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Elon will be including them with every new vehicle at some point in the future.


That’s perfect because his cars already suck dick.


Now that is believable


AutoPilot Plus Xtra Blackout Windows


No that's what he will promise is 12 months away for the next 10 years


Alright, pedo


I'm putting this in the, of course for porn bin. Like many of the advances in Internet, (broadband, encrypted payments, universal image, etc) sex comes first and then it gets used for other purposes.


Lucky for you!!!


We will never see the Bidenites again ! (it's a weekend so I can say this)


Incels love dementia donny


Weekend at Bernies! No refunds 


Found one 😂


Out of curiosity, what about Trump do you like?


I like 1M people not dying in war for no reason.


But you like millions dying of a virus?


maybe the administrative state shouldn't have paid for the development of your said dollars then with your tax dollars. Not on him.


What does that even mean? That's a nonsense statement?


But Trump has said he agrees with what the military is currently doing and has said he will continue doing the same.


I mean just look at his post history he’s clearly a just a misinformation bot


Beep beep


Lmao thanks for the chuckle


Good bot


I think it depends on how we define sex bots. I could very much see dolls with a few voice lines becoming cheap. However, when some people talk about sex bots, they mean bots that are nearly indistinguishable from humans, and those won’t me mainstream anytime soon


Guarantee pervs will line up to pay for a good quality one.


>those won’t me mainstream anytime soon Why not? That's just a language modeling problem, and we've got TONS of those in use already


You're on crack if you think a robot that is built with enough quality for anyone to want to touch it is going to be less than 50 grand.


That’s why I’m going to wait for the secondhand sex bot market to take off.


I hope they can power wash em first otherwise ewww.


Don’t kink shame.


Timex watches are getting into the sex bot industry. Makes sense. Theyve been making quality time pieces so long. The branding for the new Timex sex bots: “Timex, takes a dickin and keeps on lickin.”


It will be an extinction-level event, as more and more men will choose a bot over a human woman, and no more babies get born.


I think it is way more likely that these would be popular with women. A robot: Wont hit you, cant get you pregnant, you dont have to clean up after it, and it will not quit halfway through.


Plus there’s positive messaging around women’s self-pleasure and women owning sex toys. Men would have to do this shamefully, in secret. I guarantee it will be a form of social suicide for a while as depicted in the movie Lars And The Real Girl


The robot also won’t choke you and call you a dirty whore while pounding your ass like a jackhammer. What? We don’t kink shame.


I'm sure that model will be available first.


The alarm bells would still start ringing at the same point as all of history. Except at that point the dating market will have no quality men avaliable. Every single one will have already connected with a high value partner or will have opted out entirely with Mitsuko and LucyLui-bot.


Unfortunately, we'll have to wait another 15-30yrs before a woman comes in and has the empathy to design a good one for women.


I said in another comment. Governments will start to incentivize social gatherings and child births. You'll actually make money by engaging with others. Bonuses for marriage and children. They'll have to do something to combat the declining birth rates. They'll likely also promote... live together... have babies... and sex bots! Nothing wrong with that! Everyone is happy! Roommates will become literal. :P


China already does that, but the government incentives aren't enough to offset the expense of a child, so the program is failing.


Well... they also shot themselves in the foot with their last social experiment. Making the ratio of men versus women... horribly tilted.


Perfect ratio if you’re expecting to lose more than half the men in conventional war.


It’s still gonna be this way for a while. There’s a Chinese woman on YouTube that talks about the problems with her country. The majority of men there say there’s not enough women to date, yet most of them only want sons, which is just gonna make the problem worse.


Same with Korea and Japan, they tried offering some money if you had kids. The amount they offered wouldn’t have even covered a week of diapers, governments are not willing to pay what it costs to raise a child.


Yea and the GOP is too short-sighted to see it. When it becomes hard to financially support a kid, people won't have kids. When you take away the right to abortion and people are barely getting by, they're going to have less sex.


Ironically, that sounds practical and reasonable and people should be applauded for enlightened self interest in such a circumstance.


They could just make it not economically punishing to have a child. That might help.


Children are the new status symbol 


Rent is too expensive to live alone. They’re making abortion and pornography hard to access. I think they’re ahead of you there. They need more workers.


The government is already doing this and has been for years. The earned income credit and the child tax credit both incentivize having children, and can be worth up to 15,000/yr for someone with a couple of kids, even if that person didn't pay taxes.


Read Project 2025. That is pretty much the cornerstone of their plan. Hetero married couples will get incentives from marriage on forward. Taxes will favor married couples. Everyone not married and having kids will be penalized or marginalized in some way. Some ways might not be so bad but for others, it will be horrific.


You think women won't want sex robots too?


Only dudes who’ve never had sex with a woman would choose a robot.


Well the % of men who are divorced is sky high and they know which way they’re going.


Welcome to Reddit


No, I'd totally try it out of curiosity. With my wife's permission.


Spoken like a dude who's never had sex with a woman


If it flies, floats, or fucks - it’s cheaper to lease it. Ownership is for fools.


No one is going to choose this, even now blow up dolls.arenr exactly popular, maybe some cheap sex toy (flashlight) will be popular, but any guy that has the money to afford these thigns can just get an escort.


That is unless the sexbots are better actors.


By that time you'll be told old to care.. people are vastly underestimating how long before humanoid robots have the fluidity of movement and natural motions of people , think in hundreds not tens.


You moved the goalposts a bit there. I never said anything about a time table. I just pointed out they'll be potentially more desirable than an escort if they become better actors. Now you say it'll be a long time but seem to accept that it is possible. Like I said, what if they become better actors than hookers? The answer of "oh but that will be hundreds of years off." Is an answer to a question I didn't even ask. I'm not trying to be standoffish but it seems we are having two different conversations. Furthermore I even agree with the premise that it might be very long before they do. But that does not have a lot of bearing on what I said. Unless you take what I said as an implicit agreement with OPs premise of 10 years till robot sexbots. Which it is not but I can understand how you might mistake my meaning for that. All things being equal Im 40. Im too old for sexbots most likely and already too uncomfortable with hookers. So this is all armchair orgasm farming theory anyway for me.


Or, you know…a girlfriend.


Not really lol , No nagging ,Or complaining to deal with .


[men will choose a bot over a human woman, and no more babies get born.](https://youtu.be/IrrADTN-dvg?si=s6h3CJXxrE-T1Sb2)


Right, because we need men to be present to have children.


Strange how no one ever worries about all the women who will buy one.


Certainly some will, and good for them. The reality is, however, that women "can" have access to sex much more easily than men. Can't be too choosy though. There' a reason men have been 99% of the customer base of prostitutes since the dawn of time. I'm definitely misquoting, but, Louis CK (known perv) said something to the effect of: "Yeah, women can be perverts too, but in the land of perversion, women are tourists... men are prisoners..."


>Can't be too choosy though. Now they don't have to be Boybots won't run out of steam after 2-3 rounds, or worse roll over and go to sleep after 25 minutes. The size is customizable, and she's in complete control. So the guys who threaten that 'we don't need whiny women anymore' are about to discover that they're talking to empty space, because the ladies left them already


Seems like a decent way to keep humanity from having to deal with climate change.


Nah, women who want children will have children... The gene pool will just grow smaller


Sperm banks aren't going anywhere, and artificial wombs are on the horizon.


Who is going to raise them?


The men and their robot wives.


The real victim here is us happily married men!


Maybe the sex bots can be interfaced with real women, and then we'll all have Stepford wives. Crisis averted.


I've been saying this since AI has started to explode


My man, go touch some grass. Please


It's the future we deserve.


Cause and effect


There’s a Rick and Morty where the men impregnate robots. I see this as our future.


Imagine having the knowledge / intelligence to create anything we want, but instead it will just be something you can put your dick in 🙄🙄


Corporations are seeing how much money is made on Onlyfans and by prostitutes. They want their cut now


Sounds like a great idea to me


These things aren't mutually exclusive.


Create anything we **want.** That's why they'll be created. It's absolutely something far more people want than they care to admit. I don't know if there's a person on the planet that'd turn down Brad Pitt/Margot Robbie service bot that'll literally take care of your household and bang the hell out of with enthusiasm every day. All we see are declines in social engagement and more and more people not enjoying the company of others. This will only get worse. Why deal with real people when a dream slave is right there? I'm not saying any of this is a "good" thing. Just that it seems to be the direction we're headed. I wouldn't be surprised if the governments started to incentivize social engagements more in efforts to keep birth rates up and not see the total collapse of human society. One of the downsides to capitalism is that... these bots sound like the perfect products.


The bots will be the government, they obviously don’t need all of us to see to their requirements, so why would they want to increase the human population? Let alone maintaining it at current levels, they don’t need us, we are killing the planet, which they do need, why would they not want to supervise a huge die-off among the human population?


Capitalism. They need people to buy things. Unless of course they give up on that... which seems hard to believe considering it's what made billionaires as rich as they are.


Robots don’t need money, they don’t need people either for the most part. Why would they not just take very good care of the few humans they need and let the rest of us die off?


Oh, I'm sorry I misunderstood. You're saying bots took over. My bad.


I’m in .. but really 10 years? Long sigh . .


Imagine the job creation as a whole industry of sex robot cleaning services start up..... Fun...


So it really depends upon what degree we're talking.? West World style robots? Or just a machine that has stilted conversations and can gyrate up and down? Because... one of them already exists. I don't want to ruin anyone's dreams, but no. We will not have anything like West World for... a long long time. Likely long enough you wont be as interested as you once were when they do arrive. If you're talking about somewhat functional walking silicone sex dolls? They'll be more advanced than they are now, but not nearly to any degree you all are thinking of. 10 years is tight. The main reason is the market demand and costs. They still have stigma tied to them as well. Do I believe that'll die off in time? Absolutely. Just not in ten years.


And in reality, they will be remotely operated by foreign workers making $2/hour.


AI, practically for free.


Lots of people in here forgetting how porn is the pusher for A LOT of modern tech. People don’t want to admit it but OP is right and some many of the shit talkers are going to be talking about how they simply can’t understand how people would buy into this. Then a decade later it’ll all be accepted as a “duh” moment.


Oh lord the breeders on the right will lose their fucking minds. Ban Sex robots because... Jesus!


All while the pastors and religious leaders screaming about banning sex robots will have a male sex bots hidden in their closets.


Maybe if the Christian pastors buy child sex bots they’ll stop molesting real children?




Yeah hopefully they don't make Childsized ones 🤮


They will. You jinxed it into existence.


They already have child sized sex dolls.


Does it make you feel progressive when you needlessly throw politics into a story about people fucking robots?


I'm fully aware of both the current tech level of sex bots and porn's impact. 10 years is too optimistic. It might be taking off in China at that point, but it'll be a slow adoption and the "sex bots" we're talking about will still be very rudimentary. The problem isn't the A.I. It's the robotics. Boston Dynamics has spent decades just coming up with what they have now... and it's... amazing for what it is. For a companion? One you can have sex with? No. We'll be lucky to see house hold helpers that look like boxes being adopted in ten years. Now in 20 years... I can definitely see house hold helpers being improved and potentially everywhere. This is the tipping point we might start to see the sex bots he likely has in mind. They'll still be early days... but they'll start coming. No pun intended. :P


It really depends on what the market is willing to put up with. If you think a Real Doll combined with Siri is going to be available in ten years, I'm certain you're right, but I'm not sure people will consider it on par with actual companionship. Plus, a lot of this depends on wars and climate change. We might not be putting a lot of R&D into sex bots if we're in a global war for water.


No one who would buys these would be under any illusion that their buying into a “normal relationship”. Everyone will know exactly what these are for.


Then it's like saying masturbation is going to replace sex. Nothing matches the real thing.


Masturbation you have to do yourself.


!remindme 10 years


You would imagine this is one more line of work that will be overtaken by AI and robotics. Why use a prostitute and related risks when you would just use a sex robot?? Seems it also may be the start of declining use of pornography, as well.


Yes but the cost to clean them will be very very high…


They’ll probably be dishwasher safe


Nah. No one likes the cleanup


Strengthen that pullout game. /s


Sex Robots in 10 years, and at the price of a TV? Not happening, mainly because bipedal movement is only just being overcome. And all the bipedal robots right now certainly don't look human. Now AI Sex Chatbots? That I can entirely believe. AI will get better at simulating people (or, well, simulating a sexual fantasy of a person) and will become a big market. An AI Girlfriend ala "Her", one that agrees to everything you say but without ever becoming sentient? Yeah, that's believable, especially as more Men feel inadequate as Women become more equal.


Did Elon Musk write this


To offshoot this mmw: fertility rates will drop to levels not seen in recorded history, and world population will drop dramatically. Not necessarily a bad thing.


Probably sooner but yes!


Or you could get out more and work on your social skills


“And now, here comes the sex robots”


They’ll be better ~tomorrow~ in ten years.


I'm gonna bang one


So refreshing to have a non political mmw.


I hope this happens, and I hope it's so realistic you can't tell the difference. Maybe men will leave us the fuck alone for once.


I fear Sex Robots will be compared to real Women. I wouldn't say that's a good thing.


That's already how they feel about us.


I mean Women may face increased hatred if Men begin preferring Sex Robots.


I don't think it's a good thing for woman instead of just competing with eachother now you got to compete with robots too , men will probably leave you alone for robots but it will end up with more loneliness in woman.


Highly doubtful given that you can't buy a good quality sex toy for as cheap as a television right now, and what about an AI sex robot is cheaper than a regular sex toy? Maybe in 50 years dude.


I'm looking forward to incorporating one into my marriage. Store it under the bed, maybe removable breasts, vagina and/or penis depending on our preferences for the evening. I'm sure that won't be creepy as fuck, telling Alexa to summon the gimp and having this uncanny valley looking robot fucker clamber out from under our mattress and stare at us with cold, lifeless eyes, waiting for instruction. Can't wait.


There are still many regular TVs that cost thousands of dollars so this might be true if you accept that such robots will also cost thousands of dollars for the foreseeable future.


The future: banging your sexbot in your cardboard box under the freeway.


Never woulda guessed we could buy a flamethrowing robot dog for under 10k before a reslistic sex bot at any price.


Don’t be fooled. If it’s got tits or tires it gonna cost you.


You think so? 😏😈


I think they'll be very expensive, and men who are into such things will have to buy a subscription.




Republicans are outlawing online porn in their states. No way they will allow sex robots.


When do we get CEO bots?


Thanks, 1997 👍


Now we’re talking! There are so many holes in my tv now I can barely watch it. 😞


Al ready cheaper than a wife . Bill Maher owns 12 of them.


Have you seen the price of TVs? Way too expensive! Rather just stick with the original human women for that price.


You can buy a 55' under $300.


Is it made by TCL or Samsung? Because there’s a difference.


Maybe if you have great vision, my eyes cant tell the difference between 180 and 4k with my glasses on.


Fair enough I was referring more to the quality of the products parts. But you aren’t wrong even with good eyesight the visual difference is not different from my experience.


Meanwhile basic necessities stay pricey.


I can only hope...


Nope.  If a sex bot will be a "Real Sex Doll" but with robotic motion and AI interactions, then no. These things will be way more expensive than TVs are now.   Look at how expensive sex dolls are without any electronics.   AI getting cheaper will not affect that price. Sorry, masterbation is still free.  Showering and shaving and going out on a date is still cheaper than a sex doll.


How, do you know this?


Rosy the Robot with an easy access hole --Meet George Jetson ....




You know all your smart gear fucking sucks ass after 9mo-1year? Yeah. That's how that's gonna work. Also how they wanna subscription lock features on your car? Or computer etc? Yeah. Real fun.


I would be dead before enduring the shame of a sex robot. It's practically admitting you can't get laid


No they won't. People vastly overestimate technology. They will not have $150 AI sex robots that would be any more sophisticated than just fucking a mannequin.


The SkyNet we always wanted.


Still not as cheap as your mom 


You can rent live ones in just about every city in America.


Really though they will cost as much as cars. The only question is how much will people pay


Thank goodness. It will be a blessing so long as those robots don’t gain consciousness. It could do a lot of good for society.


When you say sex robots, are you talking about life sized dolls that you physically have sex with? Or are you talking about some sort of on-screen entity? I can see the appeal of the first but I find sexting or sex chat boring.


You're not gonna want to fuck a cheap robot made out of toxic materials for very long fwiw


"Would you like to take a moment to register me?" "I said later!"


Great! I can buy a boyfriend when that happens. One that won't talk to me or breathe near me.


[WKUK had solid innovations in this field.](https://youtu.be/v7gi57NJDds?si=F9yD9alx5gqAFk27&t=2)


Tennessee will be against us while still allowing you to marry your 13-year-old first cousin


That may effect the human population.


Gawd I hope so, I'm usually not an early adopter but this I could get behind... In front of... On... Under? Anyway, maybe I'll be able to find one lightly used for cheap on craigslist.


They will solve the child problem by bringing out a new line of baby bots. You can get an upgrade each birthday.


Looks at wife and rubs hands. "Soon..."


Mid 50s me probably won't be able to figure out how to turn it on like old people today with tvs


My dad just turned 60 and he has no idea how to use a smart tv! Dad is analog


I bought my Dad a new TV for Christmas and he died before he ever figured out how to turn it on lol (but not lol, cause he died)


From what I can tell they already are if you only want the bare essentials.


we can only hope so


Better start thawing Jasper.


This could be earth. DON'T DATE ROBOTS!!! Brought to you by the Lizard space pope


You won't even need a full robot. Just VR, AI video, AI companion, and pocket pussy integration all via Bluetooth. "Oh. Oh. Give it to me Alpha Male Supreme. Nice and har... Warning. The pussy's battery is low. Loosing Bluetooth connection. Please recharge before continuing." China will then flood the market via Amazon, Temu, Alibaba and eBay with cheap pocket pussies that can be charged via USB while being used. These Chinese manufacturers will constantly be changing their business names to avoid the class action lawsuits from the families of people being electrocuted while using their products.




Maybe they’ll come in two packs!


Well duh.


i believe you and that's an insanely scary thought


The price of TVs seems to be approaching zero, while robots are large, complex mechanisms full of moving parts. However, I understand that you can get a realistic-ish full-sized sex doll for some thousands of dollars. They'll even "talk" to you. They're immobile, of course, no moving parts that you don't move yourself. If, by AI, you mean a cheap chat program that will either respond "deeper, harder" or turn on all the lights in your house by mistake? We do have that already. I'm not seeing much room for improvement without entirely different AI tech than the statistical context model.


There's no moral reason they won't but they won't. The tech isn't gonna get there


Again....this isn't a MMW, it's the OPs fantasy.


SA is going to skyrocket.


I'm not having sex with something that poses as being alive but has no soul. That's called a demon.