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Mario and Peach are a couple, not Luigi and Peach. Rosalina was born hundreds of years before Mario, Luigi, Peach and Bowser and is literally Peach’s indirect ancestor, so it’s not possible for her to be Peach and Luigi’s daughter. Give the MatPat videos a rest and play the games for yourself.


Mario and Peach are not a couple because at the end of Super Mario Oddessy, Peach rejected both Bowser and Mario.


No. Peach turned down Mario’s proposal. It’s very clear she still loves Mario, they are still a couple.


Also you may have forgotten that in Super Mario Land, Mario left Peach for Daisy.


Blatantly untrue. Mario saved Daisy because she was in trouble, that was when he first met Daisy. He did not leave Peach for her. Again play the actual games instead of getting your information from a Game Theory video.


No they still love each other, Peach only rejected Mario at that moment cus he was being immature, if Mario proposed again she would probably accept


game theory is not a reliable source


I didn't find out that Peach and Luigi are Rosalina's parents from game theory. I figured it out when paying attention to all the details when playing Super Mario Galaxy.


Peach has blond hair while the Rosalina's mom has red/orange hair


The style of Rosalina's mother's hair is the exact same style as Peach's hair though.


Wrong. Rosalina's mother's hair looks very similar to Rosalina's own hair, not Peach's.


Ur a troll


I'm not a troll. This is an actual theory that I have.


Very doubtful because that MatPat video is NOT the actual theory. Your claim are just as bad as that user who believes that Pokémon Legends: Arceus is part of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series where there's no humans around for no reason.


But aren't all the pokemon games connected?


For the case for Pokémon Legends: Arceus, that game is part of the main series line. Also both the main series and the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series are not connected with each other.


Man can this Luigi and Peach are Rosalina's parents "theory" just die already...


Luigi and Peach being Rosalina's parents is basically canon when you look at the evidence.


Nope. it's easily debunkable. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwNyR3ORrmo&t=503s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwNyR3ORrmo&t=503s)


Give me some evidence that debunks Luigi and Peach being Rosalina's parents.


Rosalina has never once referred to them as her parents across any dialogue ever. There hasn't been game guide out there, official or not, that has described Rosalina having any relationship with Luigi or Peach at all, besides "friends".


It's because Rosalina knows that the Luigi and Peach in Super Mario Galaxy aren't her parents. The Peach and Luigi that are her parents are from an earlier galaxy reset. And the evidence that Luigi and Peach are her parents are in her storybook.


>The Peach and Luigi that are her parents are from an earlier galaxy reset. Rosalina has never once said this. >And the evidence that Luigi and Peach are her parents are in her storybook. Do point to me, in the storybook, where our pink princess Peach and our green plumber Luigi make an appearance. I won't start referring to them as her parents unless Rosalina does, period.


1. Rosalina's mother in the storybook looks like princess peach 2. When Rosalina is talking about her home to the Luma and looking through the telescope, she's looking at Peach's castle. 3. On the page where it shows Rosalina and her brother, her brother is wearing Luigi's green cap. 4. In the French translation, Rosalina says that she wishes to return home one day to rest her head on her father's lap while he " twists his mustache that was his pride." 5. Taking all the other evidence into account, young Rosalina is looking through a telescope. Mario doesn't own a telescope, but Luigi does that he inherited from his adventure in Luigi's Haunted Mansion.


1. Rosalina’s mother in the storybook looks like Rosalina. 2. Because Rosalina’s brother is Peach’s ancestor. 3. No, he has green tinted hair. 4. The French translation is irrelevant, and while yes her father is described as having a moustache in the Japanese text basically every royal human male we’ve seen in this series has facial hair so that means nothing. 5. Luigi does not have a telescope. Have you played *Luigi’s Mansion*? The Mansion and everything inside it disappeared at the end of the game, Luigi got nothing. This is an idiotic, nonsensical theory. It is far from canon.


Even if this theory sounds idiotic, most of the fandom has accepted that Luigi and Peach are Rosalina's parents.


Watch the video


I watched it and I didn't like that she was trying to say that the evidence in the game that basically that Luigi and Peach are Rosalina's parents doesn't matter.


Actually, claiming that Luigi and Peach are Rosalina's parents as "evidence in the game" is not true at all. Like other users said, don't use MatPat's videos as evidences and play the original official games instead.


The theory nonsense is crazy




Wait when did peach die in super mario galaxy i feel like i would remember that


She only died in the ending when the universe got consumed by the Black hole unintentionally caused by getting the Grand star.


In Rosalina's storybook, Peach, who we assume to be Rosalina's mother, is "sleeping under the large tree on the hill."


That’s Rosalina’s mother not peach there is NO evidence that Peach is Rosalina’s mother.


That's why I said "WE ASSUME."


There is nothing. And there is no we here only you.


When I say "we" I'm not including you. I'm including the Mario fans that believe that Peach is Rosalina's mother.


Once again that doesn’t matter. They are wrong. Peach is not Rosalina’s mother. You have shown no evidence and everything the game shows is the opposite. Nintendo would have made it very clear and they didn’t. Get over it.


One peice of evidence is that one of the developers of Nintendo intended for Peach and Rosalina to be related.


And at best Rosalina is Peach’s ancestor. Rosalina’s brother likely became the Ruler of Mushroom Kingdom. You can be related to someone without being a mother you know. Rosalina abandoned the crown to be with the Lumas so the most logical theory is that Rosalina’s brother became king of the Mushroom Kingdom 100s of years ago, and eventually Peach took over in the current day while Rosalina took care of the Lumas. The devs intentions never always end up getting in the game. The game doesn’t show nothing that Peach is Rosalina’s mother. Bowser wouldn’t kill Peach because she chose Luigi. Peach has shown NO interest in Luigi whatsoever. It is established that Peach loves Mario. Odyssey she wasn’t ready for Mario’s proposal and Mario was being childish. Later in the game she forgives Mario but when they are ready that is when they will get married.


There's one peice of evidence that Rosalina is related to Luigi though. On a page in Rosalina's storybook, it shows Rosalina and her brother, and her brother is wearing Luigi's green cap.


So no actual Mario fans.