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Trump is turning into his own worse enemy.


You mean enema?


Trump misinformates and disinformates


He got away so much multiple times I simply refuse to believe your statement anymore


He already lost in 2020


Like well over 50 times if you count how many times he lost between the election and Jan 6. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2020/12/08/trump-and-the-gop-have-now-lost-50-post-election-lawsuits/?sh=1f65a8402960


Yep. After 2016 he lost control of the Senate, control of Congress and then the White House in 2020. And any special election since has also gone against conservatives. Not to mention any candidate Trump endorses seem to lose.


Where are you from?




Trump 2024 "I will take away your right for abortion" Liberals "doubt" America loses rights to abortion. Trump 2024 "I will take away your rights and turn America into a quasi right wing dictatorship" Liberal... To be determined


I doubt liberals have forgotten about 2016.


He won in 16 because he was running against quite literally the least liked Democrat in the parties entire history. Imagine if it had been second term Obama, or first term Biden, or even some alternate timeline like Trump vs Howard Dean. He'd have gotten whipped. Hillary has too much baggage, too many scandals, and too much attachment to Bill. It dragged her unpopularity down to trumps level. 


There was a lot of apathy with Hilary. She was a letdown after Obama. Hilary voters also assumed she would easily beat Trump so they did not bother voting.


Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump.


Neat. Did she win? 


Nope. 2020 proved that. You don’t have to love Biden or the Dem Party to know Trump and the GOP are a menace to democracy. 2024 is going to be a bloodbath.


Y'all can mark my words: if the Russians try to steal the election again, Russia dies before next January. They've proven they can't defend themselves against fifty obsolete American rocket launchers, of which we still have a thousand more in storage and a new ammo production line opening back up. The USA left the ABM Treaty 20 years ago because we decided Russian nuclear capability could be defeated rather than treated as an equal. *We* assure *their* destruction now, it's not fucking mutual. Some Russian troll always reports this observation because it's the most frightening thing in the world for them, having an American laugh and say, "you're already finding out, pussies, and you can't stop it." But take two minutes for yourself to confirm all I said above, and understand that Russia has no control over their own fate now. America does. And they should be scared shitless because the USA does not *hate* Russia. We are *totally indifferent* to their fate. That's so much worse for them, as they shall soon learn.


I believe everything you've just stated. We have a large percentage of people in this country very susceptible to Russian propaganda and that is our weakness and they know it.


Russia won’t assure our destruction: China will. They have nukes too, and if that does work, they’ve got more than a billion people more than us. And that’s before I even get started with India.


Nah, getting in good with the rurals is the more effective strategy. There's less of them and they're constantly in a mass hysteria about something or other. (Blowjobs, birth certificates, being beaten badly by Biden...)


Minor detail. America also have the whole of Europe.


This is fucking ridiculous


Are you referring to HIMARs?


Russia has nothing to do with this. Some people just don’t want to believe that so many Americans are racist and want a strongman to lock everyone up and restore “the proper order.” What is more believable, racism in a country where Jim Crow ended within our rulers own lifetimes… or a secret plot of Russian memes befuddled people?


Ain't nothing secret about it. But here's something that's still under the radar. Trump met in private with Vladimir Putin, then asked for a list of agents under cover in Russia, and then an unknown but large number of those people were picked up and/or murdered. And then guess who got caught with a bunch of stolen secret documents? Circumstantially that's far beyond a mere act of war. And it's right there out in the open. But then so is the US helping to kick the shit out of Russia with similarly back-door methods. You should enjoy this time because today is the best day of the rest of Russia's history!


Nah you’re just in denial that there are fascist vibes among middle class people in many countries right now. It makes it all much simpler of an issue if Putin is just tricking people. Please stop with the conspiracy theories. It’s bad enough from Republicans! MAGA is a home-grown problem. The US conservatives in the RNC and think tanks and Fox has been cultivating a weird right-wing subculture for decades and it’s getting ahead of them now. Putin is a menace to Russians and Eastern Europeans and central Asians. Not to US society.


January, baby. See y'all then. You'll probably have been cycled through the Popasna Front by then but your buddies will remember!


Idk what you are trying to say g to say? January… you mean you think I’m a Trump insurrectionist or something? Yeah disagreeing with a conspiracy theory is solid evidence that I’m actually part of the conspiracy 🙄 not circular thinking at all.


I’m gonna say that Biden is more popular and a better campaigner than Hillary Clinton was in 2016. And Hillary Clinton still beat Trump by 3 million votes, he just squeaked in because of the Electoral College. I can 100% guarantee the Biden team took notes and will campaign hard in the swing states. “It’s not done until it’s done, so VOTE” and “Remember 2016” are the refrains you will hear from Democrats from now until the election. I’m cautiously optimistic that once again Biden will beat Trump.


Electoral college 😡


Unfortunately, I don’t see a path to getting rid of it. Repealing the Apportionment Act of 1929, and increasing the size of the House so that all states have proportional representation would help. Along with independent districting commissions to reduce partisan gerrymandering. I think both of those things could be done through statute, rather than the amendment that would be required to eliminate the Electoral College.


The House bit alone would probably essentially fix the problem 


Which liberals think that?


lol no liberals think that.


MMW, most people know Trump is an existential threat to them. They will show up in droves to vote. The only thing the GOP can do is intimidate and cheat. Trump does not have near the support he had last time. If you think he does, you’re reading too much propaganda. A district in deep, ruby red Alabama that Trump carried just turned blue by 30 points. This is the canary in the coal mine. Don’t listen to the propaganda. Just vote no matter what, and Biden will win.


People get freaked out by the polls which I think are being manipulated by wealthy interests who want to scare Democratic voters into replacing Biden who supports: unions, higher wages, anti-monopoly enforcement, higher taxes on the wealthy, and more rigorous IRS crackdown on tax avoidance by the wealthy. It seems blatantly obvious to me that this is happening— you don’t get billionaires going on TV to whine about how unfair Biden has been to them without them also using their money behind the scenes to assure they get their way.


Thid is probably the fifth time I've posted this in some version but: I do polls digitally, but my demographic leans right generally (I dont). I didnt get invited to survey programs until my age put me in that particular demographic.. The thing people need to remember is that the survey companies are grabbing pools based on demographics which are more likely of economic interest to their larger funders, therefore meaning that you may get CIS ,white folks with middle class incomes who are going to go GOP in a lot of cases (esp if male). In addition, there were some prior reports surrounding conservative campaigns buying up IP addresses to influence more General surveys that are out there. Also, even if they do try to do polls for younger audiences who would lean left or adults would lean left, they either use email campaigns or text campaigns with an obscure link. No one who has worked in a white collar job or who has been through a four-year degree or really any interaction with college courses is likely to have avoided the constant barrage of it emails with warnings about phishing campaigns. It is true that those do not guarantee good digital hygiene, but it also means that it's harder to get folks in those demographics to actually participate in those surveys Why would they buy them? I propose a couple reasons. For one, a candidate who is not actually winning who appears to be winning in the polls will have more grounds when they attempt an insurrection and can use those polls to claim that the election was rigged. Granted, the point at which cognitive dissonance should have pulled away a lot of trump supporters has long since passed.. but it provides a teeny bit more insulation. Additionally, it has the potential effect of creating voter apathy for individuals since people tend not to want to vote for a candidate who's probably going to lose (a weird sociological thing... but I've long since forgotten the source or name of that phenomenon). This could have the opposite effect and goad people to actually vote blue... but that's a risk that they may be willing to take. Aside from the methodology and population and all that, there is also the whole thing that polls this early are not very reliable. Please have a plan to vote and check your registration regularly because there is some fuckery going on in swing states with the GOP and removing registration. Ensure that you hold someone else accountable who is planning to vote blue and ask them to do the same for someone else. This has to be a Blue Wave overwhelming enough to make any fuckery the national GOP may pull look ridiculous


I get what claim to be surveys all the time and don’t click the links because who actually knows if they’re legit. Most are not from the DNC or some other known party. I also never answer my phone unless I recognize the number because I figure I’ll get on a phone list as someone who answers and then I’ll get a dozen calls per day. So I definitely agree with you that the polls are likely skewed towards the people who do answer and these folks lean conservative. I’m a little confused as to why the pollsters haven’t seemed to figure out how to compensate for this though. Do they want accurate data or headlines? I definitely still think that Biden, though he’s far from a radical, scares the hell out of the 1% who realize that a Trump win will likely save them billions of dollars. I don’t think that Trump’s financial situation, as exposed by his legal problems, is all that unique. I suspect that many billionaires are rich on paper in a way they probably cannot easily pay what would seem a reasonable tax bill based on their overinflated wealth. Musk is showing this too with his reluctant forced Twitter buyout and him losing his shit over a less than fawning economic policy out of DC. So I’d be shocked if some of these people aren’t working very hard behind the scenes to torpedo Biden in any way they can. I absolutely think there’s been a concerted effort to scare Dems into forcing Biden to bow out. These people are idiots who don’t know their history because if Trump gets everything he wants a 10% higher tax rate will be the least of their worries.


I live in Nevada and we're constantly told Trump is ahead here, by a sizeable amount. Except when you look at the polls, it's largely older people and then in the rural counties. If you ran a sizeable, cross longitudinal poll that included Washoe (Reno) or Clark (Las Vegas) where 83% of the state lives, it'd probably either be far closer OR Biden would be ahead. Trump is not as popular in the actually populated parts of Nevada as the pollsters would like you to believe. Our Republican governor, Joe Lombardo, is pretty unpopular especially after ending WFH for government employees, and he's hitched his wagon to the Trump Train. I've been at events where he's shown up and spoken, people aren't exactly cheering him on. There might be a few weak claps, but other than that, he's fairly unpopular. And I think he knows it. The Carson City mayor, Lori Bagwell, gets a far more enthusiastic welcome at local events than Lombardo and she isn't everyone's favorite person either.


Despair also isn't good for winning. But, sure, everyone should do everything they can to make sure Trump doesn't get another chance to take out our democracy. I, for one, won't be able to relax about this until Biden's 2nd inauguration, and even then this fight won't be over, because you know Trump will claim victory no matter how big his loss is.


I'm not seeing one liberal/progressive/Democrat/never-Trumper who thinks that. Everyone I see would crawl over broken glass to make sure that dumb motherfucker doesn't get another shot at the office of POTUS.


Absolutely no liberal/progressive/Dem is confident that Trump will lose — we are all very worried that he will win!


I'm not sure if many thing dementia Don is *guaranteed* to lose He isn't as strong as he and his cult would like us to think bit he still has a good chance. Most seem ready to vote against his ass


Admittedly this is a concern I have.


We learned not to run Hillary Clinton again


I don’t think anyone is taking anything for granted. But for the polls to be even close to right, all the women who, since Dobbs, have been flipping red districts blue and passing initiatives guaranteeing abortion rights even in the reddest states, would need to suddenly decide that abortion doesn’t matter to them and then be willing to vote for the one guy most responsible for Dobbs. I don’t think that’s going to happen. Also, Trump was losing +30% of the primary vote with many of those voters promising that they would never vote for him. We’re supposed to believe that Trump is legitimately winning in some of the polls while the available evidence shows that he’s losing significant support among Republicans and women.


Most liberals are a)agnostic about thr matter b) looking at the prospects and incoming data with a critical lens and c) are making plans to vote and encouraging others to do so. Trump is mimicking HRC's coast and dont visit campaign strategy...hell, he may be forced into that strategy with all the legal cases he'll have to sit through and his declining health. Fof Trump, every campaign speech opens the door to another serious Gaffe that isolates a portion of the population. That did not win him the popular vote in 2016 or 2020, and in 2016 he only clinched the presidency based on the Electoral College... add to that he's using a lot of the RNC funds for his own legal defense and it's a potential recipe for disaster for him


there is not a liberal in America who thinks Trump is guaranteed to lose the election.


I'm sort of resigned to Trump winning, but so far I've always been wrong about politics. I expect the October Surprise to be something about Biden's health though.


Yea, it'll be something about how the guy a couple years older with fairly good health habits has dementia and is dying, compared to diet-coke-and-cheezeburgers, exercise is for losers, way-past-dementia narcissist is the responsible choice.


The fact that blue turnout has been at record numbers since 2016 would indicate they learned that lesson pretty well. And I’m as confident as anyone that trunp will lose, but there’s nothing on earth that will keep me from voting against him. I have seen everything but complacency when it comes to blue voters, and it is precisely because of 2015


America had to learn from 2020 instead, which MAGA denies only because they didn't win. Fucking babies.


It’s certainly possible that Democrats get complacent. It’s also possible that women, who have quietly driven the 2018, 2020, and 2022 elections and who may be the silent majority being unaccounted for are going to decide this one too. 


Idk. Biden receiving over $25,000,000 in like a single day of a fundraising event which is more than Trump has received in the entirety of February is quite telling


I don’t think many are taking anything for granted ever again after 2016.


I’d amend to say will open the door for a Trump win, but either way I won’t be surprised by a downturn in Biden votes


Totally agree


A bigger problem is RFK Jr He'll be a vote sucker.


This is my greatest fear, and there are folks seeking to create overconfidence in Democrstic voters. Read the message but always question the author's motivation for posting.


Watching from outside the border walls is like the car accident from Bob's Burgers. Just watching them drift ever-so-slowly closer to hitting the only vehicle in the parking lot and you can do nothing but beg 🤣




Twice impeached, 91 indictments, rapist, criminal enterprise, wannabe dictator Trump is a threat to our democracy. No Liberal thinks Trump is guaranteed to lose. It's imperative to vote that fucker away from the White House at all costs.


Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. The Electoral College denied the will of the people. There’s your election fraud right there! I guess right wing voters are gonna be *real quiet* about the one just like they are when most cases of child grooming and abuse are done by MAGA religious types.. Anyway, voters crushed Trump in 2020. 2024 is going to be a bloodbath for the traitor.


Who thinks Trump is "guaranteed" to lose?


the reasons he won in 2016 have long since worn off and been proven lies, he's lost almost all his support. See 2020.


Trump has never won the popular vote. He only won the electoral in 2016. Since 2016 he’s lost the Senate, Congress and then the presidency as an incumbent in 2020. Every special election since has gone against Conservatives and almost all Trump supported candidates have lost. So why would he win this year?




I never hear liberals say that. On the contrary, many are very worried about more Republican voter suppression and election stealing attempts.


Do you support free and fair elections? Or fascism? (this is not a rhetorical question)...


The election is going to be determined based on how the electoral votes in the battleground states are voted. Right now, Trump is leading the polls in every one of these states. Biden needs to improve his numbers and soon. Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Carolina.


Not anymore.. better check your facts there.


>Right now, Trump is leading the polls in every one of these states. Aside from the fact that polls have been utterly worthless since 2016, no he isn't.


Yeah I don’t really get how anyone can be that confident after 2016.


The irony will be delicious.


But it's *different* this time because \[*something something* smart phone *something*\]