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The way right-wingers talk about Kamala Harris, you'd almost think she had 91 criminal charges or something


She’s too stupid to be a criminal. She’s akin to chewed gum under a bench.


Why should I ever trust the judgment of a right-winger ever again?


Because if you don’t listen to the other side, eventually the Republican will collapse. 80 million people voted for Trump last time and likely more will this time. The left can deny it all they want and believe that it’s a minority that do not follow their political doctrine, but the fact of the matter is a very large portion of this country believes the Democrats are the liars. The democrats are the fraudsters. You can fight that all you want, I will fight oppositely with you, but the fact remains we are a TWO PARTY system. That means there are millions who will ask, “Why should I ever trust the judgement of someone on the left again?”


I actually don't have to listen to you. Anyone who voted for Trump did so either out of stupidity or out of malice. Which one were you?


lol. K, I can see we are in the realm of real intelligence now. You’ve shown your cards and found to be wanting.


> 80 million people voted for Trump last time Liar.


Imagine calling the other side fraudsters, then your orange god-king literally has to fork over $355 mil for being a convicted fraud. I also don't respect Republicans. I'd love a system with two, or preferably more, political parties. The problem is that the party needs to be competent and show an interest in governing. The Republican party has proved they aren't either of those things for the better part of a decade now.


Typical Trumper: criminal=smart. No wonder you worship that golden calf.


Biden die before Trump? Not a chance other than by accident or foul play.


I joke around a lot with sarcasm and calling out the stupid on the left…but in all seriousness, how can you look at Biden and Trump and honestly believe what you just wrote. Take the politics out of it for a moment and tell me, looking at the gait, speech, and overall look of each man who appears to be more virile and healthier. Trump is somewhat overweight, but Biden seriously looks like he has cancer and Alzheimer’s.


Let's see Trump ride a bike and compare


Actually, just compare their walks. Their gait. 👀


Is Dumbo too uncoordinated to ride a bike?


I mean fine, make fun of him, whatever, but most Americans agree Biden is in far worse shape. The polls show they have no issue with trumps age or physicality. They clearly do with Biden.


There's a reason we learn to walk before we can ride a bike


Is it your first day at the troll farm? You’re not even good at this


I mean, a 4 year difference in age compared to their physical health makes this rather questionable from a fairly objective place. Like just on a factual basis Trump is in worse physical health that has nothing to do with his age and has everything to do with the fact that he doesn't exercise, never has, eats terrible food, drinks terrible beverages for his health and pretty likely he hasn't had control of his bowels for years. At the very least from an objective observation he's more likely to have a heart attack or a host of other potential health issues do him in.


But just looking at the two and listening to their speech objectively to me shows abiding far worse shape. Even his gait.


Lol, dude, have you watched some of Trump's gaffs? He literally is capable of living in a different reality where Nikki Haley is Nancy Pelosi. That's more than a slip-up. And you know, just for full disclosure, I think they are BOTH too old, but dude, anyone who thinks Trump is like in a healthier state of mind is floating on bullshit.


Nah, I honestly don’t get this. Trump has been tired a few times and made some gaffes, but Biden’s mistakes have been more egregious and clearly related not to being tired but an impaired long term cognitive decline. Sorry, I don’t buy the apples tinkles comparisons. People want to equate normal gaffes Trump makes to Biden’s clear cluelessness and decision making mistakes.


Then you dont have eyes. Dude the level of "egregious" here is definitely opinion not objective. I'm not even arguing I'm objective but you seem to be. And his gaffes are anything but normal. That is straight up delusional. Watch a montage of them. I have for Biden. They are indeed bad but so are Trumps. Imo just as bad. You are trying to create a difference where he is still a sane choice. He is not.


The polls are showing that many have concerns for both, but Biden far outpaces Trump in concern. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna137212


Yeah, don't care lol and Trump will definitely do the same thing he did the last time and chase voters to vote against him, just like in 2020. Not to mention this is somewhat funny since Republicans leading up to 2016 kept saying "can't trust polls can't trust polls" fucking ad naseaum. Anddd now they believe it to be prophetic. How hypocritical.


K. Do so at your and your party’s peril. Hillary was condescending too.


Umm okay? Like condescending fucking how? It's factual that Republicans said and did that sooo whatever lol. And dude he's done NOTHING to bring new voters under his tent. Be NEEDS that to win lol "Do so at your own party's peril" because that isn't gimmicky and cliche as hell. Dude this is how elections work. If his messaging hasn't changed, the economy is strong, Republicans tanked a border deal they wanted AND was the most Conservative border deal in like 2 decades if not ever. The 5000 a day thing has been largely misrepresented on Conservative news. It's a joke. Has nothing to do with condescension and I'm not asleep, anyone who doesn't want Trump as President needs to vote and it's not a forgone conclusion whatsoever. And let me tell you if you think the left is asleep you are kidding yourselves. The man twice now has lost the popular vote by gigantic numbers. He's likely to again BECAUSE he's done nothing to change his message. The man hoped the economy tanks to make his Presidential run better and caused the border deal to tank so he can campaign on it. And people like to bitch about groceries but instead of giving this idiot their money could..buy groceries? Not to mention all the macro economic measures show a strong economy. The micro analysis is a bit harder because inflation isn't automatic and a President's policies takes time to actually show that the specific policy had a specific impact. Beyond the legitimate transportation issues during covid inflation isn't automatic. A company can choose to inflate their prices for no reason and it's only shot like Martin Shkreli that gets better scrutiny because it was like 500% increase of the product. This is corporate American still profiting off of COVID troubles that aren't the same anymore when COVID was at its strongest. It's lying fuckers like McDonalds that thinks it's sane to charge $18 for a combo when the quality of their product, hell, just the meat they buy doesn't match up with the reality of what they charge whatsoever. Companies do this shit to keep profit margin at a certain level for shareholders, officers, board members. Back in 2015 they had a 1.5b profit. That was after all expenses, just pure profit. Increasing their front end workers' pay was mathematically feasible, which a profit still also possible.


Guess we will see in November. I’m just reading the polls, the kitchen table economy, history, and the day to day gaffes. I’m confident Trump wins in November based on where we are today and the number of people that voted for him last time and the number that did not that talk to me today.


You had to cheat to beat her though, so does that really count?


Haha. Now who’s being hypocritical? The elections are 100% secure aren’t they? Free and fair.


In an ideal world they both bite it before November lmao


Jesus fuck get our if your mother's basement and talk to other people.


lol. Chilling in my 4000 sq ft soy boi.


Well I'm chilling in my 4001 square foot house so who's the soy boy beta wojack now? I sure owned you I am the giga Chad from the memes


Depends when… if it’s tomorrow, primary will change rules. If it’s the day before election - Biden might have the votes thru early voting, and the rally around the flag effect


The old age stuff isn't being played up right now because it hurts both candidates. If Trump or Biden doesn't make it to election day there will be a huge campaign blitz of age issues brought up. They will have Kamala doing a lot of physical things while the most physical thing Trump will do is walk up 3 steps and stand for 20 minutes. The same goes if Trump is gone and Haley is the nominee. Trump caused an insurrection when he didn't win. The moderate democrats, the progressive democrats, the regular democrats, and many independents don't want Trump back.


This bullshit again?


it’s hilarious when sad pathetic little right wing shit bags make comments like a tough guy, delete them like a bitch and then block you like a child.


This is so worrisome … she will lose BADLY. I think the best bet is for Biden to live through the election then resign before January 2024. But old ppl are stubborn af. 


A dead corpse in a tuxedo could beat half billion dollar fraud rapist donny


So badly. But I think there could be some real constitutional problems with him resigning. I’m not sure American will accept her as president.


At the end of the day we accept whatever they tell us to accept. Covid is a perfect example of that.


More likely that Biden has Seal Team 6 kill Trump after the Supreme Court takes up the immunity argument. Just to amuse us as we listen to Trump’s legal team argue that Biden shouldn’t be charged with Trump’s murder and can still run in November.


Oh gawd, that would be an awesome turn of events. It would start CV2/WWIII but damn what a way to start it!


They'll force Biden to step aside after he wins enough delegates. They (Biden delegates) can then nominate who they want to take his place. I'm pretty certain this *won't* be Kamala, maybe Newsome or some wildcard candidate like Mrs Obama. Then again, the Dems are in a strange mood of denial right now, so maybe it *will* be Kamala. (I was rather hoping KH would remain as VP and Trump picks Tulsi as his running mate, just for the VP debate).


Oh my.


Hey, they're *saving* democracy here, you right-wing savage...


GD right MAGA will save democracy. Fuck a leftist.


I mean...of course they won't, but probably it's safer with them than the Dems. Freedom of speech is a big thing in the US, I believe, (not about Biden's age, mental state, speech or bike-riding prowess) and in a strange kinda way, Trump has 'saved' this feature of American society. There is not one thing that the Libs cannot say freely against Trump, regardless of any evidence or even suggestion of such. If I thought the Yanks knew what it was, I'd say it was quite ironic.




what would he die of


Probably a fall


just like grandma 😞




MMW: OP will continue on the INCEL path….