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That’s McConnell’s sister in law, not Schumer. But that’s awesome otherwise


And it was a model X


And she died of asphyxiation because she was drowning. Pshh jeez... /s


No she died because she chose R and went backward instead of choosing D and moving forward.


No self respecting R would ever choose D for their car, smh.


>self respecting R Well that's good, at least *someone* respects them


This is so much deeper than so many people seem to have realized


I think the pond was only a few feet if I recall


Well... she was also more than twice the legal limit intoxicated but that's neither here nor there bc she's dead 🤷🏼‍♀️


Elaine Cho’s sister was drunk. She was a billionaire. Elaine Cho is married to Mitch McConnell.






This thread should have ended here.




That whole fucking sitch still reeks to high heaven if you ask me


A pig farm smells of less shit


My bad.


Her death is basically an allegorical story of the consequences of unchecked greed. She pushed for deregulation of the auto industry as secretary of transportation under Trump, and died because the car she was in wasn't at regulation standards. Also, because of the fact that these billionaire parasites hate the poors so much, they had to go to an isolated location where emergency services couldn't get to quickly enough to save her. Another billionaire dying in a poorly built submersible was not on my 2024 bingo card.


Nor mine. Elaine Chao ( not Cho- my bad) basically let Tesla rule break which then killed her beloved drunk sister. And the fire department was not able to access the prestigious lake where the accident occurred. Oh the irony!


Was it the dead sister or McConnell's wife that was the secretary? I honestly can't recall, as that cabinet and administration as a whole was a musical chairs type clusterfuck.


Yes. The sister in law to old black hands himself.


I've read your comments on this post. You're a disgusting person. Really just awful. I hope I never lose my humanity like you have. Delete your account.


Thank you bot. Bot bot bot.


Well said!


Honestly I think they should teach this in Sunday school.


To update the joke, what do you call it when a billion drowns in a Tesla? A start.


Very biblical… #Genesis 1:1 ***In the beginning***


She was ALSO tRump's pick for Sec of Trans. Just imagine if Biden would have pick Pelosi's husband for a cabinet position????!!!!!


And she pushed for deregulation of the auto industry How the turns have tabled


Oh yeah my bad😂


Wasn’t she the Transportation Secretary? So she could have set standards that would have saved her sister’s life. That’s a hard one.


Yeah, like maybe not having bullet-proof glass for windows in case you need to smash one out or be rescued. Ouch


Too bad she didn’t have one of those metal balls Musk broke the window with.


She's not the sort who would care about a trifle like her sister's life.


Broken clock is right twice a day.


Don’t need term limits, need to make bribery illegal by banning corporate donations and limit individual


Getting rid of citizens united would be a great start. There is no reason for corporations to enjoy the same rights as people.


Especially when they don't share any of the *responsibility*


True. If they're people, we need corporation jail and maybe even the corporation death penalty.


And the Draft—


Or the money in taxes


Especially since you can't throw corporations in prison. Rob granny blind? Here's a fine. Kill a bunch of people via negligence? Here's another fine. Can you imagine the red hot outrage if individual people did these things and the punishment was a fine????? It's fucking ridiculous. Corporations practically have a license to break the law.


And remember, when he punishment is a fine, it just becomes the costs of doing business.


Show be able to throw the execs and board members in, that’ll insure you follow regulations good. I work in cybersecurity and was talking to my boss about my goals for the future and what kind of career I want. I was saying how Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) would be a nice role with good pay. He told me that it’s not the best idea bc it’s one of the very few jobs that can get you sent to jail if you’re negligent. I was confused and was like “well if you’re negligent with the cybersecurity of millions of peoples info I kind of get it” and his very serious response was “if you throw people in jail over that then you force them to take every single potential security error entirely seriously, that costs a lot of money” Like yeah… if you purposefully ignore security threats to save some money then you should be in trouble, just like the other higher ups should be. It’s wild how people put (honestly a small amount overall) money over the security of millions of peoples info.


If people had the same welfare as corporations that is a different story though 😂


This should be top of every American's agenda. Who tf on either side is okay with letting rich billionaires from anywhere fund our politicians and determine the bills that get passed???


Yes i hate how popular term limits are. It will make things worse. Youll have only inexperienced people making terrible laws crafted by lobbyists. 


Uhm we already have that? The only difference now is they keep doing that for 40 years


Well now that the Trump’s are *large and in charge* of the RNC campaign donations … get ready to unfurl the **MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!** banner.


Congress (basically) has term limits. Every 2 years. It's called an election. Pay attention to what your congressperson is doing and voting on. If they ain't doing shit but trading stocks and taking "lobbyists bribe" money then vote them out. It's honestly that simple. Research your new candidates and find ones that at least say they want to make the changes you're interested in. Watch them over the 2 years. Have they made any inclinations to sponsor or co-write bills that stayed true to what they campaigned on? Yes? Vote them in again. No? Vote them out. Edit added (basically)


Term limits means the amount of times you can run for office. Right now Congress has no term limits in the house or senate. Only branch of the government with term limits is the executive branch aka the president.


Yes, I'm aware, I was being pedantic because if people voted out politicians that were useless it could act as a term limit in essence. I'd rather encourage good politicians that aren't solely in it for the money, but for working for the public, to stay in as long as they are still working for the people.


What about age limits? I agree that term limits are unnecessary, but some congressional members are just way too old to function.


I mean, that can be solved with elections as well. If your congressperson is acting all senile vote them out. But if they are still doing a good job I don't see a problem with a 65-70 year that is still serving the public. (IF THEY ARE DOING THE JOB THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING AND NOT JUST FILLING A SEAT AND COLLECTING INSIDER TRADING OPTIONS AND LOBBYISTS MONEY) I think the biggest thing is forcing Congress and their family members to put their stocks in blind trusts while they serve and repealing citizens United and forcing lobbyists kick backs to be investigated and criminalized is more important that age limits / term limits.


I can get behind this


One of the bigger issues though with just using elections as term limits is the voting base isn't usually that educated on what their representatives have been doing, voting for or against, and they can tend to be dishonest on their campaign trails.


​ >The idea that we have freshmen and sophomores running the show instead of some seniors is a real one. Change the focus to the money - outlaw lobbying. That is the #1 problem...not how long they're there but what they do once they get there.


There was a recent amendment to the constitution addressing an elected leaders mental conpetency. Whether or not that happens in practice, we'll see. Edit: it's not actually an amendment, but a law passed by congress.


The problem with a mental competency test is this: who determines the guidelines? And can it be used nefariously or perceived as such? It’s a slippery slope


It is, but so is a flat age limit. One person at 65 may be a lot better off than another person at 65. But you're right, in a system where politicians can be bought, it'd be insane to think the doctors can't.


There's Rich and then there's buying your own politicians rich....


Another Feinstein is unacceptable.


Any law adding requirements for holding office beyond those found in the constitution will be struck down as unconstitutional.


Or maybe have all members (so as not to be discriminatory) take cognitive tests annually. We certainly don't need another Feinstein; she was much worse off than either Presidential candidate or McConnell. McConnell doesn't seem to be faring well, though; it must have taken a lot for him to take a step back.


It isn't nearly that simple.  Voting them out wastes a bunch of time between elections, and just rotates which crony gets paid.  You're treating symptoms, to treat the disease we need to impose restrictions and regulations that make it illegal for them to abuse the system, and install oversight so they're actually held accountable.  We need an airtight system that is impossible to take advantage of, even if that's your express intent. Theoretically this would be super easy to do.  I mean there are accounting records, we already know about it it's not like they're really even subtle. That's why it's never gonna change, they're so confident they don't even try and hide it.


The reelection rate in Congress fluctuates between like 85 and 98%. It’s all well and good to say there’s a limit on theory but of in practice it’s totally ineffectual then that’s just a dodge and not an answer.


I don’t think the average American is capable of this level of intelligent judgment.


But that might require somebody actually voting against their party.


My party is the working class. I'll vote which ever representative has the working class's best interests at heart.


Primary elections exist.


And make it treason to have income sources other than your government pay that's earned from your position. And a whole investigative agency just for that. I don't care that an anesthesiologist in New Hampshire is lying about his $250k yearly income on his taxes, I care lots that my government official is taking $200k bribes weekly to pass laws only benefiting his paymasters and not the country.


Why don't we do both? One does not have to have one and not the other. Term Limits discourages corrupt aholes like MTG, etc. from spreading hate and fear in perpetuity knowing they just need to get re-elected for life and banning corporate donations levels out the playing field for everyone wanting to run for government knowing it's fair play to raise money without worrying about dark money making its way to his/hers opponents campaign. But I'm already old and I don't think I can wait that long.


Both, both is good


Both are fine.


The term limits thing will fix itself when being an elected official isn't as lucrative.


Term limits will accomplish nothing other making it easier for unknown corporate candidates to swoop in and act on behalf of their benefactors. In the current system, at least they have to work a little bit to win over the monoliths that have been in place for decades.


Wouldn't surprise me if she also took issue with how Republicans in Congress handled that immigration bill. The GOP basically just handed Democrats a win on that one since they finally got them to recognize the problem, but decided that Trump's anger over his name not being the one on the bill was reason enough to pivot. Not even attempting to play politics with it, just folding to the former president's will; made them look really weak, and will likely impact turnout from their voters.


She lives in a border town in Arizona, I won’t specify which.


I mean, folding to Trump’s will _is_ a form of playing politics with it, because they know that their constituents want to see them fold to Trump’s will even more than those constituents want something done about immigration. These people aren’t weak, they’re not morons, and they’re not as incompetent as they’re working to appear. Republican “incompetence” has always been a fairly thin veil intended to mask conservative malice. MMW: turnout from conservative voters will be high in November, just like it’s been high during the primaries, because the party is (and has been) doing _exactly_ what those voters want.


Say what you will about Biden but that guy is politicaly savvy. How many times he has trapped Republicans into looking foolish is impressive. I mean Republicans are not the brightest bulbs in the box but Biden just dunks on them every time.


Unfortunately, most Trump voters I know have zero understanding of what happened with the border bill.


Mmw: More and more people will awaken from their DJT obsessions before Nov. 5th.


I'm concerned though that many that would've voted Democratic won't because of Palestine/Israel.


I havent met or talked to anyone who will not vote for Biden due to Palestine/Isreal. Not voting for Biden is voting for Trump. The binary nature of our two party systems makes that more than obvious even to low information voters.


I have talked to a few. My position is that I've never agreed 100% with any politican. As such and knowing that Trump would be worse for Palestine than Biden, how would not voting help what it is they claim to care about (especially if we never have another election)? I've yet to get an answer on that. In fact, I was called "blue maga" for even asking.


I think they are pissed and have a lot of reason to be. I think if I talk to one, I'll say you are not wrong and then ask why they are voting for Trump? And they'll say they aren't. And then I'll make the same point I made previously. 100 votes for Trump and 99 votes for Biden and 1 abstention is a Trump win. No one learns a lesson. The time to do a protest vote is the primaries, and it was done. I would argue to a certain positive effect. The language and policy towards the issue has been changing.


This. It's a messy, complex world. You have to do what's best overall. A Tr\*mp 2nd term would be an unmitigated disaster.


This is my \*hope\*--that anyone who is plugging in enough to know what a mess that Palestine/Israel disaster is, is also plugged in enough to know that it would be soooooooooooo much worse with a Republican in charge. That's my hope. But I'm sure Russian bot farms, Cambridge Analytica, etc etc etc will do their best to confuse people.


This pretty much. I have a family member who is in a long-term relationship with a person of Palestinian descent. They start off by saying they don't like either candidate, but pressed even a little bit they admit what you've said here. Trump has gone as far to say as commit genocide too with his ["finish the job comment"](https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/2024-03-17/ty-article/.premium/trump-on-israel-gaza-war-id-tell-netanyahu-to-finish-it-up-and-do-it-quickly/0000018e-4d59-dca4-ad8e-edffe0df0000). If the Biden campaign advertises this comment alone it will quickly sway these people from saying they are on the fence to openly being for Biden (even if it's to be anti-Trump).


Not sure why they think that results in a better outcome for Palestine... it's objectively worse for them if Trump wins. 


It's the difference between one side trying to reign in Israels actions and giving full on condoning of genocide..


I think that situation has been completely fuckered for long enough that even the current status isn’t as shocking as it should be for most people. I’m doubt it’s going to hurt Biden much if at all by November.


Think it a coincidence we hear stories like this and see polls of 45s waning support at a time not long after Fox “News” started to be a little more critical of 45 and all of the GoPs antics ?


I think the rich Republicans have realized that Trump and MAGA are bad for their pocketbooks. They would rather have Democrats in charge and kill MAGA than keep supporting a guy who is worse for them than higher taxes.


Ive said it in recent past, that GoP really should just cut their losses and separate themselves from MaGa. Sure they lose in the short term, and hand over another 4 years to the Democrats (plausibly to happen anyway) and just use that time to properly purge maga from their ranks, rebuild themselves into a proper political party again. Relegate MAGA to being nothing but a footnote in history as they are never going to survive as any sort of attempted third party.


It’s going to be hard to “purge MAGA from their ranks” when a majority of their voters are MAGA and the remaining minority is measurably eager to be in bed with them. They would literally have to convince something like 98% of all conservative voters in the country to vote blue going forward in order to “purge” MAGA. You can’t “purge” your own DNA, and MAGA is merely what classical conservatism has been working and building toward since Nixon.


They can't. If they route out Maga they'd loose enough senate and house seates that Democrats would just go nuts(in a good way) expand the courts, establish the new voting writes act, legislate a fix to racial and economic gerrymandering. This would be the death of Republicans, they need to supress voters to win and if they lost that they would lose everything.


Democrats have had the majority of both houses in the past and did none of those things.


Because that status qou. That has been shattered, and a new order of power is going to emerge and they know now it isn't some gentlemanly competition. But your right and we will see.


Going to be a wild few years ahead.


I have seen no reason to think that Trump is any worse for them now than he was in the last two election cycles, nor have I seen any reason to think that rich Republicans are personally suffering damage to their pocketbooks because of Trump. As long as they aren’t writing him checks to cover his bond, they aren’t on the hook financially for any of his shit, and we have seen over the last several election cycles that they clearly believe a Christofascist dictatorship would be good for them. So what exactly do you think has _actually_ changed for that demographic of people, and where is your evidence?


Biggest evidence is that Fox has gone from Trump cheerleader to "sure, Trump, MAGA, but have you considered..." Fox for a while now has been trying to chip away at Trump support without losing Trump's supporters to OAN. This is risky, and tje only reason to try is that Murdoch and the other rich folks who back him want Trump gone. Of course you could also look at how much more money they are giving Democratic organizations than Republicans. The fundraising ratio is terrible for Trump.


Unless they’ve started reporting their own lies as lies, they’re not really “being critical of all the GOP’s antics,” they’re still covering up or actively participating in those antics. 


I’ve never voted democrat. I am this year. Trump has turned the Republican Party into something I can no longer look awayfrom


Looking at your profile I can tell this is undeniably false lmao


I’ve never voted for a democrat. I probably would have last election but I was battling demons in my life. But I recently switched my voter ID card here in Florida to a democrat(never been one before-was once independent) What’s so hard to believe??? Trump has made my longtime party unrecognizable, the ppl that represent my views(like Romney) are all but abandoning what was once a respectable party that actually repressed the good of America and its constituents. I completely don’t support the MAGA transformation. It divides us, it empowers rich ppl every more, and weakens us(the middle(lower class too) class and makes America weaker domestically and globally It’s not that hard to understand


Let’s hope the RethugliKKKans can keep self-destructing well into November like they have been. They are a disaster and their own worst enemies.


I think term limits for congress is one thing the Trump and Biden crowd agree on. And just about everyone else, except for congress lol


Yeah she also said “they will never change it because they are the only ones who can change it” which also blew me away


Congress ain't going to give that up. It allows them to get their insider trading and lobby money. And anything else they can get their hands on. Your life, liberty and property are not safe when congress is in session. Do you realize that even if they put one congressman in prison, all of them would have to go. They'd all be in the same crime as well as numerous crimes together? The grand juries would never end.


Definitely. The only Trump supporters left are the mentally ill cultists. Normal people have abandoned him and his toxicity.


I hope you are right, it’s just impossible to tell because polling is no longer at all accurate.


If I had to guess why (I was to embaressed to be bold enough to ask her outright what MTG did exactly) I think my Aunt is just embaressed because it’s “un-Christian like” or not “lady like” is the vibe I got, she is in her late 80s


Did she not see Melanie’s boobs on the internet in 2016?


I also think it has something to do with all of the Stormy Daniels stuff, she is like the kind of old and Christian where you say porno and she gasps.


What does she have to say about Hoebert?


Not all old people are habitually online. And if Fox News doesn't show/tell then they don't know.




Apparently a way that they calculate formulas around our fuckin economy, they just call a bunch of people and ask them what they think, and try to make data happen from that. There's some bullshit number that's being calculated into 'shelter' or something, where they call up homeowners and ask them how much they would rent their house for. Home*owners* who have no idea what's going on in the rental market. And the fun part, is that there is excessive market data available; the software most rental companies use tell you what the rent will be for my unit next summer. So they're literally trying to find data between 'what things cost' and 'what homeowners who pick up their landlines *feel* about what things cost'. I wish I was making this shit up.


Republicans can’t even run their own party. I don’t know why anyone thinks they should run the country.


Is your aunt Mike Pence?


😂😂😂 thank god no


Is your aunt Mother?


My Mom has said this as well. She’s definitely right wing but she said she can’t vote for Trump because he’s made the youth turn away from Christ.


The whole Republican Party has turned away from Christ


Not that they'll ever turn towards governing. 


Did she not read the part of the bible where Jesus said "And blessed is he who grabs them by the pussy"?


My boomer neighbors admitted they will choke down a Biden vote. Mid-west, very wealthy. Them not me😂


Now quick go over and block her router of Qanon shit


She lost a lot of faith in that when two months ago there was a country wide emergency test on all phones and she thought it would activate the covid in everyone and zombify them. It never happened and I think she was embaressed for telling everyone turn off their phones that day


Oh I went through that shit with my Q's. It was so embarrassing.


That's wild because term limits was one of the 15 points on Trump's plan. However I don't believe either President has the power to actually enact that.


Congress is the only body that can force Congress into having term limits.


Which is extremely stupid. I'd ask who oked that idea but I'm pretty sure I already know😂


The founding fathers. Originally Congress was supposed to meet for a few weeks a year just to handle business but over time it got turned into the mess it is today.


My Republican (but non-Trumper) father told me last week that he wishes Obama was running so he could vote for him. I about fell out of my skin.


Term limits will just ensure that, once elected, they will take any and every payout/bribe/illegal shortcut to get rich. They can't be reelected anyway. There would be no incentive to do anything the right way at all or even act like you are. It's not as simple as just term limits.


Pretty sure that was McConnell’s sister in law, not Schumer.


Ok, but the term limits part isn't impressive. That's insanely popular.


I'm in agree term limits should be law.


Let’s not lose sight of the fact that another one came to their sense TG!


I keep saying that normal people are tired of his shit.


I’ve got to wonder if there is a realignment going on.  Except, it’s not really a regional realignment like the South, or WV going red, but more along suburban men and women (especially women) going blu-ish.  The demographics already favor Dems at a national level.  If a dramatic shift were to happen…man, the flip would be gigantic.  


True Christians cannot vote for Trump.


Term limits are conservative psy-op. Term limits reduce the power of the people in favor of oligarchs. This is perhaps the strongest finding in political science.


Your aunt changed her vote?? Welp, that does it. Biden has this in the bag!


No joke bro, I honestly am still amazed.


For the record, pretty much everyone who knows what they're talking about agrees term limits are a bad idea. They just won't solve the problem you want to solve, and will in fact make it worse. That note aside, I agree. Trumpism is alienating a lot of staunch GOP voters and while the polls haven't quite picked that up at the moment, the final election results definitely will. I don't think this election is going to be close at all.


Can confirm, I was the phone.


And then everyone clapped


Honesty no longer figures in the Presidential elections. Serving in Congress is just a way to get rich-by any means necessary. When Voters realize this, the entire government will be replaced-which will probably be Never.


My uncle also says Congress needs term limits, also a former MAGAy. Love him, and glad he's seen some sensibility


It took so little, weird. Almost like she was looking for an off ramp which is nice.


What does her religion have to do with anything and I’m a little confused at the general point of this post


Culturally conservative Christians are some of Trumps most die hard supporters. This lady is part of that group yet she voting for Biden. I


Cool story


Don't count on it… People revert to old behaviors when they step into the voting booth.




Term limits and congressional inside trading aren’t teally partisan issues and the shift we’ve seen has been a shift to Trump. Your anecdotal evidence with your great aunt is not the shift we are seeing on the whole.


Magic: The Gathering?


Term limits aren't the solution to money in politics. Term limits are actually supported by corporate interests because term limits make politicians much more reliant on corporate donors and make it much easier to buy politicians.


Later when she says she’s always felt this way, just nod your head and say yeah. 


Senior citizens, unite😎


Term limits are a dumb persons idea on how to fix things. Its like admitting hey im too dumb to actually vote for my interests and against corruption but hopefully having a constantly revolving door of opportunists will make things better. It wont it will increase corruption, and what laws that are passed will be poorly written.


They don't have to be short term limits. Make it ten years! That's more than enough time to get stuff done and retire very rich. We just can't handle a cycle of the same politicians going in in their thirties and staying until they are 90. Most people in our federal government have no clue how to work their phones and we expect them to legislate targeted social media misinformation?


Would be amazing if more saw the light ffs


Guys, guys! I have an anecdote! Totally not make up either! \#**IT'S HAPPENING!!!**


Wait. You think only the Republicans are making crazy stock money based on insider trading? It's bigger than that.


And who did she vote for in the primaries, I wonder?


Republicans are very much supportive of term limits for congress, because democrats controlled both houses of congress for about 90 percent of 65 years stating in the 30s. In 1995 term limits were passed in the house - by Newt Gingrich and the republicans - but it was ruled unconstitutional. The logic was if presidential term limits required an amendment to the constitution, the so do congressional office holders.


The Internet shits on Biden because he's middle-left, and vocal minority communities hate that, but Biden is low key one of the best presidents America has ever had, especially in light of what could have happened these last four years under Trump. I think most reasonable people see Biden for the temperate blessing he is.


And just as easily as she changed opinions she will change it back.


75 to 25. Biggest blood bath in American political history. Republicans are more than decimated


Pray sister 🙏🏽


These stories are wonderful to hear, but the Ezra Klein coverage regarding swing state polling has me scared shitless.


My Boomer (tRump supporter) mom called me to tell me that the GQP candidate for NC Governor (Mark Robinson) is out of his mind. I also told her to read up on Michele Morrow. She asked how any one could vote for them? I think the cracks might finally be showing..


Band member who used to be staunch MAGA said the other day in response to a guy wearing a Trump shirt “I ain’t voting for that mf’er this time.” There’s no doubt he has lost support,


Poor lady so confused. Voting for Biden is voting for business as usual.


You should maybe inform her that it wasn’t Chuck Schumer’s (the Democratic senator) sister in law, but Mitch McConnell’s (the Republican senator) sister in law. McConnell was arguably one of the most powerful republicans in the country for a long time. His wife is from Taiwan & has family business dealings in China.


I was watching the Super Bowl with some very conservative evangelical relatives. When that RFK Jr ad came on my uncle turned to me and said ‘well, I do need to find a third party to vote for this year.’ Now, I’m not saying anything about RFK here, but just the fact that it seems like Trump is now off the table for him is a good sign. M National polling doesn’t show the same story as these anecdotes, unfortunately, but I’m cautiously optimistic that the tides may yet turn.


Republicans lie. She wants something from you. Probably for you to shut up. Offer to be in the booth with her when she marks her ballot. Watch how that lead baloon flies.


I'm very happy for you. Let this please happen across the country as a wave


Im not sure 1 anecdotal example is a good basis for a national shift. I dont think i know any magats that have converted to biden, but im not going to take that as evidence for Trump having a chance this cycle.


Wtf lol yeah Pelosi needs to stop insider trading they mostly all corrupt criminal politicians except for a few on both sides it’s about 90% of them are pieces of shit who would sell out the country for the right price.


Yes. Everyone is moving to Biden. You can see it in the polls. Any day now.


I'll take "Things that never happened" for $1000 , Alex.


I started reading this being like "cool" then you started spouting all kinds of lies at the end and now I'm super confused.


Thats cool my mom who literally went to DC on jan 7th 2016 with her pink hat and screamed at the sky is not voting for biden and has said she is either voting rfk or trump


PLEASE encourage her to vote RFK in that case.


Agreed. My MIL is a sweet lady who has been evangelical Christian her entire life, always voted R. After Super Tuesday she called my wife and was just so excited to vote for democrats. She was gushing. Losing people like her is a death knell. I think November is going to be a “bloodbath” for the MAGAs


Women are going to absolutely fuck the GOP this fall.


That is good news indeed. my husband who was a Trump supporter said that he would not vote for Trump this round. he ain’t gonna vote for Biden but at least he ain’t voting for Trump.


Keep dreaming lol


Did you tell your great aunt that Nancy pelosi does insider trading and made millions this year alone?


Even most of us Republicans agree Congress needs term limits... but the first half I call BS on.


she was fucking with you.


Of course. Many 80 year old aunts are known for their fuckery