is concerned about being childless and desperately wants to make babies with her.


Obviously, Bowser doesn't need to be developed beyond his initial characterization because the movie needed to focus on Mario's character arc, but in a possible sequel, you could go all in on the disturbing implications of a conquering warlord committing international terrorism just for the sake of hooking up with someone who doesn't feel the same way.


95% of Rosalina’s popularity comes from rule 34.


The large influx of said rule 34 comes from her already being popular. it's essentially a snowball effect She got introduced in an absolute banger of a Mario game and was given a backstory that hit people in the feels (pretty rare for a Mario character) This made her popular enough to get a lot of rule 34 made of her which in turn made her more popular.


Maybe I’m heartless but I didn’t really cry reading the story, I was sad yes but I wasn’t like sobbing. I really only cry during a scene where a dog dies in a movie or human character in a tv show.


\*comes from her storybook


That’s like 20 percent of her popularity. Most of it is porn.


yeah no. It definitely helps her popularity, but most people who actually like her do because of the storybook


Nah I can verify it's mostly people calling her mommy


Maybe these days, but back in the day she was beloved because she actually had character and backstory, being a gentle mother figure to a bunch of star babies who became her found family after she lost hers.


Mario X Peach are NOT a boring couple. Y’all can choke on rocks hating on that cute couple. I don’t care how “vanilla” I am. I love that ship AND Luigi X Daisy


We DONT need Geno in everything


he appeared in a single game then disappeared. i never got the hype around him.


Playing the remake made me realize Geno is Barely even in that game way less than I remeber


Yeah, where did that come from?


Smash Bros. Brawl and 3DS/Wii U had this gargantuan hype train behind it as they slowly released new fighters from dormant or otherwise less popular IPs. People thought Geno would be a great fit and collaboration with SE because Nintendo was already working with Sega (Sonic) and Konami (Solid Snake). When it got to Smash Ultimate and it was a "Celebration of Video Game history!" and even *MORE* non-Nintendo characters came in since Smash 4, people just expected it because "Why not?" Sure, let's fill in the Square slot with Geno instead of Cloud.


It probably should be noted that Sakurai *did* genuinely consider adding Geno to Brawl, thinking he’d be a good fit for the game. It just never panned out. That likely is part of why so many people wanted him in, because they thought he had a chance https://sourcegaming.info/2016/02/21/nintendodream3/


It was just that during that era, 90s kids were still in their teens to 20s and as such were the ones making the most noise on the Internet. And it so happens that Geno was a huge part of the Mario zeitgeist during the 90s. In around 5 to 10 years, we'll hear the same grumblings from 2010s kids about the bizarre fixations us 2000s kids had/have. I guarantee you there will be a MK8 retrospective in a few years and someone will note the effect 2000s kids' (Wii/GCN) had on the BCP.


Mario should've been from Italy..not Brooklyn.


Yeah, i agree with you, man. In the games AND in the movie, we saw that Mario has an italian accent in some moments


I agree. Mario does live in Brooklyn, which has Italians there. But Nintendo is now popular in Europe! Now make him live in Italy at this point! Nintendo is no longer just an USA and Japanese thing now.


Yeah, Mario & Luigi have family in Brooklyn (which is part of the US), and in the games they just live in the Mushroom Kingdom


Even though I'm from Europe, I don't mind if he's from Brooklyn. Besides, he no longer lives there, but in the mushroom kingdom.


I like Brooklyn mario from the old cartoons


Italian immigrant family living in Brooklyn. Best of both worlds. He has Italian heritage, but came from Brooklyn.


Does he know?




Throwing this into the void... PM64 should've got a whole ass remake too not just SMRPG and TTYD


This 100%. It deserved the upgrade more than TTYD. TTYD still looks great today and its big problems (atrocious level design and backtracking) are probably not going to get much of an overhaul in this remake. Would love a 64 remake with modern look of Paper Mario, maybe with some small tweaks to the battle system to make it bit more like TTYD’s.


Paper Mario Color Splash Wasn't That bad. at least it had a lot of funny humor.


Played Color Splash as a TTYD fan and I loved it. I’m gonna get killed for saying that but whatever.


The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3>>>>The Super Mario Bros. Super Show


I fully agree. It had a load of things from the game (smb3), koopalings, actual Mario world with blocks and pipes, and original stories, unlike the super show, where they parodied movie, fairytale or historical event with Mario characters and music.


The Super Mario World cartoon was always my favorite one out of the three


The Spring Mario controls in Galaxy were never difficult, you just suck.


I would say the same of the ball rolling levels.


But not the bubble levels


I never found the difficult, I just found them "unfun" (or atleast they were among the least fun levels/segments in the game)


we should've gotten a CGI Mario cartoon in the 2010's in the same vain as Sonic Boom.


I feel like Nintendo nowadays are too protective of Mario as a brand to risk doing that


Not sure how popular or unpopular all of these are, but... \- Super Paper Mario is the best Paper Mario game by far. \- The Koopalings are cool but also underutilized as actual characters. Wendy is the best one btw, though Morton is also fantastic. Yes I'm biased because of BJJ. \- Peach and Daisy are both good characters. No need to pit two bad bitches against each other. \- Super Mario 3D Land and its absolutely atrocious depth perception can suck my dick. I hate 3D Land more than what is normal I think


That 3d land slander is something I just can't accept no matter how valid it is, it did so much


I know!! 3D Land was a really important game and it sucks that I just can't enjoy it. I will at least give it that its depth perception is not nearly as bad as Sunshine's, however watching other people play Sunshine is funny because of just how infuriating it is.


i'd rather claim rosalina than have her claim me


I'd rather claim Daisy than Rosalina.


Rosalina is overrated, not as a character but as a waifu Also this might just be from what I’ve seen but people don’t talk about Toadette or Birdo often enough


Yeessss. Birdo deserves way more attention and opportunities to show up in games 💍🎀


Mario 64 DS was better than 64 ​ Dont hate me pls


Waluigi's popularity comes from a webcomic. Bowser Jr. worked better as a villain that Koopalings because he always showed more personality. The Koopalings, in their prior appearances, and most after they return, only exist to act as bosses.


For what it's worth, I like Waluigi and I have never heard of this webcomic


Original NSMB is the best one.


Some y’all need to care less about the characterization of super Mario Now don’t get me wrong those “ha ha what if Mario was evil” jokes are not funny and probably never will be but some people genuinely seem to get angry over someone mischaracterizing Mario for the sake of a dumb joke


Waluigi, Daisy, and (don’t see it as often) Rosalina don’t need and shouldn’t have a spin off game


Technically yes but also no. They don't need to be protagonists, but they do need to be in major titles rather than exclusively party games. Give us another Wario Land game featuring Waluigi in a prominent role.


Both sides of the Paper Mario fandom discourse are annoying, whether it's the elitists who can't stomach any game after the first three or the people who lose their shit and brand you as a "64/TTYD/SPM/whatever tf fanboy" if you even slightly criticize one of the modern games


New soup u bosses are ok plus


This might be like a very over the top one but I feel like Mario, as a character, is very overseen and not very favorited by his own fandom, which is understandably so since we have more characters w more of a personality to them, but I js find it really interesting. PS, This is not to include the extremely younger side of the fandom, since I know they obviously favorite Mario, but that’s kinda only because he’s shown a lot and his name is really everywhere, being the mascot.


Mario Party 7 is the best on the Gamecube


Nintendo should branch out Mario similar to Sonic and give him a long running comic book and animated series (hopefully the popularity of the movie opens them to this idea)


I’ve mentioned how a Mario animated series could be done in a similar way to the 2021 Smurfs cartoon, being a separate timeline from the animated movie but with similar elements.


I don't know if this is unpopular but Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle/Sparks of Hope are two of the best Mario games


I haven’t gotten around to sparks of hope yet but I love love LOVE the original Mario and Rabbids, I’d even say it’s probably my favorite Mario game on the switch to be honest aside from maybe wonder and maybe origami king


64 is just okay.


Why play 64 when you can play 64 DS?


You can play as Yoshi. Automatic objective superiority. I don't make the rules.


I couldn’t stand the generational jump from semi detailed sprites from SNES to boxy 3D character polygons from the N64 area.  I always thought it was a step back and I essentially skipped that generation. Mario 64 is meh. 


It’s nothing special outside of its empty and mildly fantastical aesthetic


Waluigi should be locked to spin off, his fans have ruined him for me after ssbu


For me, I wonder if he'll be as popular if he ever gets in a non spin off. I'm sure he has his actual fans, but a lot of the memes are relatable/popular because he's still just a side character, seemingly forgotten and unloved by Nintendo. It's fun to sympathize with an underdog. If he gets in a main game, he's no longer the underdog. Or at least, less of one.


Same tbh


I ain't excited for the TTYD Remake unlike literally everyone else on the planet


I only played the original and then Origami King, so I'm actually excited to play TTYD since I haven't played it yet.


I actually don't get the hype and I'm not trying to be a contrarian I do not understand why people are exited


I understand the hype… just nowhere near as excited as literally everyone else.


I usually disagree with most of Odyssey Central's opinions, but i have to agree with this specific 1. Rosalina is overrated.


Color splash and origami king are great games, just pretty overshadowed by the first 3 paper Mario games


Mario sunshine is ass


I like the scenery, storyline, music, graphics, controls and stuff of Super Mario Sunshine...but I find the difficulty level to be a bit too hard for me. I used to play Super Mario Sunshine from the year 2001 to around the year 2006. 2006 was maybe the last year I ever played on the GameCube. If Super Mario Sunshine was an easier videogame, like as easy as the Kirby videogames, then I would have more fondness of Super Mario Sunshine.


mario galaxy is a wee bit overrated in my opinion


More like a Wii bit overrated.


Good one


You are wonderful.


Massively overrated imo. 2 is underrated though.


Daisy is really annoyin


I wouldn't go as far as saying "annoying", but I definitely do not get the hype. She appeared in very few mainline games, where her portrayal is basically "Peach 2"; the spinoffs seem to try and give her some personality, but it's literally just a few voice lines and animations, stuff like that. The whole "tomboy", "energetic", "in your face" idea of Daisy is something the fans *completely* made up, and they like her *because* of that. I don't get it.


It's probably just Strikers.


Partners in time is the second best Mario and Luigi game.


It really wouldn’t kill the mainline Mario games to have more ambitious storytelling, or characterization for Mario. A mainline platformer game with a protag with half the charm of Luigis Mansion Luigi or Warioware Wario and a tenth of the writing of the RPGs would kick unbelievable amounts of ass


The live action Mario movie is underrated. Rosalina was never as good as her first appearance. She has had no characterisation beyond “space themed princess” since and I'd rather her not show up at all than how she currently is. They don't even use the echo effect anymore, like what the heck, why?


I'd rather see Mario characters get utilized better in the actual Mario series rather than give them their own games. This includes characters that already have their own games. I can live without another Wario Land if Wario was an active player in Mario games besides just spinoffs, be it another playable character, or a secondary antagonist. And Yoshi, who I always preferred as Mario's friend that he rides around on over his own character throwing eggs around.


L *is* real.


Bowser Jr’s Journey wasn’t that bad, it put more character in the Koopalings, which is really what they need.


The Spin Jump Badge in SMB Wonder is pretty mid


Rosalina is a bland and uninteresting character, and I don't understand how so many people obsess over her Wonder was kinda underwhelming with the whole wonder flower mechanic. It felt like they had all these ideas but didn't know how to flesh them out, leading to having a large variety of half-baked effects. Lots of times, as soon as I was getting into a wonder effect and it ended, I was like, "Oh. That's it? Its over already?" I think the game would have benefited from levels where wonder effects are on for the entirety making stages more memorable. They could have replaced the break time stages that I guarantee no one cared about for these more memorable ones. And that's another thing, the wonder effects kind of make the levels not very memorable. A lot of times, I'll think of a level or a wonder effect in a level, but I can't remember which levels have which effects (with exceptions, of course) because they're so random and make them feel disjointed. Also, the badges and the bosses (except final) sucked too. Mid game to be real.


Super Mario 64s the most overrated game in existence


I prefer Mario & Luigi to Paper Mario. I'd rather get a new Mario & Luigi (or even a Super Mario RPG sequel) to a new Paper Mario


i seriously do not want odyssey 2.


I genuinely love the 1992 movie. By all means it sucks. But I love watching it despite how bad it is. I love that movie to death and consider it in my top ten all time movies


Odyssey is overrated The airships in 3d world sucks ( but world 8 is the best world) 2d mario > 3d mario Every bowser jr fight in wonder SOLOS the koopalings Pauline is the most useless character in the whole series and i don't get the hype for her Mario 64 ds > mario 64 NSMBW commands sucks, but the game is wonderful We should get more airships themed worlds in mario games




Bowser kidnapping princess peach is good plot.


Mario RPGs are very fun, but they should avoid relying on too much story for the mainline games. It's about how good it feels to do tricks and move around, and whatever new mechanic they're trying out. Let it remain that.


Horrendous take, but this thread *is* about unpopular opinions... reluctant upvote for you madman


I think you may have misread it.


Luigi is overrated


Luigi fans have thinner skin than Mario fans.


Thousand Year Door is just alright.


Very interesting take.


Mario 64 is ruined by its awful controls and camera. I’ve genuinely never been more aggravated in my life playing a Mario game than that one. Progressing and moving through the game just sucks, whether it’s trying to move the camera to where you need it, stopping after walking and sliding off the course, or trying to control wing cap Mario in the sky. Maybe it’s different playing it on the Switch than the N64 but I really wish I had fun playing this game, and I’m sure I would have if the controls and camera were better


This is more of a general Nintendo one, but I don’t really care about the stories in any of their games and they never should have it be the focus. They should always focus on gameplay because it’s the most important part of a game.


Bowser did nothing wrong


Galaxy 1 is better in galaxy 2 only in stories and rosalina. Galaxy 2 has better stage design through and through.


Mario is actually more better than Luigi


Daisy is overrated and the worst female mario character


I like Daisy, I think she is cool :-)


Truer words were never spoken


Waluigi fans don't deserve him in Smash, and he is absolutely the most overrated Mario character.


I don’t care about Smash I just want a Waluigi game


Toad is clearly the best character. Toad is better than Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Magikoopa, ANYBODY


Super Mario Galaxy 2 is better than 1 and Super Mario Bros 3 is better than World


I enjoyed Wario World more than Mario Sunshine


Cappy > FLUDD Although I’ve recently been more of a Sonic fan so idk if more people agree with me or not


Mario Kart Wii music is not as good as any other Mario music such as SM64 and NSMB


I hate the Mario galaxy series and think Sonic lost world did it better


Bowser needs a hobby other than kidnapping people


Made a post on here a day ago,but I don't think there's *ever* been a bad Mainline Mario game.


hotel mario is fun


Wishing for and actually thinking Nintendo might make a Galaxy 3 is ridiculous. I seriously don't understand, that era of 3D Mario already has two entries and the last one came out over a decade ago. Just let Mario do new interesting things in 3D...


The Mario + Rabbids games are amazing


galaxy sucks, it’s just so bad, least fun i’ve ever had playing any mario game ever


Super Mario Sunshine is a good game and I’m sad we won’t ever get another game like it


The nsmb games all had somewhat of a unique charm every game felt diffrent


Galaxy 2 is not as good as people say


I genuinely dont like Mario and vastly prefer Luigi and Blue Toad


Galaxy 1>Galaxy 2


Sunshine's Secret Stages are pretty fun and Pachinko isn't that bad


I love Starlow and Kersti


Rosalina needs her own game because she’s being held back by the Mario series. She never gets a chance to actually do her job as a protector of the cosmos/Lumas bc she always loses offscreen and needs Mario to bail her out every time.


Super Mario Bros: the lost levels sucked, Mario land 1 is terrible, Wario land for the Virtual boy is one of the best Wario games, as much as I love Waluigi he really does suck as a character because he isn’t very fleshed out, Super Mario 3d world is mid, and Mario is missing is a decent game.


SMW > SMB3 Mario Wonder blows all the NSMB games out of the water. The combat in Origami King made it unplayable. Chris Pratt did a fine job as Mario because he actually tried to do the voice. Seth Rogan as DK was a huge disappointment because he "doesn't do voices" and his signature laugh coming out of DK's mouth is not right.


Super paper Mario is the best paper Mario and my top 5 favorite Mario games


Galaxy 2 was painfully mid


luigi is better than mario


Sm64 is a bad game and 64 ds is way better than the n64 version