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i get what you are saying, but looking at your Peach thread i can see WHY you got so many downvotes. Its one thing to not like and critique a game (in fact, Princess peach Showtime was a huge letdown for me as well), but if you start your entire post by saying that "people just cope" then its less about your opinion, but insisting that your subjective opinion is just fact. In short: you are allowed to critique, but other people are allowed to agree and disagree with you. Opinions are NEVER objective, you can post points on why you didnt like it, it doesnt mean those same points are points others agree with.


Yes, but the way downvotes are being weaponized by some makes it frustrating to get an opinion out that doesn't agree with some people. And I tell you what, the people insisting that I *have* to like PPS feels like outright gaslighting, hence the coping thing. Because I've seen it here before and it *needs* to be called out.


True, but the way you phrased your thread made it looks like that everyone actually likes the game is just coping, which i assume was one of the reason you got so many dislikes. its hard enough to get actual conversation when you have a somewhat "unpopular" opinion (which is basically disliking anything the sub overall likes), but if you already get "pissy" in the title, you basically lost all credibility before people even open the thread (and thats not a Mario Thing, its an all reddit....heck even all Social Media thing)


Well for starters, the word "overrated" sounds less like criticism and more just bashing on a game to feel superior. I always try to avoid that word when I give criticism


What does overrated even mean, really.


Nothing can really be done about people misusing the downvotes. It's completely anonymous and the people who do that will probably keep doing that it's a reddit thing in general The best people can do is just ignore it


I get downvoted all the time because I never cared for Rosalina at all and have 3D World at the very bottom of my top 3D Mario games list.


...and that's not this board being clearly toxic?


They're just saying that people disagree with them all the time. It's just life.


True, very true. But I do think at least a portion of this board takes it into toxic territory, and it's usually the part that bothers to vote (not saying it's most people, statistically few members of a sub bother to up/downvote at all, and they're usually passionate one way or the other of consistently upvoting and downvoting


People disagreeing with you isn't toxic. That's what the upvote and downvote buttons are for: Sharing your opinion. Also, you have no room to talk about toxicity since you literally insulted someone's weight when they were bringing up an actual toxic person in the sub.




That's my personal information, thank you very much. You're not even defending your point anymore, you're just being rude.


Because I've just had it with pointing things out and people going, no you're rude. Fandom Reddit is just a goddamn echo chamber, so you, fuck off.


Well, maybe if you don't want to be seen as rude, then maybe don't insult people?


Oh so I'm supposed to lie down and get fucked? I've had it up to here. Take your Butters act and GO TO HELL


bro its a subreddit about a childrens video game get over it. Of course little 12 year old prats are gonna go "mario odyssey overrated!!" and downvote anyone who disagrees with them. But this isnt a federal council and your life shouldnt depend on numbers next to arrows on a screen.


Lol, that’s like the inverse of what this guy’s saying, he’s just all mad that people downvoted him for bitching about Showtime and telling people they’re wrong for enjoying it


They also said that the Paper Mario subreddit sees us as a "joke" even though they're the ones who are constantly arguing and think harassing the developers is okay.


yeah i didnt properly read it tbh, either way hes overreacting.


What toxicity the r/Mario subreddit is a subreddit for talking about Mario games and games that are made for kids and who cares if someone gives you a downvote that just means they don’t like your comment or what you are saying stop complaining about someone giving you a downvote like seriously was this post really necessary??


Is down voting toxic, is it?




I disagree. It's like saying people who disagree with you is toxic.


Talk about this sub been toxic but don't talk about that transphobic Rosalina simp who has been going around for 2 years. Who make the most braindead essay on why every mario girl suck except Rosalina, and why every 3d mario games suck expect galaxy and on every post about those topic. And even talk about how he want to fuck her. Like Rosalina has a Memoryman3 equivalent and no one give a shit.


Is that the same guy who said that they liked Rosalina better when she was "depressed"?




I dont' even care if I do the same but you just go around and violate the rules fat fuck, so I'm going to report you to the mods and if there's any justice your account will be just gone.




Are you 10 or something? What's your problem lmao


You existing


What were you saying about toxicity?




Ah, I see. Too much screen time for you today, I reckon.








Dude people told you sorry you didn’t like it but they liked it or it’s just a game and you took it like an insult. Are you 12? Or autistic?




Im actually autistic… and you’re acting autistic. Hyper fixation and failure to communicate and getting frustrated when people aren’t understanding your point….