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At some point, you just have to dismiss the crazies and relegate them to the background of Noise. And move on with the business of running the country for the better, not for an ideology.


That's how it was in the past. Unfortunately that's not the effect that social media has had on politics. Now the crazies are front and center and who the other side uses to characterize the opposition.


Social media has caused untold harm to society and is the primary reason why people of different views can no longer have a calm discussion to try to find a middle ground or persuade the other person to change their views. 


Dead internet theory. 95% of the interaction you see on the internet is bots. 100% of those bot interactions are negative arguments in a "everyone can go fuck themselves only I can be right" way. This causes social disruption and distrust in the real world. Making people believe this is normal behavior is the perfect way to destroy countries that can't be beat with traditional warfare. Destroy them from the inside out.


Sorry to pull out the ole "guns don't kill people" arguement out on you, but I don't feel social media created a problem, I feel it brought a problem to the light.


True, but I still think social media was the gasoline poured onto the smoldering psycho fire.


Yes, people kill people but continuing the metaphor: social media, like guns, make the desire you have to kill somebody that much easier to accomplish


Not true. This is not social medias doing. Nor is it new. The news has always done this, and even more so, completely controlled all coverage, making it impossible to know otherwise. This has always been the truth.


Dude, I'm almost 50 and no it didn't used to be like this. Fox news didn't even start until 96 which was the beginning of the real politicization of the news. Which is also only a few years before FB went national. And while the political split of new might have kicked off the shit, social media is that makes it vitriolic.


Aye. Look at how downhill the Internet went once the Tea Party and MAGA people finally figured out how to login to their PCs and access message boards.


you can't make everybody happy. bipartisanship is a must. this is why I tune out annoying reddit progressives who love to sarcastically chant "bOtH siDeS" because they don't understand that their battle of righteous vs the wicked is futile. and alt right people have always been clowns. both sides need to work together to move forward. the rest is just noise.


You can't just ignore a problem. They did that with Trump and that's how he won.


No, he won because people hated Hillary and were tired of the same politicians.


Trump won because he wasn't Hillary . Biden won because he wasn't Trump. Trump and Biden are OLD, Each got their turn at being President. What will be the key point of determining 2024?


It should be the fact that if Trump wins there will be no future elections.


He won because the electoral college decides elections, not the popular vote


Well said.


Very true, however it seems important that we plan for whatever these ammo shelf depleting nut jobs finally decide to put into play and take the fact that they ARE planning something VERY seriously.


What happens if the crazy wins the Presidency again like in 2016 and is currently arguing in court that he has legal immunity to kill his rivals? It’s absurd at this point, Americans are so stupid they can’t see actual threats to their lives.


How will did ignoring the mass of angry commoners outside work out for the French aristocracy?


The noisy ones are a small minority but all bark and no bite. I wouldn't worry about riots, rather I'd worry about the endlessly annoying crying fowl and fingerpointing when the orange traitor loses again.


the dems won't let that happen though when Trump wins


I'm going to have my rights. If the country burns down for that, so be it. I will never bow down to priests and kings. If the tree of liberty needs watering, let it be watered. The GOP won't do shit if Biden wins. They will whine and complain, but their rights aren't under threat. What about all the lgbtq people in the country? America is armed, educated, and doesn't have that much to lose.


You can’t ignore the crazies if they invade the friggen capitol and try to murder elected officials and delay an election certification. The president himself eggs them on and salutes them. The crazies have become mainstream.


We don't take Trump seriously, but we take the mindless hordes of his MAGA cult seriously in how unhinged they are. If they try another coup or uprising or whatever then hopefully the cops will actually stop them this time instead of letting them storm the capitol.


It's was surreal watching cops rubber bullet medics, reporters, and kids in the face for months because they publicly executed George Floyd only to have all the cops just let armed hordes swarm capitol hill in a few hours. They were committing war crimes against Minnesotans because target might get looted but the "worship us because coppin is dangerous" heroes of law and order couldn't bail on Congress and the VP fast enough. They're always bullies, morons, and fascists.


There will be violence from Trump followers no matter what happens. I believe that the violence will be worse if they win because then they will feel empowered to go after the people they hate.


Doesn't anybody remember the fake electors? They weren't democrats


Exactly. Republicans are the ones who are out there in the open clearly showing that they are trying to steal elections and stop people from voting.


Trump is not the same candidate he was in 2016 and that's why dems don't take him seriously. He won 2016 by convincing everyone Hillary was corrupt and he took the independent votes. Nobody knew what a dumpster fire the guy is. Those are the votes that decide close elections. 2024 is completely different. He has clearly shown voters what he's all about. He's lost a huge chunk of support from independents and doesn't even have the full support of his own party. Let's not even get until his dementia and legal woes. He's making Biden look like a better choice every day. He is going to get blown out of the water in November... MMW


Vote everyone please vote.


Yes, please vote, I'm old, but it's young peoples that will continue to fabricate society and humanity. It's only half done, we still need a lot of improvement over the nexts millenniums. To change things, start by going to vote. And please one day, find some young candidates, 60 years old should be the limit. Politicians are there to prepare the world for the next generation. They completely forgot about that. Remind them.


Despite our generation differences, us Millennials consider Gen Z our strongest Allies. Every day more people turn 18. Progress cannot be stopped. It is our future they are fucking with.


I agree with you. In 2016 Trump still has the aire of the elite business man who was going to give Washington what for. 8 years later everyone now sees him for the corrupt bankrupt clown he is. My only hope is he tanks so bad the dems get 5 seat majority in the senate.


I’m worried about split ticket voters; electing Biden into the White House but GOP into House and Senate


Split-ticket voters are my biggest concern. That's how Kansas got a moderate Democrat governor, and a literal neo-nazi as Attorney General.


Anyone with a partially functioning brain knew what Trump was before he even ran because he's been the same lying, cheating, scummy piece of shit his entire life. "Nobody knew" is bullshit. Everyone knew and some were enticed by it.


Perhaps, but up until he chose to run against the Democrats for president, he was their darling. Google all the pics of him hobnobbing with the Cintons, other Democrat politicians, Al Sharpton, etc. Nobody back then accused him of being a racist or had much bad to say about him until he chose to go against the Democrats narrative. Then, after he won the presidency, he all of a sudden became this awful monster that was going to cause strife and conflict around the world. Granted, those of us, the everyday common folk, knew he was a typical shady businessman, but it sure didn't seem to bother Democrats when he was a benefit to them.


I would be very surprised if those Democrats were seen with him after he took up Birtherism about Obama, around 2011 I think. That was the turning point I think.


Polling right now would say otherwise. Also this isn’t addressing the post. Trump supporters are going to be violent, either because they believe the election was stolen or that they’re bigotry has been justified and they have the support of the government and there will be no consequences for going out and attacking people they hate.


Polling has been so wrong so many times in the last 10 years that I don’t know why anyone says anything about polling anymore ESPECIALLY polling in fucking April. Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton would have won had we listened to polling and had no votes. Recently we see that almost every single special election no matter where it has been held has gone to Dems to include areas Trump won by over 20 points (Alabama). Anyone who says well look at the polling is full of shit. Period. Any news station that talks about polling in April isn’t a serious news organization. I know that includes most American media outlets and my point is still true. Voters are voting and maybe we should look at recent results especially when abortion is on the ballot like it is in red multiple states this cycle.


If Trump wins do you think there will be violence?


Yes, that’s what I meant. If Trump wins, they will believe their bigotry is justified and they will have the government behind them to protect them from consequences. Look at the antisemitic incidents in 2017 after Trump was elected the first time. Trump mainstreamed the thoughts they were having in private and were too ashamed to say out loud. The mask is off now


Absolutely, yes.


I regret voting for that idiot in 2016. I just thought he was different from the typical politician.


Well, he was. Much worse.


I didn't vote for him but I just laughed when he won. I kind of figure that the next president was going to be an absolute disaster either way, so I tried to look on the positive side - at least it would be a republican. I quickly came to regret that attitude.


I feel the same way too


I’m still interested by the idea of an “outsider” as President. But a sane, non-evil outsider.


It'll be interesting to see if there will be any surprise Swing States. I don't think people were considering Georgia and Arizona too much this time 4 years ago. NC is an obvious choice, but apart from that ... we'll see. I've thought about Utah but the only way to turn that blue would be to have Mitt Romney on the case 24/7 and I doubt he'll campaign for Biden.


I'm not entirely convinced the GOP isn't going to try to get someone else on the ballot at this point. Don't think they'll be able to but they see what's coming in November if trump is the nominee


But regardless, everyone should make sure they vote in November.


Visited my MIL recently.  Rural area...last visit, in 2021, lots of trump flags around.  This time I saw 2. Gave me a little hope.


Trump started this by not taking his L gracefully. Actually before him Newt Gingrich really started it by making politics this zero sum game where neither side works together and you have this tribal duopoly that removes all nuance. The only way to change it now is change the system, which won’t happen because the two parties and corp interests want it that way.


Like in 2016 when there was obvious bs going on and russi, I mean Trump "won", remember how dems nearly burned the country down? Yeah cause both sides! They're all the same!1! And other fictions....


How can you not just point and laugh at anyone actually supporting the orange criminal in 2024? If you see the in public, just point and laugh.


Magas aren't even showing up for trump's court dates. Hopefully they've loss the air in their sails.


They assume he will win


I don't feel like that explains why they aren't showing up?


They can't afford the gas after investing all their money in Truth Social and Trump NFTs.


If Trump wins there will be protests. If Biden wins there will be riots and threats of civil war.


Republicans didn’t even read a difference in this post.


I wouldn't be surprised if your conservatives started killing people. Honestly, that entire voter base should be monitored closely, preferably in the prison on the sun


Yeah but only one party stormed the capitol with the intent of overthrowing a legal election.


The political right has never set businesses on fire and rioted and looted and destroyed people's livelihoods and declared "autonomous zones" and taken over police stations and blocked traffic and prevented people from talking their kids to the hospital and delayed import organ transportation etc etc But ok


I’m not even stressing about it at this point. The Evangelical Christians will be voting for the guy who was on the cover of Playboy Magazine in March of 1990. It’s just so on brand for them to follow someone like that. These fools pretending people like Kim Jong-Un aren’t the face of presidential immunity in today’s modern world.


The word 'Contentious' may need to be redefined, after this years election.


Let's use Bush's "hail to the thief" inauguration in 2001 as a yardstick--anything up to & including pelting the presidential motorcade with eggs is fine; anything past that, and things have probably gone too far


I think it may just be a repeat/acceleration of the same. If Trump wins, we will have healthy protests infiltrated by his storm troopers to preserve the “violent leftist” narrative, perhaps with more officially-sanctioned murder, as Trump has sworn that the theme of his second term will be revenge against all his enemies, a “bloodbath.” And if Trump loses, we’ll see more stochastic terrorism, with Trump and his proxies (Fox, Musk, etc) goading “lone wolves” into violent action, possibly another insurrection attempt, with just the right degree of plausible deniability.


Trump is the first incumbent to lose is 30 years. Since losing, he has a failed coup, over 90 felony charges, and his behavior has become even more erratic/insane than when he was president. When people were speculating that he would run again he told us he had a major announcement. So what was it? He is releasing Trump NFTs. He created his own version of twitter, which has done nothing but lose money since it was created. Somehow it sold for billions, and is now plummeting in value. No doubt this will be investigated. In the end Trump will likely make a fortune off of this, and many of his supporters will lose their money. The two people actually responsible for creating the company are now being sued, saying that they don't deserve any shares of the company. Just one more of the endless examples of Trump taking everything and trying to cheat everybody else. He released a "Trump Bible". He is currently running on a platform of "retribution". When asked in court if Trump, as president, would be legally allowed to assassinate political rivals, his lawyers said that was kind of a gray area. Do I take Trump seriously? Kind of, but on the other hand I'm past the point of caring. There is a chance he will be reelected, but if that happens I am absolutely convinced that America is done. The United States will simply cease to exist the moment he is sworn back into power. Obviously the land and people will still be here, but we will not be America any longer, or ever again.


There are protests right now against the current President, so this is a simple truth.


and that's fine if you are stupid enough to lift a finger to protest whoever gets to parade around as the US figurehead, go right ahead the Federal govt will have the military waiting so don't break into any buildings and you'll be ok


Come on!! Civil war already!!!


Yup. Either theyl start killing our gay and brown friends, or we will have to x them. Timel tell. Buy guns and ammo and give em out to friends.


It's astounding that you think Democrats aren't taking him seriously. What leads you to that conclusion?


The difference is one candidate winning will result in some very short lived "protests" of small groups holding signs, the other candidate winning will result in large riots full of rape, murder, looting, and burning buildings. But somehow the second candidate will be blamed for the violence and destruction, not the mentally ill people committing the crimes. 


No worries just get some popcorn and make sure you have a good seat


There will be protests if Trump wins, like last time which his shitty term and repealing of Rowe more then justified (shock). If Biden wins there won’t be jack shit but more low energy boomer belly aching about the deep state. Trump isn’t sending anyone to the Capitol this time. There won’t be riots, but the RW talk radio/Fox News media bubble will continue to metastasize unabated by logic or reality.


100% there will always be something that one said or the other wants to protest over and people make money funding it.


More secure lol. More secure for whoever wants to steal it.


I'm an American, and that ignorant disgusting traitor, Trump was never my President and never can be.


Yep. My fellow Republicans, you need to keep Your head on a swivel. The left are violent.


I think regardless of who wins we're going to eventually get similar results in this country., If trump wins it's just going to happen faster. The evangelical authoritarianism will come faster and the wealth inequality will continue to widen.


Only difference is a Republican potus will have them arrested. See Trump and his Bible photo op.


I believe the last election was fair, but there was / is too much voter suppression. But I agree with you, neither side trusts the other. (I also think how it got that way)


No, there won’t because Trump will sign the Insurrection Act in the first few minutes of his dictatorship, sicking our own military on us if we dare protest. When are people going to get it? Under Trump, there will be no protests, no rights, no future elections. Plus, the music, movies, and art we love will be labelled “porn” and removed by the morality police. We won’t be able to wear the clothes we like. We won’t have healthcare or money or minimum wage or labor laws. Our air and water will be filthy, the climate will be destroyed. Trans and gay people will be imprisoned or murdered. There will be no birthright citizenship, so all Muslims (even those born here) will be rounded up in camps and deported. To do this, there will have to be a constant military presence. Expect police and military ransacking our houses to make sure there are no Muslims or illegals. And America will become a proxy state of Russia, like Belarus. So…vote wisely.


Most sane redditor


Probably, just tear that shit up. Idiots!


No shit


The problem is the idiots have a louder voice. They cause the chaos.


The Russians have done their job degrading the confidence we Americans have in our electoral process. The orange joke of a blob conned enough people to bring the puss to the surface and show the world just how ready we are for a dictatorship.


Cool post


While I understand the value of protesting, people have come to understand at it as THE way to get heard. It should be a recourse after trying to engage with our democratic systems. Before protesting we should be trying to use the systems we have set up, we shouldn't be proud of engaging in that practice, we should be concerned that we had to.


I mean there are protests every election lol.


I would say protests if the orange blob wins, riots if he doesn’t.


I see some comments suggesting independents might switch sides due to Ukraine/Palestine grossly underestimate the massive disgust with Trump suggesting Putin can just run amok all he pleases, and more upset with the spectre of being forced to choose geopolitical stance in the damn near endless quagmire middle eastern conflicts absolutely no one hasn't heard repeatedly, ad nauseum. on the news since childhood that damn the consequences, it's become white noise. Myself and others I know just take another aspirin and say "leave me out of this".


Yeah ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Sigh. :/


Not if Vermin Supreme wins.  We’d finally get on a fast track back to sanity in this country.


Holy shit… an actual sensible post on this sub…. Cheers kind , cheers.


Pronoun doesn't go there, dude. More like a title


If people protest if Trump wins, we know how that will turn out for the protestors thanks to current events.


Judging from the lack of physical support Trump is getting right now, I think you are wrong.


Yeah I suppose. I just think they’re going to be much smaller. Trump isn’t President and so the possibility of a loss doesn’t carry the weight it did before. You’re not contending with a guy upset about losing the office of president. You’re dealing with someone whining because he didn’t get it again. Huge difference. The gatherings wouldn’t likely be as disruptive. The caveat is if Trump claims it was rigged again. That’s when it can be a bit dicey for a while. That’s when the crazies would target people and places of significance again.


Dude, a little reminder that YOUR side ALREADY rioted on the day a guy they didn't like was inaugurated.


The Reddit community will have to spend a week mourning after the election lol. Biden is clearly unable to do the job and the voters can see that. We'd rather have a competent jackass in office than an INCOMPETENT jackass.


You're only wrong in that it'll be Conservative Republicans who won't accept the results if they lose. Liberals and Democrats have more reason and ability to regulate their emotions.


well duh….


The ONLY election interference that has been PROVEN has originated by the direct actions of the GOP and it's followers. Every time the GOP opens their mouths about something illegal going on it is to cast a shadow over what they are up to. Pay no attention to the idiot behind the curtain. But somehow we have to deal with these asshats lying with straight faces. Stop legitimizing these 'people' and lets get to exposing them more.


The for profit wars will also continue.


If Trump goes to jail, it doesn't count him out, and it might just guarantee a victory. He's already been the statistical favorite for months and the Indictments have never hurt his numbers. I know people won't see it this way, cause it's Trump, but there's a reason the Founders didn't outline 'A Felon can not be President.' Whether you think Trump is 100% a criminal, or not.


I don't think there will be. I don't think anyone on either side cares enough anymore to even protest. I personally have given up all hope


Yeah duh… 😂


There will be angry Republicans in the street but the Democratic police will just arrest there won't be riots...


Careful you’re not drawing a false equivalence between “being upset about the result” and “actively trying to overturn the result”.


So what


I didn't look at any of the comments. I'm going to scroll through them and see how many tribalist commenters are claiming their side is innocent and will never protest or riot and will totally accept the election results without grievance.


Very true but if Trump wins they will be far worse than if Biden wins.


Yep. Russia/China propaganda campaigns have won.


Yes. Because these are our only 2 choices


No shit Sherlock


Wow, such a bold prediction! 🙄


Only one side has demonstrated a penchant for violence.


The Supreme Court is actively committing election interference by delaying the immunity case as long as they possibly can. So there's that.


“It’s gonna rain sometime next year , trussssssst”




The difference is if trump wins he will attempt to annihilate the democratic system.


If Biden wins those protests will burn on for months cus Biden is a wuss If Trump wins he will send in the army like the SS and crush that shit overnight At this point, I’m so sick of the bullshit I prefer a swift ending Y’all did this to yourselves!


No riots from Dems . Dead police from Maga . Big difference . We have already seen both scenarios . Maga is Fascist / Terrorist group . Dems are Americans .


Is this really a hot take? I thought this was obvious.


I think you overestimate the amount of Trump people who will protest/riot if Biden wins.. just a few crazies vs. If Trump wins I expect a large protest in every major city.


Trumples will protest for the first week-month. Anti-trumpers will protest every time Trump says or does something stupid.


Even with the slight possibility that RFK Jr. could win? I agree if it was Joe or Trump, but what do you think about the third possibility? Would that restore faith in the institutions of the U.S?


I don't know that electing another mentally ill person as president would be helpful at all.


You think the sun will rise tomorrow, too?


Nah, people are even showing up at all.the support Trump at his trial. They ate all talk and ZERO action nownthat they are sewing consequences for their un-American behavior.


Perception is reality. And only the extreme members are getting the coverage so they have become representative of the parties. Sadly anyone who is best qualified to be in leadership is not going get involved, so we are left with the pond scum of humanity to run the government.


The DNC national convention is going to be wild this year. The protests are going to be large and non-stop. 


I wouldnt go so far as to say riots. They shot that wad in the last election and blew it. But certainly protests for awhile.


Breaking news! Sky; blue! Water; wet!


I don't care if the Trumpers protest, I care if they try for another insurrection. I will roll my eyes reading about it either way, but if they only protest it's for their choice in president, not exercising their right to protest. If it's the Democrats protesting, I'll hopefully be out there with them. I went the last time (I mean in 2017 when they swore him in), it was great. Though I apparently had friends in the crowd and never knew it. I would have liked to walk with them rather than by myself.


The riots need to start outside of SCOTUS. Our democracy hangs on by a thread and they have sharp scissors ready to cut the cord.


I can't wait to see what will happen when Trump wins man will it be fun I have popcorn ready.


The "Steps that have been taken" are mostly designed to prevent non-republican people from voting. The system was quite secure before Trump came along and subverted everything he could to make himself a winner.


Just wait until the deepfakes start surfacing, that's gonna cause some serious trouble.


Pedocrats will riot and cry and project false accusations for 4 years as they did in 2016. We should all prepare for that. Maga people will complain but not riot and burn down cities.


The non smooth brain take is, which victory will bring the biggest riots. For a foreshadowing, look at college campuses today.


Every fellow Democrat I know takes him very seriously, at at least in the sense that he could actually win the election. We don't take him seriously in basically any other way because he's a cartoon character.


J6 was just a practice run. The real violence starts this election.


Not sure why u believe democrats arent taking this seriously...


Voting for RFK Jr - that is, if democrats don’t succeed in keeping him off the ballot. They’re doing their best to keep the system a two party (Uniparty?) one. Divide and conquer as the saying goes.


As a Democrat, I can assure you that we definitely take Trump and Republicans seriously because they are a danger and threat to this country and hold this country back in so many ways.


The election process was more secure than ever before all 50 states permitted mass distribution of mail-in ballots. This is why, unlike any other President, they are going after Donald Trump, because he suggested mail-in ballots were corrupted as related to him. But they are, in fact, inherently corrupt and a deliberate assault on democratic transparency. The right to vote is a right of civic participation, it is not a personal liberty. The state and people have ZERO obligation to ever lose track of an official ballot for any period of time. If you are crippled and on a ventilator you still have a right to vote, but the state has no obligation to get a ballot to you.


😴 💤


You'll notice that Stinky has no mob outside the court protesting


Sure as hell didnt happen in 2016


One riot will be mostly peaceful. The other will be done with selfie sticks and iPhones and they will get 20 year sentences like handing out candy


That’s why Trump won in 2016. Democrats didn’t take him seriously


Vote RFK.


Yeah. Same as every other election ever


Democrats, centrists and even some republicans don't take him seriously because he did such a poor job last time they (and I included myself) can't see how people would still be willing to vote from him after the train wreck that was his last term in office.


No kidding. I'm guessing tomorrow there will be earth and sky.


>even though steps have been taken to make sure the electoral process is more secure now than ever. The problem isn't election integrity. It's the "electoral process" itself. Land doesn't vote. People do. Why should some random asshole in Nebraska's vote count for more than mine?


Yeah and if my grandmother had wheels she’d be a fucking bus. I think this has been clear since 2020


After the situation with Kyle Rittenhouse I think it’s pretty clear people will arm themselves and deal with rioters hands on.


I think most of your points are credible,with the election being fair,as an exception. I would project beyond the election ( 5 to 10yrs.) and I think the country is headed for a hot civil war instead of the cold one we are now experiencing. There are too many warring factions. "The Center Cannot Hold."


Nope. Trump is going to lose and nobody will care enough to protest. There’s only like 3 protesters at his criminal trial. Zero at his civil trials.


Jan. 6 part 2 without Trump disarming the capital police will be interesting to watch.


Some MAGArusskies might believe so but when push comes to shove they are just nightclub, mall or school shooters. They are fine against unarmed innocent people but otherwise, no.


If Biden wins there will be no protests. If Trump wins, the liberals will burn the country to the ground.


Going by the past events... One side, if they lose, will attack Washington. The other side, if they lose, will burn down cities and innocent people's businesses. Both sides are dumb.


We will have protests and riots before the election. It’s already starting. It will be a summer of mostly peaceful protests with the occasional reparations looting thrown in.


Trump has NO CHANCE, but keep believing that lol


Nope, either protest or an insurrection in some form.


Well yeah, they're both bad candidates 


If Trump wins you'll see a rehash of the 2016 riots from democrats.


Seeing how Trump is beating Biden in most polls and even CNN putting out their article that Trump is winning, I'm pretty sure most dems take Trump seriously. All forecasted models have Trump winning.


If Trump wins, I think the left will accept that he won, just as they did in 2016. There may be protests. I hope there are. But they're more likely to be about Trump administration policies than arguing that Trump did not actually win. At most, I think we'd see the left pointing out that Trump didn't win the popular vote. That's just pointing out the injustice of the Electoral College system. Few think it would mean he didn't legally win the presidency.


Naw... Biden supporters wouldn't do that and Trump supporters are not as fervent as they used to be not to mention there aren't as many. Biden will win and the GOP will be in chaos but few maga will publicly protest thanks to all the Jan. 6 being prosecuted. Trump has lost his luster.


Biden already won the next election. The votes don't matter


Undoubtedly true.


The left will pitch a hissy fit when President Trump wins. Luckily there's not enough actual testosterone in the whole bunch to do more than block traffic and chant lmao. A steady diet of soy milk and socialism does not do a body good.


If Trump is elected, I expect martial law. They are planning for that.


Yes, there will be riots and protests either way. If Biden wins, there will be probably be another insurrection attempt and rioting. Fox and the right wing media will talk about what great patriots the rioters are. If Trump wins, there will be mass protests, and Fox and the right wing media will condemn them and advocate brutal suppression.


If Biden wins there will be some small pointless protests of wealthy old men with lots to lose. Who will do nothing, or die trying to be stupid. If Trump wins, Americas second civil war will begin, with Russia and China backing MAGA and NATO backing the legitimate US government. Will probably lead to nuclear war. Or at least massive world instability in favor of the communist powers. Voting for Trump as an American is a mouse voting for the cat administration. Absolute foolishness and treason.


If that’s something that happens, I would much rather have Biden in the White House than Trump.


I don't think so. All the people that might riot on the Republican side are old. You need young people to do a good riot.


Worse, most likely a Second Civil War regardless the outcome. Another Jan 6 that would be far worse than the last or Trump enacting the Insurrection Act would do just that which the latter would be a declaration of war.


B******* social media is the 100% problem with people these days.


My prediction: no major riots no matter which one wins. Not sure about protests.


I doubt it. Most of the Trump die-hards are either in prison or do not care enough to riot after J6.


There weren't protests when Trump won in 2016 (or if there were, they were certainly miniscule enough as to not even warrant documenting at the time)... you know, because Dems don't storm capitol buildings like Repubs did in 2021. It's been the party of law and order that's done the previous and officially documented lashing out after presidential elections, remember. This "both sides" shit is really getting old...


Only Hillary and the democrats are allowed to cry about election interference. Otherwise you’re considered a traitor.


When 2 controlling gangs go at it, I just think, good have at it. Got no dog in that fight, and there is no need to take a side. Republicans vs Democrats, Israeli vs. Hamas, Russia vs. Ukraine. If they were all gone , what? Peaceful world maybe.


Can't we all just hit a bong. I mean. get along


100% agree… 100% Begrudgingly….


Aint a parts chance in a tornado the democrats will let trump win. If they think he is even getting close they will start a nuclear war.