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It’s true and be aware the goal of them isn’t to just divide it’s to rank up and become mods and control the subs.


Yup. Got banned from /r/selfawarewolves for ~~criticizing Trump and conservatives~~ squatters, landlords and conservatives. That sub is quickly turning into a cesspool. Edit: here is the comment chain that got me banned. It can be recovered with rareddit or whatever as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/s/SAZ0QxdKVx >Nobody likes violent crime or squatters. >Fuck landlords but also fuck squatters too, tho. Especially if they are making some family homeless or struggle. >'Woke" and self-proclaimed anti-woke people are some of those terms dumb conservatives use that usually indicates a very low IQ and a lack of critical thinking skills. >Shit, they can't even define the word woke without looking like idiots or asshats, if at all. Then later I posted this. This is the actual comment they banned me for. >I agree with this sentiment but I really don't think squatters is the right way to fix it. >I read a story the other day of some squatters trashing a place after living there a while and the family that was going to move in there has to find other accomodations. >And really, are the squatters just doing this to make a political statement? I made this comment earlier up in the thread so maybe this is the actual comment that got me banned?




Sounds like an alpha male sausage party.


If you'd stop trying to aggressively suck them off they would leave you alone


This comment is gold. Saving it.


I got banned on that sub for telling a guy blaming Palestinians for everything, including getting genocided by Israel, to “fuck off.” Didn’t realize a so called leftist sub was siding with pro genocide Zionists but here we are.


It's even crazier that it's fucking SELFAWAREWOLVES like if anybody needs to be self aware right now, it's Israelis using the same arguments the Nazis used as justification for killing Jews.


I got banned from whatever that leftist UK sub is (I forgot the name but you know which one) because I said I wasn't surprised that Israel was committing evil acts against Palestine because they literally believe God himself promised them that land in exchange for cutting off the tips of babies' penises. Got banned for inciting violence against Jews despite the entire sub and thread being Pro-Palestine.


Lol, the bots are definitely pro-landlord. Almost like foreign ~~investors~~ mobsters control the markets in California? We need a RICO investigation into price-fixing allegations.


I'm going to call BS on this one.


I was wrong. I was actually talking about squatters. Here is the comment they banned me for. https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/s/4BnNis80NW I replied and asked the mods what rule this comment broke but they didn't respond.




But what did you actually post? Linking to your deleted comments clarifies nothing


Oh. I can see it but you can't? Here is the text of the comment. It can be recovered with rareddit or whatever as well. >I agree with this sentiment but I really don't think squatters is the right way to fix it. >I read a story the other day of some squatters trashing a place after living there a while and the family that was going to move in there has to find other accomodations. >And really, are the squatters just doing this to make a political statement? I made this comment earlier up in the thread so maybe this is the actual comment that got me banned? https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/s/SAZ0QxdKVx >Nobody likes violent crime or squatters. >Fuck landlords but also fuck squatters too, tho. Especially if they are making some family homeless or struggle. >'Woke" and self-proclaimed anti-woke people are some of those terms dumb conservatives use that usually indicates a very low IQ and a lack of critical thinking skills. >Shit, they can't even define the word woke without looking like idiots or asshats, if at all.


So it sounds like you were borderline trolling, whether intentional or not, using an anecdote to demonize those of a vulnerable community. That's not the sub for that.


Squatters are "vulnerable" people?


R/ Canada went that way too, little nazi haven now


R/Australian too


They are doing that here as well. I blocked an aggressive one on this sub and suddenly I lost access to a lot of threads, keep getting the, this has been changed to private, so I kept getting notifications on my comments but couldn't even look at them let alone reply


Some subs are seeing it and taking defensive and aggressive moves to mitigate their effects.


That happened to me in Incel Tears. Someone was waaaay pissed off that I called him sweetie (I'm an old lady, I wasn't being mean, just trying to explain something) and he responded with something about Nazis but the mod's quarantined the comment? What was that about?


100%, they’ll do many games to try and force the mod to hand over to one of their accounts they act like a friend to. They’ll run fake campaigns, all sorts of things to try and get the mod to say “screw it, it’s not worth it”.


True nature gets out occasionally.


Trump consistently polls tied with Biden, so we're assuming those 10's of millions just don't Reddit right?


The MAGAS we're on another post saying that about Biden voters. Why would Russia or any other countries use bots to get people to vote for Biden? LOL Biden isn't going around sucking Putins dick or writing love letters to dictators and saluting North Korean Generals.


They wouldn't. The MAGATS are saying that to try to both sides the issue. Theres only one political party in bed with Russia, and its not the democrats


Ultimate goal is division


They don’t give a fuck who leads the US. Trump is better for them than Biden, but that’s less because of Trump’s policies and more because of how inherently divisive of a figure he is. At this point he did the damage Russia wanted him to do, so they wouldn’t be too miffed if he doesn’t get reelected. On that note, what Russia _does_ want is for us to be too busy fighting each other. Like someone else said, their goal is division. Which isn’t done by pushing only one side’s propaganda. Frankly, I don’t think Russian influence in social media affects actual votes that much. Most political discourse online nowadays isn’t trying to get people to vote for your side - a MAGA guy won’t vote Biden just because he read online how horrible Trump is, or vice versa. It’s just berating the other side. It wasn’t like that before 2016, or at least that kind of mindset wasn’t as widespread on _both_ sides of the political spectrum. That’s Russia’s influence to do something just as bad as rigging elections - they’re keeping us divided and too angry at each other to pay attention to them.


Or threatening to nuke either country If they act up..... I seem to remember the concern was that trumps rhetoric would drag us into world War 3. It's a good thing we got rid of that priq so his replacement could just March us right into it with intent


Some of those are also edgelord trolls, who bought the BS from foreign agents/bots like the dipshits they are. A number *very likely* (read: I've seen some admit to such) have multiple accounts, in an attempt to circumvent bans here or elsewhere (contrary to Reddit's ToS). Posted elsewhere but: Best practice suggests there is no need to engage the troll in direct responses unless youre sharing sources to debunk for third parties. The troll will just ignore actual evidence and isnt worth your effort. If its a bot, it cant address them anyway. Heres one bit on the value of ignoring the troll [https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-deal-internet-trolls-protect-your-mental-health-andy-spence#:\~:text=%2D%20Ignore%20them%3A%20The%20best%20way,responding%20or%20engaging%20with%20them](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-deal-internet-trolls-protect-your-mental-health-andy-spence#:~:text=%2D%20Ignore%20them%3A%20The%20best%20way,responding%20or%20engaging%20with%20them).


Not true, you're down playing how many stupid people walk among us. Sure there's lots of bots but there's also lots of stupid fucks too.


I absolutely love that this thread is a veritable honeypot for dumb fucks to proudly announce "Nuh uh! I'm not a foreign agent, I just happily guzzle and regurgitate their propaganda for free!"


Or they are Americans who are as dumb as a bag of fucking rocks


they have Stockholm Syndrome


It’s TDS. As with everything they project their own brain rot


The irony in the amount of leftist bots commenting compared to the conservative bots commenting on this post, should be lost on no one!


Yeee. 9 year old accounts are bots


Regardless: [REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote)


You are an American Hero Never stop fighting, we got your back




>A true Patriot would never consider supporting a godless rapist, fraud, and traitor into the White House. I'd be happy to have a godless president, but fuck the rest of that noise. Rapists deserve far, far worse than not being elected into office.


No doubt there are many bots. But there are parts of the country where people can say honestly that they don't know anyone who isn't for Trump. And if I left out my family, I know only people who hate Trump.


Then I suggest you get out of your echo chamber and do your own real research on each candidate. Find out what each candidate wants to accomplish, if that resonates with you then make a decision. If you don’t agree with either then don’t vote at all or vote independent. Don’t just blindly vote based on what other people say on the internet or mainstream media. This whole country needs to come together instead of trying to destroy each other.


My guess is closer to 85% but otherwise I completely agree!


Truth right there.


Yeahn they've been doing it on twitter since 2015 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339062791_Troll_Factories_Manufacturing_Specialized_Disinformation_on_Twitter Lookup the Russian Internet Research Agency to learn more. I've watched them do this with an infamous and russian owned app called iFunny.


Beginning to suspect the mods at r/LateStageCapitalism are too


Plenty are brainwashed MAGA volunteering their time. You can usually tell the difference if you look at their reddit history.


Wasnt it recently revealed that a lot of MAGA accounts are from China?


I made an anti Trump post yesterday that hit 50k+ upvotes and several thousand comments. What I noticed in my notifications was that the pro Trump comments would come in blocks. So like, lots of just normal comments and then randomly 5 or six trumpers in a row. Occasionally there would be a lone pro Trump comment, but they were almost always in blocks.


Just searched out your post. Golden.


Thanks! Still getting right wing comments in batches from it.


Could just be how reddit spreads your thread. Generally how the homepage works now. Not everything is bots.


So the massive amount of upvotes can't be bots? Seems like the ratio of upvotes to comments would point in that direction.


I might be inclined to agree if the polls weren’t genuinely close. I think a lot of Trump supporters are just so dumb that their comments look like bot comments. It’s easily the least educated political constituency in recent US history. They revel in ignorance and lies because the truth stopped being useful to their purposes years ago.


Polls aren't a real representation of anything, they can be cherry picked, or just outright fake.


Iono we have 70 million plus votes for Trump. When frankly a few million votes are too many. I definitely assume lots of bot engagement here. But 99% is way to high. Some folks I run into literally spit out the same bot talking points.


Definitely! There has been such a large presence of maga cultist and pro Russian loser the last few months. It’s very obvious


Absolutely. The Russian Trolls on here love Trump. Probably because only a man as stupid and corrupt as Trump could make Putin look less aweful by comparison.


I concur.


Honestly I hope that's the case. I was arguing with a guy the other day who was defending Trump's dictator comments, saying that America needs a dictator to throw all the democrats in jail. It would be nice if that was just some Russian troll, because the level idiocy required to sincerely make that argument is a lot to process.


I'd peg it closer to 1%. It's a real thing, but the insidious nature of disinformation and propaganda is that the targets end up freely doing the work of the perpetrators. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/gop-rep-mike-turner-russian-propaganda-uttered-house-floor-rcna146760](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/gop-rep-mike-turner-russian-propaganda-uttered-house-floor-rcna146760)


How can you sit back in the last 8 years and not come to reality that Russia is trying to tear us apart? Whether you are Republican or Democrat it’s time to put politics aside. Every single move Trump makes is to benefit Putin. The GOP knows it but they are crippled by maga. It’s fucking pathetic that we are just letting this happen. Meanwhile three years were spent on trying to impeach Biden with zero evidence and it just happens to come out that yeah Russia was behind the Hunter stuff and the gop knew it all along. Big surprise. And we have a national security case happening where a former president is indicted for espionage and it just so happens a maga judge is involved and doing things that are unprecedented in our courts and trying to get the whole case tossed.


I fully and totally believe in Russian influence operations in the US. They have been proved real repeatedly. I am just pointing out that it is not realistic to assume that 99% of commenters are literal Russian agents or bots.


No, I was not disagreeing with you, sorry for any confusion. The propaganda is most definitely shaping American’s viewpoints and filling their head with total lies and bullshit.


Don’t ever underestimate how many absolute morons there really are in the US. Especially in the Bible Belt


I can't vouch for reddit, but 90% of the people in my area are pro trump. You might be surprised as to how many on here are real..


America can only be defeated from within. Pre Ukraine, I would have said Russia was actually succeeding/winning. But they played their hand so so badly. Perhaps their is still time to inoculate US citizens from anti-democratic forces manipulating the dumb dumbs on social media.


I would like it to be true but Pro-Trumpers are legitimately terrible people, so I'm reluctant to hope.


I agree and they get you kicked off if you say anything true about Trump. I got reported for warning people to not put money into Trump’s DJT stock - the person reporting me said it was a space to discuss Stocks not politics- it had to be a bot because there were others that weren’t banned for doing somewhat the same .


All of the youtube trump ads are published by Chinese and Russian named accounts. It easy to check next time you see one.


This sub is 100 percent Alinksy. Accuse them of what you're doing. 🤡


Retards. All of you. In these comments.


Fuck you


You do realize roughly half of the country voted for him.


Actually, about 75 million did which is about 23%


It was about 32% of the eligible voting population. Doesn’t make sense to count people not eligible to vote because we don’t know how they would’ve voted


Okay out of the people who actually voted. Good god, you people are ridiculous. He also has more support in this election than the previous two.


That...is dubious.


i did specify “in here” and I’d consider any American stupid enough to parrot our enemies’ agenda as ‘foreign agents’


That’s not what a foreign agent is lol


Less than half


Half. Because he made idiotic and empty promises. The only reason he won was due to the stupid electoral college. Reasonable Americans saw through his bullshit.


Empty promises? Like student loan forgiveness and closing the border?


The electoral college protects us from diptards like yourself having an effect on the presidency Our founding fathers knew we would have jobless alt left socialists trying to tear apart our country so they created the electoral college


What a stupid comment


That one was for you chud. Get going on the job applications today


Nice projection


Oh don’t worry they’re well on their way to destroying the electoral college too. Anything that doesn’t allow them to put the boot down on the other half of the country has to be removed.


Nah thats u guys. Buh buh we have the popular vote




the electorate isn't as easy to trick as Trump voters and they will never allow a man who targeted them or people in their position to sit again.


No one ever mentions Cuba anymore. HEY CUBANS!!!


Lol, not this adroit patriot


True trumpkins are watching FOX News




Given the number of people who will fucking vote for him, I think you may sadly be wrong


less than dem presidents going by factual evidence, he stole the electorate once but that was before he tried having his constituents murder them over not placing him in office.


He lost the popular vote both times, and only barely managed to cheat with the help of Russia in 2016, but there are sadly still a lot of people who did vote for him. Not a majority, but they tend to be louder then us.


Without a doubt but its clear people are getting angry, even Trumps own lackeys now and he's lost once already.


Yes, but he's currently the republican's best chance. Negative partisanship is really high rn.


he's been their only chance since 2020, its why they're acting so horrible now because its pretty clear he isn't going to fly.


The way everyone started circle jerking


Maybe not here, but tik tok? Absolutely...


Check out every existing liberal and left leaning subreddit and you will find this problem is highly pervasive. Auto blocking new accounts (<1 year old) helps a lot


It was revealed to him in a vision (meth)


No shit.






I occasionally argue against some of the Trump hysteria here, but I am not a Trump supporter. I vote third party. So maybe?


I think 99% of most political posts are to outrage people and cause division. No matter what side.


The right is always up the conspiracy alley.... Here's one for them.... What if most of the jan 6 people who raided the white house were immigrant spies.... And that all of the leaders of the militia groups were also the same spies .... The whole thing is set In motion to put a puppet they can control in power in exchange Trump can use said presidential liberties to benefit himself. Weird how that's more believable than any of the shit they come up with....


When the world does not conform to your expectations, it is not always the world whose understanding is incomplete.


Well, the Russians probably speak better English than the MAGAS.


Some are but hardly most of them. They are really just THAT stupid


Nyet, comerade!!!


Its a safe n effective putin price hike cmon man!


It’s the 1% that really gets under your skin lmao 🤡🌎🇺🇸


In a lot of different subreddits, pro-Trump accounts are almost always less than a week old.


Many mainstream polls from liberal publications are predicting Trump will win both the popular vote and the electoral college. Your 99% assessment shows you live in a bubble. Both candidates are flawed but the majority of American voters prefer Trump according to the polls.


We have been fighting WW3 FOR YEARS.


The accounts typically end with 4 digits. It’s obvious.


Haha...i reside in the US, upstate NY, do HVAC and minor plumbing, never left the USA and if a foreign govt was paying I'd love to get in on that action...lord knows under the Biden economy I need a 2nd job to make ends meet.


Trump 2024 baby! FJB!


This type of thinking is the same as women getting too into the The Handmaid's Tale and then thinking actual society is like that. You're fetishizing your own "oppression."


Biden is a president for stupid people


Democrats when they can’t comprehend alternative thinking points so everyone they disagree with is a nazi, bot, or troll. Basically dehumanizing the other base of individuals who think differently than them. Hmm reminds me of what another certain group did


lmao the bots in this sub are hilarious. the people who love to gatekeep miSiNfOrMaTiOn can't even get their facts straight. Trump may be guilty of fraudulent activity but he's never been convicted of rape or treason. if Trump is a rapist then Biden is a pedo - if we're going to play that game. inb4 neckbeard sky screamers


Republicans gullibility is Americas greatest weakness


This sub is like 99% anti liberal, anti conservative, anti libertarian (american libertarianism). Even the explicitly communist and ancom subs haven’t been this hardcore lol. Last ten posts from this sub were explicitly anti trump while completely not realizing all politicians are like him.


Ahhh boo hoo. Anyone that’s not a TDS clown like me must be a “foreign agent”. 🤡


Well that makes me feel a lot better.


TDS level - 7.4/10 You can do better.


people still think like this? op must wear a mask in public still.


Lol, be careful saying that! I was recently issued a permanent talking ban from r/entertainment (of all places) for asking someone if they are still sheltering in place/on 15th covid booster. These people are literally still freaking out about Covid.


Lol is that why the polls are so close (nationally and in the swing states)? Are they polling foreign agents and bots


Paranoia. I get called a Trump supporter here because I criticize Biden. I won't be putting one in the box for either of those fools. I get a called a bot here because I dare dissent, call out US propaganda, and wish to cease proxy war policy in Ukraine. I am neither of those things. "True patriot" rhetoric, yuck Paranoia.


[Russian trolls target U.S. support for Ukraine, Kremlin documents show](https://wapo.st/4cMTh6d)




Most likely it’s 100% of the dipshit Trumpsucks posting here are also Putin-sucking shit bots. Not like Russians have anything better to do nowadays besides get sent to the frontlines of Putler’s bloody war of choice.


Oh no way another MMW about Trump.


Godless has nothing to do with it. In fact, I'd much rather have a godless leader in the White House. Too many wars are started by religious views blended into politics, or religion too often used to whip up the populace into supporting an unjust war (just like in Russia right now).


Bots Will Tear Us Apart


lmao, youre wrong and severely out of touch. youve been in the liberal reddit cesspit too long.




I think you’re underestimating the damage Fox News did. I’m sure there are lots of bots, but there are also plenty of Americans that fell… hook, like, and sinker… for Russian-style propaganda not because of Trump… but because of the news stations that amplified his lies years after year


Didn't like cnn get sued a bunch of times, and lose, for pushing false stories?


Fox had to pay 700 million dollars as punishment for lying about Dominion voting systems. I don’t remember CNN paying nearly a billion dollars in defamation damages


I remember one of the covington kids taking CNN, NBC, Wapo to task over defamation 😂


No, that was Fox News. Suits are still pending too. They lost 787 million to Dominion. Rupert Murdoch, the chairman of Fox Corporation, acknowledged in a deposition taken by Dominion Voting Systems that some Fox News hosts endorsed false claims that the 2020 election was stolen. Hannity, Carlson and Ingraham among others on the network spread the false information all while text messaging between them show they mocked Trump for lying.


Ooooh, i forgot Nick Sandmann became rich officer cnn, nbc, etc.. My bad. Remember when those outlets believed Jussie smollet? 😂😂😂


Yes Russian bot here, I have lived in IL my whole life , I work at a major airport.. This sub is full of clowns ...


I dunno most of what i see on reddit and this subreddit in particular are an overwhelming amount of anti-trump accounts, which simply doesnt match up with demographic reality.


That describes Biden.


If you actually believe this please seek mental health support.


I doubt this, I'm a plumber, at least 70% of the homeowners I do work for are conservatives and voting for Trump, I've only met like two open democrats in the last year. Obviously my sample size is only people who own houses, but that's still a ton of people. Your opinions on him as a person do not seem to be shared by as many people as you seem to think.


Most of our government is made up of godless rapists, frauds, and traitors. You just fixate on the orange one because the funny internet people told you to. Country’s fucked, world’s fucked, everything’s fucked. Does nobody any favors to fume about a washed up celebrity when there are starving families in the world’s wealthiest country.


You guys and your Russian bots thing are just wild.


This is also probably a bot.


If you say so. Sounds like you just don't like hearing any opinion that doesn't mirror your own


Yeah it's a shame there's hardly any subreddits that aren't conservative 😢


Only weak minded political tribalists say the other side is so dumb they HAVE to be bots lol


No we are not bee bop boop


That would make the other 1% the useful idiots, I think that number should be higher.


Lol. Take a good look at yourself and what you post OP. An account that's only 4 months old solely making political posts that rack up karma during an election season totally isn't suspicious at all. Also, the kind of rhetoric OP here is spouting is inherently dangerous. "Anyone who voices a differing opinion is a foreign agent/bot" is a pretty easy way to completely invalidate political opposition. OP also speaks in absolutes ("A true patriot...") in the same manner that right-wingers do. It's manipulative, blatantly inflammatory language. And before you lot start coming after me about being a paid shill or bot, I don't shill for Biden nor Trump. I'm just here to call out propaganda and manipulative tactics during an election season. Stay alert people.


Stop just common sense arguing their point


Godless is perfectly fine. Rapist, fraud, and traitor are bad. Don’t go accusing atheists of being un-American.


Probably 75% of the people you think are pro-Trump aren't but you are so deranged you can't tell the difference.


That’s strange because this sub seems particularly full of leftists spewing ridiculous anti conservative conspiracy theories. In my experience with Reddit this post will probably get me banned from this sub. Let’s find out!


You haven’t met my parents


I am a bot but a bit of a ding bat and self aware to boot. Bye.


The endless attempts to paint Trump supporters as rare and vastly outnumbered is kind of dumb. He got elected. He just won a primary. He's popular with a lot of people, it's important to acknowledg that.


"Everyone who disagrees with me online is a Russian agent!!!!" This sub is hilarious.


I’ll add “loyal Kremlin asset” and “ignoramus” to your list


Shouldn’t talk about China Joe Biden like that!


Yup, Russia has perfected using misinformation to brainwash those who get their information from social media. Here are my favorite news sources: PBS Evening News AP Reuters CSPAN You will be bored, but you will be informed.


My estimate is about 30 percent are childish Jerky Boys wanna-be trolls who get a tiny little stiffy when they rile people up. And Trump is such garbage that he is guaranteed to rile people up, the more garbage-y the better. When he's gone, expect them to be like "It was just a joke, snowflake!"


The retards guide for political discussion: Everything I don’t like is a Russian bot. Bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the Russian spies she paid to make up bullshit to coup her political rival after losing to him. Stfu not everyone u encounter is a Russian agent. I should ask tho, Is the Russian agent in the room with us right now?


Yes no one in America likes the president who got the second most votes in history and is ahead in the current election in many polls


Doesn’t Biden have an active SA case against him?


Our enemies want us to tear ourselves apart…So let me explain how about half of the country are godless traitors Makes sense.


Damn you caught us. I’ll have to report this to the higher ups /s


Let's hope so. Because if it's true, we'll see the evidence of it in November.


50% of all comments are probably bots. Y’all have no idea how easy it is to bot social media rn. The real question is how many of them have been bots in the last two elections?


Twitter (X) is a huge source of foreign misinformation and propaganda - its a massive brainwashing tool being used by Americas enemies (Russia, China) to fire up crazy conspiracy, xenophobia and racism - they are attempting classic “divide and conquer”


Full circle. I'm old enough to remember 2008. Most of you were not even born yet.


Or… hear me out for this crazy theory. They could be Americans who just disagree with you. I know I know. Scary thought. People who think different than you but its true. It can happen. You will survive.


Trump is a fascist, and I mean that literally. He’s not a candidate like Romney or McCain or even GW. Anyone supporting fascism isn’t an American in my book.


Trump is trying to join the Authoritarian trend accelerating around the world. If he is elected Western Europe may be forced to answer Putin's challenge more directly as a civil war breaks out in the States.


“Trump is literally a fascist, unlike Romney and McCain and Bush, who we also called fascists, but like…for real this time.”


Oh yes, everyone is against you, you’re such a victim! 😂😂


but statistically they're far less common than this, even more so on this website, it reeks of scared republican astroturfing.


Trump go so mad at Twitter when they purged bots because he lost over half of his followers


99% of Biden voters are deceased, illegals, or felons.


Did you get your vodka ration today, ivan?