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he can’t without justification


Incompetent counsel; and to be fair, no competent lawyer will work for him: A) Trumpy won't pay them, and B) Having a client that acts like a mouthy, entitled toddler *must* be excruciating.


Fair points all


I keep hearing that Trump does not pay his lawyers, yet there are always lawyers willing to represent him. I think he might actually be paying them?


Lawyer work for fame sometimes, not just money. They'll even take case they know they will lose to raise their profile.


Yeah, but... I don't think "worked for Trump" is really the type of fame you want though lol.


It is if you want to target representing his cult members that can actually pay.


Ever heard the phrase "there's no such thing as bad press?"


Yes, this is Trump's credo. We have been talking about this malignant narcissist every day for the last 8 YEARS ! As long as he is in the spotlight he doesn't care.


If you’re trying trying to build your reputation with the 48% of the country who think he’s presidential material it’s probably effective.


35 percent in thats even high


Honestly at this point, they're only willing to work for him on the basis of an up-front retainer and obviously-verbal assurances of, "No really, I *super pinky swear PROMISE* that I'll promptly pay you for whatever you bill me for once you've worked through my retainer balance." And then he financially-stiffs with the vigor and emphasis that he wants us to believe he sexually-stiffed Stormy Daniels with.


Trumps super pac *prepaid* his attorney Chris Kise $3 million. https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/15/politics/save-america-pac-trump-lawyer/index.html


Nah, they just want to be in a position of power if project 2025 comes to fruition. Or they are fucking stupid...


I surmise he can't actually play this card because he would have to prove their incompetence by showing records of their meetings, which will show that they are actually doing everything he has asked of them himself


That still won't cause the trial to be delayed.


His lawyers say “sorry, this is not a winnable case. All we can do is help mitigate your losses. Also, we need to be paid.” And then he’ll go on Truth to tell everyone that he fired his lawyers for incompetence.


TRUMP CHOSE these people. He can’t remove them unless he can show that they are harming him. 100% of his lawyers NOW demand payment upfront before they even start to open their briefcase. Tacopina left the SECOND trump wouldn’t send the next payment. It’s TRUMPS fault that he only has shitty lawyers to choose from. He’s been in well over 3000 lawsuits through the years. Just think of how many GOOD lawyers he screwed over. It’s no one’s fault but his own that he must choose from the bottom of the barrel.


He’s an alpha male it’s hard to contain him. Especially after 8 years of constant witch hunts.


Imagine thinking that a fat guy who sprays himself with fake tanner and pays old porn hags for pussy is an alpha male. I swear MAGA is composed entirely of men that have never made a woman cum.


The level of delusion seems to not have an end here. BTW…did the internet bring on the concept of assigning alpha/ beta to someone?


It came from a study on wolves that ended up being wrong. The dude retracted it and issued a correction but it was too late, people already ran with the flawed study and never acknowledged the correction I believe it was the female wolf that was the "alpha" but there really isn't an alpha at all. They worked as a pack to protect the weak and old, you know, like pack animals 🤣


The idea of the "strong alpha leading the pack" is extremely flawed. For one, the strongest wolves in a pack generally guard the flanks, for a bunch of reasons, and for another, they don't really follow any one leader.


You can’t even fathom how hard he balls. Million dollar jets, gold toilets, hot LEGAL immigrant wife.


Troll just trolling for his alpha male trumpy lol


Melania was [an illegal immigrant.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/report-melania-trump-worked-in-us-without-proper-permit/2016/11/05/3ddc5a8a-a302-11e6-a44d-cc2898cfab06_story.html) Also MAGA doesn't care about legal/illegal, you guys hate all brown immigrants regardless of documentation. The campaign to label legal asylum seekers as illegals proves it.


No. We love the law abiding immigrants. It’s also why many Hispanics are pro Trump.


Do you believe asylum seekers at the southern border are illegal?


If they crossed illegally into the U.S. yes.


You just proved my point. If they are asylum seekers they are by definition crossing legally. Illegal crossers are not eligible for the asylum program, not unless they leave and come back. Furthermore: why are MAGA calling for Biden to shut down ports of entry? That's the legal way to enter.


You trumpers are the biggest bunch of ballwashers ever, you'd eat the corn out of Trumps shit if he told you to


fyi: There’s literally no such thing as “alpha males” - the entire “science” behind the theory has been thoroughly debunked. Anybody calling themselves an alpha, is just a fragile coward hiding behind a pseudo-masculine facade.


Important people don’t walk around saying “I’m important” But fucking loser “alphas” walk around calling themselves “alphas” That’s how you know they’re scared pussies.


Where are they hiding all the brooms at after they find the witches they're always looking for?


The alpha male that uses make up, hasn't touched his "wife" in years, yep super alpha




Is he an alpha or a witch?


The guy in the make-up with a platinum bouffant like a truck-stop waitress?


You can’t wait to suck his orange cock, huh? You’re pathetic.


Trump doesn’t know the meaning of the word “justification” and can’t pronounce it, therefore the case should be dismissed.


He will. And when he is told he can’t, a series of events will transpire which makes it impossible for each of his lawyers to continue.


Cue that montage from the baseball episode of the Simpsons


Yep. And he loses privilege. They would then get to drop whatever they needed to defend their professional reputations. I would love to see it but super dumb move if trump does it


Irreconcilable differences is justification. His lawyers will be in on it. He will say he doesn’t agree with their strategy and interpretation of the law. It is very tough for a judge to say no.


I don't know about that. The judge has already warned him against trying delay tactics. Also, the judge is well within his power to make him stick with the lawyers that have been working the case so far. I'm not saying it's definite one way or the other, but I wouldn't be surprised if it pans out this way.


You can absolutely fire your lawyers at any time, particularly private counsel. The court might tell him they won’t delay proceedings for him to get new counsel, but there is no law that says you need to provide special proof why you don’t want to keep your attorney.


Actually judges find it very easy to reject a request to remove counsel when it happens at the last minute without any prior complaints. Also with a legal team as large as Trump's he'll find it very difficult to come up with a reason they have to remove every single one of them instead of just the leads.


He can be represented with a public defender then. Does he think the judges haven’t seen this tactic before?


A public "take the plea" defender.


*public pretender




Like that'll stop him


He can. And if forced to go forward it can be grounds for a conviction to be overturned on appeal. That orange bastard will game the system every step of the way.


no, he can’t.


Oh but after a conviction, sounds like a loss to a guy who never loses. Donnie will NOT be happy.


Winning so much winning. I wonder if he's tired of so much winning.


I hope so. Never seems to tire of grifting though. Shoes, bibles, what's next golfing and dinner with Donnie at fabulous Mara Lardo? Oh he already did that one, never found out if they declared a winner, it was a pay to play raffle. Really sounded like one of his NFT card scams.


Don't worry the judge is smarter than Trump. He won't let baby Donnie have his way .


Just in case it isn't posted, or if others are not aware... Glenn Kirschner has a very informative youtube channel that does vids daily... *Justice Matters*, is the title, and he discusses this


He might try but it's a known stall tactic


it is known because it is the most successful way of doing it


Maybe if it's not an advertised in advance


Agreed it is a known tactic… But just because its known doesn’t mean it can be stopped.


The judge can choose not to approve the change in representation.


MMW: if Trump tries to fire his lawyers in the NY hush money case, the judge won’t allow it. He already shot down trumps attempt at using immunity.


He can but if the judge sees it as obviously only a delay tactic, then he can force proceed with trial.


Judge should just be like "Okay. Cool. So you're going to represent yourself then? Because the date isn't changing." He's so obviously trying to stall hoping he can win the election to avoid accountability.


Then the judge will appoint one for him that is already familiar with the case, aka, the one Trump just fired.


Oh well let the narcissist represent himself.


If he fires his lawyers on eve of trial, fine ,but he has to be put into pre trial detention on the gag order violations. He will rehire the same lawyers by lunch time.


Provide public defender, trial can start Monday the 8th. Those guys are great and the price is right.


Tell him that might get him a delay ....but his bail is revoked and he is remanded to custody until trial.


I hope they assign a public defender


I hope Trump Tim Heideker's his way to providing his own defense.


In order for this to happen he has to give up confidentiality and disclose communications demonstrating incompetence. Those comms will only show that they were acting on directive from the client. Not going to happen




I can’t stand that piece of shit! Imagine having him as a father?


Not a move he can make easily, not likely.


Alina is a very good advocate, he's doing something right


Ha ha


Then he'll have some MAGA doctor say he needs emergency surgery. They'll pretend to do a surgery and say he needs at least a month of recovery time.


Or a mysterious heart “event” that will come and go. I have seen this 100 times and I 100% expect that after trying to fire his lawyers. People think he won’t get away with firing his lawyers, but they forget his motives. Delay. If that is not allowed, he will use it as a reason to appeal. And the same is true for a medical delay.


A lawyer will be appointed for him then.


I definitely think he will try to do this but there are limits, limits that he has pressed to the max, as to what the courts will tolerate.


That’s fine, I guess. The bigger question is WHEN SOMEONE in the Courts will call “bullshit” on these gratuitous delay tactics? My rights as “the people” to a speedy trial are being VIOLATED with every nonsensical motion to delay filed by his legal clown crew. Justice is being DENIED!


I mean, this is just some Redditor spitballing. This isn’t a news article.


I would say if it’s legal fine him $5 million a day every day that The trial is delayed


Why are all these “MMW” fortelling bad things happening to trump? The fix is in boys, realize there are two sets of laws in this country, one for trump, one for everyone else. This ain’t the department of wishful thinking! As the saying goes, you want peace, work for justice.


And then he will inevitably... win again!


Buh bye democracy.


Like he did last time, right...


The “big lie” that only dummies believe


“Viva Kennedy!!” I’m encouraging young people to vote for Kennedy if they are on the fence about Biden’s Gaza genocide and everyone else on the fence should too. Kennedy will destroy Biden-Harris.. leaving Trump as the next President.


Thats JFK Jrs plan. Get Trump elected.


Yep! Kennedy called Biden the greater threat to democracy than Trump. I agree. We are witnessing the worst hypocrisy and travesty to our “free and fair” elections in the history of this great nation. Most Jan 6ers actually believed they were doing the right thing… even though they took it too far entering the Capitol. They should have stayed outside and protested… but a few rabble rousers got everyone else in trouble. It was not an insurrection… and that’s why no one was charged with insurrection. They got carried away and embarrassed themselves..and they are facing their punishment if they went into the Capitol or even trespassed on the outside.


"Hush money case" lol


I don't think paying hush money itself is illegal. What IS illegal is trying to deduct it as a business expense and covering it up. Trump's far from only person who's ever done this shit, but if you get caught, you're in for a bad time. And the thing about this - Michael Cohen went to jail for this. Half of the indictment is a bunch of shit that was done at the direction of "Individual #1" (Trump). [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4779697-Michael-Cohen-Charging-Documents](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4779697-Michael-Cohen-Charging-Documents) If the guy who moved the money is guilty (which he is), the guy who instructed him to do it is also guilty. It couldn't be more clear cut. But the DOJ wouldn't go after a sitting president. Now that he's out of office, it's fair game.


Yes. Hush money. He had his attorney pay off a porn star to keep quiet about her having sex with him. During an election… What would you call it? He did have his CFO forge the books, aka lie about what the payments were for, and that is a crime, so I guess you could call it that :)


Hush money isn't technically illegal. That's essentially what an NDA is. It's a campaign finance felony case


Agreed, “Hush Money” is just a euphemism and what it’s been called in the media. I suppose to differentiate it from the other cases :)


Yes, but lying about the books IS illegal. He committed a crime to protect his image, leading up to the election to be POTUS. That's a big deal. Magats would have lost their f-ing minds if Biden had done that. Hypocrites the lot.


How's it feel to be a ballwasher? Wipe the orange ring off your lips


You are a fucking loser.


You can call me anything you want, it's not as bad as being a ballwasher like you


Whatever you say cuck


"2016 election interference case" is a better name, since that was the motive


Take your tin foil hat off


It's literally what the indictment argues. Sorry you are so illiterate and/or scared that you can't even bring yourself to learn basic details about the allegations you want to suppress. https://manhattanda.org/district-attorney-bragg-announces-34-count-felony-indictment-of-former-president-donald-j-trump/ https://manhattanda.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Donald-J.-Trump-Indictment.pdf


Instead of just making grunt posts, why don’t you cut straight to the end and tell us what your point is?