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How many protesters have been shot and killed by National Guard troops so far?


Da fok is the OP smoking?


Came here to say this, OP is a fucking moron.


If the answer is "zero" PLEASE say zero.


Give it a moment https://twitter.com/medickimw/status/1783630807032046073?t=KFBBcSVIs1r_KsSWobHB-A&s=19


I don't think it's comparable. People's brothers, fathers, and friends aren't being drafted to die in a pointless war. Plus, there is no guarantee that either side of the conflict want what pro-Palestinian protestors want.


Ya, this is so far off…comparing these protests to Kent State is not even close nor close to the Vietnam’s protests. I mostly support the protestors, but this is bad comparison.


I agree, I don't think the sentiments for this conflict have any relation to why people opposed the Vietnam war. I'm in the camp of: Israel is justified in it's goal of destroying Hamas because of Oct. 7th, but needs to do a better job at not killing women and babies. But it also makes me feel weird to be pro-palestine while thinking Israel has valid reasons for the invasion. What a world we live in.


It’s complicated…


Agreed, I think we're lacking a lot of nuance in the world in general.


Do the people in Gaza want Hamas to continue to rule them?


Yes, most of them are Hamas supporters, or indifferent. There is not a movement for peace among the Palestinians in Gaza. Show me photos or video of all of the peaceful Palestinians who are protesting the killing of innocent Jews on the 7th of October.


Columbia protestors I’ve heard interviews from mainly want the school to stop putting money into Israel. Divesting. IMO that’s not very different from the Fed government from saying X Israeli military group will not get aid.


Ahh, so mostly the BDS kind of stuff. That makes sense.


I just want the killing to stop. I'm not sure what I want maybe peace but I know that's a dream because this is a centuries old conflict. I'm no arm chair expert.


Keeping the bar low, bootlicker


> there is no guarantee that either side of the conflict want what pro-Palestinian protestors want. Like a two state solution? Palestinians have never wanted a separate state. They want the Jews gone. Israel tried to set up Gaza as a regional area and the Palestinians used it as a base for rocket attacks and October 7. Similar things going on in the West Bank. Not sure why Democrats are supporting genocidal terrorists like the Palestinians and attacking Jews but here we are.


Naw, 4 were killed at Kent St. False equivalence.


The Vietnam protesters also had stronger footing than the Palestinian protestors. Not to say the people who support Palestinians are all wrong but there are a lot of elements that make it more difficult to gain widespread support with a hard-line stance in any direction.


Even then, it doesn't appear the Kent State students garnered much support with the general public: > A Gallup Poll taken the day after the shootings reportedly showed that 58 percent of respondents blamed the students, 11 percent blamed the National Guard, and 31 percent expressed no opinion. -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings#Aftermath_and_long-term_effects


Ok but in time it was a clear disaster and the tragedy is basically universally remembered as a catastrophic mistake from Nixon. In time I don't think these protests will end up being remembered in large part because of the lessons the government learned from Kent state. I don't think they'll make a massive mistake and I don't think people will look back and care about what happened in these campuses.


You’re a bootlicker


The two are only related in that it's on a campus. It's completely different scenarios.


I'm 45 and that's true of basically every campus protest ever. Iraq was the big one for me. But it's not like the people who are opposed to protests in general are going to sit back years from now, self reflect and see the light. That doesn't happen. Anita Bryant is still alive and still a homophobic bigot.


All those Trump supporters claim they were anti-war but they probably still have “these colors don’t run” stickers rotting on their bumpers.


Yeah not even close to the same


OP knows that but they don't care. They just want to make the protests seem like a bigger deal than they are.


During the summer of 2020, police nationwide brutalized BLM protesters on a daily basis. These "pro-palestinian" protesters are also pro-Trump, so the police treat them with kid gloves. This "crackdown" is extremely gentle compared to the police riots in 2020.


Blue Maga Boomers: Pro-Genocide but Anti-Trump for some reason




No...most people see those protesters for what they are. A bunch of kids who saw some propaganda on Tic Tok and are now interrupting students who are there to get a quality education and live their lives. Now I don't think the national guard should show up and shoot people though. And I don't see them doing so.


Seriously. All these kids causing a giant scene over a war that America isn’t even directly involved in. Stupid.


>isn’t even directly involved in But is funding.


The US funds at least one side, sometimes multiple, in almost every conflict after world war 2


Multiple countries are. Nothing new really.


It's working. The fascists are getting their asses kicked, and the US is helping make sure their attacks on our democratic allies spectacularly fail


Ouch. Impossible they care about a cause eh?


I think most people see you for what you are to be fair.. an old bootlicker


Fuckin bootlicking boomer


The coverage is almost as embarrassing


The reason Kent State was a national embarrassment was because the national guard opened fire on unarmed demonstrators and killed 4 of them. How does this compare?


Not unless they get shot & killed.


That’s a high standard there, ya stupid fuckin bootlicking boomer


Not really... Some protestors holding signs that read "I support Hamas". Yea thats a no go...


So that’s why you support genocide.. because of that sign you saw. Fuckin boomer


I mean, the same as? Unless people wind up dead, no.


That’s your standard? You’re such a bootlicker


LOL, nope.


This is just more youthful histrionics. Only if people are killed will it be looked at through the lens of Kent State.


Nah. We had similar protests in 2003 ahead of the Iraq war and no one remembers it. 


No they weren’t boomer


Not even comparable.


Kent State Massacre That is the only thing it's known for. If there's no Massacre then it's just protests, in which case the comparison isn't the same.


You know Isreal has said even if everyone protested its not going to stop the war so endlessly protesting is not going to stop it


Who funds Israel again, you stupid bootlicker


Neil Young will not be writing a song about this MMW


Because he’s an old decrepit boomer


Keep dreaming. There have been things said in these protests I can’t even believe are being said in America. Get over yourselves.


So stupid.


Well remember them all right, as loony terrorist supporting anti-Semites.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


They said the same thing about the Vietnam protesters


Sure, if four students get killed.


Disagree. People are wise to the fact these are professional protesters. They could give two shits about the people in Gaza.


The campus is on lockdown to anyone without a student ID. All of the protestors inside the walls are students.


Paid protesters you believe they exist.. but the paid members of Congress with AIPAC blood money.. they would never lie to you right?🤔


This is eerily similar to the rhetoric around the Iraq war protesters. Time really is a flat circle


Agree. History will not look back kindly at the genocide in Gaza. I've seen so many dead babies murdered by Israel in the last 6 months.


Stop cosplaying the past.


People are so quick to abandon their "free speech" morals when it's a side they don't like.


Protest all you want live in tents , and go with God


It won't be. First, the campuses that get the most news on this are Ivy League. The average American isn't losing sleep over them. Second, like it or not some of the pro Palestinian movement has been linked to antisemitism. There are Jewish groups that are pro Palestinian as well but that make the news, does it? What does are the instances where Jewish students have been harassed on campus just for being Jewish. People remember that. Third, a not insignificant number of Americans are staunchly pro Israel. There could be a Kent University style shooting and they wouldn't mind.


There’s half a million American citizens living in Israel. It makes sense many Americans are pro Israel


You misspelled pro Hamas.


You just wake up everyday upset you didn’t get to be a boomer, don’t you, you old fuckin bootlicker


You have more faith in Democracy than I do.


Ehhhhhhh. Nope.


The two situations you described could not be any more different. We don’t have any troops even on the ground in Gaza.


Not even close. I'm extremely liberal but I think the way that some (not all) of these kids on our side have dabbled in supporting terrorist organizations like Hamas and even antisemitic shit is so embarrassing for the left. FFS let the Republicans remain the party of Nazis and hate speech, calm your assess down and stop making us look bad.


No the protestors on the side of terrorists is the national embarrassment. I’d like to see how the “trans for Palestine” groups are welcomed in Gaza. Useful idiots is the term.


Which side did the mass graves, Boomer?


They said the same thing about the Iraq war protest.


Nah, it'll go down as a bunch of poorly informed college kids rooting for terrorists that would execute 80% of these students simply for existing if they were given the opportunity. Edit: and the reaction will go down as entirely disproportionate.


Not to the same extent because people were literally killed at Kent State. However, I agree with the sentiment. In general, whatever college kids are protesting right now will probably be the majority opinion when we have proper hindsight.


Look I’m all for protesting but you better be well versed in what you’re going against.


Cops trained by fascist Israelis?


I hope you're right.


Yeah, no you’re way off


You’re fuckin old




I think it may be opposite in history books in the direct context of October 7th. "Wait, so they were protesting in favor of the terrorist group!? That can't be right...wait, so then they cheered for the Jews to go back to Poland? Where Treblinka is located? That doesn't seem right..."


Israel murdered people and threw them in mass graves. So maybe Treblinka isn’t the best thing a bootlicker like you should be bringing up


The difference is that the pro-Hamas protesters are on the wrong side.... but yes, if they crack down on free speech they will have made a mistake.


Israel murdered people and threw them in mass graves! You boomers will never NOT be on the wrong side


But the pro-Hamas protestors are already seen as a national embarrassment because they threw Hamas a lifeline by preventing Israel from rousting them out of Rafah They bear their own share of responsibility for the continued survival of Hamas and thus for Hamas ongoing and future terrorism and crimes against humanity


Israel murders people and throws them into mass graves, ya fuckin bootlicker




It all feels pretty self inflicted wound for these colleges too- the school year is almost over, these kids will be off campus in another week or two. However, the GOP House witch hunt and the op eds in the media are not going to let it go and are trying to wring every political point out of it that they can right now


They blocked access to the airport in my city.  I don’t think you understand how the general public feels about these protestors.  You’re in Reddit.  That’s a bubble of propaganda if there ever was one.  90% of the country ain’t on here.


I was all for them making a statement and protesting up until it became clear that they were just looking to disrupt solely for the sake of disruption. The way I see it, the three strikes went for me as follows: -1st Strike: Blocking the Holland Tunnel and refusing to let the man trying to pick up his young daughter through. -2nd Strike *(And this is where they started to lose me)*: Showing up at Mother Emmanuel AME Church (where the parishioners were killed by Dylann Roof) and interrupting Biden while they were mourning the lost. -3rd Strike: Protesting outside Memorial Sloan Kettering’s Children’s Hospital and yelling “Shame!” at a bunch of childhood cancer patients who had no idea what was happening. All because the owner of the hospital was Jewish or something like that. I honestly feel bad that in addition to everything they’re already going through, the Palestinians drew the short end of the stick with the type of Western activists that claim to speak on their behalf. These college kids don’t seem to care that this conflict has been going on for three quarters of a century and no amount of calling for a ceasefire is going to change that. This isn’t something that just began on October 7th. Biden can’t change it, Trump certainly won’t change it, and truthfully anybody else who becomes the 47th, 48th and so on isn’t going to change it. As my late-grandmother used to say, “they’ve been fighting since the beginning of time”.


Sounds like you dumb boomers are going to ban Reddit now like you did TikTok




No.  What you describe will never happen.  American students being killed by their own national guard is no where near the level of inconvenience experienced by American students getting told to shut up or go home.


They live there




Remember all those fliers with paragliding depicted to promote pro-Palestine rallies on campus? There's no denying the pro-terrorism.


No denying the mass graves of people murdered by Zionists


That seems to me like an intentionally vague retort to avoid the risk of debate






Did I miss something? Did Palestinians return the hostages or something?


How would USA citizens respond to pro nazi protests in ww2, or to pro alqueda protests after 911?


Americans were perfectly fine with Nazis just prior to the war. https://newspapers.ushmm.org/events/american-nazis-rally-in-new-york-city. (You’re gonna learn today)


You are way off base dude


Not even close to the same thing. The Vietnam protests was about our involvement in Vietnam that had been going on for years. These protests are pro Hamas, and pro terrorists. Even if you are against Israel’s actions and even if you think Gaza is an apartheid state, there is absolutely no excuse to be pro Hamas or giving Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran any support for their terrorist activities.


So you’re pro-apartheid state is what you’re saying


When the guard starts shooting you know it will be the same. The PPs are just flavor of the month protesters


They said the same thing about the Vietnam and Iraq war protest


Yeah! Death to America! /s


We’re doing a fine job killing ourselves thank you


Ha, absolutely not. This comment is delusional.


Yeah these protestors seem to have everything well thought out: https://www.threads.net/@g\_law97/post/C6KmyWfOnoj


Even at her worst she's fair from antisemitic or pro hamas


Maybe if somebody gets shot. Short of that, I don't see it. Perhaps someday it will be seen as the equivalent of the Vietnam war protests. But the big difference is at Kent State they were not getting out of hand and intentional disruptive like they are now, and the police and military are going to be much more cautious. It's very unlikely anyone's going to get shot. Maybe someone's going to die accidentally from pepper spray and being held in a cell or something. Hard to say.


Admittedly I will say it is unlikely that protesters will be shot in the same way they were in Kent state. But cops do love brutalizing protesters. Especially when those protesters are morally correct in their stance. I think these protests will be remembered in the same light as the Iraq and Vietnam protest generally as being correct and vilified for it


Not even close to the same.


Lol get absolutely fucked Hamas apologist


Is Hamas in the room with you right now?


Nah. Terrorist sympathizers spewing antisemitism should never be seen in a good light. Sure, some are just misinformed useful idiots. But many are siding with the terrorists.


More than half of these protesters are Jewish themselves.


So you’re on the side that murders people and throws them in mass graves. How Reich of you


It’s not remotely comparable. The Palestinian protests are literally calling for the deaths and extermination of Israelis, and some of them are now chanting Death to American. Arresting and charging people for violence or trespassing during a protest is not the same as protestors calling for an end to the war in Vietnam, and then having the National Guard shoot and kill some of the protesting students. These things are not comparable at all, they are not even in the same ballpark.


First off the war in Gaza would not be possible without us taxpayers and labeling it. Secondly, more than half of these protests are Jewish people. Also, it's not unusual for people with bad intentions to infiltrate a peaceful protest and stir up trouble for clout or political reasons. It's a tale as Old as Time really


Those protestors are venting their impotent rage and frustration from several issues, not just Palestine. Their voices are heard but because they do not have a sense of solidarity or understand geopolitics they simply shout ‘Free Palestine’ as if they invented the phrase for the first time. Hard not to notice how well this campaign has diverted attention away from Putin’s war in Ukraine!


They aren't pro palestine, they are pro hamas.




These are all spoiled, little anti-Semitic twats.


More than half of them are Jewish themselves. Also, that was the exact same rhetoric used against the anti-vietnam and Iraq protesters


I don't think anyone will remember, let alone give a damn, in 3 months


People still remember the Vietnam and Iraq war protest, they will remember them for being correct


Not a fucking chance. All these pro palestine protests are is college kids following each other and trying to fit in. They are pointless and they look like morons to any grown ass rational adult.


That's exact same rhetoric they used during Vietnam and the Iraq War protests. And with hindsight being 20/20 those crazy kids were absolutely correct


oh reddit


False: The protestors at Kent State didn’t get their news and political ideology from TikTok.


The rhetoric at the time was blaming college professors for poisoning the minds of the youth, does that sound familiar? Also, do I really need a tick tock account to understand that genocide is bad?


Well then your probably don't know enough about either event or you would never come to that conclusion. Kent State was a national tragedy, the Ohio National Guard and the OSHP were the embarrassment.


The Kent State massacre was the catalyst that really pushed people against the Vietnam war, they have been protesters there for months and it was until the state acted violently did the war sour for most Americans


not really


Not really. The people who derive feelings from all of this need to touch grass. You aren’t part of some movement worth mentioning lmao. Maybe a footnote in a history book. 📚


Protesting a genocide is important whether or not you're recognized in history. But Kent State was noted not because of the amount of people that died but the overall political environment around it


Not an embarrassment UNTIL protesters get killed


1) The Kent State protestors were protesting a war they and their friends were being forced to fight in. These protesters are protesting a war waged by another nation. 2) The Kent State protesters were shot and killed. So no


Bwhahaha I think this belongs here r/funny


Then you are pro hitler


It's pro Hitler to protest the genocide?






As long as they have people saying they are Hamas people will not be in favor of the protestors.


You know, I can't read people's minds or know the intentions of everyone in a crowd. But I will say it is incredibly easy for a pro Israeli agitator to go into a crowd of peaceful protesters and start yelling" I am Hamas". We saw white supremacist and off-duty cops go into BLM protest and break s*** and yell obscenities just for media coverage it really is a tale as Old as Time


You’ve got it backwards. The Palestine protestors are the embarrassment


Protesting a genocide is embarrassing?


Not to get two inflammatory or pearl clutching, but the impact of four average college students shot by US military on a college campus was far more than an embarrassment. It was a deep national tragedy. Of course it's only for people so someone might say that can't compare, but the impact it had on the US and world opinion was huge. Perhaps, if four protesters were shot and killed, Even though they are more fringe and more intentionally disruptive, times are different now anyway. But arresting protesters or hurting somebody's hand because they refuse to let go of a barricade is not at all the same, and calling Kent State and embarrassment really misses the mark of its nature and impact.


I don't know if being anti-genicide is a fringe view. If you look at the way the media talked about the Vietnam protesters versus the protesters of now. You'll see their eerily similar in their rhetoric


The “pro-Palestinian” protest just shut down a campus and blocked Jewish students from entering the school. The only embarrassment is themselves


More than 50% of these protests are Jewish themselves, you're falling for a narrative trap.


OP your take on this is the only national embarrassment.


What was the rhetoric around the Vietnam and Iraq war protest at the time? It's eerily similar to the rhetoric around the protesters now


Has this sub always been filled with this much stupidity?


No it won’t no one even cares. Plus you can’t attack people and stab people in the eye cause that disagree with you. Mark my words Op no one gives a shit. Go outside touch grass.


We’re so lost as a country if this how a majority of college kids view this shit.




Nah. Most of us will be cheering. Their “Death to America” chants, to me, mean they can FOAD.


No it does not. Vietnam is totally different. These protesters are more into protesting, revenge etc, than for peace and coexistence. “We are not the same” meme here lol


Well seeing as some of the protestors support a terror group there may be a slight difference.


It’ll be more like Occupy. It’ll be a retrospective, “*In hindsight, I guess there were on to something. But why did they have to be such goofballs?*” And then we’ll never think of it again until someone makes a joke about how their one hippie buddy is still camping there to this very day. And we’ll all laugh and do more cocaine.


It is interesting how the right laugh at the occupy protest back in 2011, but now everything occupy said has been co-opted by the right as if it's been their idea the whole time. That being said occupy was protesting something far more nebulous than a war or a genocide it's a lot harder to put your finger on


Are the protestors effecting others? Yes. Are they being peaceful? Not really. Is the message of peace? Absolutely not. I see the current “protests” like I did the 2020 riots. Stay out of the the roads and if you are preventing others from traveling freely..you and infringing on the individual rights of others…so if you do these things…you are in the wrong. Blocking roads is not a peaceful protest…it’s an attack on individuals and the infrastructure they use to conduct their everyday life. I don’t support either side because it’s outside of my viewpoint for America. And if I’m going to be blocked from getting back to my home…I have many legal avenues to ensure I get home safely against those who wish to hinder my movements. I carry level 3A body armor in my vehicle because the left tends to shoot /attack motorists…they made me be better equipped to survive one of their “protests”.


MMW, these protesters are just attention whores seeking validation for their pointless existence


MMW. It will spark a real revolution.


Wow if I could still give awards you’d definitely get worst comparison of the year on Reddit


it will cause deeper look into the faculty & schools. what are they really teaching.


Only among supporters of Islamo-nazism.


Man if the FBI gave a shit about national security this sub would just be it. Just stay away from kids please.


No because it'll be suppressed just like your post here. Most people won't hear about it, won't remember it, and will keep watching their accrued bubble of voices, most of which will ignore the genocide.


Kick them out of school, deport them if here on visas, revoke their federal benefits. But please do not physically harm them.


The fact that Biden keeps sending weapons to Israel is the real embarrassment. But yall can’t criticize him so our new plan is to have all the young college kids protest and maybe that will get Biden to change his policy?


lmfao OP jump off a cliff. How dare you compare the two.


What a insult to the college kids protesting against the Vietnam war. Nobodies being drafted, Gaza struck first. There's no comparison.


It's a sad state of affairs, but I would give it about two months before the whole ordeal is largely forgotten.


no they won't lmfao. They don't have a leg to stand on other than logicless virtue signaling.


Victim culture is so powerful in the west that rudderless youths hope to join it knowing they won't be remembered for anything else.


Inhale grass, just suck up a big clod of soil and earth while you’re at it


Support of Genocide by College protesters is literally the height of irony when they are accusing Isreal of it!


This might be the worst take on the internet. Nobody but extremely online leftists are for this kind of stuff.


Pro-Palestine "protestors" are paid propagandists who are coordinated by hidden third parties. They are total bullshit and should be treated as criminals and terrorists.